273 resultados para Roughage: concentrate ratio
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Objetivou-se avaliar o consumo e a digestibilidade total e parcial de dietas utilizando milho, casca de soja e polpa cítrica associados ao farelo de girassol ou ureia em novilhos confinados. Foram utilizados quatro novilhos ½ Aberdeen Angus vs. ½ Nelore, providos de cânulas no rúmen e duodeno, com 18 meses de idade e 360 kg de peso médio inicial. As dietas foram constituídas por duas fontes energéticas (milho grão e polpa cítrica) associadas a duas fontes nitrogenadas (ureia e farelo de girassol), totalizando quatro tratamentos, numa proporção volumoso:concentrado de 40:60. O delineamento utilizado foi o quadrado latino com quatro tratamentos e quatro períodos de 21 dias cada. O consumo médio diário de matéria seca foi influenciado (p < 0,05) entre as dietas, e o maior valor foi atribuído à dieta milho e farelo de girassol. A digestibilidade aparente de todos os componentes, exceto da proteína bruta, foi maior (p < 0,05) para as dietas com polpa cítrica. Não houve efeito (p > 0,05) entre as dietas para as digestibilidades ruminal e intestinal. A utilização de coprodutos na alimentação animal não prejudicou a digestibilidade das dietas, sendo indicados como ingredientes de elevado potencial de utilização em dietas para bovinos de corte.
This study aimed to evaluate the potential of CH4 and CO2 in vitro production of soybean hulls, sunflower meal, corn, citrus pulp and corn silage. Four rumen-cannulated sheep were fed diets containing the evaluated ingredients at 40:60 forage:concentrate ratio. The gases produced by samples incubation were measured by injection into a gas chromatograph equipped with flame ionization detector. The experimental design was completely randomized with repeated measures, with three replicates for each evaluated food at four different periods. Under the experimental conditions, we verified different potential gas production among the ingredients. The citrus pulp meal was the ingredient with the greatest potential for CO2production. Corn silage and soybean hulls showed the greatest potential while citrus pulp and sunflower meal showed the least potential for CH4 production, when expressed in mL/g of degraded dry matter; therefore, they can be considered, among the evaluated ingredients, those with the lowest environmental impact.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work was conducted to evaluate food intake and digestive efficiency of temperate wool and tropic semi-arid hair lambs, according to different concentrate: forage ratios in diet. Twenty-four lambs, averaging 90 +/- 1.8 days old and a mean body weight of 20 +/- 0.69 kg, 12 of them wool lambs, F, from Ideal x Ile de France crossing, and 12 others pure Santa Ines hair lambs, were distributed into a four replication 3 x 2 factorial arrangement consisting of three diets and two genotypes. Experimental diets consisted of: D1 = 60% concentrate mix (C) and 40% Cynodon sp. cv. Tifton-85 hay (F), D2 = 40% C and 60% F, and D3 = 20% C and 80% F. D1 was formulated for a daily gain of 300g per animal. Increasing forage levels in diets resulted in linear reductions (P < 0.01) in DM, OM, CP, TCH and metabolizable energy (ME) intake, and a linear increase (P < 0.01) in NDF ingestion. Tropic semi-arid hair lambs had higher DM, OM, NDF, CP, and TCH intake than temperate wool lambs. Although there were no genotype effects in OM and GE coefficient of digestibility, hair lambs showed more efficient (P < 0.05) digestibility of DM, CP, NDF and TCH. Increases in forage levels of diets corresponded to a negative linear effect (P < 0.01) in the apparent digestibility of DM, OM, CP, TCH and GE, while apparent digestibility of NDF increased linearly (P < 0.01). Total endogenous nitrogen (fecal plus urinary N) for F(1) Ideal x Ilede France wool and Santa Ines hair lambs were, respectively, 182 and 312 mg/kg(0.75) per day. Thus, Santa Ines tropic semi-arid hair lambs showed to be more responsive than F(1) Ideal x Ile de France temperate wool lambs to low quality fibrous diets. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Foram avaliados os seguintes componentes da perna dos animais: peso total e comprimento, peso total de músculos, peso dos músculos bíceps femural + semimembranoso + semitendinoso + quadríceps femural + adutor, peso total de ossos, peso do fêmur e das gorduras subcutânea, intermuscular e total, porcentagens de todos estes pesos em relação ao peso total da perna, comprimento e circunferência do fêmur e calculados a relação músculo:osso e o índice de musculosidade. Foram utilizados 20 cordeiros inteiros Ile de France x Ideal (F1) com peso vivo médio ao início do experimento de 18,2 ± 0,74 kg e idade média de 83 ± 10 dias. As relações volumoso (V):concentrado (C) utilizadas no experimento foram 50V:50C ou 30V:70C, com base na matéria seca (MS), sendo as rações isoprotéicas (18% de proteína bruta na MS) e isoenergéticas (10,92 MJ de energia metabolizável/kg MS). Os animais foram abatidos aos 30 ou 34 kg de peso vivo. Os abatidos mais pesados apresentaram perna, total de músculos, músculos bíceps femural + semimembranoso + semitendinoso + quadríceps femural + adutor, total de ossos, fêmur e gorduras subcutânea e total mais pesados, além de maior circunferência do fêmur. Os animais que receberam a ração com relação 30V:70C apresentaram menores relação músculo:osso e índice de musculosidade e maior porcentagem de gordura intermuscular em relação ao peso total da perna.