341 resultados para Língua japonesa Análise do discurso
The subject of this research is the publicity discourse, in its configuration as speech genres, according to theoretical-methodological perspective in Bakhtinian Studies. Considering that there are infinite fields of human communication, Bakhtin says that there is also infinity of speech genres. However, according to the author, every sphere of human activity produces, and even requires, certain genres, with theirs thematic, compositional and stylistics aspects defined according to social-ideological values that materialize in that sphere and in the dialogue in which the texts are produced. The objective of this research is to study, according to this theoretical-methodological perspective, a print advertising piece by the Brazilian Federal Government, conveyed in the Língua Portuguesa magazine, with themes concerning the national public education. We analyze how the image of author is built and how the image of the Other is outlined by that author. It is assumed that the gender to which an advertising piece belongs intends to sell a product or idea. One of the specific objectives of this research is to identify what is being sold in the advertising piece that we analyze and what discursive and stylistic resources are utilized to achieve success in what it intends to promote. The results show that the author (in the voice of the Federal Government), while adopting the position of information-holder, also puts himself in the same plane of the reader, where everyone is responsible for the development of education in the country. The advertising piece intends to project a positive image of the Government, and this project of saying is realized, in the analysis, in the compositional aspects of the text as well in the stylistic aspects
In the current context of Metalexicography several types of studies have been conducted in order to better understand the organization of existing dictionaries and, thus, constitute a knowledge base that would support the development of new works. Regarding specifically the dictionaries of Phraseology, although there are many researchers who engage in this domain, there is still much to study in order to optimize and boost production as much monolingual as bilingual works. The aim of this paper is to present a brief discursive analysis of three phraseological dictionaries considering the pedagogical aspect.
This paper proposes a discursive analysis of teacherss blogs , particularly those accessible from the MEC site : http://portaldoprofessor.mec.gov.br/links.html . The aim is to analyze , dialogically, based on Bakhtinian discourse studies the speech of Portuguese language teachers on the internet , and to investigate aspects of the discourse genre blog , this specialized sphere of circulation :whether it is a means of exposing themselves, whether they are professional media extent , reflect about how to produce the identity of the Portuguese language teachers in such discourse . The axes of reflection on identity , in this case , are four: the subjectsthe discourse about themselvesand their peers , how the subject shows itself tothe analyst - researcher in dialogue with others in history ( teachers , students , interested in issues of language , official documents ), how it can be seen by the analyst - researcher considering using resources ( videos , photos , literary genres, etc. ), how it is seen by those who comment your say
Bajo la perspectiva discursiva, especficamente francesa y segn estudios realizados por Hall (2002), Souza Santos (2005) entre otros, que estn analizando el concepto de identidad, como los estudios de Celada (2002, 2009, 2010), Serrani (1997, 2003, 2005) y Zoppi-Fontana (2009), con relacin al proceso de enseanza y aprendizaje de Lengua Extranjera, verificamos que la construccin de la identidad se da en proceso de constante reconfiguracin, visto que aprender otra lengua implica entrar en contacto con otros modos de ver y de nombrar el mundo, y de este modo es necesario desplazarse de s mismo y reconfigurarse con relacin a otro(s) hablante(s) de esta nueva lengua a ser aprendida. En nuestro caso se trata de aprender y ensear lenguas prximas: portugus y espaol, con rasgos lingstico-discursivos de aproximaciones y de distanciamientos. Para tanto, este estudio preliminar tiene como objetivos: verificar como acontece actualmente la constitucin de la(s) identidad(es) en el proceso de enseanza y aprendizaje de Espaol Lengua Extranjera (ELE) en Brasil y de Portugus Lengua Extranjera (PLE) en Argentina, en especial en la formacin del profesor de estas lenguas; observar contextos de enseanza y aprendizaje, los que posibilitan la insercin del profesor de Portugus (PLE) en Argentina y del profesor de Espaol (ELE) en las regiones enfocadas, considerando las Leyes brasilea y argentina que determinan la oferta de la enseanza de las referidas lenguas: Ley 26.468, de enero de 2009, que determina la oferta obligatoria del Portugus en Argentina y la Ley no. 11.161, de agosto de 2005, sobre la enseanza de la Lengua Espaola en Brasil. La metodologa, de tipo interpretativista, presupone como instrumentos la realizacin de anlisis de las Leyes que promueven la enseanza de ELE en Brasil y de PLE en Argentina, as como de entrevistas, preguntas e anlisis de los datos levantados.
This paper aims to discuss teaching of literary genres writing. It presents reflections on studies of teaching of writing and on official documents that define pedagogical practices of text production. It presents, finally, a discourse analysis of the production of literary genres in Revista Língua Portuguesa, showing how is the media coverage of the teaching of writing in this vehicle. The research is based on Bakhtin studies of discourse.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAR
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Este artigo faz uma análise do discurso educacional catlico propagado na dcada de 1930. Para isso, so abordados os conceitos analticos de Pierre Bourdieu, a saber, as noes de habitus, estratgia, campo e capital cultural. O objetivo buscar elucidar as razes e os mecanismos discursivos que engendraram as falas dos intelectuais catlicos a respeito da Escola Nova e das concepes filosfico-educacionais de John Dewey. Seguindo os esquemas analticos de Bourdieu, o discurso em questo pode ser considerado como estratgia, mecanismo pelo qual buscavam conservar o habitus do professorado consoantes com os interesses do grupo.
Fisioterapia a cincia da sade que estuda, previne e trata os distrbios cinticos funcionais em rgos e sistemas do corpo humano. O objetivo deste estudo verificar a expectativa dos alunos do primeiro ao quinto semestre de fisioterapia sobre a atuao do fisioterapeuta em sade pblica e a expectativa desses alunos quanto insero do profissional de fisioterapia no Programa de Sade da Famlia (PSF). Trata-se de estudo realizado na Faculdade Marechal Rondon, com 107 alunos, tendo como critrio de excluso os alunos do stimo semestre. Foi usado um questionrio, contendo onze questes, sendo oito de mltipla escolha e trs dissertativas. Os dados passaram por tratamento estatstico, em que foram utilizadas a análise descritiva atravs do programa Microsoft Excel 2003 e análise do discurso do sujeito coletivo. A respeito da atuao do fisioterapeuta no Sistema nico de Sade (SUS), 44% dos alunos consideram muito importante, 36% consideraram que o papel do fisioterapeuta no PSF muito importante, enquanto 24% dos alunos consideram no saber informar quanto eficcia de seu atendimento. Os alunos consideram importante a atuao do fisioterapeuta no SUS e PSF, mas pouco tem conhecimento sobre a atuao do fisioterapeuta em sade pblica.
Ps-graduao em Lingustica e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)