146 resultados para Northeastern Brazil


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Aiming to study the affect of commercial biorregulators Stimulate (R) e X-Cyte (R) over sprouting uniformity of Superior Seedless grape cultivar, pruned in May 22, 2006, a field trial was carried out at at Koshiyama farm, in Juazeiro municipality (Bahia State / Northeastern Brazil). The trial was carried out in randomized blocks with four replications and three useful plants per plot, six stakes per plant were evaluated. Forty-eight hours after yield prun, the stakes were sprayed with T1: Dormex (R) (5%); T2: Dormex (R) (5%) + Nitro Plus 9 (R); T3: Stimulate (R) (0,5%); T4: Stimulate (R) (0,5%) + Nitro Plus 9 (R); T5: Stimulate (R) (1,0%); T6: Stimulate (R) (1,0%) + Nitro Plus 9 (R); T7: X-Cyte (R) (0,25%); T8: X-Cyte (R) (0,25%) + Nitro Plus 9 (R); T9: X-Cyte (R) (0,5%); T10: X-Cyte (R) (0,5%) + Nitro Plus 9 (R); T11: X-Cyte (R) (0,25%) + Stimulate (R) (0,5%); T12: X-Cyte (R) (0,25%) + Stimulate (R) (0,5%) + Nitro Plus 9 (R), Nitro Plus 9 (R) used at a rate of 100 L ha(-1) via ferti-irrigation. Results show that Stimulate (R) and X-Cyte (R), when compared to the commercial product Dormex (R) commercially, did not show significant effects on the sprouts number after sproutings and proportion of grown stems; products that as an alternative the Dormex (R) in yield the grape 'Superior Seedless', at the studied conditions.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) é um alimento básico das populações do Nordeste brasileiro, devendo merecer atenção com vistas a melhoria da qualidade de grãos, resistência a doenças e pragas e aumento de produtividade. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a variabilidade e o potencial genético de 28 linhagens, escolhidas após uma seleção para cor, tamanho de grãos e resistência a viroses. A produtividade apresentou coeficiente de variação genético de 23,90%, e o valor agronômico, de 3,56%. O número de vagens por pedúnculo apresentou a menor estimativa do coeficiente de determinação genético (4,51%), e o peso de 100 grãos, a maior (81,74%). O coeficiente de determinação genético da produtividade foi de 34,15%. As maiores estimativas de ganho genético foram as do peso de 100 grãos (21,73%) e da produtividade (19,77%). As correlações genotípicas foram superiores às fenotípicas e às de ambiente, destacando-se as correlações entre número de ramos secundários e produtividade (68,13%), e valor agronômico e produtividade (100%). Estes resultados mostram amplas possibilidades de seleção entre as linhagens com relação à maioria dos caracteres estudados.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Em função de históricos obtidos, no presente estudo tentou-se reproduzir, em bovinos, fotossensibilização e/ou aborto com as favas de Enterolobium spp (Leg. Mimosoi-deae). As favas de E. contortisiliquum e E. timbouva (tamboril ou timbaúba), de diversas procedências, inclusive as colhidas durante dois surtos de intoxicação caracterizados por fotossensiblilização e aborto, foram administradas em doses únicas e repetidas, a bovinos jovens e a vacas em gestação. em todos os experimentos realizados, a resposta à ingestão das favas independentemente da procedência, sempre foi caracterizada por diarréia e diminuição do apetite, passageiras. Também ficou evidente que os animais mostram menor sensibilidade, à medida que ingerem as favas seguidamente. Os experimentos não revelaram possíveis fatores envolvidos ou eventuais condições necessárias para que as favas de Enterolobium contortisiliquum e E. timbouva causem fotossen-siblização e/ou aborto.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work aimed to study aspects related to vegetative and productive development of plants and characteristics and chemical components of bunches of six seedless grape varieties at environmental conditions of São Francisco river's valley, Northeastern Brazil. The experiment was carried out during 1997 and 1998. The varieties tested were grafted on IAC 572 ('Jales') rootstock. The experimental model utilized was totally randomized, and with parcels subdivided into different production cycles. The results showed significative differences among varieties at different pruning times. The average weight of bunches varied from 164.8 g for 'Marroo Seedless' and 203.5 g for 'Beauty Seedless'. The average diameter of berries was superior to 15.7 mm for all of the varieties. The total soluble solids varied from 14.05°Brix in 'Canner' to 19.6°Brix in 'Venus'. The total titratable acidity (ATT) was lower than 0.91 g tartaric acid/100 mL of juice. The ratio SST/ATT varied from 19.05 in 'Beauty Seedless' to 28.57 in 'Vênus'. 'Vênus' and 'Marroo Seedless' were the most productive varieties, with the average annual production of 24 ton/ha and 20 ton/ha, respectively.


