83 resultados para Reproduction of money, documents, etc.


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Insect mandibular glands are always associated to the mandibles; they are part of the salivary glandular system. The mandibular glands are composed by a reservoir associated to the secretory cells, with each secretory cell connected to the reservoir by means of individual canaliculi. These glands play an important role in the production of pheromones, which are compounds involved in defense, communication, and reproduction of the colony. Mandibular glands of soldiers and major and minor workers of the ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa were processed for different histochemical tests, total protein content, and protein electrophoretic profile determination. The histochemical tests detected the presence of lipids, DNA/RNA, polysaccharides, and proteins at different regions of the gland. The protein electrophoretic profiles showed that the total protein content as well as the number of peptides of each caste follow a progressive order in relation to the size of the individual. Thus, we suggest that the production of secretion is directly linked to the task that the individual performs in the colony.


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Restorative dentistry has been increasingly concerned with preservation of the dental structure. For that reason, ultraconservative cavity preparations have been performed with air abrasion systems. The aim of this study was to present treatment options for the occlusal surface of first permanent molars with employment of the conventional method and the air abrasion system for accomplishment of the cavity preparation and a composite occlusal matrix for an accurate reproduction of the tooth surface.


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When the food supply flnishes, or when the larvae of blowflies complete their development and migrate prior to the total removal of the larval substrate, they disperse to find adequate places for pupation, a process known as post-feeding larval dispersal. Based on experimental data of the Initial and final configuration of the dispersion, the reproduction of such spatio-temporal behavior is achieved here by means of the evolutionary search for cellular automata with a distinct transition rule associated with each cell, also known as a nonuniform cellular automata, and with two states per cell in the lattice. Two-dimensional regular lattices and multivalued states will be considered and a practical question is the necessity of discovering a proper set of transition rules. Given that the number of rules is related to the number of cells in the lattice, the search space is very large and an evolution strategy is then considered to optimize the parameters of the transition rules, with two transition rules per cell. As the parameters to be optimized admit a physical interpretation, the obtained computational model can be analyzed to raise some hypothetical explanation of the observed spatiotemporal behavior. © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper presents a new model for the representation of the electrodes filaments of fluorescent lamps, during their preheating, and an analysis capable to guide the design of the preheating process in electronic ballasts. The main improvement obtained with the lamp model is the accurate theoretical reproduction of the behavior of the Rh/Rc ratio during the preheating process. In addition, using the proposed methodology based on the lamp model, it is possible to set a proper preheating process to the electrodes filaments, without the necessity of exhaustive empirical adjustments in the prototype, reducing time and costs involved in the design of ballasts with preheating capabilities. © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper presents a proposal of a model to measure the efficiency of outsourced companies in the aeronautical industry applying the methods DEA and AHP. It also proposes an evaluation in the relation between the variables of the process and the value obtained for the effiiency. The criteria of Quality, Time and Cost were considered the outputs of the process, and those criteria were quantified by AHP for DEA matrix.The number of technical documents received by those outsorced companies were considered the input of the process. The other purpose is to separate the companies in groups considered able to receive an investment to improve their process. Copyright © 2008 SAE International.


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This work aims to demonstrate an application of telemetry for monitoring process variables. The authors developed the prototype of a dedicated device capable of multiplexing, encoding and transmitting real-time data signals via amplitude-shift keying modulation to remotely located device(s). The prototype development is described in details, enabling the reproduction of the proposed telemetry system for a three-phase motor as well as for other devices. Furthermore, the proposed device has an easy implementation by using of accessible components and low cost, also presenting a tutorial and educational purpose. © 2011 IEEE.


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We compared different cultivars and hybrids of crucifers in relation to development and life-history of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) to classify the plants according to their resistance to the pest. The plants used were Manteiga da Geórgia kale, Bola de Neve cauliflower, Ramoso Piracicaba Precoce broccoli, Chato-de-quintal cabbage, and the hybrid cabbages Midori, TPC668, TPC308, and TPC681. We evaluated performance daily until the pupal stage. Pupae were assessed individually to determine the pupal weight, performance, and pupal period. We determined the sex ratio, fecundity, fertility, and longevity of the emerged adults and calculated their reproductive potential. Cabbage hybrids TPC668, TPC308, and TPC681 do not support the development and reproduction of the diamondback moth. These hybrids show a level of resistance that is similar to that found the commercially available hybrid Midori and cultivar Chato de Quintal, which are known to be resistant to the diamondback moth. This finding implies that the capitata (cabbage) cultivars are the most suitable for planting because they are more resistant to pest than the cultivar's moth, acephala (kale). © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The interpretation of the set of radiographs taken during the follow-up period after tooth replantation might pose several difficulties, especially the inability to adequately reproduce the projection geometry of the exposures. This article describes a method for the geometric standardization of intraoral radiographs using a custom-made apparatus comprising a film-holder attached to an occlusal splint for the long-term follow up of dentoalveolar trauma. The method was applied in a patient who suffered an avulsion of the maxillary central incisors and had the teeth replanted after 4 h in saline storage. Endodontic treatment started 7 days after the trauma with changes of a calcium hydroxide intracanal medication every 15 days in the first 2 months and thereafter at 30-day intervals for 8 months. Root canal filling was carried out after this period. The radiographic exposures taken at the follow-up visits were standardized to identify the possible alterations during the repair process, such as root resorptions. A maxillary arch impression was made with alginate, and the model was cast in stone for fabrication of an acetate occlusal splint. The custom-made apparatus used for standardization of the radiographic exposures was fabricated by fixing a Rinn X-C-P film-holder and a 5-mm-long piece of 0.7-mm orthodontic wire to the occlusal splint with autopolymerized acrylic resin. Radiographs were taken at 4-month intervals, starting 10 months after replantation up to 76 months. The images were digitized and analysed using the Digora system. The length of the central incisors was determined to verify the reproduction of the projection geometry of the exposures and the orthodontic wire served to assess accuracy during length estimations in the radiographs. The method described in this article for geometric standardization of intraoral radiographs provided a consistent reproduction of the geometric exposure parameters, being indicated for use in the radiographic follow up of cases of dentoalveolar trauma. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Artibeus planirostris is an endemic species of Phyllostomid bat from the Neotropical region. Some studies have indicated that it exhibits seasonal bimodal polyestry; however, others postulate that it may be able to produce young at any time during the year. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the annual variations in testicular and epididymal parameters of this species in southeast Brazil and try to understand how the reproduction of this species is regulated in this environment. Sixty mature male specimens, collected between June 2009 and May 2010, were submitted to morphometric and immunohistochemical analysis. Our study showed that A. planirostris presented a continuously active pattern of spermatogenesis throughout the year, presenting spermatozoa inside its cauda epididymis in all months, but with two pronounced peaks of spermatogenic production, one in September and other in February. We propose that the males developed these two peaks in order to produce sufficient sperm for the reproduction in a harem system and to synchronize with the female reproductive cycle, which had a bimodal polyestric pattern. Control of this variation is directly linked to the expression of the androgen receptor (AR) in Sertoli cells and to serum testosterone levels, which appear to synchronize to establish these two peaks. In the months preceding the two peaks, the testis have a higher expression of the AR, which possibly stimulates the increase in PCNA, and drives a gradual increase in the testicular parameters. Taken together the results suggest that if sperm storage happens in this species, it is of short duration. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)