88 resultados para Pesquisas qualitativas


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Programas educacionais de prevenção são mecanismos utilizados para suprir necessidades, sendo importante conhecer peculiaridades de sua aplicação e resultados obtidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e analisar o método e os resultados de publicações sobre o Programa Educacional de Resistência às Drogas e à Violência (PROERD), tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior. A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs, Medline, Cohrane e Eric, utilizando-se como descritores os termos Proerd, Dare, Programa Proerd, Dare program e Dare Project. Verificou-se que são escassas as publicações, sobretudo no Brasil, não há padronização de instrumentos de pesquisa e há divergências entre os resultados que avaliaram o PROERD. Conclui-se que é preciso ampliar a realização e a divulgação de pesquisas que investigam o desenvolvimento e os resultados do programa.


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This final course project originates itself from the discussions of the Group of Studies and Pedagogical Research in Gymnastics (GEPPEGIN) of Unesp/RC and starts with the Pedagogy of Sport, with the purpose of knowing, analysing and discussing its existence and paths, in a series of discussions about the early specialization. The early specialization is a theme that relates frequently to the modalities of gymnastics, the focus point being that most gymnasts are specialized younger than most athletes from other sports (SCHIAVON, 2009), and not always in a proper way. It is from this issue that the intention of this study begins: knowing, analysing and discussing the existence and the ways of discussions about early specialization in researches and publications related to Rhythmic Gymnastics in the last decade (2002-2012) in Brazil. For the development of this qualitative research of scientific initiation a bibliographic research will be conducted about Rhythmic Gymnastics, with the focus on arising researches from post graduation programs stricto-sensu, recognized by Capes and, scientific papers, published during indexed periods in Brazil and classified in Qualis of Physic Education


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The individuals, mostly born biologically prepared to develop the many different aspects: cognitive, motor and affective, however, only the biological factor doesn’t possible the full development of these. Theories of the different types of knowledge about the process of teaching and learning and your relation with the affective-cognitive aspects intend explain how this individual can to evolve completely. This end of course work presupposes that the interactions of the individual with the physical and civil are essential to the development of learning. In this sense, the educational institution understood as a socializing environment and disseminator of knowledge, historically accumulated, will be then a space where affectivity and learning should be at least theoretically, favored by the relations that are established inside the same. So, the research presented in this study, have how objective, show how to set in the practice educational the relation between affect and learning considering the observations, interviews that search to highlight real situations, where are confirmed a relation between processes. From the presentation of the central ideas of these researches, we are evidencing the concept of affection and how pedagogical practice promotes the relation between affect and cognition


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It is possible in many countries, perhaps all, there is business groups of pharmaceuticals industry, cosmetics together with the universities that use animals in scientific research and testing for the creation of new products and medicines. Currently is growing discussion about standards and criteria for the use of these animals (guinea pigs) and also increases the number of debates on ethical issues in research with animal models. This research seeks to portray the reality of the use of animals in scientific research academic at the University, specifically to research in physical education, as it has used animals in the areas of Physiology of Sport and Physical Activity, Nutrition for Athletes, among others. Initially is shown the pre-reflection, exposing the laws governing the subject, treating the animal experimentation with regard to its history and the issues of speciesism and the methodological mistake. It reveals what it is and as is the use of animals in education and the inability of the student to change that reality, to refuse to participate in the cruel activity, and even they are aware of their rights as in the case of the withdrawal of consciousness. Presents researchers and universities not use animals and ends the pre-debate showing Who is really the most animal research at the university by providing alternatives for them. We conducted a literature survey on animal experimentation, research universities, and alternative methods. The following is the phenomenon in understanding and awareness of the researchers who use animals in their research, conducting a phenomenological analysis of his speeches, revealing the meanings of their animal research. The focus of this study is, therefore, the analysis of discourses of researchers who carried out research using animal experiments (guinea pigs). The phenomenon of understanding of the researchers about their research is made clear... (Complete abstract click ectronic access below)


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In this paper are systematized the discussions conducted by GDP "Research in EA and School Context", in VII EPEA, which have had, as its main axis, themes, authors and theoretical perspectives privileged in research presented at the event and declared themselves affiliated to this GDP. The dialogue with researches from previous meetings and other, aims to deepen the questions posed by the research group. The discussions allowed to identify themes and issues that present themselves as significant and challenging for research in EA in the school context, namely the conversion of schools into sustainable educational spaces; public-private partnerships, with great interest from companies and NGOs in school spaces, waving kits with educational materials produced for the school; lack of investment in public policies for teacher training in EA; tendency to an adherence to critical environmental education, without, however, have clear theoretical and methodological commitments under this option.


