149 resultados para Loneliness and isolation


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Uma ampla variedade de patógenos oportunistas tem sido detectadas nos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos, particularmente no biofilme formado na superfície do tubo. Entre os patógenos oportunistas encontrados nos tubos de água, Pseudomonas aeruginosa é reconhecida como uma das principais causadoras de infecções nosocomiais. Foram coletadas 160 amostras de água e 200 amostras de fomites em quarenta clinicas odontológicas na cidade de Barretos, São Paulo, Brasil, durante o período de Janeiro a Julho de 2005. Setenta e seis cepas de P. aeruginosa, isoladas a partir dos fomites (5 cepas) e das amostras de água (71 cepas), foram analisadas quanto à susceptibilidade à seis drogas antimicrobianas freqüentemente utilizadas para o tratamento de infecções provocadas por P. aeruginosa. As principais suscetibilidades observadas foram para a ciprofloxacina, seguida pelo meropenem. A necessidade de um mecanismo efetivo para reduzir a contaminação bacteriana dentro dos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos foi enfatizada, e o risco da exposição ocupacional e infecção cruzada na prática odontológica, em especial quando causada por patógenos oportunistas como a P. aeruginosa foi realçado.


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We describe the isolation and characterization of ten microsatellite loci from the red-winged tinamou (Rhynchotus rufescens) and also evaluated the cross-amplification of these loci and other ten loci previously developed for the great tinamou (Tinamus major) in other tinamous. Genetic variability was assessed using 24 individuals. Six loci were polymorphic with moderate to high number of alleles per locus (2-12 alleles) and showed expected heterozygosity (HE) ranging from 0.267 to 0.860. All loci conformed to the Hardy-Weinberg expectation and linkage disequilibrium was not significant for any pair of loci. This battery of polymorphic loci showed high paternity exclusion probability (0.986) and low genetic identity probability (4.95 x 10(-5)), proving to be helpful for parentage tests and population analyses in the red-winged tinamou. The cross-amplification was moderate where of the 160 locus/taxon combinations, 46 (28.75%) successfully amplified.


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The larvae of leaf-cutting ants are maintained within the fungus gardens of their colonies and are fed pieces of fungus by the adult workers. However, little else is known about the nature of the worker-larva interaction in these ecologically important ants. To examine whether workers can gauge the needs of individual larvae, we isolated larvae without adult workers for different lengths of time. We then placed workers with the larvae and recorded the type and frequency of the subsequent behaviours of the workers. Workers scraped the mouthparts of larvae, ingested their faecal fluid, fed them with fungal hyphae, transported them around the fungus garden and, most frequently, licked their bodies. The workers were also observed to 'plant' fungal hyphae on the bodies of larvae. Workers interacted more frequently with larvae that had been isolated without workers than with those that had not, but there was no effect of the length of isolation. The results suggest that the interactions are complex, involving a number of behaviours that probably serve different functions, and that workers are to some extent able to assess the individual needs of larvae.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The chickpea vicilin-like globulin was isolated and chromatographed on Sepharose CL-6B and Sephacryl S-300. The native globulin with a molecular weight of 140 kDa was resolved in Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in seven polypeptide bands in the range of 12.4-67 kDa. The solubility profile of the protein in water and NaCl solutions was typical of a legume globulin. The purified vicilin-like globulin, native and heated, was hydrolyzed by pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin. The hydrolysis patterns indicated that the native vicilin-like protein was only partially degraded by the enzymes in comparison with casein. Heating increased its susceptibility to hydrolysis relative to the native form, for all the enzymes. However, the results obtained by the pH-drop method revealed that the in vitro digestibility of the vicilin-like protein was not altered by heating, while 11 S-like and total globulins suffered a small increase, indicating that the structural characteristics of storage globulins may be important factors limiting the protein digestion. (c) 2007 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The virulence of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis can be attenuated or lost after long periods of repeated subculturing and reestablished after animal inoculation. Only one adhesin (gp43) has been described until now, among the various identified components of P. brasiliensis, and gp43 shows adhesion to laminin. Thus, the present study was designed to isolate and characterize factors putatively related to the capacity of this fungus to adhere to the host by comparing P brasiliensis samples, taken before and after animal inoculation. The two samples differed in their pattern of adhesion and invasion. The sample recently isolated from animals (Pb18b) demonstrated a greater capacity to adhere and to invade the Vero cells than the one subcultured in vitro (Pb18a). Extract from Ph18b also showed higher levels of protein expression than that from Pb18a, when two-dimensional electrophoresis gels were compared. A protein species of 30 kDa, pI 4.9, was more evident in the Pb18b extract and had properties of adhesin. Laminin, but none of the other extracellular matrix (ECM) components, such as fibronectin, collagen I and IV, bound specifically to the P. brasiliensis 30 kDa protein. The roles of 30 kDa and gp43 in cellular interactions were investigated and the adhesion of P. brasiliensis yeast cells was intensively inhibited by pre-treatment of epithelial cells with 30 kDa protein and gp43. Thus, this study presents evidence that adhesion capacity could be related to virulence, and that a 30 kDa adhesin accumulated differentially in samples with different levels of pathogenicity. This protein and its adhesion characteristics are being published for the first time and may be related to the virulence of P brasiliensis. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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The diagnosis of human cutaneous leishmaniasis in small towns is sometimes made without the species identification of the Leishmania, even in areas without previous epidemiological surveys. Here we report the isolation of a Leishmania strain from a patient of Rincão, state of São Paulo, that was identified by isoenzyme characterization as L. (Viannia) braziliensis. Sand fly collections were made in the area where the patient live in order to investigate the likely vector species.


