271 resultados para Supported and Exposed Points
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The Spanish region of Campos de Hellin (Albacete) is characterized by a wide range of olive varieties (Arbequina, Benizal, Cornicabra, Cuquillo, Injerta, Manzanilla Local, Manzanilla de Sevilla, Negrilla, Picual), which provides different physicochemical and sensory characteristics to the oils. Thus, the knowledge of these characteristics may help develop more balanced oils. Monovarietal virgin olive oils from the different varieties grown in this area were characterized from the physicochemical and sensory points of view during four consecutive years. Clear differences among the varieties were found when principal component analysis was applied to the data from the studied parameters. The varieties were grouped according to their oleic and linoleic acid content, oxidative stability, and campesterol and total sterols content. The differences were significant with a 95% confidence level. The variety effect on the oil characteristics was stronger than the effect of the crop year. Practical applications: Chemical and sensory characteristics of monovarietal virgin olive oils play an important role in the elaboration of blends. In olive-growing regions where there is more than one variety cultivated, the characterization of monovarietal oils could increase the value of the olive oil produced due to the development of more balanced oils tailored to the preferences of consumers. This work shows that the chemical and sensory differences between varieties make possible the elaboration of a new range of virgin olive oils. This could encourage the development and marketing of quality oils, and thus increase the competitiveness of the mills in the oil market.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: A morphological and ultra-structural study of copper vapor laser (λ = 510.6 nm) effects on enamel and dentine was performed to show the effects of this radiation. Methods: A total of 15 human molars were cut in half; 15 pieces were separated for irradiation on enamel and 15 for dentine. These two groups were further divided into five experimental groups, including a control group, comprised of three half-sections each, irradiated by a CVL laser with a power of 7 W, a repetition rate of 15,000 pulses/sec and exposed at 500, 600, and 800 msec and 1 sec irradiation times with a 5-sec interval between irradiations. Results: In an ultra-structural SEM exam, we observed that on the enamel surfaces irradiated for 1 sec there was morphological alteration that consisted of catering, flaking, and melting on the surfaces. There was no alteration for the other exposure times. On the dentine teeth irradiated for 1 sec, we observed an evident ultra-structural alteration of melted tissue and loss of morphological characteristics. In the dentine group irradiated by 800 msec, we observed ablation and a partial loss of morphological characteristics. In the dentine groups irradiated by 500 and 600 msec, no alteration was observed. Conclusions: The results showed that irradiation with CVL promoted morphologic changes in the enamel as well as in the dentine and demonstrated a need for future studies in order to establish a safe protocol for further use in the odontological practice.
According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), some hair dyes are considered mutagenic and carcinogenic in in vitro assays and exposed human populations. Epidemiological studies indicate that hairdressers occupationally exposed to hair dyes have a higher risk of developing bladder cancer. In Brazil, 26% of the adults use hair dye. In this study, we investigated the toxic effects of two hair dyes, Basic Red 51 (BR51) and Basic Brown 17 (BB17), which are temporary dyes of the azo group (R-N=N-R'), used in the composition of the black hair dye. To this end, MTT and trypan blue assays (cytotoxicity), comet and micronucleus assay (genotoxicity) were applied, with HepG2 cells. For cytotoxic assessment, dyes were tested in serial dilutions, being the highest concentrations those used in the commercial formula for hair dyes. For genotoxic assessment concentrations were selected according to cell viability. Results showed that both dyes induced significant cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in the cells, in concentrations much lower than those used in the commercial formula. Genotoxic effects could be related to the azo structure present in the composition of the dyes, which is known as mutagenic and carcinogenic. These results point to the hazard of the hair dye exposure to human health.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnol[ogico (CNPq)
A GC method to determine caprolactam in water, 15 ethanol, and olive oil food simulants was developed and validated. Linear ranges varied from 0.96 to 642.82 g/mL for water, 0.64 to 800.32 g/mL for 15 ethanol, and 1.06 to 1062.34 g/g for olive oil, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.999. Method precision studies showed RSD values lower than 5.45, while method accuracy studies showed recovery from 72 to 111 for all simulants. The effect of gamma irradiation on caprolactam migration from multilayer polyamide 6 (PA-6) films intended for cheese into water, 15 ethanol, olive oil, and 3 acetic acid simulants was also studied. For migration assay, non-irradiated and irradiated (12 kGy) films were placed in contact with the simulant and exposed at 40C for 10 days. The validated method was used to quantify caprolactam migration from multilayer PA-6 films into the simulants, which ranged from 1.03 to 7.59 mg/kg for non-irradiated films, and from 4.82 to 11.32 mg/kg for irradiated films. Irradiation caused almost no changes in caprolactam levels, with the exception of olive oil, which showed an increase in the caprolactam level. All multilayer PA-6 films were in accordance with the requirements of the legislation for caprolactam migration.
