112 resultados para Radioisotopes in botany


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The effect of different doses of nitrogen (N) on gas exchange, relative chlorophyll (Chl) amount, and the content of N in the aerial biomass of lisianthus was evaluated. The treatments consisted of six different concentrations of N (50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 g m(-3) noted as N-50, N-100, N-150, N-200, N-250, and N-300, respectively), applied through the fertirrigation technique. N-250 and N-300 induced increase in the contents of foliar Chl and N in the aerial biomass, that in turn contributed to an increase of photosynthetic activity in lisianthus.


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Cytogenetic studies involving conventional Giemsa staining, C-banding analysis and silver staining of NORs were performed on nine species belonging to six genera of the family Callichthyidae. The diploid number ranged from 2n = 44 to 2n = 100, the number of chromosomal pairs with NORs ranged from 1 to 4 and constitutive heterochromatin was mainly distributed in the centromeric and/or pericentromeric position of the chromosomes. The DNA content of erythrocytes from six species studied ranged from 1.18 +/- 0.07 to 2.77 +/- 0.22 pg/nucleus. The extensive variability in karyotypes and in nuclear DNA content detected are in accordance with the initial hypothesis that chromosome rearrangements and polyploidy have played a significant role in the evolutionary history of Callichthyidae.


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Flowering phenology, breeding system and nectary structure of Corymborkis flava (Sw.) Kuntze were studied in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil. The flowering period extended from March (end of rainy season) to early June and seed dispersal occurred from June to September (dry season). Flowering peak occurred mainly in April, with up to 34 open flowers per plant being observed. The yellow, odourless and tubular flowers lasted similar to 7.8 days. The flowers present a perigonal nectary located in the basal lateral parts of the labellum; this is the first report on the nectary location and characterisation in the Tropidieae tribe. At the pre-anthesis stage, cells of both secretory parenchyma and epidermis of the nectary are filled with compound amyloplasts. However, starch grains were not observed in these tissues in senescent flowers, indicating that these starch grains are hydrolysed and used as source of sugars for nectar production. The nectar accumulates between the cuticle and the outer periclinal wall of the epidermal cells before. owing out into the nectar chamber. C. flava is a self-compatible species and spontaneous self-pollination does not occur because of hercogamy. The high pollinia removal (0.80) and insertion (0.82) per flower, as well as the high natural fruit-set indicate an efficient natural pollination system. The present study contributes for the knowledge of the diversity of reproductive strategies and nectary structures in Orchidaceae.


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To identify genes specifically or predominantly expressed in the stigmas/styles and to establish their possible function in the reproductive process of plants, a tobacco stigma/style cDNA library was constructed and differentially screened, resulting in the isolation of several cDNA clones. The molecular characterization of one of these clones is described here. After sequencing the cDNA and the isolated genomic clone, it was determined that the corresponding gene encodes a protein containing an ATP-binding cassette, characteristic of ABC transporters. This gene, designated as NtWBC1 (Nicotiana tabacum ABC transporter of the White-Brown Complex subfamily), encodes a protein that contains the typical structure of the 'half-transporters' of the White subfamily. To establish the spatial expression pattern of the NtWBC1 gene, northern blot and real-time RT-PCR analyses with total RNA from roots, stems, leaves, sepals, petals, stamens, stigmas/styles, ovaries, and seeds were performed. The result revealed a transcript of 2.5 kb present at high levels in stigmas and styles and a smaller transcript (2.3 kb) present at a lower level in stamens. NtWBC1 expression is developmentally regulated in stigmas/styles, with mRNA accumulation increasing toward anthesis. In situ hybridization experiments demonstrated that NtWBC1 is expressed in the stigmatic secretory zone and in anthers, at the stomium region and at the vascular bundle. NtWBC1 is the first ABC transporter gene with specific expression in plant reproductive organs to be identified and its expression pattern suggests important role(s) in the reproductive process.


