105 resultados para Malpighian tubule


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The seminiferous tubules of Prochilodus scrofa present a coiled morphological arrangement with intertubular anastomoses and unrestricted spermatogonial distribution. The structural pattern of the seminiferous tubules is cystic, with cysts formed by cytoplasmic prolongations of Sertoli cells. Inside the cysts are observed different types of germ cells. The seminiferous tubules open individually on the ventral surface of the main testicular duct present in each testis. Each main testicular duct prolongs as a spermatic duct, fusing with the spermatic duct of the opposite side to form the common spermatic duct which opens into the urogenital papilla. The mature sperm cysts break and extravasate their content into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules from which the seminal fluid and the spermatozoa penetrate the main testicular duct, the spermatic duct and the common spermatic duct for semen ejaculation.


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The Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) is a small rodent native to the arid regions of Mongolia and Northeastern China. The present study provides descriptions of both the cellular associations of the seminiferous-epithelium cycle and relative frequencies of stages in the gerbil. Based on the development of the acrosomic system and the nuclear morphology changes using the PAS-H staining technique, the transformation of spermatids into spermatozoa was divided into 15 steps. The first 12 steps were used to identify 12 stages or cellular associations and the other three steps were spread among the first six stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. The relative frequencies found for stages I through XII were: 13.15; 8.06; 8.98; 6.48; 5.37; 6.71; 7.36; 7.45; 7.27; 5.83; 11.53 and 11.81, respectively. Stage I had the highest frequency while stage V proved the lowest frequency among the XII stages. The pattern of spermatogenesis is similar to those of rodents used as laboratory animals. The present description is the first for this rodent and provides the foundation for a variety of future studies of the testis in this animal. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Increased GLUT2 gene expression in the renal proximal tubule of diabetic rats is an adaptive condition, which may be important in the diabetic nephropathy development. We investigated the effects of insulin treatment upon the renal GLUT2 overexpression of diabetic rats. Acute treatment, surprisingly, induced a rapid further increase in GLUT2 mRNA content. Twelve hours after insulin injection, GLUT2 mRNA was twice the value of saline-injected rats (P < 0.001), when GLUT2 protein remained unchanged. In response to short-term treatment, both GLUT2 mRNA and protein were increased in 1-day treated rats (P < 0.05 versus saline-injected), decreasing after that, and reaching, within 6 days, values close to those of non-diabetic rats. Concluding, insulin treatment induced: initially, an additional upregulation of GLUT2 gene expression, involving posttranscriptional modulation; thereafter, downregulation of GLUT2 expression, which returns to non-diabetic levels. The former may be related to increased insulin concentration, the latter may be due to glycemic control. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Type II Bartter's syndrome is a hereditary hypokalemic renal salt-wasting disorder caused by mutations in the ROMK channel (Kir1.1; Kcnj1), mediating potassium recycling in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (TAL) and potassium secretion in the distal tubule and cortical collecting duct (CCT). Newborns with Type II Bartter are transiently hyperkalemic, consistent with loss of ROMK channel function in potassium secretion in distal convoluted tubule and CCT. Yet, these infants rapidly develop persistent hypokalemia owing to increased renal potassium excretion mediated by unknown mechanisms. Here, we used free-flow micropuncture and stationary microperfusion of the late distal tubule to explore the mechanism of renal potassium wasting in the Romk-deficient, Type II Bartter's mouse. We show that potassium absorption in the loop of Henle is reduced in Romk-deficient mice and can account for a significant fraction of renal potassium loss. In addition, we show that iberiotoxin (IBTX)-sensitive, flow-stimulated maxi-K channels account for sustained potassium secretion in the late distal tubule, despite loss of ROMK function. IBTX-sensitive potassium secretion is also increased in high-potassium-adapted wild-type mice. Thus, renal potassium wasting in Type II Bartter is due to both reduced reabsorption in the TAL and K secretion by max-K channels in the late distal tubule. © 2006 International Society of Nephrology.