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of feeding cattle with isoprotein and isoenergetic diets, with and without the addition of polyclonal antibody preparation (PAP), yeasts (YST) or monensin sodium (MON) on performance, carcass characteristics and gain cost in feedlot. Ninety-five 20-month old bullocks (323.3±21.8 kg) were distributed in 25 pens. The completely randomized experimental design had a 2 × 2 + 1 factorial arrangement and the treatments were replicated 5 times. There was no effect of MON for DMI throughout the feedlot period; however, MON reduced the dry matter intake (DMI) in g/kg of BW in the first 28 days when compared with the other treatments. The gain cost decreased with MON addition in relation to the other treatments. Inclusion of YST decreased average daily gain (ADG), final body weight, hot carcass weight, carcass weight, gain to feed ratio and DMI in g/kg body weight, worsening feed conversion and increasing the gain cost in the feeding periods. Inclusion of PAP increased ADG and decreased the gain cost, besides improving feed conversion. For MON and PAP, a difference was found for kidney-pelvic fat and kidney-pelvic fat per 100 kg of hot carcass weight. For MON and YST, there was a difference in ADG, feed conversion, gain cost and carcass yield and kidney-pelvic fat per 100 kg of hot carcass. Treatment YST worsened performance in relation to the non-supplemented treatments. Feeding PAP to animals did not influence performance and carcass characteristics of bullocks in feedlot negatively. Thus, PAP shows potential to substitute MON in cattle feeding using isoprotein and isoenergetic diets.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito dos níveis 40, 55 e 70% de concentrado associados a um volumoso de baixa qualidade sobre o consumo e ganho de peso de 16 novilhos mestiços, castrados, com 10 meses de idade e peso vivo inicial médio de 312kg, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com três repetições, durante 63 dias. O volumoso usado foi a aveia (Avena strigosa), tratada com uréia e o concentrado era constituído de milho, farelo de arroz, farelo de soja e minerais. Todas as dietas foram ajustadas para conter 12% de proteína bruta. Houve resposta positiva e linear à proporção de concentrado na dieta, para as variáveis ganho de peso diário e consumo de matéria seca expresso em kg/animal/dia, em percentagem do peso vivo e em g por kg de peso metabólico em função da proporção de concentrado na dieta. Houve resposta linear negativa para conversão alimentar. O consumo de matéria seca e o ganho de peso diário aumentaram na medida em que se elevou a proporção de concentrado na dieta. O volumoso de baixa qualidade empregado possivelmente limitou o consumo e conseqüentemente o aporte de nutrientes.
O desempenho produtivo e a possível interferência do flúor sobre a saúde dos animais foram investigados em bovinos Nelore suplementados, por 866 dias, com distintas fontes alternativas de fósforo com diferentes relações fósforo:fluor (P:F). Os tratamentos experimentais foram: Controle negativo (CONTNEG, sem qualquer suplementação com P), fosfato bicálcico (FB 120:1, FB 30:1 e FB 10:1), fosfato monobicálcico (FMBC 60:1), superfosfato triplo (SFT 30:1) e fosfato de rocha de Cajati (FR 10:1). Foram utilizados 49 novilhos, desmamados aos oito meses de idade, castrados e com 230 kg de peso médio, distribuídos em sete piquetes com água e mistura mineral formulada sem P. A dieta padrão foi feita com bagaço de cana (0,03% de P) como volumoso e um concentrado contendo 0,239 % de P oferecido na base de 1% do peso dos animais para permitir um ganho de peso aproximado de 0,50 kg/dia. Até o dia 134, não houve diferença estatística entre os diversos lotes, inclusive para o tratamento CONTNEG, que não recebeu fósforo suplementar na dieta e ganhou 71,6 kg de peso ou 0,633 kg/dia. Após 866 dias de confinamento (2,37 anos), os animais suplementados com o fosfato bicálcico padrão (120:1) ganharam menos peso que os suplementados com as fontes FMCB 60:1, FB 30:1 e SFT 30:1. Até um ano de suplementação fosfórica com fosfato bicálcico padrão (120:1) artificialmente fluoretado com NaF ou com o fosfato de rocha não se detectou danos à saúde ou ao ganho de peso dos animais. As análises de fósforo nos ossos mostraram diferença estatística apenas entre o tratamento CONTNEG e os que tinham fosfato bicálcico. As concentrações de flúor nos ossos se mostraram intimamente associadas à quantidade de flúor disponível nas fontes utilizadas. Conforme a proporção P:F na dieta foi diminuindo, características relacionadas à fluorose dentária ficaram mais evidentes, sendo que os animais que receberam fontes com relação 10:1, apresentaram, ao final do experimento, dentes incisivos permanentes mal formados, quebradiços e com manchas esbranquiçadas.
