84 resultados para Shopper Types


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The aim of the study was to evaluate production and determine the level of total soluble solids for cherry tomatoes, under protected cultivation carried out with different types of spacing and pruning. The experiment was performed according to a randomized block design in a 2×2 factorial scheme, with two types of spacing between plants and two types of pruning, and with five repetitions. The cultivar 'Sindy' (De Ruiter) was utilized. Each experimental parcel contained seven plants, and fruits were collected from the five central plants. The seedlings were produced in Styrofoam trays of 128 cells and transplanted at 33 days after planting using two types of spacing between plants (0.3 and 0.5 m) and 1 m spacing between rows. The plants were grown as single-or double-stem form and staked individually. The parameters evaluated were the number of fruit per plant, fresh weight of fruit and the level of total soluble solids expressed in °Brix. There was no evidence of significant interaction between the treatments. For fresh weight of fruit per plant, there was a significant effect when the plants were grown with a spacing of 1 × 0.5 m, with 4.12 kg per plant, compared to a production of 3.00 kg per plant with a spacing of 1 × 0.3 m. With regard to the number of fruit per plant, a significant difference was seen between the two types of spacing, where a spacing of 1 × 0.3 m yielded a lower number of fruit per plant (188.8), compared to that observed with a spacing of 1 × 0.5 m (238.1). With regard to the two types of pruning, there was a significant effect for only the number of fruit per plant, where the mean number of fruit was 188.4 with one stem and 238.4 with two stems. No significant difference was observed between the treatments for the level of total soluble solids. It is concluded that for the cultivar 'Sindy', under protected cultivation, production is better with a spacing of 0.5 m between plants and the use of two stems per plant.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate in situ, the early bacterial colonization on feldspar-ceramics submitted to different glazing. Methods and Materials: Fourteen standardized disc specimens (diameter: 5 mm, thickness: 1.5 mm) of each of two micro-particulate feldspathic ceramics (VM7 and VM13, Vita) were produced according to manufacturers' specifications for a total of 28 specimens (24 for the analysis of biofilm and 4 for topographic analysis analyzing the ceramic surfaces). Specimens from each type of ceramic were submitted to two different glazing methods composing four groups: VM7 glazed using glazing liquid Vita Akzent® 25 (G1) and glaze firing (G2), VM13 glazed using glazing liquid (G3) and glaze firing (G4). Six individuals (n=6) wore oral appliances with four ceramic specimens, fixed on the buccal face of the appliances. After 8 hours, each sample was evaluated for the presence (1) or absence (0) of bacterial colonization under a scanning electron microscope (SEM) on five randomly selected fields. The value for each sample was cumulative of the results observed in the fields. One sample from each group was evaluated under a SEM to verify the topographic pattern. Results: There was no difference with regard to bacterial colonization between the feldspar-ceramics and between the glazing types (Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test). Conclusion: Feldspar-ceramics submitted to firing or glaze firing with Vita Akzent® 25 present a similar condition for in situ bacterial colonization. The similar topographic pattern of the ceramic surfaces seems to have influenced the bacterial colonization.


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The study aimed to evaluate the performance of air assistance in spray booms using different types of nozzles and spray volumes. We took into account spray deposits, fall armyworm control and crop corn performance in a narrow row cropping system. The experiment was carried out at the experimental area of Sao Paulo State University, Botucatu/SP, Brazil, during the 2008/2009 agricultural season, in randomized blocks with a factorial scheme (2×2+1) and four replications. Two spray nozzles (flat fan nozzle and hollow cone nozzle) were tested, combined with two air assistance levels in the spray boom (with and without air assistance) and a treatment control. In the experimental spraying, Spinosad insecticide was sprayed in amounts of 48 g active substance (a.s.)/ha. The air assistance in the spray boom increased the spray deposits in the V 4 growth stage of the corn plants. Moreover, the application of this technology showed higher efficiency on fall armyworm control, reaching a 100% level 15 days after spraying, in the V 10 growth stage of the plants. The hollow cone nozzle increased the spray deposit level on the corn plants compared with the flat fan nozzle, at growth stage V 4. However, the flat fan nozzle, combined with air assistance technology, was more effective for controlling fall armyworm in the same growth stage (V 4), although the hollow cone nozzle increased the deposit levels on the plants. All the technologies tested in the study promoted a reduction of plant damage from fall armyworm attack. Corn productivity is directly related to the control efficiency of fall armyworm.


