82 resultados para Palestrantes Principais
The Golfinho Field is located in the offshore region of the Espírito Santo Basin. Its importance is linked to the current average production about 19,000 barrels of oil per day, in turbidite reservoirs , giving it the nineteenth placement among the largest oil fields producing of Brazil. By interpretation and correlation’s methods based on 2D seismic sections and geophysical well logs, the study of tectonic-sedimentary evolution of major Golfinho Field’s reservoirs, which are located in Maastrichtian , aims understand and characterize the geological model of the area for the purpose of identify the main structures and types of reservoirs, improving the geological understanding of the area and using this knowledge at similar sets, that may present exploratory success in similar cases. By structural contour maps and geological cross-sections generated since time-depth conversion , the results defined for the geological model of the area , two distinct tectonic styles: a distensinal tectonics style , characterized by grabens and horsts , which belongs to rift phase, and a salt tectonics style, characterized by salt domes , listric faults and folds rolllover folds type, which belongs to marine phase . The interpretation of seismic sections and subsequent analysis of the main deformations present in the Maastrichtian reservoirs rocks ( turbidites ) showed that the northern region of the field is the most affected by salt tectonics . As for reservoirs, it was concluded to be associated to tectonics formed by rollover folds type, being older than listric faults
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
This paper aims at comparing the national and international incentive policies in energy efficiency investment and presenting the main trends, measures adopted and economical and environmental results obtained, as well as possible improvements and expansions of these programs. This analysis is justified by the current moment, not only of the Brazilian Power Systems (SEB) but also of the global power systems with the constant increase of demand and depletion of natural resources implying in a need of a better use of them and of the power they generate, which directly affects the losses on the generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy, in addition to reducing the impacts on the environment. At last but not least, through this study it was possible to gleam not only at new possible ways for these programs, but also failures and inefficiencies that can be improved in the measures currently being used
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Radiopharmaceuticals are substances marked with radionuclides that can be used for detection and treatment of cancer, infections and inflammatory diseases. They emit several types of radiation through different decay routes, each radioisotope with its specific properties and uses. They can usually be produced from several different materials, by bombardment with particle beams in a nuclear research reactor or cyclotron, depending on their characteristics. Brazil has four public institutions which produce - or import - and distribute radiopharmaceuticals to hospitals and clinics throughout its territory. The largest such institution, Ipen, distributes 97% of radiopharmaceuticals used in the country. Some radiopharmaceuticals decay very quickly, meaning they must be produced and quickly administered to the patient in the same location, presenting a logistical challenge. Nuclear medicine in Brazil is a promising field and has been steadily growing, although rigid laws and a lack of qualified work force hinder Research and Development efforts for new radiopharmaceuticals. The construction of a new nuclear research reactor, in 2016, should generate self-sufficiency and economy in radiopharmaceutical production and avoid a future crisis in the supply of technetium-99m, the most important radioisotope, used in over 80% of procedures with radiopharmaceuticals.
The orthodontic movement is a result of the system of forces application and it depends on the response of periodontal tissues to this system. The forces must have a magnitude considered ideal, to has maximum response of tissue without pain or root resorption, and keep the health of the periodontal ligament, during all the tooth movement. Therefore, it seems adequate by means of an available literature to estimate parameters of ideal force, for different types of movements; with intention of assisting the orthodontists in optimum control of the tooth movement and thus to diminish the possibility to generate deleterious effects.
A perda embrionária consiste em perda econômica significativa dentro do processo de criação de equinos e representa custos adicionais para os criadores decorrentes das repetidas coberturas de éguas durante a temporada reprodutiva, além da diminuição do número de potros nascidos. São consideradas perdas embrionárias aquelas que ocorrem até o 49º dia da gestação e são decorrente de diversos fatores maternos e/ou embrionários. Atualmente, com a utilização da ultrassonografia, pode-se observar a vesícula embrionária a partir do 11º dia pós-ovulação, sendo possível o diagnóstico precoce de tais perdas. Devido ao grande prejuízo econômico na reprodução equina decorrente de perdas gestacionais, o objetivo deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso foi realizar revisão de literatura sobre as principais causas da perda embrionária em éguas
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work aimed to point out the major changes in post-graduation and their implications on professor's well-being. For this proposal, exploratory research was carried out using books and periodicals, indexed in SciELO and Web of Science. We tried to emphasize research published in the last decade. The subject is difficult to bound, as the definition of quality of life itself depends on geographical and cultural aspects. Thus, the main aspects that surround this controversial issue were selected, with no claim to exhaust it. It is pretty clean that university managers believe that the university must meet the productivist requirements. Therefore, university and undergraduate, which in the recent past were spaces of thinking, became a series production space. In this scenario it is not enough pure research and long-term, but the rapid and direct research. Also, some studies already show the relationship between the work of public universities and health issues. It is believed that the deleterious relationship between the productivist pressure and the teacher's quality of life will be quite evident in a near future
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Neoplasm, tumor or cancer generic synonymies are used to designate a group of diseases that affect any part of the body.Their main common feature is the abnormal cell proliferation, usually rapid, uncontrolled and unrestrained. According to World HealthOrganization (WHO) cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. In 2005, a total of 58 million deaths, 7.6 million (or 13%) of all of them were cancer. Among the factors that favor its development, the tobacco is considered one of the main villains. Therefore, this article, we will discuss the basics and updates about oral cancer and tobacco consumption.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work deals with the historical survey of the class for the Devonian layers, general characteristics of the group and taphonomic preservation standards associated with the group. It was analyzed specimens of scientific collections from brazilian museums and universities. The taxonomic group is represented by four genera in the basins of Parana, Parnaiba and Amazon: Tentaculites, Homoctenus, Styliolina and Volynites. The tentaculitids occur from Ordovician to the Devonian, having its peak in the Middle Devonian. The class has three known orders: Tentaculitida, animals of benthic habit, Homoctenida and Dacryoconarida, animals of habit planktonic. It was also noticed the presence of two patterns of taphonomic conservation: isolated and grouped specimens.
In front of the vast and widespread use of new technology in 3D animation currently, this research aims to give an overview adjacent to major film productions with Studio Ghibli and its main director/animator: Hayao Miyazaki. Showing up as an interesting exception to worldwide success, the Ghibli feature films are made with the predominance of 2D hand-drawn art. Its process dates back to the first animations created in the early twentieth century, though such tools have been “overcome” by big studios like Walt Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks, the works of Miyazaki still get considerable highlight, preferring the pencil and paper than the computer. With the aid of some authors in particular as McCloud and the founders of Anima Mundi, and other theorists of design and subjective philosophy, some analyzes are mapped to better understand the connection between the work of Miyazaki and his contribution to the field of illustration and originality as a whole. The objective is to find the key points of Ghibli animations which will drive new parameters between creativity, illustration and Western and Eastern praxis.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAR