74 resultados para Reserva Extrativista Tapajós-Arapiuns - PA


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Environrnental issues are in focus lately, mainly due to climate change that have been registered in recent decades. Some of these changes are attributed to the increased atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases induce, main1y due to anthropogenic emissions. These gases act by absorbing heat in the form of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the planet, and after a time interval, reissuing such radiation in various directions, including back to the surface, causing overheating of the same. Projections indicate that climate change wiIl tend to increase even more. Because of this, in recent years a number of studies are being conducted on the dynamics of inducers of greenhouse gases, especially C02, because that is primarily responsible for the development of that phenomenon. To better understand the flow of C02 are studied specific areas, as regions bordering the forests, soils that are under preparation for agriculture, urban areas, among others. Forests are an important sink for C02, because during the process of photosynthesis, this molecule is captured and used to obtain glucose. Thus, studies of the regions bordering the forests contribute enough to the understanding of the dynamics of C02. Because it requires a large amount of factors, the concentration of CO2 in a given location is very variable and this makes it much more difficult to understand their dynamics and, consequently, the action of the enhanced greenhouse effect. Being a relatively new area of study, there are many controversies about the consequences of the greenhouse effect, so that the community does not believe that climate change resulting from human action. According to them, such changes are merely natural phenomena and periodicals


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This is a floristic survey Celastraceae in the Reserva Biológica Municipal da Serra do Japi, Jundiaí, SP. It belongs to a major project “Florística vascular da Reserva Biológica Municipal da Serra do Japi, Jundiaí, SP”, in order to create a floristic list of the collected species, likewise to obtain new data for future managements. Seven species, belonging to four genera, were collected: Maytenus, with four species, Hippocratea, Peritassa and Pristimera, with one species each. Identification keys for genera and species, descriptions, illustrations and comments about geographical distributions, fenology and diagnosis characters are provided


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar questões sociais e econômicas do cotidiano de quatro comunidades quilombola (Cedro, Pedra Preta, Ribeirão Grande e Terra Seca) residentes da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Quilombos de Barra do Turvo (Vale do Ribeira/SP), e levantar o debate acerca da questão da luta pelo reconhecimento da posse da terra frente à saída dos mais jovens da comunidade para as grandes cidades. Através dos dados coletados por meio de levantamento bibliográfico a respeito do tema e entrevistas semiestruturadas com representantes das famílias das quatro comunidades, foi possível discorrer a respeito da problemática da saída dos jovens, que afeta diretamente o futuro dessas comunidades tradicionais, bem como a sugestão de alternativas que visando geração de renda para essas famílias e a inserção e o futuro estabelecimento desses jovens no cotidiano das comunidades. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram que esses quilombolas, bem como seus antepassados, formam comunidades essencialmente rurais e agrícolas, com dinâmica fortemente ligada ao meio natural circundante. Quanto às suas práticas agrícolas, as famílias se dividem em dois grupos: os praticantes da agricultura tradicional, também chamada de “coivara”, e a agroecologia, com Sistemas Agroflorestais bem estabelecidos, onde os agricultores são organizados através de uma cooperativa agroflorestal. Essa divisão agrícola, como mostrado na pesquisa, tem reflexo direto na organização social e econômica das comunidades, bem como no processo de preservação do patrimônio cultural desses grupos. A pesquisa apontou ainda para um grande êxodo dos indivíduos mais jovens das quatro comunidades rumo aos grandes centros urbanos, pela falta de interesse destes na cultural local, ou pela busca por empregos regulares, levantando o questionamento sobre a preservação da cultura e do território quilombola de Barra do Turvo


