383 resultados para Modelagem baseada no indivíduo


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Neste artigo são elaboradas considerações a propósito da importância teórica e metodológica de contextualizar o indivíduo, sob uma abordagem sócio-histórica. Registra-se uma dupla concepção desse objeto de estudo: os homens reais, indivíduos concretos, vivendo no mundo da alienação que os deforma, mutila e limita sua evolução; e o homem representativo, total ou verdadeiro, que corresponde à imagem de suas possibilidades históricas. Tenta-se aqui, apenas iniciar a discussão sobre tal objeto, sem nenhuma intenção de esgotá-lo, ou mesmo de dar conta da infinidade de facetas que o compõem.


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TEMA: eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea. A atuação fonoaudiológica com disfagia orofaríngea em nosso País alcançou proporções significativas e merece neste momento atenção para que esta atuação esteja baseada em evidências científicas. As técnicas terapêuticas e a eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea têm sido estudadas desde a década de 70, alcançando seu ápice na década de 80 e 90. Poucos estudos têm relatado a eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea, sendo mais freqüente aqueles que têm se preocupado em provar os efeitos da técnica terapêutica na dinâmica da deglutição. No Brasil, as pesquisas em disfagia orofaríngea têm valorizado os procedimentos de avaliação, sendo poucos os trabalhos que tratam da reabilitação. OBJETIVO: apresentar uma análise crítica sobre a eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea. CONCLUSÃO: este artigo de revisão aponta que estudos não randomizados têm comprometido os resultados, uma vez que a casuística das pesquisas têm utilizado amostras muito heterogêneas, que incluem disfagias orofaríngeas mecânicas e neurogênicas ocasionadas por distintas etiologias. Além disto, os programas terapêuticos empregados são pouco descritivos comprometendo a reprodução por parte de outros pesquisadores. Tais achados sugerem a necessidade de estudos mais randomizados, talvez inicialmente por meio de estudos de casos que possam excluir as variáveis do controle da eficácia terapêutica. Outra sugestão seria empregar, assim como as pesquisas atuais têm proposto, escalas que possam medir o impacto do treinamento de deglutição nas condições nutricionais e pulmonares do indivíduo disfágico. Uma importante área da pesquisa, relacionada ao controle da eficiência e eficácia terapêutica, está nos estudos que objetivam estabelecer o grau de redução de custos hospitalares e em empresas de home care, mediante a atuação do fonoaudiólogo com a disfagia orofaríngea.


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The air temperature is a climatic element of interest for several agricultural related studies. Hence, daily air temperature from two locations in Brazil (Botucatu and Petrolina, with different climate classification), hourly recorded from January 2004 to December 2005, were analysed to verify if 24 h long air temperature variation can be predicted with 6 h interval records. Three data set were selected, with different first time record of air temperature, and analyses performed using geoestatistics to confirm the temporal dependency of records. Then, ordinary krigging was used to model air temperature variation within 1 h interval, and spherical model presented the best approach, with range of 11.6 h for Botucatu and 12.7 for Petrolina. For both locations, the time of air temperature recording was the most importnat factor on accuracy of estimation of air temperature variation. Records at 2, 8, 14 and 20 h and at 4, 10, 16 and 22 h presented the best approaches, but for records at 9, 15 and 21 h, the approach was worst.


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Crustal discontinuities may be seen as A-type collision sutures with triple junction arrays. Shear belts developed at the block borders due to oblique plate convergence. A consistent litho-structural zoning may be observed along the border zones of the blocks: the known high-grade terrains are exposed along the upper block border and pass to distal granite-greenstone terrains; in the lower block, granite-greenstone terrains form the older basement, and supracrustals occur as a metavolcano-sedimentary belt near or adjacent to the suture. This regional litho-structural framework may be related to diachronous collisions of sialic masses which lead to their amalgamation into an extensive continental mass. -from English summary


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The merit of the Karhunen-Loève transform is well known. Since its basis is the eigenvector set of the covariance matrix, a statistical, not functional, representation of the variance in pattern ensembles is generated. By using the Karhunen-Loève transform coefficients as a natural feature representation of a character image, the eigenvector set can be regarded as an feature extractor for a classifier.


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This work develops a methodology (using the degree-days concept and linear regression), to forecast the duration of phenological phases in crops. An experiment was conducted in the greenhouse with three cultivars of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), cv. Califórnia-781, Tvx 5058-09C and IT 81D-1032. The methodology was based on the relative thermal efficiency rate, determined for each species or cv. The results show that the proposed methodology may be a good alternative in works involving crops, especially because it does not require the repetition of the experiments.


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This paper presents the gravity survey refinement of the Paraíba do Sul river valley, east region of São Paulo state, by acquisition of 646 gravity stations. Further than the traditional Free-Air and Bouguer corrections, it was necessary to apply the Terrain Correction due the proximity of the Mantiqueira and Mar mountain ranges. An enhanced understanding of Taubaté Basin structural framework was the main objetive of this work. As result, we present the Bouguer Gravity Map of the east region of São Paulo State and the Residual Bouguer Gravity Map generated by Upward Continuation and High-pass filtering. The 2D Gravity Modeling was applied in 4 sections, using bi-dimensional models for the bodies that produced the anomalies (Talwani Method). After integrating the gravity data with the interpretation of 11 seismic sections, it was possible to delineate the Taubate Basin structural framework, which shows an utmost sedimentary thickness of 800 m in the depocenters. It was also interpreted an ultramaphic alkaline plug in the subsurface of Caçapava city.


