134 resultados para Supersymmetry Breaking
The effect of the medium in the coupling constants implicate in a charge symmetry breaking on nuclear interactions. The amount of energy due to this modification can explain the Nolen-Schiffer anomaly.
The formalism of supersymmetric quantum mechanics provides us with the eigenfunctions to be used in the variational method to obtain the eigenvalues for the Hulthen potential.
The formalism of supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics can be extended to arbitrary dimensions. We introduce this formalism and explore its utility to solve the Schodinger equation for a bidimensional potential. This potential can be applied in several systens in physical and chemistry context, for instance, it can be used to study benzene molecule.
The Schrodinger equation with the truncated Coulomb potential is solved using the supersymmetric quantum mechanics formalism, with and without the cutoff in the angular momentum potential. We obtain some analytical eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for particular values of the cutoff parameter.
Using a form of the effective potential for composite operators with a variational approach we show that it is possible to get different directions of the chiral phase transition in QCD. Which one occurs depends on the way the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion self-energy is used in the 2-loop term of the effective potential. We must choose the 2-loop term which agrees with phenomenology in each form of the effective potential.
We show that relativistic mean fields theories with scalar S, and vector V, quadratic radial potentials can generate a harmonic oscillator with exact pseudospin symmetry and positive energy bound states when S = -V. The eigenenergies are quite different from those of the non-relativistic harmonic oscillator. We also discuss a mechanism for perturbatively breaking this, symmetry by introducing a tensor potential. Our results shed light into the intrinsic relativistic nature of the pseudospin symmetry, which might be important in high density systems such as neutron stars.
The formalism of supersymmetric quantum mechanics is used to determine trial functions in order to obtain eigenvalues for the Lennard-Jones (12, 6) potential from variational method. The superpotential obtained provides an effective potential which can be directly comparable to the original one.
Supersymmetry is already observed in (i) nuclear physics where the same empirical formula based on a graded Lie group described even-even and odd-even nuclear spectra and (ii) in Nambu-BCS theory where there is a simple relationship between the energy gap of the basic fermion and the bosonic collective modes. We now suggest similar relationships between the large number of mesonic and baryonic excitations based on the SU(3) substructure in the U(15/30) graded Lie group.
The experimental mesonic density of states ρmeson(m)≃ρbaryon(m) from 0.9 to 1.3 GeV. In this region the ρmeson fits the ρ(m) deduced for it from discrete bag model states. Beyond 1.3 GeV one can expect exotic mesons. If ρmeson is replaced by the baryon density (as suggested by string model studies [D. Kutasov and N. Seiberg, Nucl. Phys. B 358 (1991) 600; P.G.O. Freund and J.L. Rosner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (1992) 765]), agreement with theory is obtained up to 1.7 GeV. Beyond 1.7 GeV exotic baryons may be expected.
We point out that off-shell four-dimensional spacetime supersymmetry implies strange Hermiticity properties for the N = 1 Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz superstring. However, these Hermiticity properties become natural when the N = 1 superstring is embedded into an N = 2 superstring.
We study the chiral symmetry breaking in QCD, using an effective potential for composite operators, with infrared finite gluon propagators that have been found by numerical calculation of the Schwinger-Dyson equations as well as in lattice simulations. The existence of a gluon propagator that is finite at k2 = 0 modifies substantially the transition between the phases with and without chiral symmetry.
We illustrate the sensitivities of LEP experiments to leptonic signals associated to models where supersymmetry (SUSY) is realized with spontaneous breaking of R-parity. We focus on missing transverse momentum plus acoplanar muon events (p Τ + μ + μ -) arising from lightest neutralino single production xv as well as pair production xx, followed by x decays, where x denotes the lightest neutralino. We show that the integrated luminosity achieved at LEP already starts probing the basic parameters of the theory. We discuss the significance of these constraints for the simplest spontaneous R-parity breaking models and their relevance for future searches of SUSY particles.