Background- The evaluation of the effects of new compounds and nonconventional anti-tuberculous drugs have grown and become increas-ingly more popular in recent years. Studies have shown anti-tuberculous activity for Ruthenium complexes, including organometallic com-pounds containing phosphine ligands such as picolinic acid generating great expectations and hopes. Methods- The Representational Difference Analysis (RDA) was applied in order to gain insight about differences in expression of Mycobacte-rium tuberculosis H37Rv exposed to [Ru(dppb)(pic)(bypy)] PF6 (SCAR1) and isoniazid (INH). Total RNA was extracted from the bacillus not exposed and exposed to SCAR1 and INH separately at concentration of MIC for 12 hours at 35°C. RDA was carried out and differentially expressed products were sequenced. Results- RDA-sequencing identified, for both compounds, orthologs that encode hypothetical and predict proteins. One related cell wall syn-thesis gene, identified by RDA, and genes related to INH target as inhA, katG and ahpC had their expression confirmed and quantified by real-time PCR. The gene encoding the cell wall associated hydrolase was induced 4.627 and 1.189, inhA 0.983 and 1.027, katG 1.111 and 1.345 and ahpC 1.063 and 1.039 fold after exposure to SCAR1 and INH respectively, compared to not exposed growth. Conclusion- The RDA brings, for the first time, directions to study related genes with metabolic pathways of SCAR1. RDA and Real-Time PCR highlight the idea that one of the SCAR1 interaction, in M tuberculosis may be in the cell wall biosynthesis considering the differential expression of a cell wall hydrolase and warrants further investigation.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The study aimed to find the better concentration of eugenol for anesthesia of silver catfish (Rhamdia voulezi) with different weights. Were used 240 catfish distributed in randomized blocks in factorial scheme (5x4) total 20 treatments, in others words, five different weights: 32,5; 75; 150; 300 e 450g and four eugenol concentrations: 50, 75, 100 e 125 mg.l(-1). For each treatment were used 12 fish randomly chosen and exposed individually for each concentration. After of anesthesia the fish were transferred for net-cage with 0,7m(3), being fed and observed by 96 hours for monitoring of mortality. The eugenol was efficient for anesthesia in silver catfish all concentrations and weights and after of 96 hours no mortality have been verified. At these experimental conditions the best concentration of eugenol for anesthetic inducing and recuperation of silver catfish with weight varying from 32,5 and 450 g is 50 mg.l(-1).
Objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar os efeitos do consórcio de milho com colonião (Panicum maximum cv. Aruana) na infestação de plantas daninhas e na cultura da soja em rotação. O experimento foi realizado em campo, no período de dezembro de 2008 a abril de 2010, em área experimental da UNESP, campus de Jaboticabal-SP. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema de parcela subdividida. Foram estudadas duas formas de semeadura (a lanço e em linha) de colonião nas parcelas e quatro quantidades de sementes (200, 400, 600 e 800 pontos de valor cultural - PVC) nas subparcelas, além de três testemunhas, representadas pelo monocultivo das espécies, como tratamentos adicionais. O cultivo consorciado não afetou o desenvolvimento do milho, comparado ao milho solteiro. Embora na colheita do milho houvesse maior matéria seca e densidade de plantas de colonião com a semeadura de 800 PVC, antes da semeadura da soja o acúmulo de massa não diferiu entre os tratamentos de consórcio. Portanto, a semeadura de 200 PVC de sementes de colonião, a lanço ou em linha, foi suficiente para a manutenção de quantidade (9,1 t ha-1) adequada de palha sobre o solo. Antecedendo a semeadura da soja, a infestação de plantas daninhas na testemunha de milho solteiro foi maior do que nos tratamentos de consórcio e nas testemunhas da forrageira solteira (a lanço e em linha). O mesmo foi observado para densidade de plantas daninhas após a instalação da cultura. Os sistemas de consórcio de milho com colonião não interferiram em nenhuma característica avaliada na cultura da soja cultivada em rotação. da mesma forma, não foi observada diferença entre os tratamentos de consórcios e a testemunha de milho em monocultivo para produção de grãos de soja.
