124 resultados para PARTNER CHROMOSOMES
The occurrence of natural triploidy in two specimens of Astyanax scabripinnis collected in the Araqua river and in the Corrego das Pedras stream, respectively, is noticed. The triploid specimen from the Araqua river presented one macro B-chromosome and the triploid specimen from Corrego das Pedras stream presented two macro B-chromosomes. The C-banding performed in the specimen from the Araqua river confirmed the triploidy and showed that the macro B-chromosome was entirely heterochromatic. Ag-NOR characterization showed two chromosomes involved in the nucleolar activity in both specimens. Some aspects related to the origin of triploid fishes are described.
Cytogenetic analysis of two local populations of microlepidogaster leucofrenatus showed a basic diploid chromosome number (2N) of 54 in both populations. Some fishes were found to have a 2N = 55 or 56 chromosomes due to the presence of one or two large heterochromatic B chromosomes. Specimens of M. leucofrenatus from the Poco Grande stream had 24 metacentrics, 24 submetacentrics, four subtelocentrics, and one submetacentric homomorphic pair in males and one submetacentric/subtelocentric heteromorphic pair in females, whereas individuals of this species from the Marumbi River had 22 metacentrics, 24 submetacentrics, four subtelocentrics, two acrocentrics, and one submetacentric/subtelocentric heteromorphic pair in females. The occurrence of the heteromorphic pair in the females was due to the presence of an extra C-banded segment on the W chromosome. Ag-NORs in both populations were located interstitially on the short arm of the largest metacentric pair. The Poco Grande population had less constitutive heterochromatin than did the Marumbi River population. The speciation process in this fish species is discussed on the basis of heterochromatin distribution.
Meiosis and (or) mitosis of males and females of Cryptotermes brevis, Eucryptotermes wheeleri, and Neotermes fulvescens, all of them from the neotropical region, were analyzed. Cryptotermes brevis showed a similar karyotype to that obtained by other authors for specimens of the neartic and Australian regions (2n = 36 for females and 2n = 37 for males, with XX and XYY sex mechanisms, respectively). Eucryptotermes wheeleri, the only species that has been described in this genus, showed the lowest number of chromosomes reported for Isoptera (2n = 22) until now. The male meiosis of this species presents a linear chain of six sex chromosomes, three of them being X and three of them Y chromosomes. Neotermes fulvescens showed a diploid number of 40 for males and 42 for females and, in the first male meiosis, two linear chains of chromosomes, both related to sex. One of the chains, named A, presented nine chromosomes and the other, named B, seven chromosomes. Hypotheses to explain these mechanisms are formulated in this paper and putative ancestral relationships with other species of Kalotermitidae are presented.
B chromosomes occur in several Neotropical fish species. Cytogenetic analysis of 27 specimens (15 females and 12 males) of Astyanax scabripinnis paranae from the Araqua river (a small headwater tributary of the Tiete river) shows that this population has 2n = 50 chromosomes (4M + 30 SM + 4ST + 12A), two chromosome pairs with NORs and conspicuous C-band positive blocks in the terminal position of the long arm of four chromosome pairs. In this population, eight females presented 2n = 51 chromosomes and the extra chromosome was a large metacentric similar in size and morphology to the first chromosome pair in the karotype. This accessory chromosome is entirely heterochromatic in C-banded metaphases and shows a late replication pattern evidenced by BrdU incorporation. There was no significant correlation between the presence of B chromosomes and increased NOR activity at the P >0.05 level. Some aspects related to these B chromosomes are discussed.
In the karyotypes of the bat species Molossus ater and M molossus, spontaneous and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)- or aphidicolin (APC)-sensitive fragile sites were located. Four chromosome regions harbored APC-sensitive fragile sites: 1q9 and 8q4 in both M ater and M molossus, 3q3 in M ater, and 1p7 in M molossus. The fragile sites in 1q9 and 8q4 were also observed without induction in M molossus. BrdU-sensitive fragile sites were not detected. Despite observations in several other species, the fragile sites detected in Molossus are not coincident with the breakpoints involved in the chromosome rearrangements occurring in the evolution of 7 species of the Molossidae family.
The chromosome number and meiotic cycle of triatomines were investigated. All five species presented the same diploid chromosome number, 2n = 22 (20A + XY in the male). Phylogenetic relationships based on chromosomal evidence and C-banded karyotypes in the subfamily are discussed. It is suggested that differences in DNA content are mainly due to variations in the amount of C-heterochromatin, which may be interpreted as loss and/or gain of C-regions. This interpretation is supported by the presence of meiotic and mitotic chromocentres which facilitate the transfer of C-positive material.