100 resultados para Postmodern Realism


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Trata-se de uma abordagem crítica bastante atual acerca do papel dos intelectuais, em particular dos sociólogos, em sua ampla possibilidade de inserção na realidade social, recorrendo ao conceito de intelectual orgânico de Gramsci que estabelece o vínculo entre o grupo social e seus intelectuais. A autora se coloca frente ao dilema de seu próprio desejo, incontrolável como ela mesma diz, de antever um futuro pleno de sociólogos críticos e atentos às contradições mais fundamentais da contemporaneidade e o realismo da diversidade que inclui o afastamento da perspectiva da maioria trabalhadora e o conseqüente adesismo de oportunidade aos grupos hegemônicos.


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Um grupo de escritores, pensadores, homens públicos – dentre eles, Antero de Quental, Eça de Queirós, Oliveira Martins, Ramalho Ortigão, Teófilo Braga, Guerra Junqueiro, Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro – produziu, por volta da década de 1870, uma agitação na cultura portuguesa. Um produto dessas novas idéias foi o periódico As Farpas, fascículo mensal contendo críticas sobre temas político-culturais portugueses e publicado de maio/1871 a outubro/1872 por Eça de Queirós e Ramalho Ortigão. Alguns desses textos se dirigem ao Brasil, mais especificamente ao imperador D.Pedro II, e apresentam alguns pontos da visão sobre o país por parte desse grupo, conhecido como a Geração de 70.


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Neste ensaio, pretende-se analisar a concepção de Adorno acerca da relação entre teoria e prática com o intuito de explicitar o significado da autonomia da teoria e do intelectual, por ele postulada. Será demonstrado que tal formulação está voltada contra o ativismo dos movimentos estudantis europeus dos anos 60, contra a noção de engajamento e as diretrizes gerais da política cultural comunista, além de se opor à teoria do realismo crítico formulada por Lukács. A autonomia da teoria, como se verá, está ligada à defesa da autonomia estética e as relações existentes entre sujeito-objeto na atividade cognitiva.


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No sempre reconhecido realismo euripidiano se inclui um envolvimento político. É notável o elogio a Atenas, seja a seu passado ilustre, seja a seu papel no mundo grego. Entretanto a guerra a que Atenas se atira e que faz enfraquecer a Grécia é condenada, pois a defesa de Atenas, concretizada na defesa de seu regime político, a democracia, não inclui a defesa do imperialismo ateniense. Assim, acima de Eurípides patriota se ergue o Eurípides humanista, preocupado com as responsabilidades do ser humano, não apenas do cidadão. Eurípides’ acknowledge realism includes a political involvement. The eulogy of Athens is remarkable both regarding her illustrious past and her role in the greek world. The war in which Athens is engaged and which weakens Greece, however, is condemned, for Athens’ defense, made real in the defense of her political regime, democracy, does not include the defense of Athenian imperialism. Thus, Euripides the patriot is excelled by Euripides the humanist, who is more concerned with the responsibilities of the human being, than with those of the citizen’s.


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There is a huge debate surrounding the sustainability issues, especially urban sustainability. This article seeks to establish a critique of models of sustainable cities and postmodern city structured by dispersed city model produced by the logic of capital, it is an effort to confront methodological theoretical models of two cities, the capitalist model of production space and model sustainable city, the dispersed city model against a model of the compact city. For example it was used as environmental certifications for building a label denoting sustainable building when actually articulate a series of symbols that mask and reaffirm their production processes from the perspective of capital cities


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Digital Elevation Model (DEM) validation is often carried out by comparing the data with a set of ground control points. However, the quality of a DEM can also be considered in terms of shape realism. Beyond visual analysis, it can be verified that physical and statistical properties of the terrestrial relief are fulfilled. This approach is applied to an extract of Topodata, a DEM obtained by resampling the SRTM DEM over the Brazilian territory with a geostatistical approach. Several statistical indicators are computed, and they show that the quality of Topodata in terms of shape rendering is improved with regards to SRTM.


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The approach about the ideas, understood as metal representations, has practically bookmarked the whole Philosophy History, since the ancient Greece to the contemporary period. A lot of interpretations have been given to the meaning and to the nature of the ideas by many schools, among them lots of Realism slopes. This paper aims to present, from a historical and epistemological fragment, some theoretical perpectives, with emphasis in the realistic, nominalist and Cartesian proposals in relation to the formation and nature of the ideas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This text aims to present a very short review on Machiavelli’s ideas reception concerning his military thought and short reflections on international affairs, as part of what was called realism in the realm of international relations theory. The text deals with much more emphasis the mentioned interpretations in a very concise way within contemporary studies about maquiavelian legacy on contemporary studies in International Relations.


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The arrangement and description of archival materials are the nuclear processes of Archival Science that share a common purpose: to represent the archival knowledge. This representation is fundamentally based on the application of the principle of provenance and on the concept of fonds. This paper aims to discuss de archival description facing the changes and ideas of an archival postmodern approach that proposes the concept of fonds and the principle of provenance as conceptual abstraction rather than a physical entity in the representation process. In that sense, it is presented here the theoretical perspectives of Canadian and Australian studies, discussing the theoretical basis of Modern Archival Science, facing the dynamic reality of contemporary record creation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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September 11 has originated a wide range of artistic manifestations which have not only searched for plausible explanations for the tragedy, but also tried to review the events. In this sense, this paper aims at showing how a novel reevaluates this episode. The attacks made the United States experience a strong sense of vulnerability triggering reactions from the American government, whose quick action was translated into a new national security strategy associated with the war on terror. This paper analyzes the narrative strategies employed by the American author Don DeLillo in his novel Falling Man (2007) in order to reevaluate that tragedy. The debate of the topics is based on texts concerning the relationship between literature and history, postmodern fiction and issues on terrorism. This study contributes to enrich the discussion related to the events that led to the catastrophe and its aftermath, examining characters and groups linked to the September 11 terrorist attacks, revealing multiple truths subjected to social, ideological and historical conditions.


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This written report narrates the process of writing the report “A caminho da cidade” (in English: “Going to the city”), submitted as Final Papers by Naomi Oliveira Corcovia, Journalism Student at UNESP. The author tries to elucidate how much the urbanization, the industrialization and other postmodern process have influenced São Paulo´s countrymen´s life and behavior. But before, the author studied the stereotype of the countrymen diffused by Media and Brazilian literature