78 resultados para SALAMANDER RETINA


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ivabradine (IVB) is a heart rate lowering agent that acts via selective inhibition of the pacemaker funny current in sinoatrial nodal P cells, thus, reducing heart rate at rest and during exercise with minimal effect on myocardial contractility, blood pressure, and intracardiac conduction. IVB exerts no effect on external respiratory function parameters and it may also play a role in patients with concurrent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This property constitutes an important advantage over β-blockers. IVB acts by reducing the heart rate in a mechanism different from β-blockers, calcium channel blockers or late sodium channel blockers, three commonly prescribed antianginal drugs. As clinical trials have shown, it is remarkably well-tolerated and offers an alternative for patients who cannot take β-blockers. The combination of IVB and atenolol at commonly used doses in patients with chronic stable angina produced additional efficacy with no untoward effect on safety or tolerability. Additionally, side effects are rare and largely limited to a luminous phenomenon or phosphenes. This sensation is thought to be due to a block of Ih in the retina, a current very similar to cardiac If channels. IVB is contraindicated in patients with sick sinus syndrome or sinus node dysfunction and in patients taking hepatic inhibitors of Cytochrome P450 family 3, subfamily A, polypeptide 4 (abbreviated CYP3A4), with exception of omeprazole or lansoprazole. This review briefly summarizes the main studies regarding this drug.


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In birds, neurons of the isthmo-optic nucleus (ION), as well as ''ectopic'' neurons, send axons to the retina, where they synapse on cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL). Previous work has shown that centrifugal axons can be divided into two anatomically distinct types depending on their mode of termination: either ''convergent'' or ''divergent'' (Ramon y Cajal, 1889; Maturana and Frenk, 1965). We show that cytochrome-oxidase histochemistry specifically labels ''convergent'' centrifugal axons and target neurons which appear to be amacrine cells, as well as three ''types'' of ganglion cells: two types found in the INL (displaced ganglion cells) and one in the ganglion cell layer. Labeled target amacrine cells have distinct darkly labeled ''nests'' of boutons enveloping the somas, are associated with labeled centrifugal fibers, and are confined to central retina. Lesions of the isthmo-optic tract abolish the cytochrome-oxidase labeling in the centrifugal axons and in the target amacrine cells but not in the ganglion cells. Cytochromeoxidase-labeled ganglion cells in the INL are large; one type is oval and similar to the classical displaced ganglion cells of Dogiel, which have been reported to receive centrifugal input; the other type is rounder. Rhodamine beads injected into the accessory optic system results in retrograde label in both types of cells, showing that two distinct types of displaced ganglion cells project to the accessory optic system in chickens. The ganglion cells in the ganglion cell layer that label for cytochrome oxidase also project to the accessory optic system. These have proximal dendrites that ramify in the outer inner plexiform layer. Neither the target amacrine cells nor either of the displaced ganglion cells are immunoreactive for the inhibitory transmitter gamma aminobutyric acid. At least some of the target amacrine cells may, however, be cholinoceptive: we found that the antibody to the alpha-7 subunit of the nicotinic ACh receptor labels a population of cells in the INL that are similar in location, size, and the presence of labeled bouton-like structures to those we find labeled with cytochrome oxidase. This antibody also labels neurons in the ION proper but not ectopic cells. In conclusion, it appears that cytochrome oxidase may be a marker for ''convergent'' centrifugal axons and at least one of their target cells in the INL.


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Optics consists in the study of interaction of light with physical systems. The human vision is a product of the interaction of light with the eye (a very peculiar physical system). Here we present a basic study of the relationship between the optics and human vision, including: - The fundaments and physicals properties who characterize the light and the colors and the characteristics of the incidence mediums. - The basics laws of geometrical optics, based in the rectilinear propagation of light in the form of a light ray, in the independence of light rays and in the principle of reversibility of the light beams. This principle is present in the process of image formations in lenses and mirrors and applied in the study of image formation in the human eye. - The refraction and reflection laws and types of lenses, who permits the construction of optics devices for the study of physical universe, and the appliances to correct vision diseases. - Presents the human vision process as consisting in the reception of light (electromagnetic radiation in the zone of wavelength visible to us) through the eye and the sending of information obtained by the retina to the brain where it is interpreted. The vision involves a biophysical relation between the light and the biological structure of the eye who is constituted by cornea, iris, crystalline and retina. Analyzes is made of how some parts of the eye performs a function in the reception and sending of information of the images to the brain


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The Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis is a chronic disease of endemic character, caused by Leishmania Chagasi in Americas. The inoculation of the promastigote form in the individual triggers a local and widespread immune reaction with formation of inflammatory infiltrates and deposition of immune complexes in tissues. Initial clinical symptoms of the disease are: weight reduction, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and, according to the disease chronicity, signs such as alopecia, erythema, onychogryphosis, arthropathies, renal diseases, pyoderma, seborrheic dermatitis, muscle atrophy and Ocular diseases. Ocular diseases are often reported and are result of the direct parasitism or immune-mediated mechanisms caused by the disease. The Leishmania spp have greater affinity for the anterior segment, so that anterior uveitis is one of the most frequently diagnosed injuries. Blepharitis diffuse and Keratoconjunctivitis also appear as important ocular changes. In histological section, inflammatory infiltrates and macrophages with amastigote form are observed in all ocular tissues, with the exception of the retina and optical nerve. In the clinical analysis and disease diagnosis, should be considered the differential diagnosis, such as Ehrlichiosis and systemic hypertension, because these may cause some ocular manifestations similar to those observed in leishmaniasis


