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The objective of this study was to evaluate the allelophatic potential ethanol extract of leaves of Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan (angico) and Astronium graveolens Jacq (aroeira) on the biomonitor germination of Brassica chinensis (Malaysia's cabbage) and Lactuca sativa (lettuce). For the test of allelopathy was the bioassay of germination of B. chinensis and L. sativa using solutions of ethanol extracts in different concentrations (5, 10 and 20 mg / mL) with continuous light for 11 days. The experimental and control groups were divided into the Petri dish containing 50 seeds of B. chinensis and L. sativa each. Were performed six replicates for each concentration of extract of leaves of A. macrocarpa and A. graveolens and the negative control (water). The rolling action of the treatments was performed by quantitative observation and monitoring of germination every six hours. The results show that the ethanol extract of A. macrocarpa and A. graveolens presents allelopathic potential, regardless of the concentration used, but with answers dose-dependent, and thus able to interfere directly in germination, average speed and time of germination biomonitor of B. chinensis and L. sativa.


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Bioassays were carried out to identify and characterize the allelopathic potential effects of forage legumes leucena (Leucaena leucocephala), mineirão (Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Mineirão) and calopogônio (Calopogonium mucunoides) on germination and radicle elongation of the pasture weeds desmódio (Desmodium adscendens), guanxuma (Sida rhombifolia) and assa-peixe (Vernonia polyanthes). Aqueous seeds and shoot extracts were prepared in a concentration of 10% (w/v). The pH and osmotic potential were measured in each extract. The effects of the osmotic potential on the results were calculated considering the regression equations adjusted to the variations of osmotic potential in each parameter and the osmotic potential of the extracts. The results showed that the pH did not constitute in a source of variation of the results. The donor species indicated allelopathic potential that varied in function of donor and receiver species and part of the donor plant. The aqueous shoot extract of mineirão and calopogônio showed inhibition potential higher than the extract from seeds, while for leucena the effects more evident were obtained with the extract from seeds. Comparatively, the radicle elongation was a more sensitive indicator than germination to the effects of the extracts.The receiver species assa-peixe was the less sensitive to the effects of the extract.


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The present work aimed to investigate which was the soil tillage system that better fits for conditions of intensive agriculture, on the region of Selviria-MS. The main objective of this paper was to study the conservation and availability of water in the soil profile. In order to evaluate the soil matric potential in field conditions, readings were accomplished, using tensiometers with a mercury gauger. Matric potential was measured at 0.10 m depth, during the vegetative period of Triticum aestivum L. and at four depths 0.10; 0.20; 0.30 e 0.40 m during the vegetative period of Phaseolus vulgaris L. The study areas were located in the municipal district of Selviria, MS, Brazil. The used experimental set-up was entirely random designed, with treatments disposed in strips; three treatments and four repetitions were used. In the different treatments, soil matric potential was determined. Result allow to conclude that the water matric potential was highest for no-tillage and minimum tillage; however, it was also shown that these two tillage systems, allowed to conserve more water in the soil, when compared to the conventional tillage. In the last cycle of the Phaseolus vulgaris L. crop, no-tillage presented smaller storage of water in the soil, compared to the minimum tillage.


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Diabetes Mellitus may lead to alterations in the eyes, kidneys, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, ears etc. The cognitive function, also, seems to be compromised in subjects presented with Diabetes Mellitus, since the cortical and subcortical structures responsible for this function are hindered in some insulin-dependent patients. The cognitive potential P300 has been used as an objective procedure to assess cerebral cognitive functions. Objective: Analyze the sensitivity of P300 cognitive potential for the detection of alterations on the auditory cortex secondary to Diabetes Mellitus. Study design: transversal cohort. Material and Method: Sixteen diabetic subjects of both genders aged 7 to 71 years, and seventeen non-diabetic individuals at the same age range participated in this study, the evaluation procedures were pure tone audiometry (PTA) and P300 cognitive potential. Glycemia of the group presented with Diabetes was assessed prior to applying the P300. Results: No statistically significant difference was shown for the PTA results. A statically significant difference was observed between groups when analyzing the latency of the P300 component measured in Fz. there was a correlation between glycemia and the latency and amplitude of P300. Conclusion: The investigation of the cognitive potential of P300 is an important procedure for the prevention and early diagnosis of neurological changes in individuals presented with Diabetes Mellitus.


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The objective of this paper was to verify the ideal moment of application of desiccants on the soybeans crop, to obtain seeds with maximum physiological and sanitary quality. The cultivar IAC-15 was sowed at the experimental area of FE/UNESP - Campus of Ilha Solteira, located in the district of Selvíria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul (20° 22′S, 51° 22′W at approximately 335 m of altitude). The experimental design was a randomized block, with treatments in a factorial scheme of 3×3 and 4×4 (dessicant x application time), in 1996/97 and 1997/98, respectively. The desiccants applied during the season agricultural year 1996/97 were: paraquat, diquat, paraquat+diquat mix at the doses 400; 300; 200+150 e 400 g a.i.ha -1, respectively. In 1997/98 the same desiccants were used, at the same doses, with additional treatment application of ammonium glufosinate at the dose of 400 g a.i.ha -1. The desiccants were applied three times in 1996/97 and four times in 1997/98 with 5 days intervals starting at the R 6 stage. According to the environmental conditions of this research the best desiccation time was when soybean plants had 80% to 90% of pods with yellow and brown coloration and seeds with 45% to 60% of water content. There were no effects of any of the desiccants tested in the physiological and sanitary potential required for commercialization of the seeds.