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In Nysius californicus (family Lygaeidae, subfamily Orsillinae), a pest commonly known as the seed bug, the chromosome complement is 2n = 16 (12A + 2m + XY), testes are formed by seven seminiferous tubules covered by an orange-colored membrane, and spermatogenesis is cystic. At prophase, sex chromosomes are heteropycnotic and autosomes usually show a chiasma. At metaphase, sex chromosomes along with microchromosomes may be seen located at the center of a ring formed by the remaining autosomes. A characteristic specific of N. californicus was the presence of nucleolar material observed from the cystic cell to the completely differentiated spermatozoon. Variations in size, shape and location of the nucleolar material occur during this process, denoting a variable degree of activity in the different stages. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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The nucleolus is a subcompartment of the nucleus and the site of ribosome biogenesis. During the mitotic and meiotic cell cycles, a disorganization and later reorganization of the nucleolar material occur, an event called nucleologenesis. In the spermatogenesis of mammals and other vertebrates, there is evidence of the disorganization of the nucleolus at the end of meiosis I, which supplies material for the cytoplasmic formation of an organelle called the chromatoid body (CB). The CB is a structure characteristic of spermatogenic cells and seems to be responsible for RNA metabolism in these cells and for some events of spermiogenesis, such as the formation of the acrosome, cellular communication between spermatids, and the formation of the spermatozoon middle piece and tail. The aim of this paper was to obtain information about the cytochemical and ultrastructural nature of the nucleolar cycle and the distribution of cytoplasmic RNAs in the seminiferous tubule cells of Rattus novergiucus, Mus musculus and Meriones unguiculatus. The testis was fixed in Bouin and Karnovsky solutions for conventional histological analysis and for cytochemical study that included: periodic acid-Schiff, hematoxylin-eosin, Feulgen reaction, silver-ion impregnation, Gomori's reticulin stain, toluidine blue, modified method of critical electrolyte concentration, and basic and acid fast green. The blocks of testis fixed in glutaraldehyde were used for ultrastructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy. Ultrathin sections were double-stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. All the techniques used provided information on the origin and function of the CB in the spermatogenic cells. Therefore, considering the persistence of the RNA and nucleolar ribonucleoproteins during spermatogenesis of Rattus novergicus, Mus musculus and Meriones unguiculatus, our findings corroborate the statement that these molecular complexes are very important in the spermiogenesis phases. It can be suggested that these ribonucleoprotein corpuscles (chromatoid bodies) are of nuclear origin and have a role in the successive series of events that occur in the formation of the spermatozoon. Furthermore, these results reinforce the conservation of the mechanisms involved in preserving necessary levels of protein stocks in different stages of cell differentiation, from spermatid to spermatozoon, in these rodent species. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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This study sought to use scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) to evaluate the dentinal tubule occlusion potential of different desensitizing agents. Ten slices of bovine dentin were divided into six fragments, cleaned (using ultrasound), and etched for 15 seconds with a 35% phosphoric acid solution. All but one of the groups received a different desensitizing agent; the sixth group served as a control and received no additional treatment. After the agents were applied, the dentin specimens were analyzed by SEM and scores were assigned based on the extent of tubular obliteration. Only three agents demonstrated tubular sealing that was significantly different from that of the control group.


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Myosin-Va is a Ca 2+/calmodulin-regulated unconventional myosin involved in the transport of vesicles, membranous organelles, and macromolecular complexes composed of proteins and mRNA. The cellular localization of myosin-Va has been described in great detail in several vertebrate cell types, including neurons, melanocytes, lymphocytes, auditory tissues, and a number of cultured cells. Here, we provide an immunohistochemical view of the tissue distribution of myosin-Va in the major endocrine organs. Myosin-Va is highly expressed in the pineal and pituitary glands and in specific cell populations of other endocrine glands, especially the parafollicular cells of the thyroid, the principal cells of the parathyroid, the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, and a subpopulation of interstitial testicular cells. Weak to moderate staining has been detected in steroidogenic cells of the adrenal cortex, ovary, and Leydig cells. Myosin-Va has also been localized to non-endocrine cells, such as the germ cells of the seminiferous epithelium and maturing oocytes and in the intercalated ducts of the exocrine pancreas. These data provide the first systematic description of myosin-Va localization in the major endocrine organs of rat. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.