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As abelhas Apis mellifera africanizadas são consideradas importantes agentes polinizadores que estão freqüentemente expostos à ação tóxica de inseticidas aplicados em cultivos. O imidaclopride é um inseticida sistêmico do grupo dos neonicotinóides e atua como agonista da acetilcolina nas sinapses do sistema nervoso central. Em abelhas foi verificado, através do método de resposta de extensão da probóscide (REP), que doses subletais de imidaclopride provocam deficiência no aprendizado olfatório e prejudicam a memória. A proteína Fos, expressa em neurônios, tem sua transcrição alterada por diversos estímulos como estresse, lesões, exposição a toxinas ou a predadores. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos neurotóxicos do inseticida imidaclopride, em operárias de Apis mellifera africanizadas, através da análise da expressão de Fos. Abelhas recém-emergidas e campeiras foram tratadas com 10, 20, 40 e 80 ng/abelha de imidaclopride e seus cérebros dissecados 15 minutos, 30 minutos, 1 hora e 4 horas após a ingestão do composto. Houve uma marcação positiva para Fos nos ocelos e na região dos olhos, principalmente na lâmina e na retina. Tal resultado era esperado, uma vez que o as abelhas foram expostas a luminosidade, durante a realização dos ensaios. Os lobos antenais são constituídos por prolongamentos de células sensoriais das antenas e pelos neurônios motores e os corpos pedunculados são tidos como os centros de processamento dos estímulos sensoriais recebidos pelos olhos e pelas antenas, assim, esperava-se que houvesse marcação positiva nestas regiões. Porém isto não foi observado no presente trabalho. Analisando-se os valores quantitativos da expressão da proteína Fos percebeu-se que não houve um padrão de ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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A catarata é a afecção da lente mais comum em cão, caracterizada por uma opacidade do cristalino e alteração de comportamento devido ao déficit visual. O exame oftálmico adequado e completo da lente permite a classificação adequada da catarata auxiliando na escolha do melhor tratamento de cada paciente. O tratamento preconizado para a catarata é o procedimento cirúrgico, que associado com o uso de anti-inflamatórios, midriáticos e antibióticos pré-operatórios e pós-operatórios melhoram os resultados visuais e previnem algumas complicações. A remoção da lente pode ser feita pelas técnicas de discisão, extração intracapsular, extração extracapsular e facoemulsificação, sendo que a escolha correta da técnica para cada caso contribui para o sucesso do procedimento e diminui as complicações pós-operatórias, porém as técnicas de escolha para a remoção da catarata são a extração extracapsular e a facoemulsificação. O objetivo da revisão sistemática é comparar as complicações de duas das técnicas para extração da catarata, extração extracapsular e facoemulcificação, ressaltando qual a técnica que apresentou menores complicações em cães. Foram analisados dez artigos pesquisados nas bases de dado PubMed e Google Acadêmico, sendo complementados com o uso de livros. Foram encontradas como complicações perda da visão, glaucoma, descolamento de retina, hemorragia intraocular, ruptura da cápsula posterior, alterações corneanas, endoftalmites, sinéquia posterior, fotofobia, blefaroespasmo e hiperemia conjuntiva. Essas complicações foram descritas em ambas as técnicas, porém inúmeros fatores


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The control of stances such as the upright stance seems not to have a purpose in itself; this control could facilitate the execution of other simultaneous tasks, the so-called suprapostural tasks. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of saccadic eye movements on the control of posture. Twelve adult participants had their body oscillations analyzed while standing upright, for 70 s, in the postural conditions of feet apart and feet together, performing fixation in the central target or horizontal saccadic movements, in the conditions slow (0,5 Hz) and fast (1,1 Hz). The results showed that saccadic movements, independently of their frequency, strongly reduced trunk and head oscillations in the anterior-posterior (AP) axis. In this axis, there was an effect of feet position only in head oscillation. In the medio-lateral (ML) axis, the results showed a strong effect of feet position with body oscillation decreased in the condition of feet apart. The effect of the visual task in the ML axis occurred only for trunk oscillation, not reaching significance level in the pairewise comparisons. In the AP axis, the data corroborate a facilitatory explanation of the control of posture: the reduction in body oscillation limited the variations of the stimulus image projected on the retina, facilitating the execution of saccadic movements as compared to fixation. In the ML axis, the effect of reducing the basis of support was more evident than the effect of saccadic movements, suggesting that the available resources were used primarily for the postural task in detriment of the visual task. Additionally, aspects like attentional focus and sensory information pick up are discussed as mechanisms involved in this task


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)