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Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) is a morphologically and physiologically diverse lineage of 250 + species with a cosmopolitan distribution. We here explore phylogenetic relationships in this lineage using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses of nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnC-ycf6 and ycf6-psbM sequence data with the goals of comparing our phylogenetic hypotheses to previous classifications, morphological variation, and photosynthetic pathway variation. Our results suggest that in Eleocharis C, photosynthesis has been derived at least three times, with several cases of possible reversion to C-3-like or intermediate pathways and several additional origins of C-3-C-4 intermediate photosynthetic pathways, as inferred by carbon isotope ratio measurements. Many classification units currently recognized in Eleocharis are not monophyletic, however, E. subgenus Limnochloa and E. subgenus Scirpidium are monophyletic. Other classification units largely corresponding to clades include E. subgenus Zinserlingia, E. subseries Chaetariae, and E. series Maculosae. Problems with species circumscription and morphological variation in several groups are discussed in light of the phylogeny, particularly in the context of species membership of seven focal clades found in the analyses.


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V. S. PATIL (Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara-390002 India), K. S. RAO (BRD School of Bioscieces, S. P. University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, India), and K. S. RAJPUT (Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara-390002 India). Development of intraxylary phloem and internal cambium in Ipomoea hederifolia (Convolvulaceae). J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 136: 423-432. 2009-In Ipomoea hederifolia L. (Convolvulaceae), internal/intraxylary phloem originated as isolated strands from the procambially derived cells after the formation of protoxylem and protophloem. Bands of internal phloem were apparent in the sixth internode after the development of metacambium. In the relatively thick stems several small arcs/segments of internal cambium ensues from the parenchyma cells between the protoxylem and internal protophloem. Though all the segments were active, some of them (two of them located opposite to each other) were relatively more active. Bidirectional differentiation of these segments gave rise to secondary xylem centrifugally and secondary phloem centripetally, resulting inverted vascular bundles. Rest of the internal cambium segments were unidirectional and formed only secondary phloem centripetally. Like external vascular cambium, the internal cambium was non-storied. Structurally, secondary xylem and phloem was composed of axial and radial system in which rays were mostly uni- to biseriate. Secondary xylem produced by the internal cambium was more or less similar to the xylem formed by the external successive cambia. Secondary phloem produced by the internal cambium was composed of sieve tubes, companion cells, axial and ray parenchyma cells. Simple sieve plates of internal phloem were mostly arranged on transverse end walls in contrast to compound and obliquely placed sieve plates of external phloem formed by the successive cambia.


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Under greenhouse conditions, Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq. plants produce fruits by both self-fertilization and cleistogamy. Although adapted to these reproductive processes the species respond also to cross-pollination. Seeds without embryos and with one embryo are usual but occasionally seeds with two, three or four embryos are produced. Multiple embryos are formed by polyembryony and apomixis. © 1985 Annals of Botany Company.


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Mature leaf fragments from eight species of Xyris from the Serra do Cipo, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were prepared by the usual methods for electron microscopy. Ultrastructural analysis of phloem shows the occurrence of nacreous walls with a polylamellate structure in the sieve-elements of X. tortilis and plastids similar to P-plastids, form PIIcf in the sieve-elements of all investigated species.


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The first studies with constructed wetlands undertaken in Brazil were the result of observations made from the Amazon flood plains. The first attempt to use this capacity to change the quality of the water, in the sense of purification performed in Brazil using constructed wetland systems, was made by Salati et al. After that, new technologies were developed in a focused attempt to increase the efficiency of the system and reduce investments. Over these 18 years, persuading the Brazilian scientific community as well as the environmental control agencies to give due attention to this kind of research has required endless efforts. Only in recent years have major institutions responsible for sewage treatment and potable water supply been concerned with this type of technology for solving real problems. These institutions are as follows: SABESP (Basic Sanitation Company of Sao Paulo State), SANEPAR (Sanitation Company of Parana State) and CESP (Electric Company of Sao Paulo State). One of the private institutions that has systematically worked in the design and projects of constructed wetlands is the Institute of Applied Ecology. This institution has enhanced and developed a water depuration system based on the purifying capacity of the soil. The wetlands with filtering soils are systems formed by overlapping layers of crushed stone, gravel and soil planted with rice. This technology has been used in sewage treatment and also in water supply systems.