480 resultados para Institutos de ciência e tecnologia


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Dois experimentos foram realizados com o objetivo de avaliar diferentes critérios de formulação de rações, baseados em aminoácidos totais e digestíveis, para frangos de corte no período de 1 a 21 dias de idade. As dietas foram formuladas para atender às exigências de metionina, metionina+cistina, lisina e treonina. No primeiro experimento, foram utilizados 800 pintos machos, Hubbard, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 4 critérios de formulação, para atender às exigências em aminoácidos totais - NRC (1994), Rostagno et al. (1992), Degussa (1997) e AEC (1993), com 4 repetições de 50 aves. No segundo experimento, foram utilizados 600 pintos machos, Cobb, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 3 critérios de formulação, para atender às exigências em aminoácidos digestíveis - Rostagno et al. (2000), Baker & Han (1994) e Degussa (1997), com 4 repetições de 50 aves. Foram avaliados ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram não haver diferença no desempenho das aves ao serem alimentadas com diferentes critérios de formulação baseados em aminoácidos totais. Ao formular dietas com aminoácidos digestíveis, o padrão estabelecido por Baker & Han (1994) resultaram em melhor desempenho das aves no período avaliado.


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Dois experimentos foram realizados com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de aminoácidos e de cálcio sobre o desempenho e excreção de cálcio de duas linhagens de frangos de corte (Cobb e Avian Farms) na fase inicial de criação. Foram avaliados os dados de desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar) e excreção de cálcio. Foram utilizadas 540 aves, em cada experimento, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3x2, ou seja, 3 perfis de aminoácidos (metionina, metionina+cistina, lisina e treonina - 100%, 125% e 150% dos níveis do NRC,1994) e 2 níveis de cálcio (75% e 100% dos níveis do NRC,1994), com 30 aves por repetição. Analisou-se o cálcio excretado das aves, e para tanto, utilizou-se 72 aves, em cada experimento, alojadas em gaiolas, seguindo o mesmo delineamento descrito anteriormente. Não houve interação entre os tratamentos estudados. Para a linhagem Avian Farms, o ganho de peso diminuiu com a elevação dos níveis de aminoácidos e ocorreu menor excreção de cálcio com menor nível de cálcio da dieta. A linhagem Cobb não foi influenciada pelos tratamentos em nenhum dos parâmetros estudados.


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In order to evaluate the effect of energy intake and broiler genotype on performance, carcass yield, and fat deposition, 600 one-day-old male chicks from two different genetic groups (AgRoss 308 - commercial line and PCLC - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) non-improved line) were fed diets with different metabolizable energy level (2950, 3200 and 3450 kcal/kg). A completely randomized experimental design in a 2X3 factorial arrangement with four replications of 25 birds per treatment was applied. In order to ensure different energy intake among treatments within each strain, feed intake was daily adjusted by pair-feeding schemes. AgRoss 308 broilers had better performance and carcass yield, and presented lower abdominal fat deposition rate. In both genetic groups, the highest dietary energy level increased weight gain, heart relative weight, and fat deposition. However, it reduced the difference between AgRoss 308 and PCLC for feed conversion ratio and carcass protein deposition. These findings allow concluding that genetic improvement had a significant effect on broiler energy metabolism, and that the highest performance differences between genetic groups are found when low-energy intake is imposed.


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Two experiments were carried out to study the effect of breeder age on incubation parameters (hatchability, eggshell thickness, egg surface temperature and chick weight). In Exp. 1, fertile eggs (30- and 60-wk-old breeders) were incubated at three different temperatures (36.8, 37.8 and 38.8 ºC). Eggshell surface temperature was measured by attaching a thermocouple to the shell and data were collected in a datalogger every ten minutes. This study was conducted according to a 3 x 2 factorial design (three temperatures and two breeder ages). Data revealed that eggshell surface temperature changed according to incubation temperature, with the main increase occurring between 10 and 13 days of incubation, and that the maximum increase in eggshell surface temperature was not higher than +0.6 ºC, irrespective of incubator temperature. The incubator temperature affected total incubation period and hatchability (%) at 38.8 ºC, independent of breeder age. Heavier eggs resulted in heavier chicks, irrespective of incubator temperature. In Exp 2, the eggs (30- and 60-wk-old breeders) were incubated at 37.8 ºC and eggs characteristics (weight, specific gravity, total hatchability and chicks weight) were evaluated according to a randomized experimental design. The data showed that breeder age affected eggshell thickness and chick weight (heavier eggs resulted in heavier chicks), but not specific gravity, eggshell surface temperature or hatchability. The findings of this study revealed that hatchability can be influenced by incubation temperature, but not by the breeder age. Breeder age can affect eggshell thickness, egg weight and eggshell surface temperature, but not specific gravity.