Avaliou-se o efeito dos inseticidas endossulfam e deltametrina sobre a formiga predadora Azteca chartifex spiriti For., em cultivo do cacaueiro no Sudeste da Bahia, conforme padronização da International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC), West Palaearctic Regional Section (WPRS), com algumas modificações. Os testes foram: a) contato; b) pulverização direta; c) persistência. Nos testes de contato, operárias foram expostas a um filme fresco e seco dos inseticidas, aplicado sobre cristalizadores. Nos testes de aspersão, as formigas foram diretamente pulverizadas com os agroquímicos às concentrações recomendadas para o controle de tripes e percevejos. Os insetos foram mantidos a 25±2°C, 65±10% UR e fotofase de 12h. A sobrevivência foi avaliada após 24h e a intervalos variáveis de tempo. Nos testes de persistência, as operárias foram confinadas em cristalizadores e expostas ao contato com folhas de cacaueiro tratadas previamente no campo, sob as mesmas condições controladas. Desenvolveram-se experimentos a um, três, seis, 10, 18 e 32 dias após a aplicação (DAA). Deltametrina foi considerado seletivo nos testes de contato e pulverização direta, não sendo necessária a condução dos testes de persistência em folhas para este inseticida. Endossulfam foi altamente tóxico nos testes de contato e pulverização direta, entretanto, apresentou-se levemente persistente no terceiro teste. A análise conjunta dos três tipos de testes sugere que ambos os inseticidas são seletivos para a espécie benéfica, podendo ser recomendadosem Programas de MIP em agroecossistema cacaueiro. A metodologia proposta pela IOBC/WPRS possibilita estabilidade dos resultados, permitindo sua adaptação e utilização para o fim proposto.
The objective of this work was to evaluate biological aspects of Diatraea saccharalis fed on artificial diet containing different concentrations of the Sudan B Red dye and the possibility to mark the parasitoid Cotesia flavipes, when submitted to the parasitism of dyed caterpillars. For that, were added to the artificial diet four concentrations of Sudan Red B dye (100, 200, 300 and 400 ppm) and control (no dye addition). It was evaluated larval and pupal period, larval and pupal viability, longevity, sex rate, pupal weigh, eggs per female, eggs per day, number of eggs per egg mass, egg viability and embrionary period; besides same were accomplished measurements in the caterpillars (bioassay I). Caterpillars of 17 days old (30) of each treatment were removed from the tubes and exposed to the parasitism of C. flavipes (bioassay 2). The egg-pupae period, sex rate, pupal period and viability, number of females, males, total of emerged adults and longevity were evaluated. The data were submitted to the multivariate analisys methods: cluster analysis, two-way and principal component analysis. Based on analysis, it was observed that the treatment of 100 ppm was the least harmful to the biology of the sugar cane borer larvae by groping to the control and did not influence negatively its biological aspects. The concentration of 400 ppm affected negatively the biology of C. flavipes. The Sudan Red B it is ended doses marked the caterpillars and the adults, however the concentration of 100 ppm is the most suitable to dye D. saccharalis. None of the tested concentration marked adults of C. flavipes, despite to affect negatively its biology. It is unviable to increase the concentration seeking futures tests, for that dye to be harmful to the biological aspects of D. saccharalis and C. flavipes.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)