115 resultados para Pessoas acamadas


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The main purpose of this study is to show how internal communication can be allied to people management in the process of transformation of the organizations. It is known that the advent of new technologies and the information age, consequences of globalization, are provoking deep transformations in organizations and reaching people too. This way there is the human and the social issue that goes beyond the race for profit. The new forms of management are becoming increasingly concerned with the value of human being and communication professionals, more specifically public relations, can facilitate processes and significantly improve the relationships towards positive results


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma neuropatologia que decorre em déficits na integração sensório-motora, destacando-se os problemas proprioceptivos e no sistema visual. Estudos mostram que pessoas com DP são mais dependentes da informação visual para executar a locomoção. Entretanto, pouco é conhecido quando a informação visual exproprioceptiva é anulada durante o andar livre e a ultrapassagem de obstáculo. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar o papel da informação visual exproprioceptiva durante o andar livre e a ultrapassagem de obstáculo em idosos com DP e idosos sadios. Participaram 12 idosos com DP, classificados em 1 e 2 na escala de Hoehn & Yahr, e 12 idosos sadios (pair matched). Os participantes foram convidados a andar, em velocidade preferida, sobre uma passarela de 8 metros sem e com obstáculo (SO e OB, respectivamente). As tentativas foram apresentadas combinando duas condições de informação visual: com e sem informação exproprioceptiva. Foram realizadas 3 tentativas por condição, totalizando 12 tentativas; realizadas em 2 blocos. A informação exproprioceptiva foi manipulada pelo uso de óculos que bloquearam a visão dos membros inferiores. Os dados cinemáticos foram coletados por um sistema optoeletrônico de análise do movimento (OPTOTRAK Certus – 3D Motion Measurement System, NDI). Para análise estatística foram empregadas ANOVAs. Os resultados revelaram efeito principal de grupo e condição para o andar livre e efeito de condição para a fase de ultrapassagem. No andar livre, a hipometria influenciou o comportamento locomotor de idosos com DP comparados a idosos sadios. Ainda, na ausência de informação exproprioceptiva os participantes modificaram seu comportamento locomotor aumentando a cadência, o comprimento e a velocidade da passada e diminuíram a duração da passada e da porcentagem de duplo suporte... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The use of physical characteristics for human identification is known as biometrics. Among the many biometrics traits available, the fingerprint is the most widely used. The fingerprint identification is based on the impression patterns, as the pattern of ridges and minutiae, characteristics of first and second levels respectively. The current identification systems use these two levels of fingerprint features due to the low cost of the sensors. However, the recent advances in sensor technology, became possible to use third level features present within the ridges, such as the perspiration pores. Recent studies show that the use of third-level features can increase security and fraud protection in biometric systems, since they are difficult to reproduce. In addition, recent researches have also focused on multibiometrics recognition due to its many advantages. The goal of this research project was to apply fusion techniques for fingerprint recognition in order to combine minutia, ridges and pore-based methods and, thus, provide more robust biometrics recognition systems, and also to develop an automated fingerprint identification system using these three methods of recognition. We evaluated isotropic-based and adaptive-based automatic pore extraction methods, and the fusion of pore-based method with the identification methods based on minutiae and ridges. The experiments were performed on the public database PolyUHRF and showed a reduction of approximately 16% in the EER compared to the best results obtained by the methods individually


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This work, entitled Websislapam: People Rating System Based on Web Technologies, allows the creation of questionnaires, and the organization of entities and people who participate in evaluations. Entities collect data from people with the help of resources that reduce typing mistakes. The Websislapam maintains a database and provides graphical reporting, which enable the analysis of those tested. Developed using Web technologies such as PHP, Javascript, CSS, and others. Developed with the paradigm of object-oriented programming and the MySQL DBMS. For the theoretical basis, research in the areas of System Database, Web Technologies and Web Engineering were performed. It was determined the evaluation process, systems and Web-based applications, Web and System Engineering Database. Technologies applied in the implementation of Websislapam been described. In a separate chapter presented the main features and artifacts used in the development of Websislapam. A case study demonstrates the practical use of the system


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Based in the contact with adults with little education that living in two suburbs of Rio Claro-SP, whose population is largely coming from other states, there were some questions, including: What are reasons for migration are pointed in the narratives of adults little schooling participants EJA classes? So, in the first moment of this research, we present some data collected through a questionnaire applied to students of EJA, we taking information about the state and county of origin of each student. In the second stage methodology was used Oral History pointed questions about the motives of migration reported by subjects who migrated, access and search for education and practice in reading and writing. It was also realized, an activity imagery (or walker interview) with the student, highlighting elements of the landscape of the neighborhood that brings memory's birthplace. Therefore, we present here the stories of women who had migratory experience