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There are few studies about the distribution of natural molecular variants of low-risk HPVs. Our aim was to evaluate the E6 early gene variability among HPV-6 and HPV-11 isolates detected in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) samples obtained in a cohort of Brazilian patients. We also performed a phylogenetic analysis in order to compare nucleotide sequences identified in our study with previously reported isolates from different anatomic sites (laryngeal papillomas, genital warts, cervical cancer and anal swabs) obtained from other parts of the world to determine the phylogenetic relationships of variants detected in Brazil. The complete coding region of the E6 gene of 25 samples was cloned and sequenced: 18 isolates of HPV-6 (72%) and 7 isolates of HPV-11 (28%). A total of four different HPV-6 genomic variants and two HPV-11 genomic variants was identified. It was not possible to correlate specific variants with disease severity. Phylogenetic trees for both HPV types were constructed enclosing both E6 sequences detected in our study and formerly published sequences. In both phylogenetic trees, the sequences from Brazil did not group together. We could not establish a geographical association between HPV-6 or HPV-11 variants, unlike HPV-16 and HPV-18. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of colon cancer, primary hyperparathyroidism, thyroid tumor, and skin cancer in all acromegalic patients in follow-up at the Clinics Hospital - Botucatu Medical School, from 2005 to 2011. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: These patients were evaluated retrospectively for colon cancer, primary hyperparathyroidism, dermatological, and thyroid tumors. RESULTS: Of 29 patients included at the beginning of the study, two were excluded. Among 19 patients submitted to colonoscopy, one presented colon adenocarcinoma (5%). Thyroid nodules were present in 63% of patients, and papilliferous carcinoma was confirmed in two patients (7,7%). Four patients were confirmed as having primary hyperparathyroidism (15%). The most common dermatologic lesions were thickened skin (100%), acrochordons (64%), epidermal cysts (50%), and pseudo-acanthosis nigricans (50%). Only one patient presented basal cell carcinoma. CONCLUSION: Although a small number of acromegalic patients was studied, our findings confirm the high frequency of thyroid neoplasias and primary hyperparathyroidism in this group of patients.


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Root resorption is a variable to be considered in induced tooth movement (ITM). It is related to root morphology and alveolar bone crest, and also to the types of forces exerted by mechanotherapy. This histometric study evaluated the predominance of root resorption among roots of different dimensions, following ITM with different types of forces and at different time intervals. The study was conducted on 54 rats divided into three groups, according to the type of force: continuous (CF), continuous interrupted (CIF) and intermittent (IF), at periods of 5, 7 and 9 days. The percentage of resorption between mesiobuccal roots of larger dimension and intermediate roots of smaller dimension was assessed. The evaluations were performed on the AxioVision software, and the non-parametric analysis of variance for repeated measures in independent groups was further applied, consisting of a scheme of two factors, and complemented by the Dunn test at a significance level of 5%. The intermediate roots presented a higher percentage of resorption, which was gradual at the periods evaluated for the three types of forces, but mainly for CF. Comparing the intermediate roots with the mesiobuccal roots, there was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the CF group at day 7 and day 9, and in the FI group, at day 9. The intragroup analysis evidenced a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the 5th and the 9th day for the intermediate root in the CF group. The intergroup analysis did not reveal any statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) in individually analyzed roots.


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The outdoor cultivation (ditches) of Agaricus blazei was evaluated in the protected natural area (APA) of the mountainous region of Baturité on three types of casing soils (A, B and C). Casing soil A (horizon A) of the local soil was used (Alfisol). Casing B was obtained with a mixture of 30% of eucalyptus charcoal (1-2 cm of length) and 70% of horizon B of the local soil. Casing C was composed of 25% of vermiculite, 25% of coconut fiber and 50% of coarse sand. Temperature, relative humidity and pluviometric rates were monitored. The physical-chemical properties of the three casing soils were analyzed. The effect of the casing soil on the number and weight of the mushrooms, productivity, yield and biological efficiency of A. blazei were evaluated. The yield, productivity, biological efficiency and number of mushrooms were higher when using soil A. The highest productivity for soil A was attributed mainly to the physical characteristics, which were considered more appropriate for the cultivation, in addition to the high pluviometric rates and relative humidity. The productivity with soil A (9.62%) is comparable with the average productivity obtained in Brazil, meaning that the cultivation of A. blazei in this APA may have good perspectives for cultivation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The vaccinal antibodies interference represents one of the problems in the leptospirosis diagnostic on serum. The present study aimed to determine the pattern of serum agglutinins anti-Leptospirae spp in vaccinated female buffaloes against leptospirosis using two types of commercial vaccines: bacterin and extern membrane. The temporal interference of vaccinal titers on serum diagnostic was evaluated. Three groups of 11 adult female buffaloes were established as follows: G1 control, non-vaccinated; G2: vaccinated with bacterin containing six serovars and G3 with extern membrane vaccine containing five serovars. A booster was administered at 30 days from the first vaccination (dfv) and two re- vaccinations were performed in each semester (days 210 and 390). Serum samples were collected on days 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 and every 30 days until 540 dfv, being submitted to Serum Agglutination Microscopy (SAM) against the serovars present in the vaccine. G1 remained always negative. Both vaccines induced serologic responses when assessed by SAM at 150 days post first vaccination against all serovars and they revealed maximum titers around days 45 and 60 after first vaccination. At the re-vaccination there was an increase on agglutinin levels, but of less intensity than the levels previously observed. After six months from the second revaccination (540 dfv), they were almost zero, which demonstrates the short duration of diagnostic interference. The serologic monitoring of the vaccinated herds can be an efficient method to evaluate the status of protection provided by the vaccine.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)