The objective of this research was to evaluate average daily gain (ADG), carcass traits, meat tenderness and profitability of keeping cattle fed different oilseeds and vitamin E in feedlot. A total of 40 Red Norte young bulls with initial average body weight of 339±15 kg were utilized. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. The experiment lasted 84 days and experimental diets presented soybeans or cottonseeds as lipid sources associated or not to daily supplementation of 2,500 UI vitamin E per animal. The concentrate:roughage ratio was 60:40. Diets had the same amount of nitrogen (13% CP) and ether extract (6.5%). The data were analyzed by means of statistical software SAS 9.1. Neither vitamin supplementation nor lipid source affected ADG. There was no interaction between lipid source and vitamin supplementation for the variables studied. The inclusion of cottonseed reduced the carcass yield. There was no effect of diets on hot and cold carcass weights or prime cuts. The inclusion of cottonseed reduced the backfat thickness. No effect of experimental diets on the rib-eye area was observed. There was no effect of lipid source or vitamin supplementation on meat tenderness, which was affected, however, by ageing time. Diets with soybeans presented higher cost per animal. The utilization of soybean implied reduction of the gross margin (R$ 59.17 and R$ 60.51 for diets based on soy with and without supplemental vitamin, respectively, vs. R$ 176.42 and R$ 131.79 for diets based on cottonseed). The utilization of cottonseed enables improvement of profitability of feedlot fattening, in spite of negatively affecting some carcass characteristics.
In order to evaluate the effects of replacement of dried corn (GSM) for silage moisture corn (HMCS) on production and milk composition were used five Holstein cows, primiparous with a mean of 112 days post delivery, confined in Tie Stall, for 70 days. We used five diets according to NRC to 17.5% CP (DM) and 2.4 Mcal / kg DM, the 40:60 ratio of roughage and concentrate containing soybean meal, sugar cane silage and hay and substitution levels of the GSM HMCS the following treatments: a) 0%, 2) 25%, 3) 50%, 4) 75% and 5) 100%. Milk production and dry matter intake (DMI) were recorded daily. The animals were milked daily 6:00 and 18:00 h, and milk samples collected from consecutive milkings of each experimental period of 14 days (four days of collection). The experimental design was a 5x5 Latin square and the data analyzed by the statistical program SAS. Body weight (508 kg), milk (23.6 kg), corrected milk (22.7 kg), DMI (17.13 kg) showed no significant difference, but the intakes of neutral detergent fiber (6.67 kg), and detergent acid (3.39 kg), feed efficiency for the production of milk (milk 1.41 kg / day) urea nitrogen (17.67 mg / dL) differ, thus indicating that HMCS is more efficient than GSM in the diet of dairy cows not alter the production and milk composition.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The research aimed to estimate body contents of protein and energy and net requirements of energy for maintenance of buffaloes, slaughtered at different stages of maturity. There were used 14 Mediterranean intact males with initial average body weight of 352.2 +/- 24.3 kg and average age of 24 months. The animais were randomly divided into four experimental groups. One group was designed to slaughter at the beginning of the experimental period (IS). The animals of another group were restricting fed, receiving, individually, levels of protein and energy 15% above maintenance (RF). The animals of the two remaining groups were individually fed ad libitum (SW450 and SW500) to reach weights corresponding to 100 and 110 percent of the mature weight of the buffalo cows (respectively 450 and 550 kg). The ration contained ground-corn cobs, soybean meal, urea, minerals, and signal-grass (Brachiaria decumbens) hay, with a concentrate: roughage ratio of 50: 50 and 13% of crude protein on a dry matter basis. To estimate changes in body composition inside the range of weights included in the trial, linear regression equations of log protein (kg), fat (kg) and energy (Mcal) as a function of log empty-body-weight (EBW), in kg, were fitted. Energy requirements for maintenance were obtained as estimated heat production at zero level of energy intake. Buffaloes submitted to fattening in feedlot presented early body fat deposition, and had with the same live weight lower protein content and higher fat content and energy per unit weight than european-zebu crossbred cattle.