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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Com base em revisão bibliográfica discute-se a literatura produzida nas décadas de 70 e 80, no campo da epidemiologia da hipertensão arterial sistêmica entre trabalhadores. Analisa-se não apenas o ponto de vista do conhecimento gerado, mas também os aspectos relacionados ao instrumental teórico-metodológico empregado.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A redução do espaço nasofaringeano devido à hipertrofia adenoideana leva a adaptações posturais da cabeça, mandíbula, língua e lábios, podendo causar alterações no padrão esquelético facial. Foram coletadas 98 teleradiografias em norma lateral de pré-adolescentes na faixa etária de 7 a 10 anos na Clínica de Ortodontia da F.O. Araraquara, as quais foram selecionadas levando-se em consideração a dimensão da imagem do espaço nasofaringeano (ENF) (correspondente à menor distância do dorso do palato mole à parede faringeana posterior). As radiografias foram divididas em 3 grupos: Grupo I (estreito), ENF entre 1,7 e 5,1mm; Grupo II (médio), ENF entre 5,2 e 7,6mm; Grupo III (amplo), ENF entre 7,7 e 12,9mm. Utilizamos duas medidas angulares e seis medidas lineares para caracterizar a morfologia facial. As médias e o desvio padrão de cada medida efetuada foram obtidas, e por meio de teste de análise de variância (ANOVA), verificou-se diferença não significativa entre os grupos para as variáveis: ANperp, p=0,07; PgNperp, p=0,058, comprimento mandibular, p=0,15, comprimento maxilar, p=0,06, diferença maxilomandibular, p=0,98, eixo facial, p=0,96, altura facial inferior, p=0,84 e significativa na variável plano mandibular (p<0,01). Portanto, a redução do espaço nasofaringeano está associada a alterações no plano mandibular, que apresentou valores maiores com a diminuição do espaço nasofaringeano.


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OBJETIVO: o avanço maxilomandibular é um método cirúrgico comumente usado no tratamento de pacientes acometidos pela Síndrome da Apnéia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAOS) e portadores de anormalidades anatômicas identificáveis neste complexo, que estreitam e/ou obstruem o espaço aéreo. O intuito deste estudo foi analisar variações cefalométricas do espaço aéreo faríngeo em indivíduos Classe II de Angle, após a cirurgia ortognática. METODOLOGIA: a amostra consistiu de telerradiografias laterais equivalentes aos períodos pré e pós-operatório de 30 indivíduos, divididos no grupo com avanço cirúrgico mandibular (n=15) e no grupo com avanço maxilomandibular (n=15). Os parâmetros cefalométricos usados permitiram avaliar o espaço aéreo posterior em 3 níveis: a hipofaringe (PFI-V), a orofaringe (PFM-PM, PFM-PO, PFM-U, PFM-Up) e a nasofaringe (PFM-PN, pm-PFS). A análise esquelética foi na base do crânio (N-S-Ba) e na mandíbula (Ar-Go-Me). A média das diferenças entre os valores pré e pós-operatórios das mensurações lineares (mm) e angulares (graus) foi avaliada pelo teste t pareado. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: estatisticamente, não houve redução do espaço aéreo faríngeo pós-avanço cirúrgico. O que se observou foi que apenas PFM-PO e PFS-pM se mantiveram constantes e na maioria restante os valores aumentaram.


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In order to study the interactions of green lacewings toxocenosis on natural ecossystems, samplings were carried out in the Parque Ecologic Quedas do Rio Bonito, located in Lavras, Alto Rio Grande region, South of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The species inventory was accomplished in two vegetation types: semi-evergreen forest and open field formations, including areas of montane grassland, rocky montane grassland and "cerrado". Insects were captured with a butterfly net during 2h, walking through each vegetation formation. Sampling resulted in 1,948 specimens belonging to 30 species, of which 14 were Chrysopini and 16 Leucochrysini. Representatives of these tribes were observed both in forest and in open field formations. Species of the genera Ceraeochrysa, Chrysoperla, Chrysopodes, Plesiochrysa and Leucochrysa were found in forests and in open field formations, except for Plesiochrysa. The highest richness and diversity of species were observed in the forest. The similarity index among the communities of green lacewings in the studied areas was 27%.


