364 resultados para Leitura funcional


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This paper has two basic aims. The first one is to propose a discussion about the journalistic potential of information regarding patents, trying to identify using some experiences, the characteristics of this techno-scientific product that, somehow, draws the attention of the media. The second one is to understand the relationship between media and patents from the perspective of the studies on Science, Technology and Society (STS). The following assumption is made: the media treatment of patents is still strongly marked by economic bias and follows the logic of the supply-linear model, under which, among other important ideas, basic research is followed by applied research and, then, by technological developments that allow the launch of a new product bringing benefits for society. The paper presents results from case studies of science communication involving patents of the Federal University of Silo Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil, indicating that they are an important source of news for the media, and emphasizing the importance of the media in the national and international discussions about the protection of intellectual work.


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BACKGROUND: Specific reading disability is caused by disruptions in the language abilities. AIM: To characterize the neurological, cognitive and phonological performances of scholars with specific reading disabilities pre and post a remediation program. METHOD: Group I consisted of ten scholars with specific reading disability who did not undergo the remediation program. Group II consisted of ten scholars with specific reading disabilities who took part in the proposed program. Neurological, psychological and phonological evaluations were made, as well as a test of scholastic performance and of reading and writing before and after the program. RESULTS: The scholars who underwent the remediation program demonstrated improvements in their neurological and cognitive performances and also in the processing of phonological information. CONCLUSION: Favoring of the emergence of phonological and syntactic awareness after the remediation program.


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This reading presents a sample from this anthology and tries to identify in it the faces of resistence indicated by Alfredo Bosi in his essay: Poesia Resistência. ln the several manners the poets of different generations chose for their personal cry of alert we find a poetry wich is spontaneous, authentic and, above all, resistent. This is due mainly to the renewal of the poetical expression, impregnated with affectiveness and intimism, which included colloquial language and the devices used by all great Brazilian poetry since the Modernism of 1922.


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The objective of this work was to study the macroscopic, ultrasonographic and histopathologic aspects from the newly formed cicatricial tissue at the site of the partial resection of the long digital extensor tendon in 10 equines at the moment of functional restoration of the limb with the animal in walk locomotion. The macroscopic exam was performed every 48 hours, the planimetric mensuration every 10 days, the ultrasonographic exam every 15 days and the histopathologyc exam at the end of the study. The wounds showed granulation tissue in retraction, without total lesion epithelization, and the aspects ultrasonographics revealed wound healing with newly formed tissues with variable density and high neovascularization without tendon structural reorganization. The histopathology showed newly formed vascularized tissue, with leukocytic infiltrate and collagenous deposition without full epithelization. The cicatrization tissue formed in the resection region of the tendon, immature and without the structural organization of the normal tendon, showed to be able to functional restoration of the operated limb.


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Background: familial dyslexia. Aim: to characterize and compare the phonological awareness, working memory, reading and writing abilities of individuals whose family members are also affected. Method: in this study 10 familial nuclei of natural family relationship of individuals with dyslexia were analyzed. Families of natural individuals living in the west region of the state of São Paulo were selected. Inclusion criteria were: to be a native speaker of the Brazilian Portuguese language, to have 8 years of age or more, to present positive familial history for learning disabilities, That is, to present at least one relative with difficulties in learning. Exclusion criteria were: to present any neurological disorder genetically caused or not, in any of the family members, such as dystonia, extra pyramidal diseases, mental disorder, epilepsy, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHA); psychiatric symptoms or conditions; or any other pertinent conditions that could cause errors in the diagnosis. As for the diagnosis of developmental dyslexia, information about the familial history of the adolescents and children was gathered with the parents, so that a detailed pedigree could be delineated. Neurological, psychological, speech-language, and school performance evaluations were made with the individuals and their families. Results: the results of this study suggest that the dyslexic individuals and their respective relatives, also with dyslexia, presented lower performances than the control group in terms of rapid automatic naming, reading, writing and phonological awareness. Conclusion: deficits in phonological awareness, working memory, reading and writing seem to have genetic susceptibility that possibly determine, when in interaction with the environment, the manifestation of dyslexia.


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Background: This study had as objective to characterize the institutionalized elderly residents in three long-term care facilities, about their functional capacity and mental state, and to evaluate if there is a correlation between both. Methods: To do so, three instruments were used: an identification form, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Barthel's Index. For statistical analysis the Person's Correlation and ANOVA Test were used. Results: The population studied consisted of 115 elders with ages between 62 and 104 years old, 40.66% females and 59.13% males. 49.56% are literate and 50.43% illiterate. Regarding the marital status, singles (46.65%) and widows (21.8%) were predominant. About the mental and functional state, there was a high rate of elders showing cognitive decline (76.72%) and functionally independent (75.65%). Conclusions: According to the results, one can notice that there is a mild degree of correlation between the Barthel's Index and MMSE (r = 0.441; p < 0.000), and the variables of gender and age are not influenced in the results of these instruments. There is a significant statistical relation (p < 0.0001) between education and mental and/or functional state of the individual.


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In the year 1851, Richard Wagner had his first contact with the philosophy of Schopenhauer, a fact that was followed soon by his proclaimed and somewhat surprising conversion to schopenhauerianism. Tweny years later, his debt to Schopenhauer is reaffirmed in Beethoven, a comemorative writing in which are to be found the outlines of a philosophy of music - claimed by the composer to be based on Schopenhauer's aesthetics - that had great influence in Nietzsche's theoretical elaboration of the dionysiac, as it appears in The birth of Tragedy. My work aims primarily at investigating to what extent the musical aesthetics outlined in Beethoven is actually compatible with that presented in The world as Will and representation. The pointing out of remarkable differences between the two aesthetic conceptions gives then rise to some reflexions concerning the character of the relations between Wagner, Schopenhauer and the young Nietzsche.


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Study design: cross-sectional study. Objective: To assess the association between the presence of cardiovascular risk factor (CRP) and functional capacity of the oldest old. Methods: The sample 9onsisted of 91 elderly aged 80 and 90 years (83.0 ± 2.5 years) with 60 women (82.2 ± 2.1 years) and 31 men (83.2 ± 2,6 years) residing in the city of Presidente Prudente - SP. The FRC were analyzed: arterial hypertension (AH) and excess body fat (total and trunk). The presence of hypertension was verified by means of self-reported questionnaire based on the Standard Health Questionnaire (SHQ). Assessment of body was made by absorpiometria dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and functional capacity was assessed by the functional tests (static balance, normal walking speed and force of the lower limbs). For statistical analysis we carried out the chi-square test, the software used was SPSS (13.0) and the significance level was set at 5%. Results. In males, with hypertension and the presence of excess %BF had lower performance in the lower limbs (83.3% lower and 16.7% higher), p = 0.011 compared to those with only a VCF. The elderly women with hypertension and the presence of excess GTron% also had lower performance on the same test (80.6% lower and 19.4% higher), p = 0.018 and the test of walking speed (80.6% lower and 19.4% higher), p = 0.034. Conclusion: Arterial hypertension and excess body fat (total and trunk) aggregated are FRC, which are associated with reduced functional capacity of the oldest old.


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In this his study the accuracy was investigated of collective pedagogical activities, based on phonological judgments by matching figures and figures to spoken words, to identify students at risk for reading and/or attention disorders. Forty-five second graders (mean age of 7 years, 29 males) were divided into two groups, a control group, without reading difficulties (n=32), and an at-risk group, with reading difficulties (n=13). The low-achievement on these collective activities, defined by scores more than 1.65 SD below the mean of the control group, presented good sensitivity (true positives) and specificity (true negatives) in the early identification of at risk students.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)