110 resultados para RATIONALITY
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Nosso trabalho está centrado no debate sobre a violência “revolucionária”travado por Marcuse, expoente significativo da intelectualidade que vivenciou e pensou os anos 60. Há a retomada, então, das utopias anticapitalistas do século XIX – particularmente a marxista. Marcuse aponta também para a urgência do combate ao imperialismo norte-americano – bandeira de luta carregada pelos movimentos de protesto neste período – argumentando que a violência é inerente ao sistema político-econômico, e que deve ser combatida através da violência “revolucionária” pela oposição.
As autoras discutem a questão da sustentabilidade a partir da reportagem de um casamento realizado na Avenida Paulista e definido como ecologicamente correto. Elas demonstram como esse acontecimento está contido numa escala mais ampla. Argumentam que a racionalidade capitalista presente na lógica da competitividade e do desperdício é a mesma no comando do ideário da sustentabilidade do movimento ambientalista. Munidas de um conjunto de dados referentes à ação de grupos legais e ilegais, mostram como a prática da sustentabilidade abre novas e lucrativas frentes de acumulação enquanto contribui para o agravamento dos danos irreversíveis ao meio-ambiente. Concluem que, além da impossibilidade do modelo capitalista deter o atual processo de destruição das condições de vida no planeta, somente a associação internacional dos movimentos sociais emancipadores poderá criar ações para uma radical mudança de rumo.
O objetivo principal deste artigo é levantar algumasexplicações possíveis para o sucesso editorial do segmento daautoajuda a partir das últimas décadas do século passado. Paratanto, quatro eixos explicativos são desenvolvidos: 1) vivemos umperíodo de reflexividade que abre espaço para as receitas e osmodelos da autoajuda; 2) outras formas de racionalidade, numacontraposição à visão de Max Weber, abrem espaço para o saberprofessado pelos gurus da autoajuda; 3) a autoajuda tem umafunção terapêutica fundamental numa época que vive os dilemasda modernidade tardia; 4) o modelo de competência que imperano imaginário organizacional contemporâneo abre espaço paraos ensinamentos da autoajuda. Rastreando essas explicaçõesprocurar-se-á mostrar de que forma as especificidades do nossotempo constituem terreno fértil para a autoajuda.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The belief in the existence of an ecological crisis that would affect the future of the planet, is one of the factors that causes the appearance of ecological concern, resulting in the adoption of non-predatory consumer practices and more respectful relationships with non-humans beings. This study starts from the assumption of the existence of an environmental question, and aims to investigate some of the cultural causes of human predation and identify possible ways in which environmental question can be treated critically to search overcomes. Follows the reasoning that western society as a complex of social relations, the capitalism, as a mode of production utilities and rational right, are all consequences of the modern rationality, cognitive and moral logic that transforms people and nature in satisfaction instruments of individual interests. However, despite being identified as the causative root of environmental question, modern rationality takes with it enough to promote the development of ecological respect, necessary in confronting and overcoming the environmental question, as it will be applied as a principle in redefinition of the relationship of human beings with themselves and with nature. And modern rationality can also make capitalism more efficient in the use and reuse of materials so as to consume fewer resources on the planet to satisfy human needs.
This paper aims to present a study of the social relationships around the production, circulation and the eventual possibility of appropriation of knowledge in social systems of the pre-modern world and in a social organization of Western capitalist modernity. In this specific universe of relationships, it was also important to noticed that there is a paradoxical role of rationality that served to the emancipation of instruments of control’s knowledge of pre-modern period as in the same time it was favored by the construction of new bonds that were made in the Western modernity through the modern legal system, inserting the knowledge in the domain of the economy and private logic of the capitalist’s system through intellectual property. This research was made from a review of the literature, using specialized books of the theme. It was concluded that there is a paradox in the social relationships about the knowledge, whose cause is related to the unfolding of rationality in the development of Western civilization.
The objective of this article is to discuss the meanings that health professionals and patients in treatment attribute to obesity. The research consisted of a qualitative survey in health, based on in-depth interviews with patients and professionals at an out-patient clinic at the University Hospital in Barcelona, Spain. Here, we discuss the concept of obesity, the meanings of diagnoses, the singularities involved in managing treatment, and the process of becoming ill, all in the light of the anthropology of health that has a sociocultural orientation. Obesity is usually seen by the professionals as a risk-factor disease. For patients, the incorporation of this rationality is procedural and is mixed in with other meanings attributed to being overweight/obese that have been gradually developed throughout life. A patient's autonomy in choosing to be fat, or obese, and to adhere to treatment, is defined as a process that requires support in order to come to joint proposals in caring for these problems.
This paper aims to address initially the implications and consequences of the planned use of image reading in classrooms of Art in the early years of elementary school. Enumerating some contributions to enrich and develop narrative skills, descriptive, analytical and interpretative. Thus, in a next goal will be researched the importance and essentiality of working with the reading of images, not only in art classes but at other opportunities, working intertextuality. Mobilizing both rationality and imagination, enhancing the information and content as well as encouraging creativity and analytical formation of subjectivity. Aiming at meaningful learning and encouraging other views and ways of thinking, feeling, teach, learn and be