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Land occupation and its use have a remarkable influence on the superficial water flow and the carrying of sediments to the riverbed and may change the quality and availability of water. The current study aimed to check the influence of the land occupation and use on the Tres Barras stream resources, in Marinopolis, SP, Brazil. To check this influence, an analysis of Pearson's correlation between the parameters of quality and availability and use of water and land was developed. The samples covered the period of January, 2006 until December, 2007. It may be concluded that areas occupied by forests and pastures (in less intensity) favoured the availability and quality of water of the watershed. The inhabited areas and those used for agriculture, and the degraded forests in general, reduced the availability and quality of water in the watershed.


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Identifying the biotic and abiotic factors that determine the variation in the distribution and abundance of populations has become a great challenge for the field of ecology in recent years. Thus, in this study we evaluated the effect of abiotic variables and the abundance of predators on the abundance of Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae, the variation in the average length of the individuals between lakes and periods, and the effect of the abiotic variables and abundance of predators on the structure in length of that species. Sixteen lakes of the Cuiaba river flood plain were sampled in June (drying period), September (dry period) and December (flooding period) 2005 and March (flood period) 2006. For M. sanctaefilomenae, the distribution is ampler and the abundance is greater at the end of the drying period, beginning of dry season, reducing gradually over the periods of dry, drying and flood season. Additionally, the period affects the structure in size of the populations that are spatially homogeneous. Smaller individuals were captured at the end of the drying period and the larger individuals at the start of flooding. During the end of the drying period and in the beginning of the dry season, the spatial variation in the abundance of the population was positively related with pH, dissolved oxygen and macrophyte cover and area of the lake, but not with the local abundance of predators in the littoral zone of the lakes.


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The study area corresponds to the basin of the Itiquira river high course, totalling 5,361km2. In this area a study of the environmental dynamics was made, applying SIG techniques and satellite images of the years 1966, 1985 and 1996. In 1966 the areas of natural vegetation (forests and groves) occupied 90.64% of the total of the area, which was diminished to 60.57% in 1985 and to only 36.66% in 1996. In this process, 289,382ha of a total of 485,928ha of natural vegetal covering had been lost. At the same time, the agrarian surfaces (agriculture and pasture) that occupied only 0.52% of the total area in 1966, increased to 34.89% in 1985 and to 59.04% in 1996. In 30 years there was an increase of 313,725ha of cultivated lands, corresponding to about 113 times the land occupation of the year of 1966 (2,798ha). The areas classified as urban show a gradual increase since 1966, from 39ha in 1996 to 58ha in 1985, and to 178ha in 1996. The other classes of soil use and occupation (reforestement areas, uncovered and affected by fire and humid areas) added were smaller than 4,27% in 1996.


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The analysis of the physical medium in hydrographic basins requires knowledge of the processes involved and characteristics of variables at different geographic scales. Considering the principle that the micro-basins can be categorized, they are then considered territorial units of ideal work for the analysis of hydrologic conditions. The objective of this work was to compare water resources of four hydrographic basins' with different land use and occupation. Five sampling points along the drainage network of hydrographic basins of first order of magnitude and a sampling point in the river mouth of M1 and M4 micro-basins were established. The water collections occurred at monthly intervals from August, 2006 to August, 2007. Temperature (°C), turbidity (NTU), odor, pH, electric conductivity (μS cm-1), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), total dissolved solids (ppm) and total phosphorous (mg/L) were the variables evaluated in the study. The highest variability of the parameters was found in hydrographic basins M2 and M3. The characterization of the hydrologic conditions of the hydrographic micro-basins indicated that agricultural activities, including cultural practices of anthropic activities affect water resources.


