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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a distribuição volumétrica de pontas de pulverização hidráulica de jato de uso ampliado 11002, com e sem indução de ar, em laboratório, bem como o padrão de deposição da pulverização, por meio da estimativa do coeficiente de variação (C.V.) obtido pela simulação da sobreposição de jatos adjacentes. As pontas foram posicionadas, isoladamente, no centro da mesa de teste, a 30; 40 e 50 cm de altura da mesa e a 300 e 500 kPa de pressão. Foram avaliadas 20 unidades de cada tipo de ponta, e a deposição média foi utilizada para a simulação da deposição ao longo da barra pulverizadora, com as pontas espaçadas em 30; 40; 50 e 60 cm entre si. A uniformidade da distribuição foi estimada pelo cálculo do C.V. resultante da simulação da sobreposição das pontas em barra de 8 m, sendo utilizados somente os 4 m centrais no cálculo do C.V. Os resultados mostraram haver diferenças relacionadas à deposição entre os dois tipos de ponta. A ponta com indução de ar resultou em área de deposição inferior à ponta sem indução de ar. Esse comportamento foi observado em todas as alturas da barra e nas duas pressões, podendo-se inferir que esse comportamento possa ser característico das pontas com indução de ar.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste pequeno ensaio é analisar as narrativas derivadas da primeira experiência colonizadora francesa no Novo Mundo, a França Antártica, com o intuito de demarcar em tais escritos certos padrões narrativos acerca da América e dos seus habitantes, os ditos selvagens. Buscaremos demonstrar que tais padrões, estabelecidos de maneira pioneira pelos gauleses, tiveram vida longa nas narrativas posteriores com menções ao Brasil e aos seus habitantes.


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Este artigo analisa como, com a chegada do imigrante italiano ao interior de São Paulo quando da grande imigração que se deu a partir de meados da década de 1880, teve início uma troca de hábitos alimentares, tanto em meio a esses imigrantes como na sociedade hospedeira. Para tanto, restringimos nosso estudo à cidade de Jaú, uma vez que esse município, no período em questão, recebeu um representativo fluxo de imigrantes italianos.


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The merit of the Karhunen-Loève transform is well known. Since its basis is the eigenvector set of the covariance matrix, a statistical, not functional, representation of the variance in pattern ensembles is generated. By using the Karhunen-Loève transform coefficients as a natural feature representation of a character image, the eigenvector set can be regarded as an feature extractor for a classifier.


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The performance of a spray boom can be evaluated from its individual nozzle distribution patterns determined in a patternator (test table), as discussed by Perecin et al. (1994). The distribution pattern of three nozzle types obtained in a patternator at six heights were compared in order to propose a formula for determining the variation coefficient. The simulation of a spray boom was conducted from individual nozzle distribution patterns, and obtained the random variation coefficients (RVC) and the systematic variation coefficients (SVC). The results showed good performance of the TF-SV4 nozzles, with CV smaller than 10%, for nozzle spacing as large as 50 cm. The TQ15006 nozzles showed high variability in the central region of the distribution pattern, resulting in high CV from nozzle spacings as narrow as 25 cm. The TJ60-11006 behaved as intermediate between TF-VS4 and TQ15006. The formula proposed for determining the variation coefficient is [(RVC) 2+(SVC) 2] 1/2.


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One of the main problems in Computer Vision and Close Range Digital Photogrammetry is 3D reconstruction. 3D reconstruction with structured light is one of the existing techniques and which still has several problems, one of them the identification or classification of the projected targets. Approaching this problem is the goal of this paper. An area based method called template matching was used for target classification. This method performs detection of area similarity by correlation, which measures the similarity between the reference and search windows, using a suitable correlation function. In this paper the modified cross covariance function was used, which presented the best results. A strategy was developed for adaptative resampling of the patterns, which solved the problem of deformation of the targets due to object surface inclination. Experiments with simulated and real data were performed in order to assess the efficiency of the proposed methodology for target detection. The results showed that the proposed classification strategy works properly, identifying 98% of targets in plane surfaces and 93% in oblique surfaces.


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This paper presents the results of a geophysical study carried out in northeastern São Paulo State and southwestern Minas Gerais State over an area 80 km wide and 97.5 km long in SE Brazil. The Bouguer anomaly map, and geological and structural data allowed to identify three different gravity domains - crustal blocks limited by major discontinuities -related to the structural pattern of the area. These discontinuities were interpreted as geosuture zones underlying the Paraná Basin sediments which have extensions in the Pre-cambrian Basement. The crustal discontinuities named Alterosa and Ribeirão Preto may be seen as A - type collision sutures in a triple junction arramgement. Two prominent linear anomalies are recognized in the Bouguer anomaly map, as well as the limit between the Brasilia and São Paulo crustal blocks or paleoplates. The Alterosa suture zone trends NW-SE while the Ribeirão Preto suture has a NE-SW direction. The Bouguer anomaly map provides subsidies and information on new concepts and theories leading to the refinement of tectonic models.