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The objective of this work was to identify the spatial variability of the natural erosion potential, soil loss and erosion risk in two intensely cultivated areas, in order to assess the erosion occurrence patterns. The soil of the area located at Monte Alto, São Paulo state, was classified as Paleudalf (PVA) with moderately slope, with different managements. The soil of the area located at Jaboticabal, São Paulo state, was classified as Haplortox(LV) with gentle slope and cultivated with sugarcane. A irregular grid was imposed on the experimental areas. Soil samples were obtained from 0-0.2 m depth at each grid point: 88 samples in Monte Alto area (1465 ha) and 128 samples at Jaboticabal area (2597 ha). In order to obtain the values of the studied variables USLE was applied at each grid point. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and geoestatistical analyses were performed for defining semivariograms. Kriging techniques to develop map showing spatial patterns in variability of selected soil attributes were used. All variables showed spatial dependence. The PVA soil showed higher erosion risk due to the slope and atual management compared to the soil LV.


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AIDS has the HIV as its etiological agent. Researches has been done to find new pharmacological agents to be used in therapy, because of problems of resistance and side effects. The HIV-integrase inhibitors are some of those new agents that are being studied. This updating focusses on the fundamental information about HIV and HIV-integrase and the main methods being used to develop these new drugs, with examples for each case.


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In this work a review of the supersymmetric quantum mechanics formalism combined with the variational method is done. This approach is useful in order to obtain numerical values for the energy eigenvalues from Schrödinger equation. As an example, the energy eigenvalues from the Lennard-Jones (12,6) potential are determined and the results are compared with other ones obtained from different methods. Copyright by the Sociedade Brasileira de Física.


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Alginate or irreversible hydrocolloid is one the most accepted and frequently employed impression materials in dental practice. Substances like zinc, cadmium, lead silicate and fluorides, which are included in several alginate brands with the aim of improving their physical, chemical and mechanical properties, are a source of serious concern as regards their toxicity. Some brands of alginate have been reported to contain potentially toxic fluorides and metals such as cadmium, lead and zinc silicates, either singly or combined. Consequently, special care should be taken while preparing of these materials. It is necessary to monitor potentially toxic chemicals and metals in the alginates continually to avoid contamination of dental professionals and patients. In this review, alginates used in dentistry are analyzed for potential toxicity.


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This paper attempts to assess both the touristic potential of scenic attractions and the environmental impacts resulting from the public use of such attractions in the Rifaina Municipality, State of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. In the recent past, this municipality had its economy concentrated in rural activities (livestock, corn, rice and bean crops) and in the ceramic industry (production of bricks, tiles and shackles),which was largely developed in the floodplain of the Rio Grande before the construction of the Jaguara Power Plant Dam. The impacts resulting from touristic activities were evaluated by applying the VIM - Visitor Impact Management method, with emphasis on biophysical indicators. The main touristic attractions analyzed were: (1) Rifaina artificial beach; (2) Jaguara Reservoir; (3) Morro do Chapéu (scenic hill); (4) Touristic railroad; and (5) Cuestas cliffs. Attractions (1) and (2) are the most exploited ones, including, in the second case, nautical sports, sportive and craft fishing, and summer lodging. Although currently disabled, the touristic railroad presents potential conditions to be re-explored. Attractions (3) and (5), despite keeping high landscape and ecological ecotouristic potential, are the least visited places. In the present paper, a preliminary characterization of the major issues of tourism industry in the Rifaina municipality is made, including suggestions for the sustainable exploitation of tourism resources. The final results of the environmental impact evaluation of the tourism activities include small impacts in attractions (4) and (5) and moderate impacts to the three first attractions. In order to keep the sustainable touristic potential for that municipality this study proposes the improvement of the following measures: to foster research projects on technical or scientific aspects of the touristic attractions, improvement of tourism infrastructure and the creation of an Environmental Protection Area (APA) of the cuestas' scarps.