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The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that prescriptions of medicaments must be one parameter utilized to know how the medication is used by people. To do so, one specific methodology has been indicated, that is, the selected indicators of the use the medicaments. We applied this methodology with the aim of presenting a descriptive study of the physician prescription in Pediatric Clinic of the Health Basics Units. The results obtained are: the average number of medicaments prescribed with prescription was 2.6; the percentage of the medicaments prescribed with the generic name was 32%; the percentage of the prescriptions with antibiotics was 44.6%; the percentage of the prescriptions with injections was 10.4%; the percentage of the medicaments prescribed that are part of the municipal list was 22.8%, 27.5% for the program Dose Certs of the secretary of the State of São Paulo, and 50.4% by adding by adding the two lists. The essentiality of the medicaments prescribed may be considered very low, because only 32.6% appear in the RENAME. The percentage of the medicaments really dispensed was 39.9%. The medicaments more prescribed, according to the classification of the Anatomic-Therapeutic-Chemical (ATC), were the ones which acted in Respiratory System (26.8%), followed by anti-infectives for systemic use (16.4%) and by medicaments with acted in Alimentary tract and metabolism (15.8%). The conclusion is that the prescribers are moved by commercial influence of the drug makers, first because of the low prescription of medicaments by their generic name, second by the low number of medicaments effectively dispensed and then the low concordance between the ones prescribed and the ones included in the lists patterned by Tabatinga and by the State of São Paulo.


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Phylogenetic analysis through morphological and cultural traits is considered inconsistent and hard to be scientifically accepted once there is no way to establish the direction of evolution on morphological traits. Molecular markers are suitable for phylogenetic analysis. The sequencing of ITS1 and ITS2 (internal transcribed spacers) regions and of 5.8S gene from ribosomal DNA were used to estimate the genetic variation and distance of 10 Phytophthora capsici isolates. The amount of genetic variation amongst isolated P. capsici from distinct regions of São Paulo State was 0.1 to 1.6 and 0.1 to 1.1% at ITS1 and ITS2, respectively, and a phylogenetic distance of about 78.5% between P. capsici and Phytophthora spp. was observed.


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Considering the changes in teaching in the health field and the demand for new ways of dealing with knowledge in higher learning, the article discusses two innovative methodological approaches: problem-based learning (PBL) and problematization. Describing the two methods' theoretical roots, the article attempts to identify their main foundations. As distinct proposals, both contribute to a review of the teaching and learning process: problematization, focused on knowledge construction in the context of the formation of a critical awareness; PBL, focused on cognitive aspects in the construction of concepts and appropriation of basic mechanisms in science. Both problematization and PBL lead to breaks with the traditional way of teaching and learning, stimulating participatory management by actors in the experience and reorganization of the relationship between theory and practice. The critique of each proposal's possibilities and limits using the analysis of their theoretical and methodological foundations leads us to conclude that pedagogical experiences based on PBL and/or problematization can represent an innovative trend in the context of health education, fostering breaks and more sweeping changes.


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Single frequency GPS receivers have been many used in GPS surveys. Among the several applications, one can mention those that are to obtain the receiver's antenna coordinates in real time. One of the main error sources to these applications is the ionosphere systematic error. In the FCT/UNESP a regional ionosphere model (Mod_Ion) was developed. It has been implemented to execute after collecting of GPS data. At real time application two improvements in the Mod_Ion were introduced, consisting of an alteration of the function of modeling and implementation of the Kalman Filter. The results of the experiments showed that the modifications were the most effective in the ionosphere systematic effect's corrections, providing a improvement in the accuracy of point positioning, of 90,75%, in period of the highest ionosphere activity.


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Some hypotheses and constants studies are made with intention to elucidate the aging process. To prevent and to attenuate the cutaneous aging it becomes necessary to strengthen our endogenous antioxidant natural defenses. Diverse exogenous antioxidant substances, as vitamins, vegetal extracts and others, have been used by the Cosmetology in antiaging products. The objective of this paper is to show how the Molecular Modeling can be an useful tool in the research for new antioxidant cosmetic substances to face the cutaneous aging.


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Anti-inflammatory drugs are known to be the most widely-marketed drugs in the world, despite their serious side effects, mainly on the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, there are constant efforts to discover new prototypes with improved therapeutic activity and safety for the patient. Since the advent of the computational chemistry, the theoretical study of the physiological behavior of a new compound and hence an understanding of its supposed mechanism of action have been made a lot more accessible. Thus, molecule-receptor mathematical modeling was applied to compound I (1-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)indolin-2-one), to predict theoretically its ability to inhibit, selectively, the COX-2 isoform of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PGHS-2), and the best positions to introduce chemical groups and to make molecular modifications.