99 resultados para Pavimentação : Ensaios


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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To design connections between timber parts with metal dowels (nails or bolts), two phenomena must be considered: bending of the metal dowel and the embedment strength in the wood. The Brazilian Standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997 proposes the methods used in the laboratory tests to determine the embedment strength with the metal dowell and, in the absence of testing, specifies relations to calculate the embedment strength from the compression strength. The aim of this research was to compare the embedment strength values obtained by experimental tests and calculated by the relationships established by the Brazilian Standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997. By the results of the hypothesis tests, it was possible to conclude that the estimate of the embedment strength parallel to the grain proposed by the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997, establishing equivalence with the strength compression results in the same direction, must be effective to the wood species Pinus taeda L., however, the same was not found in the perpendicular direction with respect to the grain, possibly explained by the alpha(e) values in the equation to calculed fe(90)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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To perform the quality control of various industries like: petrochemical, nuclear, aerospace, steel, shipbuilding, pulp and paper, and inspection of welded products, castings, forgings, rolled products, among others, used the method of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). The method is based on the physical properties of the material, so selecting a procedure more appropriate. The company Inter-Metro Serviços Especiais Ltda., with its cutting-edge laboratory, dedicated to the implementation of calibration services and measurement equipment for industrial, medical, occupational safety and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). It has a trained team, providing guidance and providing support for improving procedures for testing and measuring


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A presença de falhas, trincas, furos e fadigas causam perturbações nos modos vibracionais (normais) de uma estrutura, por exemplo, tubos, gasodutos e peças metálicas. Uma vez conhecido o espectro de freqüência de uma estrutura instalada em condições normais (sem falhas), é possível acompanhar através, de ensaios não destrutivos uma alteração no espectro de freqüência que pode estar associado a alguma falha mecânica na estrutura.O presente trabalho busca encontrar um padrão nos sinais de resposta dos materiais analisados pela técnica de Vibroacustografia, antes e depois das deformidades causadas. Tentando viabilizar a técnica para a utilização em Ensaios Não Destrutivos (END). E futuramente, para as amostras biológicas, espera-se estender os conhecimentos obtidos dos ensaios anteriores para detecção e prevenção de possíveis fraturas do tecido ósseo


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This work presents the results obtained in analyzes of aggregates from construction and demolition waste produced by the plant of the City of Guaratinguetá. Using this data and comparing with the specifications of NBR 15115, it was found that the materials do not possess the requisite minimum characteristics to be utilized as a basis for low-pavement traffic. In order to identify the main reasons of the material does not fit in the standard, we used the data obtained in a study conducted by Professor. Dr. Luiz Eduardo de Oliveira at the plant of the company AB Environmental Solutions Ltd., located in Pindamonhangaba. With different characteristics, the aggregates from construction and demolition waste produced by this plant showed the possibility of using pavements. The use of these residues in paving reduces the impact on the environment caused by construction.


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With growing electricty demand, the importance of generation through hydropower, a renewable energy source, it’s of great importance. This demand derives from the country’s growth, as well as events that will occur in the coming years. The commission has a crucial role before the entry into operation of hydroelectric plant, sice, ensures a good operation of hydraulic and electrical systems, as well as the safety of the installation. This paper is a case study, commissioning in a PCH in especially the most important tests, such as range operation, índex tes and load rejection. In these trials we can get a Idea of the actual behavior of the unit, as well as future operation maneuvers, and evidence of real efficiency


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There are many approaches and techniques about Administration and Management of Projects in order to provide greater agility, efficiency and transparency during the development process of new products. Simultaneously, a pursuit for a management approach more flexible in its planning and strategic changes during the development campaign, such as, comprehend the project's unpredictability level and deal it by monitoring and estimates tools. These features tend to accentuate itself in manufacturers of complex products, as aircraft and other aerospace technologies. By these conditions thus research aims to describe a case when the Agile Management Processing of Project Development Scrum was used in the Test area of an aircraft manufacturer. Focused on the Scrum implementation over the area, its adaptation, evolution and achievements the research proposes to analyze the improvements, indicate the obstacles and discuss solutions, contributing then to the theoretical basis of the considered theme and futures updates applicable to the area. The research is classified as qualitative; furthermore the information and data analyzed were obtained by interviews with professionals and observations of the processes from the major aircraft manufacturer


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The growth of urban population associated with the shortage of supply of public infrastructure such as hospitals, kindergartens, schools, among others, has reinforced the need to develop alternative methods that simplify the construction processes and allows for a reduction in these costs works. The conventional processes have increasingly been shown ineffective to solve the problem of demand for different types of urban and rural buildings. Given this fact, industrial construction processes can gain space and have proven to be highly interesting to solve the above problems, in particular, considering the cost-effective and time. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the influence of moisture on the strength of metal plate connections connectors (printed plate with teeth). For the sizing of the links between structural lumber using metal connectors with teeth prints; controlled process variables (drying of the wood and the different moisture contents), and finally found results and compare them with different literatures order to obtain a qualitative efficiency of the process. Some specimens had very low expectations, can be explained by the presence of bone marrow, and pre-existing cracks. Thus, the results were discarded for further analysis and more accurate results