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Foi elaborada uma chave interativa de múltiplas entradas para a identificação de 50 espécies da Família Lauraceae presentes na Reserva Natural Vale, Linhares-ES. Desenvolvida a partir da versão livre do Programa Lucid® 3.3, apresenta caracteres botânicos de marcação livre e não sequencial, que elimina as espécies as quais não atendem aos critérios selecionados até a identificação do material. Para tanto foi confeccionada uma matriz de caracteres relacionados aos táxons. Foram incluídas ilustrações no final do trabalho já que a versão utilizada do programa compromete a resolução dessas na própria chave. Há uma cópia da chave com o instalador do programa e instruções para uso no CD-ROM entregue junto com o trabalho. Futuramente estará hospedada no site do programa. A versão apresentada no trabalho é preliminar e será concluída posteriormente com a versão paga do programa. A utilização das chaves interativas facilita e dinamiza o processo de identificação dos táxons, contribuindo para a difusão do conhecimento biológico e de programas voltados ao reconhecimento e conservação da biota


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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Investigation of carbon isotope fractionation by plants was carried out at two sub-areas located in Reserva Ducke, central Amazonia: open reserve (virgin forest with low density of plant species); and closed reserve (virgin forest with high density of plant species). Preliminary results (δ‰ 13C: 12C values, PDB) of leaf analysis at different plant heights indicate the following: Eschweilera matamata Hub. (Lecythidaceae), common name 'matamata', -31.55±0.61; Protium heptaplyllum March. (Burseraceae), common name 'breu branco', -32.34±1.39; Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Guttiferae), common name 'jacareúba', -30.72±0.23; Scleronema micrantthum Ducke. (Bombacaceae), common name 'cardeiro'. -28.81±0.68; and Carapa guianensis Aubl. (Meliaceae), common name 'andiroba', -31.07±0.51. It is possible that the plant species analysed belong to the C3 photosynthetic cycle. In general, the species in the open reserve show differences of the order of 1.66±0.34‰ (greater in 13C) as compared with the same species in the closed reserve. The old leaves show differences in the relative isotopic enrichment (δ) of the order of 1‰, being smaller in new leaves in both reserves. The probable occurrence of an isotopic gradient from the lower (2-5 m) to the upper part (15-20 m) of the plant, of the order of 1.3‰, smaller in 13C, in species from the dense forest was noted. However, only two plants from each species were analysed during a two-year period, data obtained to far are still preliminary, and results should, therefore, be revised. Moreover, according to the literature, the natural carbon isotope fractionation by plants shows metabolic, physiological and environmental dependence. © 1991.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Municipal Biological Reserve of Serra do Japi shelters an important forest remnant of Atlantic Rainforest in the state of São Paulo. For its ecological importance, were created instruments for environmental and territorial management of the Conservation Unit, with the regulation of the use and occupation of the land in its Buffer Zone (BZ) in 2004. The objective of this study was to analyze the evolution of the land cover in the BZ region of the Municipal Biological Reserve of Serra do Japi in Jundiaí-SP, between 1989 and 2010. It was used in this study the image analysis of the satellite LANDSAT-TM5, with the help of software ILWIS and IDRISI. The results showed that urban occupation has increased 37.47% and the agro pastoral and reforestation areas have decreased 36.62% and 72.22% respectively, while forest areas have increased 49.57%. However, the relative importance of the forest area in BZ ranged from 46.60% in 1989 to 69.71% in 2010, leading to the conclusion that this region was favored by changes in land cover in the period evaluated, despite strong pressure for urban expansion in its surroundings.


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Due to the considerations on the Legal Forest Reserve, the aim of this paper is to show the distribution of the farming areas in the region and their application – especially natural forests. Also, to compare the municipal values with those stated in the Brazilian Forest Code in order to analyze the process of implementing 20% of forest area in relation to the total farming area, at municipal and regional levels, not considering the areas of each of the farms nor the watershed to which they belong with the Brazilian Forestry Code. The work results show that all municipalities in the region of Botucatu do not have forest areas equal or greater than 20% of total area. Therefore, a non-exploratory reforestation procedure will have to be implemented to follow legal requirements. Finally, the results show that the city of Areiópolis will face the greatest difficulties in implementing the 20% of forests with regard to the Legal Forest Reserve, until 2021, when the deadline stated by the Legal Code expires. According to the same variables, the municipalities of Anhembi, Conchas, Laranjal Paulista, Pereiras, Pratânia and São Manuel will face medium-level difficulties, whereas Bofete, Botucatu, Itatinga and Pardinho will implement it the easiest way.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)