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This study was carried out to verify if Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall (SCCW) dietary supplementation (0.2%) was capable of protecting the intestinal mucosa of broiler chickens vaccinated against coccidiosis. Body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion and intestinal mucosa morphometric parameters and epithelial loss were evaluated. In the experiment,400 day-old male chicks were distributed according to a completely randomized design in a 2x2 factorial arrangement. The following treatments were applied: T1 - no vaccination/ no SCCW supplementation; T2 - no vaccination/SCCW supplementation; T3 - vaccination/no SCCW supplementation; and T4 - vaccination/SCCW supplementation to four replicates of 25 birds each. Birds were vaccinated on the first day of age using a spray vaccine (Coccivac B®, Coopers), containing E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. mivati and E. tenella. S. cerevisiae cell wall was supplied from the first day of age. Live performance, intestinal morphometric parameters and epithelial loss were evaluated at 14, 21 and 28 days of age. Performance was affected by vaccination only at 21-days of age, when body weight gain was reduced in the vaccinated birds, but no body weight difference was observed on day 28. Vaccine also increased the crypt depth (p<0.05) in the duodenum and jejunum, suggesting a high cell activity in the crypt:villus transition area to maintain the epithelial cell turnover. Villi number/area (103,269 µm²) was not affected (p>0.05) by vaccine or cell wall supplementation, and epithelial loss was more pronounced in the duodenum and jejunum. In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that S. cerevisiae cell wall supplementation may be an useful management tool to maintain the intestinal integrity of broilers vaccinated against coccidiosis.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o efeito da idade das matrizes pesadas sobre o desenvolvimento do trato gastrointestinal (TGI) dos embriões no terço final do período de incubação, bem como a utilização das reservas do saco vitelino nas 24 h pós-eclosão, em pintos alimentados ou em jejum. Foram utilizados ovos férteis da linhagem Cobb 500, oriundos de matrizes pesadas com 30 e 60 semanas de idade. O desenvolvimento do TGI (proventrículo+moela, segmentos do intestino delgado e saco vitelino) foi estudado entre o 17º e 21º dias de incubação (Experimento 1). Nas 24 h pós-eclosão foi pesquisado o efeito da presença ou não de alimento no lúmen intestinal sobre a utilização das reservas do saco vitelino (Experimento 2). Os achados deste trabalho mostraram que, ao contrário do embrião, o desenvolvimento do intestino delgado e o peso do saco vitelino não sofreram influência da idade das matrizes. Na fase pós-eclosão, na ausência de alimento, o desenvolvimento do intestino delgado foi maior nas matrizes com 60 semanas, sendo dependente do crescimento do jejuno. A presença do alimento no lúmen teve influência na utilização das reservas do saco vitelino apenas nas matrizes com 30 semanas de idade. Os resultados deste experimento mostraram que a idade da matriz é importante fator no desenvolvimento do trato gastrointestinal do embrião, sendo fator relevante no crescimento pós-ecloão dos pintos.