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Similar to mammals, in fish the cellular interactions between Sertoli cells (SC) and germ cells (GC) in the seminiferous epithelium have important structural and functional roles. In this review, we give a brief summary of these interactions, in particular those on the cell junctions. Despite the scarcity of detailed empirical data, it appears that both basic types of adhesive junctions (actin- and intermediate filaments-related) are present between SC. However, the actin-related multifunctional junction known as the ectoplasmic specialization is seemingly present only in some cartilaginous fish. Conversely, SC in other fish species are joined by actin-related junctions similar to typical zonulae or puncta adherens found in other epithelia. Adhesive junctions are also found between SC and GC and between GC and GC, and due to their particular characteristics these junctions are known as desmosome-like junctions. In terms of intercellular communication, connexins and gap junctions have been shown to occur between SC in fish, and they may be involved in the coordination of the synchronous development of GC within the cysts. It is also possible that gap junctions may form an interconnected network between SC and GC within a cyst. Concerning the SC barrier, tight junctions between fish SC apparently form a functional barrier only in cysts containing haploid GC, and different from mammals, meiotic GC in fish are not shielded from the vascular system. In summary, although still not well investigated, cell-cell interactions in the seminiferous epithelium of fish seem to be crucial for GC development, and their disturbance, for example by changing environmental conditions, will probably affect GC survival and fertility. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008.


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The objective of this work was to make a comparative analysis of germ cell organization at different stages of cellular differentiation in adult males of Dendropsophus nanus (Boulenger, 1889), Pseudis limellum (Cope, 1862), P. paradoxa (Linnaeus, 1758), and Scinax acuminatus (Cope, 1862), belonging to the family Hylidae; and Leptodactylus chaquensis (Cei, 1950) and L. podicipinus (Cope, 1862), belonging to the family Leptodactylidae, collected in the Pantanal and in Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The testes were removed and fixed, dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol and embedded in methacrylate glycol resin (Historesin Leica®). The sections were stained by 1% toluidine blue and observed under light microscope. It was detected that all individual of the Hylidae family show, throughout the year, the presence of all germ cell types of spermatogenesis. However, all Leptodactylidae family individuals only show the presence of all germ cell types during the rainy season. The variations of characteristics in seminiferous epithelium organization, as well as the evident difference in the amount of spermatozoa inside the tubules, are evidence that the anurans in this work show different forms of spermatogenesis development throughout the year: the cycle is continuous for the Hylidae family, and discontinuous with explosive release of spermatozoa for the Leptodactylidae family.