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Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that impairs life quality (LQ) and interferes in emotional, personal, social and family relationship aspects. This study evaluated 165 people with epilepsy diagnosis, ranging from 18 to 75 years old (M=41,28; SD= 13,26), by means of the QQV-65 (Life Quality Questionnaire with 65 questions) and investigated the association between the questionnaire scores and the disease features, comparing patients who showed refrectory seizures with patients with partially controled seizures. There was no difference in relation to the two groups regarding the LQ factor. The QQV-65 emotional factor was the most affected in both groups, since the estimated mean z-escore was 51,0±14,4 for Group I and 49,9±14,7 for Group II. Regarding the type of crisis, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that Health was the only factor in QQV-65 that showed a statistically significant difference between the z-scores (P = 0.024). However, for the frequency of epileptic seizures, except Health (P = 0.185), other factors QQV-65 proved to be related in a statistically significant way (P> 0.05). The research demonstrated that seizure control perception is quite important in the evaluation of life quality in all its aspects (health, body, society, emotion, locus of control, self-concept and cognition).


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Evaluation of predictive factors for oxidative stress in healthy people. This study aimed to evaluate the inÀuence of factors such as smoNing, alcohol consumption, use of medicines, contact Zith chemicals, as Zell as age and gender on marNers of oxidative stress, in healthy subMects. :e checNed the effect of age on the antioxidant capacity, Zith decreased values in older individuals, Zhich may be the cause of increased oxidative stress, associated Zith aging. Regarding the other factors, no differences Zere found in the values of the marNer of lipid peroxidation and the antioxidant capacity.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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This study was conducted to investigate how visually impaired people perform distance estimation tasks by movement and navigation during deprivation of effective perceptual and proprioceptive information. For that they performed the task of walking three distances, being the first and second of 100 meters and the third of 140 meters (triangulation) from a point of origin in open field on a inverted L shaped trajectory and then returning to the origin. The first and second tasks were driven by means of a guide with GPS adapted to the study coordinates, and the third one was freeform with three sessions, the first without perceptual and proprioceptive restrictions, the second without auditory perception, and the third in a wheelchair, without proprioception. The objective of this study was to indicate the differences in distance reproduction in relation to accuracy and investigate the spatial representation of participants in a navigation task, in which there is active movement, but no effective perceptual and proprioceptive information. Results showed that the average participants underestimated distances producing average angles close to the value of 45°. And by means of the "t" students test no significant differences between subjects can be pointed out. To achieve these results we used remote monitoring by GPS and software TrackMaker.


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This study aimed to investigate how people with hearing disability perform tasks of distances estimation for locomotion and navigation when deprived of effective perceptual and proprioceptive information. For this, participants with hearing disability went three distances being the first and second 100 meters and the third 140 meters (triangulation) from a source point in an inverted L open field trajectory and then returned to the origin, and the first two were driven by a researcher guide with adapted GPS coordinates of the study, and the third being three free-form sessions, the first one without any perceptual and proprioceptive restriction, the second without visual perception, and the third on the wheel-chair, that is, without proprioception. The results showed that people with hearing disability without the knowledge of the path do not possess satisfactory accuracy but when they learn the way even with the restriction of visual perception and proprioception they can return to the starting point in a task of triangulation. The "t" students test with a significance level of 5% (2.131) indicates significant differences between the first task without any perceptual restriction and the third where they performed in the wheelchair. To achieve these results we used remote monitoring via GPS and the TrackMaker software.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O artigo trata de uma reflexão sobre o impacto da deficiência adquirida na vida da pessoa e a importância das relações familiares e afetivas como condições importantes para a reestruturação emocional e o resgate da autoestima a partir de uma nova imagem corporal marcada pela deficiência física. Parte-se do pressuposto que a deficiência é um fenômeno social que atinge, sobretudo, os aspectos psicológicos do indivíduo deficiente. O desenvolvimento da autoestima da pessoa com deficiência dependerá de relações sociais e eróticas favoráveis, tanto na família quanto em outras instituições, assim como de condições adequadas, que devem ser favorecidas pela sociedade inclusiva, visando desenvolver para esses sujeitos aceitação social, integração, independência e autonomia.