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A psoríase é uma doença inflamatória relativamente comum da pele e das articulações, podendo se tornar crônica. Nos últimos anos, a expansão do arsenal terapêutico para o paciente com psoríase tem permitido aos médicos combaterem, de forma mais agressiva, a patogênese da doença. Um fármaco utilizado para o tratamento é o metotrexato, que, apesar de ser bastante eficaz, possui potencial para a toxicidade sistêmica, como toxicidade hematológica, hepática e pulmonar. Sendo assim, muita atenção tem sido dada ao desenvolvimento de novos veículos com o objetivo não só de aumentar a eficácia terapêutica de substâncias ativas, como também de permitir a redução da sua dose total necessária, minimizando os efeitos colaterais tóxicos. Os cristais-líquidos são sistemas promissores para aplicação tópica, pois promovem liberação controlada de fármacos, contribuindo para amenizar efeitos adversos, por exemplo, do metotrexato. Uma vez que há possibilidade de as substâncias incorporadas em formulações tópicas serem absorvidas pela pele e mucosas, existe a necessidade de garantir que as formulações sejam seguras. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a bioadesão e a citotoxicidade in vitro de três sistemas líquido-cristalinos contendo metotrexato para o tratamento da psoríase. Resultados de bioadesão revelaram que as três formulações analisadas apresentaram forças bioadesivas próximas, sendo o sistema A mais bioadesivo. Com relação a estudos de reologia, houve comportamento de fluido não-newtoniano, pseudoplástico e tixotrópico. Além disso, a adição de metotrexato à formulação A, aumentou a viscosidade do sistema. Ensaios de citotoxicidade sugerem a possibilidade de liberação prolongada de metotrexato, contribuindo para o aumento da viabilidade celular


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This work brings to its content proposed deployment of a system of quality management in paving asphalt based on the elaboration of a basic training to meet those entering this area of civil engineering at a technical manual for the implementation of major services running on paving of roads. The training was designed to serve both those entering the field of asphalt paving, synthesizing the complex processes involved in paving services and providing an overview of the steps in implementation thereof, as well as entrants must meet the enterprise user of this system, providing them an idea of the method used by the company designing the paving of roads. The technical manual presented in turn, has 8 (eight) of the main services components of a work of paving, which are: Mobilization and Maintenance of construction site, Regularization and subfloor preparation, execution or sub-base BGS base (graded gravel plain), Execution of sub-base or base BGTC (graded gravel treated with cement), Implementation of subbase or base Macadam hydraulic Priming bituminous waterproofing, asphalt binder Priming and finally the execution flexible pavement - HMA (hot milled asphalt concrete). These services are presented in the form of IT-Education work, this seven items are presented that guide the performance of services, thus providing overall guidelines to perform the services described in it. The development of IT's was based on experiences in day-to-day paving near the theoretical precepts presented in the literature, so the conditions specified in these documents aim to always guide the implementation of services in general, giving the process a versatility major operation, as this work takes into account the dynamics of such services, as well as the variety of their execution according to local conditions and specified in the project. So in general we can say that this ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Coleus blumei Benth (Lamiaceae), popularly known in Brazil as heart-hurt or coleus-of-Java is an ornamental plant widely used due to the color of its leaves. Several species of the genus Coleus present compounds with antioxidant, antimicrobial and allopathic activities due to the presence of chemicals such coleonol, forskolin and rosmarinic acid. Therefore, this study aimed to carry out phytochemical study and biological tests to evaluate the antibacterial, antioxidant and allopathic activities of the 70% ethanol extract and its fractions ethyl acetate, dichloromethane and end aqueous fraction leaf of Coleus blumei Benth. The plant extract was prepared by turbolisis from the powder of dried leaves, as a solvent for extraction using 70% ethanol. The ethanol extract was fractionated with solvents dichloromethane and ethyl acetate. The phytochemical study identified the presence of saponins, free anthraquinones, flavonoids and anthocyanidins. In evaluating the antibacterial dichloromethane fraction showed activity against all microorganisms tested both in agar diffusion test and microdilution test. The 70% ethanol extract showed activity against the micro-organisms S. aureus and S. epidermidis in agar diffusion test and against all microorganisms tested in microdilution test. The ethyl acetate fraction showed activity against the micro-organism S. aureus in the agar diffusion test and against all microorganisms tested in microdilution test. The end aqueous fraction showed no activity against any micro-organism tested. In the test of evaluation activity allopathic dichloromethane fraction showed greater inhibition of seed germination and growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), followed by 70% ethanolic extract, the ethyl acetate fraction and the end aqueous fraction. In testing the antioxidant activity with DPPH ethyl acetate fraction showed higher antioxidant activity followed... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)