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Objective: This case-control study analyzed mass spectrometry fingerprinting patterns of culture media samples used for embryo culture to predict embryo implantation. Methods: The culture medium harvested after embryo transfer of 22 embryos from 13 patients was used for the experiments. After embryo transfer, the remaining culture media were collected and samples were split in positive (n=8) and negative (n=14) implantation groups according to implantation outcomes (100% or 0% of implantation). Samples were individually diluted and injected directly to the Electrospray ionization (ESI) MS coupled to a Quadrupole Time-of-flight MS (Q-ToF-MS).Ions relative intensities of each spectrum were considered. Data analysis was conducted in MatLab 7.0 version using Partial Least Squares - Discriminant Analysis toolbox. Results: There were 3027 observed ions at 100% and 0% implantation groups by ESI-Q-ToF-MS. The statistical model could categorize the samples in two clusters, based on their positive and negative implantation outcomes. Less intense ions present in the mass spectra with statistical significance have contributed to the major differences to group distinction. Conclusions: Positive and negative implantation embryos showed a specific biochemical pattern present in culture media, which could be detected as a fast, simple and non-invasive way. This biochemical profile could help the selection of the most viable embryo, improving single embryo transfer and thus eliminating the risk and undesirable outcomes of multiple pregnancies. © Todos os direitos reservados a SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.


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Considerable losses during apple fruit storage occur due to microbiological diseases, mainly caused by Penicillium expansum, which in addition to fruit pulp deterioration produces patulin, a mycotoxin with carcinogenic and teratogenic activity. Biological control of post-harvest disease by antagonist yeasts focused on killer toxins is an appreciable alternative to the chemical fungicides, due to the low possibility of toxic residues demonstrated during fermentative processes. Twenty out of 44 yeasts (16 isolated from fruits, 10 from corn silage and 18 from laboratory anthill), showed antagonism against spores of P. expansum. The assay in solid medium pointed the strongest nutrient competition antagonism by D. hansenii strain C1 (31 mm inhibition diameter), while D. hansenii strain C7 (15 mm) showed higher antibiosis and parasitism pattern. In the following step the extracellular activity was tested performing the assay with culture supernatant in Yeast Medium agar, where C. guilliermondii P3 was more effective against conidia germination (inhibition rate of 58.15%) while P. ohmeri showed better inhibition on micelial growth (66.17%). The antibiosis showed by both yeasts could suggest probable mechanism associated with killer phenomenon, once both strains were killer positive against sensitive reference strains (S. cerevisiae NCYC 1006 and P. kluyveri CAY-15). In order to enhance the production of antifungal substance, these yeasts were cultivated with P. expansum, but the difference between culture supernatant obtained from yeasts cultivated alone and with mould was not significant (P > 0.05). The results demonstrated that the yeasts application constitute a promising tool, enhancing the biological control of P. expansum in post-harvest diseases of apple fruit.


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Bats are hosts of a rich diversity of microorganisms. Many studies indicate a close link between bats and fungi with pathogenic potential, especially for living in environments such as caves, caverns and hollow trees, favorable to the maintenance and spread of fungi. The objective was to study the gastrointestinal mycoflora of bats. Of the 98 samples belonging to 11 species of bats coming from 15 studied cities, 20% of the species were Carollia perspicillata, 19% Artibeus lituratus, 17% Molossus rufus, 13% Glossophaga soricina, 9% Nyctinomops macrotis, 8% Molossus molossus, 7% Desmodus rotundus, 2% Lasiurus ega and 1% Eptesicus furinalis, Myotis nigricans and Tadarida brasiliensis. The genus Aspergillus sp. was isolated from 29% of the samples, followed by 6% Microsporum sp. and Penicillium sp. 4% Trichophyton sp. and zygomycetes and 2% Fusarium sp. Of yeast species, 14% were from Rhodotorula sp., 10% Candida sp. and 2% Cryptococcus sp., 22% of isolates remained unidentified. All 82 cultures of organs were negative for Histoplasma capsulatum. There was a statistically significant association between the results of microbiological culture and bat species (p < 0.05). We conclude that the bats can act as disperser agents of fungi with pathogenic potential, although other studies should be performed to establish strategies to identify the main factors correlated with the growth and spread of microorganisms in nature and implication of bats in the epidemiological cycle.


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The drift is intimately linked to inappropriate use of pesticides and an important factor for reducing it, is the correct selection of spray nozzles and adjuvants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the drift potential in wind tunnel with different spray nozzles and different concentrations of adjuvants. The experiment was composed by six spray solutions (vegetable oil (in three concentrations), mineral oil, surfactant and reducing drift), which were applied with two nozzles, one pre-orifice flat fan (DG 8003 VS) and other with air induction (AI 8003 VS), totaling 12 treatments, with three repetitions. The equipment used was a wind tunnel, where the drift collections were made at different points. The treatments averages were compared using Confidence Interval at 5% probability. The analysis of the percentage of drift showed that the treatments had different behaviors. The nonylphenol ethoxylate adjuvant presented the highest drift when applied with the nozzle of pre-orifice and the lowest drift when applied with the air induction. The behavior of these nozzles when the oil-based adjuvant was used showed apposite results to those obtained for the surfactant. For the DG nozzles the lowest percentage of drift, at all analyzed distances, was observed to the treatment with vegetable oil (1.0%) and with the AI nozzles the lower drift was found for the treatment with nonylphenol ethoxylate (0.0625%), for the four distances in the collection. The result showed that both the spray nozzles and adjuvants alter directly the drift potential. There was no proportionately between the concentration of the oil-based adjuvant and the drift percentage.