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The role of environmental concern is important due to the disorganized land occupation and intense exploitation of natural resources which lead to the degradation and exhaustion of the environment. Remonte sensing techniques allow identifying, recognizing and mapping areas modifiers besides estimating the extension of alterations made by man. Thus, the objective of this study was to map land use and occupation in order to evaluate the development of the Gloria Farm Stream watershed in Taquaritinga, SP, Brazil, from 1983 to 2000. The drainage network and agricultural and natural vegetation areas were identified by stereoscopic analyses of 2000 aerial photographs and by data analyses of the field and cartographic documents. The results verified that sugarcane became predominat in 2000 and it is distributed in relatively large areas with detriment to citrus orchards and other crops. The presence of dams, which is not noted in 1983 data, and the increase of forest and natural vegetal fragment areas in the analyzed period was observed. Recovered areas dur to reforestation with native species were identified along the streams and springs of Jabuticabal Mountain Range.


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The Tanque Grande Reservoir is located at the Serra da Cantereira, Guarulhos (SP), and provides 3% of the municipal drinking water. In the last years, the urban zone has expanded towards the reservoir and has significantly altered the land use. In this work, water samples from three stations were monitored from August/2007 up to July/2008 in terms of the Water Quality Index (IQA) adopted by CETESB. The waters were usually classified in the band Good during the study period. Nevertheless, termotolerants coliforms, BOD and total phosphorus have exceeded the legal limits several times. Such occurrences may be related to the economical activities at the sub-watersheds in addition to changes in the land use of the surroundings of the reservoir.


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The study area comprises the western portion of the Marília Plateau, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The geological substrate encompasses Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Bauru Group and local Neocenozoic units like colluvium aprons, fluvial terrace deposits, in situ regoliths, and modern alluvial deposits. In a geomorphologic sense, the study area might be characterized as showing two main pediplanes, viz. P1 Surface (upper) and P2 Surface (lower), both surfaces are presently under dissecation processes. After the 1920's the expansion of the railroad system fostered the removal of the natural vegetation, which in turn was followed by the introduction of coffee, peanut, corn and cotton crops. This intense exploitation was conducted without respect to the soil carrying capacity and its natural susceptibility to erosional processes, including an aggressive form known as voçoroca. As a result, the study shows that the most susceptible material includes colluvium aprons, in situ regoliths, and colluvium-alluvium or alluvium deposits. The most critical situation is in the P2 Surface context, near the bottom of the Marília Plateau scarpment, where surface runoff can be very strong. Another point of active erosion is represented by the exposed walls of gullies and voçorocas, mainly in fluvial reaches subjected to talweg lowering. In a general sense, this study shows current evidence of erosional stability due to the ìntroduction of pastures as a predominant type of land occupation and to a series of erosion control procedures. Among these actions are terrace implantation, construction of small pits for runoff control, natural or induced reforestation by land owners. Despite these efforts, some erosion points remain chiefly in steeper country roads and trail stretches, in areas of concentration of cattle tracks (e.g., near cattle ponds), gullies or voçorocas exposed walls, and badly planned urbanization. The permanence of these erosion points demonstrates the necessity of a continuous monitoring of surface dynamics as well as a rapid and effective intervining measures of erosion and/or silting control.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The geographical space aimed by this study was the Brazil-Bolivia border, involving the urban areas of the Brazilian city, Corumbá, and the Bolivian ones, Puerto Quijarro and Puerto Suárez. The objective of this study was to analyze the touristic border spaces, speculating about their similarities and divergences regarding integrated planning. Secondary data, resulting from field work, was used in the methodology. The border generates a tangled web of relationships and streams. The presented spatial elements mix complex rationalities, sometimes approaching, sometimes denying and even disregarding the possibilities that can be translated by the border.