79 resultados para Lógica jurídica


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Based in aesthetic relationship between concepts of content and form intends to establish an relationship of analogy between ornaments and crystals. With the objective of building an theoretical investigation of relating the dynamics that happens in the crystals´ atoms to the symmetrical intervals of the ornamental patterns, it tries to draw a reasoning line that is going from the ‘Idea’ of Plato and ‘poiésis’ of Aristotle, until Hegel's philosophical enlargement, that admits the aesthetics as a science of the art integrated in a metaphysical process. Inherent to this question intends, in interrelation terms between aesthetics and metaphysics, content as being intelligent beginning, energy, and form as primitive element, matter, in order to evidence the possibility to calculate the same present symmetries in the ornamental arts like in the nature.


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Os ambientes da L´ogica e da Topologia tˆem a compacidade como uma propriedade importante. Nos dois diferentes contextos as no¸c˜oes de compacidade s˜ao diversas. Na l´ogica, dizemos que um conjunto de f´ormulas ∆ ´e compacto quando a existˆencia de modelo para todo subconjunto finito de ∆ implica que tamb´em ∆ tem modelo. A l´ogica ´e compacta, se o conjunto de suas f´ormulas v´alidas ´e compacto. Na topologia, um conjunto A ´e compacto, caso qualquer cobertura de A por abertos admita uma subcobertura finita. Neste trabalho, mostramos uma maneira de relacionar tais no¸c˜oes de compacidade.


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It is this presentation of search results undergraduates, which had the purpose to analyze the legal regulation constitutional produced during the constituent process of 87/88 on the right of ownership of the media, in order to investigate the ban constitutional monopoly and oligopoly in the appropriation of the means. A research proposal considers that this prohibition is also, as a consequence, the seal of the oligopoly and monopoly in the transmission of information, assuming a market plural and diverse. Further considers that, notwithstanding the statutory prohibition on the plane of reality some media companies monopolize certain sectors of the economy, controlling the flow of information, as can be seen in the recent issue about the monopoly rights to broadcast games of the Championship Football Serie A, by the Globo Television Network, a theme that will be used to justify the illegality pointed to the sector. In this sense, the research revisited the constitutional process in order to analyze the projects and legislative debates that led to the current constitutional regulation of ownership of the media, as well as reviewed the decision of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) in against the monopoly of the Globo broadcasts Brasileirão, series A.


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From the assumption that digital photography not only opened new photographic practices, but also formulated new forms of image appropriations, including how photos are linked to our collective memory, this paper aims to study the Tumblrs pages that use historic photographs in its compositions. From the notion that the archives are an opening to the public space and a place of symbolic assignment, we will discuss the notion that the function of these photographs suffers a displacement that gives priority to the file itself as an object of interest over the event alluded. In other words, it is the file that becomes the object of the representation of a place of memory.


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Learning to program or master a programming language is not an easy task, and the base of process should by study Logic Programming, beginning to learning through the development of pseudocodes, algorithms and flowcharts, for, techniques that facilitate the construction and understanding of what you want to accomplish, to that is subsequently developed or elaborated a program. Reflecting on the learning of Logic Programming, this article presents information about software SCRATCH in relation to logic (pseudocodes), and how it provides support to the understanding of student learning in this course.


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This paper presents a definition of universal logic in a strictly settheoretic environment and compares logical and topological properties in this abstract environment. From these properties, we verify the etymology of the more common names given for evolved properties, and so we establish the precedence or equivalence among them.