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Background: Amifostine is an efficient cytoprotector against toxicity caused by some chemotherapeutic drugs. Doxorubicin, a potent anticancer anthracycline, is known to produce spermatogenic damage even in low doses. Although some studies have suggested that amifostine does not confer protection to doxorubicin-induced testicular damage, schedules and age of treatment have different approach depending on the protocol. Thus, we proposed to investigate the potential cytoprotective action of amifostine against the damage provoked by doxorubicin to prepubertal rat testes (30-day-old) by assessing some macro and microscopic morphometric parameters 15, 30 and 60 days after the treatment; for fertility evaluation, quantitative analyses of sperm parameters and reproductive competence in the adult phase were also carried out.Methods: Thirty-day-old male rats were distributed into four groups: Doxorubicin (5 mg/kg), Amifostine (400 mg/kg), Amifostine/Doxorubicin (amifostine 15 minutes before doxorubicin) and Sham Control (0.9% saline solution). Standard One Way Anova parametric and Anova on Ranks non-parametric tests were applied according to the behavior of the obtained data; significant differences were considered when p < 0.05.Results: The rats killed 30 and 60 days after doxorubicin treatment showed diminution of seminiferous epithelium height and reduction on the frequency of tubular sections containing at least one type of differentiated spermatogonia; reduction of sperm concentration and motility and an increase of sperm anomalous forms where observed in doxorubicin-treated animals. All these parameters were improved in the Amifostine/Doxorubicin group only when compared to Doxorubicin group. Such reduction, however, still remained below the values obtained from the Sham Control group. Nevertheless, the reproductive competence of doxorubicin-treated rats was not improved by amifostine pre-administration.Conclusions: These results suggest that amifostine promotes a significant reduction of the doxorubicin long-term side effects on the seminiferous epithelium of prepubertal rats, which is reflected in the epidydimal fluid parameters in the adult phase. However, fertility status results suggest that such protection may not be effective against sperm DNA content damage. Further investigation of sperm DNA integrity must be carried out using amifostine and doxorubicin-treated experimental models. © 2010 Vendramini et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Acid phosphatases (AcPs) are known to provide phosphate to tissues that have high energy requirements, especially during development, growth and maturation. During spermatogenesis AcP activity is manifested in heterophagous lysosomes of Sertoli cells. This phagocytic function appears to be hormone-independent. We examined the expression pattern of AcP during the reproductive period of four species belonging to different vertebrate groups: Tilapia rendalli (Teleostei, Cichlidae), Dendropsophus minutus (Amphibia, Anura), Meriones unguiculatus (Mammalia, Rodentia), and Oryctolagus cuniculus (Mammalia, Lagomorpha). To demonstrate AcP activity, cryosections were processed for enzyme histochemistry by a modification of the method of Gömöri. AcP activity was similar in the testes of these four species. Testes of T. rendalli, D. minutus and M. unguiculatus showed an intense reaction in the Sertoli cell region. AcP activity was detected in the testes of D. minutus and O. cuniculus in seminiferous epithelium regions, where cells are found in more advanced stages of development. The seminiferous epithelium of all four species exhibited AcP activity, mainly in the cytoplasm of either Sertoli cells or germ cells. These findings reinforce the importance of AcP activity during the spermatogenesis process in vertebrates. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Although they are of economic importance, there have been few cytogenetic studies of the Gerridae (Heteroptera) in Brazil. We examined spermatogenesis (meiosis and spermiogenesis) and nucleolar behavior in three species of the family Gerridae. Brachymetra albinerva and Halobatopsis platensis were found to have a chromosome complement of 2n = 25 (24A + X0) and Cylindrostethus palmaris 2n = 29 (28A + X0) chromosomes. Fifteen individuals of these species were collected from the reservoir of São José do Rio Preto, SP, using screens and were transported in pots containing water to the laboratory, where cytogenetic preparations were made. The polyploidy nuclei are formed by several heteropyknotic regions; cells in meiotic prophase have a heteropyknotic region that is probably the sex chromosome, and the chromosomes from chiasmata. The spermatids are rounded and have a heteropyknotic region at the periphery of the nucleus; the sperm head is small, with a long tail. Silver impregnation of meiotic cells showed one or more disorganized bodies around the perichromosomal sheath. The round spermatids had two bodies next to each other, but these were elongated; one of the bodies remained in the head and the other migrated to the initial part of the tail at the end of spermagenesis, when the staining was no longer evident. The meiotic cells appear during spermatogenesis and have very similar silver-impregnation patterns in different species of Heteroptera.


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In this minireview we describe the involvement of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in cardiovascular pathophysiology and exercise. The ANP has a broad homeostatic role and exerts complex effects on the cardio-circulatory hemodynamics, it is produced by the left atrium and has a key role in regulating sodium and water balance in mammals and humans. The dominant stimulus for its release is atrial wall tension, commonly caused by exercise. The ANP is involved in the process of lipolysis through a cGMP signaling pathway and, as a consequence, reducing blood pressure by decreasing the sensitivity of vascular smooth muscle to the action of vasoconstrictors and regulate fluid balance. The increase of this hormone is associated with better survival in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). This minireview provides new evidence based on recent studies related to the beneficial effects of exercise in patients with cardiovascular disease, focusing on the ANP. © 2012 de Almeida et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Bats present unique features among mammals with respect to reproduction, and although neotropical bats do not have a hibernation period, many of their reproductive characteristics vary seasonally and interspecifically. Thus, this work aimed to examine the reproductive structures of 18 species belonging to five families of Brazilian bats. The gross anatomy of the testes varied little; however, the epididymis of Emballonuridae and Vespertilionidae showed exceptional structures with a large elongation of the caudal region. We observed a wide variation in the positioning of the testes: Phyllostomidae and Noctilionidae presented external testes; Emballonuridae and Molossidae presented migratory testes that may be in intra-abdominal or external positions; and Vespertilionidae displayed scrotal testes. In the histological evaluation, we observed a different pattern in vespertilionid species, with testicular regression and sperm retention/storage in the cauda epididymis in the five species analyzed. Similar testicular regression was observed in Molossops temminckii; however, sperm retention/storage was not observed in this species. These data suggest that although the species analyzed are tropical species that do not present a prolonged period of torpor (hibernation), they still maintain a period of seminiferous tubule regression and sperm storage very similar to that observed in hibernating bats. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.