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The use of laboratory animals in conjunction with research on the human organism provides a basis for on understanding of several important physiological and pathological processes. Besides, the results of experimental studies enable technical and safety improvements to be made in surgical techniques used in the medical clinic. As living biological material is involved, we should guarantee its physical well-being, taking into account microbiological contamination and the genetics, nutrition and correct manipulation of the animals, in order to avoid incorrect conclusions from the experiments or unnecessarily large numbers of animals being used. In parallel with the concerns and legislation on the use of laboratory animals, there is also a growing preoccupation with the welfare and safety of those who handle the laboratory animals, since they run the risk of acquiring occupational diseases through contact with zoonotic pathogens or developing allergies. Prevention requires the application of modern technological advances in the design of the animal house and in the work routines. Unfortunately, few establishments in Brazil possess staff with adequate training and a basic infrastructure of research that includes the laboratory animal breeding centers, equivalent to those existing ones in the United States and Europe.


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During the critical period of the maternal recognition, which occurs between days 15 and 19 of pregnancy, the conceptus must competently synthesize molecules capable of blocking the synthesis of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and luteolysis. In cattle, the major macromolecule involved in suck blockage is the protein interferontau (IFN-τ). During the critical period, failures in the recognition of pregnancy determine embryonic mortality on up to 40% of inseminated cows. Data about IFN-τ in Bos taurus indicus are still scarce. Objective of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the presence of IFN-τ during the critical period for maternal recognition of pregnancy in uterine flushings obtained in vivo by Foley catheter (Days 14, 16 and 18 post estrus) or post-mortem (Day 18 post estrus). Multiparous, cyclic or pregnant zebu cows (Bos taurus indicus) on days 14, 16 and 18 post estrus were used for in vivo or post mortem uterine flushing collection. In both cases, a Ringer solution was used to wash the uterus of cows. Uterine flushings were concentrated by ultrafiltration and lyophilized. Proteins were separated by one-dimensional electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in a 15% polyacrilamide gel. Interferontau quantification in uterine flushings was performed by western blotting and densitometry. Non-specific protein bands were observed in both in vivo and post mortem uterine flushings. Interferon-tau was detected only in uterine flushings obtained from pregnant cows post-mortem (P<0.05). Optical density of protein bands was not affected by the day of the critical period, state (cyclic or pregnant) or interaction day x state. There was no effect of the conceptus weight or progesterone concentration on the day of uterine flushing collection in the optical density of the IFN-τ protein band. It was concluded that the detection and quantification of IFN-τ in the uterine environment of zebu cows, in these experimental?conditions, is only possible in uterine flushings obtained post-mortem.


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Neste artigo são apresentadas propostas de soluções para o problema de geração de padrões de corte n-grupos para o corte da matéria-prima na indústria moveleira. Este problema NP-difícil aparece em diversos outros processos industriais que incluem o corte de painéis retangulares grandes de tamanho padrão em retângulos menores. O planejamento dos cortes é um aspecto importante do planejamento da produção nestas indústrias, pois efeitos negativos tais como o perda de matériaprima e tempo de preparo da máquina de corte podem ser minimizados, diminuindo assim os custos de produção. É estudada a eficiência de modelos lineares inteiros para resolver o problema do corte guilhotinado bidimensional propostos em [33,34], bem como o seu uso na geração de colunas para o problema de corte de estoque. São usados dados reais de uma fábrica de móveis de pequeno porte característica do pólo moveleiro de Votuporanga/SP. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as estratégias propostas geram perdas dentro dos requisitos exigidos pela fábrica. © SPM.


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The confluence of Ivaí River together with the Paraná one is located near Icaraíma city on the Northwest of Paraná State. In this region, several paleochannels showed quaternary dynamic of Ivaí and Paraná Rivers floodplain. The aim of study was to apply multispectral indices and a data transformation of Landsat 5 TM data, associated with fieldwork and sedimentary facies to identify paleochannels. The results of the Normalized Difference Vegetation, Normalized Difference Water e Modificated Normalized Difference Water indices did not show satisfactory gains. However, the Tasseled Cap Wetness has provided an important gain of information on recognizing paleochannels facies. Through the remote sensing results sediment cores were realized and the sedimentary facies showed its correspondence with remote sensing interpretation.