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A brucelose é uma zoonose crônica de importância para a Saúde Pública. Considerando o pequeno número de dados brasileiros sobre a sua presença em leite cru e derivados não-pasteurizados, estudamos a presença de brucelas em leite de animais sorologicamente positivos. A soroaglutinação rápida (SAR), a soroaglutinação lenta (SAL) e a soroaglutinação lenta com tratamento do soro com 2-mercaptoetanol foram utilizados para identificar os animais positivos nas propriedades estudadas. Amostras diárias de 300 ml de leite foram colhidas por três dias de todos os quartos mamários produtivos (75 ml/teto). As amostras eram misturadas e centrifugadas. Parte do sedimento e do sobrenadante foi inoculada em meios de Farrel e Brodie-Sinton (BS) suplementados com agentes antimicrobianos. As placas e tubos foram cultivados por sete dias a 37ºC, em microaerofilia. As colônias suspeitas no meio BS foram imediatamente repicadas para ágar-Brucella, e cultivadas sob a mesma condição. Os microrganismos isolados foram submetidos a procedimentos de identificação, incluindo a coloração de Gram, requerimento de CO2, produção de H2S, atividade da urease e crescimento na presença de tionina e fucsina. Das 49 amostras examinadas, isolou-se Brucella abortus de 15 (30,61%). Os biótipos isolados foram: biótipo 1 em uma amostra (2,04%), biótipo 2 em oito (16,32%) e biótipo 3 em seis amostras (12,25%)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Synanthropic rodents, mainly rats and mice, become ecologically associated with men due to changes in their ecosystems caused by human activities. These animals may take part in the epidemiological cycles of several diseases, including toxoplasmosis. The presence of serum antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in 43 rodents captured in the urban area of Umuarama, PR, Brazil, was verified by modified agglutination test (MAT). Brain and heart samples were also collected and bioassayed in mice for the isolation of the parasite. Isolated samples were analyzed by 12 multilocus genotyping. Although all rodents were seronegative, the parasite was isolated in one mouse (Mus musculus) and one rat (Rattus rattus). Genotyping showed that these samples were similar to those previously isolated from cats in the state of Parana, Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Leptospirosis is a worldwide infection, transmitted between man and animals that causes a decrease in the production of bovine flocks, and offer risks for public health, as an important zoonosis. The rodents are the main reservoirs of leptospires. It was studied 27 dairy farm properties located in or near from Botucatu-SP, Brazil. In these farms were collected blood and kidney samples from rodents, blood and urine samples from bovines and blood samples from the workers. The serology was performed with microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Samples of bovine urine and rodent kidneys were cultivated searching for leptospires isolation. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the kidneys of the rodents was performed. In MAT, 46/ 140 (32.85%) bovine and 8/34 (23.53%) human sera samples were positive, respectively. In human samples, the serovar Brastilava (37.51%) presented the highest occurrence, while in bovines, the serovars Hardjo and Castellonis were most frequent, with 26.08% each one. All of the rodents were negatives in serology. No leptospire was isolated, and kidney samples were negative in PCR. In bovines, the dam water and the bad hygiene quality of milking process were considered important risks of infection in the affected properties (p<0.05), where other reproductive problems, except abortion, can be related. In other side, to human beings the drainage system was the most important risk factor in the studied properties. Thus, it was verified the necessity of an improvement in zoosanitary handling of the properties, mainly of water supply.


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Casearia sylvestris Sw. is a widespread neotropical tree utilized in popular medicine. Recent research ranked Casearia as one of the most promising genus in the search of drugs against cancer. Despite its wide distribution and pharmacological importance, no microsatellite markers have yet been developed for this genus. In this study, we provide 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci specifically designed for C. sylvestris, used to analyse 90 individuals distributed in two populations from São Paulo state, Brazil. on average, 12.3 alleles per locus were identified, showing the ability of the markers to detect microsatellite polymorphism in this species.