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The vegetation in north Minas Gerais State is poorly known, and for some authors it is the southern limit of natural occurrence for 'carrasco' and 'caatinga' species. Floristic sampling was made in different areas of Januária municipality, Minas Gerais, including physiognomies of 'carrasco' (tree-shrub 'caatinga'), deciduous forest, 'cerrado', floodable field and riparian vegetation ('vereda'), besides calcicolous vegetation. Six-hundred-eight species in 114 families were found, the five most diverse families were Fabaceae (87 species), Asteraceae (35 species), Euphorbiaceae (28 species), Bignoniaceae (25 species), and Malpighiaceae (21 species). The sampled vegetation included a diversity of vegetation forms. The most diverse areas were the 'carrasco' and the deciduous forest (274 species), secondary vegetation along roads and trails, and pastures (160 species), 'cerrado' (105 species), 'vereda' (98 species), and calcicolous vegetation and riparian vegetation (78 species each). Compared to other floristic surveys performed in northeastern Brazil, even considering only the woody component (tree and shrubs with 323 species), these results highlight the floristic and physiognomic diversity of the studied area. © 2005 Instituto de Ciências Biológicas - UFMG.


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Acute renal failure is the most common complication in the lethal cases caused by snakebites in Brazil. Among the Brazilian venom snakes, Bothrops erythromelas is responsible for the majority of accidents in Northeastern Brazil. Didelphis marsupialis serum could inhibit myonecrotic, hemorrhagic, edematogenic hyperalgesic and lethal effects of envenomation determined by ophidian bites. In the present study, we evaluated the action of the anti-bothropic factor isolated from D. marsupialis on the renal effects promoted by B. erythromelas venom without systemic interference. Isolated kidneys from Wistar rats were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution containing 6% bovine serum albumin. We analyzed renal perfusion pressure (PP), renal vascular resistance (RVR), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), urinary flow (UF), and the percentages of sodium and potassium tubular transport (%TNa +, %TK +). The B. erythromelas venom (10 μg mL -1) decreased the PP (ct=108.71±5.09 mmHg; BE=65.21±5.6 mmHg*) and RVR (ct=5.76±0.65 mmHg mL -1 g -1 min -1; BE=3.10±0.45 mmHg mL -1 g -1 min -1*) . On the other hand, the GFR decreased at 60 min (ct 60=0.76±0. 07 mL g -1 min -1; BE 60=0.42±0.12 mL g -1 min -1*) and increased at 120 min (ct 120=0.72±0.01 mL g -1 min -1; BE 120=1.24±0.26 mL g -1 min -1*). The UF increased significantly when compared with the control group (ct=0.14±0.01 mL g -1 min -1; BE=0.47±0.08 mL g -1 min -1*). The venom reduced the %TNa + (ct 90=79.18±0.88%; BE 90=58.35±4.86%*) and %TK + (ct 90=67.20±4.04%; BE 90=57. 32±5.26%*) The anti-bothropic factor from D. marsupialis (10 μg mL -1) incubated with B. erythromelas venom (10 μg mL -1) blocked the effects on PP, RVR, %TNa +, and %TK +, but was not able to reverse the effects in UF and GFR promoted by venom alone. However, the highest concentration of D. marsupialis serum (30 μg mL -1) reversed all the renal effects induced by the venom. In conclusion, B. erythromelas venom altered all the renal functional parameters evaluated and the anti-bothropic factor from D. marsupialis was able to inhibit the effects induced by the venom in isolated kidney. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Rio da Batateira e Santana formations, the latter with Crato, Ipubi and Romualdo members (Alagoas Stage, Aptian), were studied in four cored and logged wells from the eastern portion of Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil. The investigated section is 230 m-thick, and PS-14 well is the most representative, because it is the only one which sampled the evaporites of Ipubi Member. Nine facies cycles were identified, being formed by siliciclastics (estuarine, deltaic and lacustrine), mixed lithologies (lacustrine), carbonates, black shales and marls (lacustrine), and gypsum-anhydrite (lacustrine evaporite). The ordering of facies cycles furnished six depositional sequences. They were formed by siliciclastic, regressive-transgressive R-T cycles (S1 and S4, corresponding to Rio da Batateira Formation and to Santana Formation/Romualdo Member), by siliciclastics and carbonates, R-T cycles (S2, S3.1 and S3.2, corresponding to Crato Member), and by siliciclastic-carbonate, R-T cycles followed by evaporitic cycles (S3.3, referred to Ipubi Member). The last cycles correspond to concentration-dilution, C-D cycles of marine brines, which precipitated gypsum in the restricted lacustrine basin.