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Marchetto Patrícia BorbaNa sociedade contemporânea, além da esfera pública de poder, possuímos uma esfera privada de poder, na qual se encontra grandes empresas multinacionais. Esses novos “detentores do Poder” são particulares, grupos ou pessoas, que se tornaram de certa forma desproporcionais socialmente em relação ao restante da sociedade. Neste patamar se encontram as grandes indústrias farmacêuticas, as quais além de possuírem uma função de suma importância para a sociedade mundial concentram grande poder econômico, social e até mesmo político. Desta forma, observa-se a existência de uma responsabilidade social das indústrias farmacêuticas vinculada com a necessidade de respeitar certas diretrizes incluídas na temática da bioética, já que trabalham com a ciência estritamente relacionada com a saúde e a vida da pessoa humana, e dos Direitos Humanos em geral. No entanto, tais indústrias por vezes acabam praticando ações que desrespeitam tais preceitos, como a realização de pesquisas científicas com seres humanos sem respeito as normas que tutelam a matéria e gerando verdadeira lesão aos Direitos Humanos, causando um verdadeiro terror científico. Esta relação tirana de poder que as grandes indústrias farmacêuticas impõe perante a sociedade deve ser tutelada pelo Direito Penal, sobretudo, para além dos limites dos Estados em que ocorrem as condutas, buscando uma tutela penal internacional. Desta forma, o presente trabalho pretende demonstrar a importância da existência de uma tutela internacional, com a possível utilização do Tribunal Penal Internacional e o enquadramento de tais condutas como crimes contra a Humanidade.


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This work is aimed at examining the paradox of modernity, from the opposition between Enlightenment ideals and historical events that followed, especially during the twentieth century, as well as to study the impact of mismatch on Bioethics, adopting as a reference epistemological critical theory of the Frankfurt School. Bioethics presents itself as a shaky science, devoid of references, and primarily impacted by the emptying of ethics. The reason desubjectivation established by and exacerbated by modern enlightenment, was able to erect dark scary for humanity and promote barbaric practices in the name of a science that promises order and progress. This paradox and the fallacy of reason enlightened by scientific advances are wide open, always accompanied by ethical and moral returns scary. Some examples are the surveys conducted in Tuskegee and Guatemala, and treated in this study, which show how far modern rationality and all its consequences


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In this paper we discuss and present the first results gathered from the compilation of a learner corpus comprised of texts written by university students (Language, Literature and Translation Course). We made use of Corpus Linguistics and observations of researchers from the learner’s corpus field, in order to compile and analyze a corpus of argumentative and descriptive texts written in Spanish. Four hundred compositions were collected (about 120 thousand words) from August 2011 to December 2012. The methodology adopted assisted us considerably in maintaining a comprehensive working agenda, taking into consideration students’ needs and using the data collected as subsidy to improve classroom management of content. We also present the difficulties faced during the data gathering and propose procedures do avoid or minimize them.


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This article presents an investigation of four linguistic phenomena of the Portuguese in different synchronicities. These research are about construction, description and analysis of corpora for the creation of databases that support linguistic description.


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Animal models are an important tool in scientific research. It is known that this practice must be based on bioethical principles in order to impose limits about pain and suffering, or for inspecting proceedings and research site. This study has as aim to evaluate and present current legislation ruling animal research in Brazil, comparing it with other countries, as well as fostering bioethical reflection about this issue. For this, we present current Brazilian legislation and we have carried out international literature review and discussion. The articles were searched in PubMed data base, using the key words "bioethics" and "animal welfare". Nineteen articles from 1997 to 2013 were included. It was concluded the evident contribution of animal research for scientific research in several fields. It is morally relevant for humans, as rational beings, to secure humane treatment to animals contributing to research. The safest way to follow this path is establishing clear norms and studies well designed, involving society for assigning ethical norms. Thus, animal welfare would be guarantee.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article presents an academic and scientific study about the use of the device methodological and intervening of selfconfrontation in research in post-graduate studies in Education in Brazil. The self-confrontation is a device created by linguist Daniel Faïta and perfected by psychologist Yves Clot. She seeks to capture the multiple discourses and perspectives around a particular craft, integrating researcher and workers to facilitate the installation of a dialectical movement of analysis and production of knowledge about the work, ownership of these knowledge workers and the collective transformation of labor activity. We chose a qualitative approach and the realization of documental analysis of the abstracts of researches that resulted in the production of doctoral theses and dissertations held in Brazil between 1987 and 2011. Were examined studies that had their abstracts gathered and made available by the Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) on its website. The results show that self-confrontation is used piecemeal studies produced in the area of Education, used primarily to collect data and to give less emphasis to the transformation of the labor process.