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Foram utilizadas doze codornas domésticas, divididas em três grupos de quatro aves cada. As aves receberam rações padronizadas contendo 16%, 20% e 24% de proteína, sendo alimentadas por um período de quinze semanas, quando foram pesadas e sacrificadas imediatamente. Após a abertura da cavidade abdominal e evisceração do trato gastrointestinal, os ovários e ovidutos foram dissecados e pesados. Com o auxílio de um paquímetro mediu-se o comprimento das partes do oviduto: infundíbulo, magno, istmo, útero e vagina e avaliou-se o número de pregas do magno e do istmo. Foram realizados cortes histológicos do magno, istmo e útero onde se obteve medidas das espessuras das camadas epitelial e glandular. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância (ANOVA) e observou-se que não houve diferenças significativas no peso corporal, peso do ovário, do oviduto e nos comprimentos das partes do oviduto bem como no número de pregas do magno e ístmo. Verificou-se diferenças significavas na espessura da camada epitelial do istmo de aves alimentadas com 20% de proteína na ração. Além disso, houve diferenças significativas na espessura da camada glandular do magno, istmo e útero das aves alimentadas com 24% de proteína na ração em relação às aves que receberam 16% e 20% de proteína. O nível de 24% de proteína aumentou a espessura da camada glandular do magno, ístmo e útero o que poderia resultar em melhoria no peso dos ovos e na espessura da casca.


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A discondroplasia tibial (DT) é atribuída a uma assincronia no processo de diferenciação dos condrócitos, levando à formação de uma camada de condrócitos pré-hipertróficos e de uma cartilagem na tíbia proximal que não é calcificada, mas é resistente à invasão vascular. Além disso, tem sido proposto que, na discondroplasia tíbial, a etapa final do processo de calcificação não ocorre devido ao fato de que os efetores de alguns genes, relacionados com o mecanismo de calcificação do disco de crescimento podem apresentar algumas de suas propriedades químicas ou biológicas alteradas e/ou não serem expressos. Nesse sentido, a compreensão do mecanismo de ação e o papel das biomoléculas e dos minerais relacionados com a discondroplasia tibial poderão contribuir para o conhecimento de doenças do tecido ósseo e estabelecer estratégias de prevenção e tratamento.


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The experiment was carried out to verify if total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triacylglicerol plasma levels are affected when laying hens are fed rations containing different dietary oil sources. One hundred sixty 50 week-old hens, assigned to four treatments with five replicates using 8 hens per replicate were used. The experimental period was of 84 days divided in 3 cycles of 28 days each. In the last day of each cycle, blood samples of 2 hens per replicate were randomly choose and blood samples were collected. on the other hand, blood was also collected at 7 am, 11 am and 3 pm aiming to study the daily changes of these lipids. Blood lipid parameters were not affected by different dietary oil sources (p > 0.05); however, HDL-cholesterol did change during the day, giving evidence that this lipid is indeed involved in the egg yolk formation.


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This trial was conducted to evaluate the utilization of low-protein diets formulated based on the ideal protein concept for broiler chickens from 7 to 21 days of age reared at different environmental temperatures. Nine hundred male Cobb-500® chickens were used. At day seven chicks were distributed according to a completely randomized design in a 3 x 3 factorial with four replications of 25 birds each. It was used three crude protein levels in the diet (21.5; 20.0 and 18.5%) and three environmental temperatures (low, thermoneutral and high). The performance, carcass characteristics (yield and chemical composition), and nitrogen ingestion and excretion were assessed. There was no significant interaction among the factors for the evaluated variables. Environmental temperatures affected differently chicken performance. High environmental temperature resulted in lower weight gain and higher wing fat percentage, whereas cold temperature resulted in higher feed conversion. on the other hand, low-protein diets decreased weight gain, breast yield, nitrogen excretion and influenced breast and wings chemical composition. Birds reared at high environmental temperature showed lower nitrogen intake and excretion. The results showed that the decrease in protein levels from 7 to 21 days of age contributed to lower nitrogen excretion in broiler chickens, but impaired performance and carcass characteristics independent of rearing temperature.


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The aim of this research study was to evaluate the reproductive performance of tinamous submitted to five different male:female ratios. The study was carried out with 72 birds in a randomized experimental design with 4 replications. Tinamous were housed in cages, using the ratios of one (1:1), two (2:1), three (3:1) and four (4:1) females per male, and also one male was housed with three females individually (3R:1), in a rotational system. Reproductive records of the breeding season from September 2004 to March 2005 were used. The reproductive traits studied were: number of eggs laid, fertility, and percentage of eggs damaged and cracked by pecking. Nonparametric analyses of these traits were performed using Kruskal-Wallis test. Two replications of treatments 1:1 and 4:1, and one of treatment 2:1 were video-taped for three days, 12 hours/day. The videotapes were sampled according to the scan method to fit an ethogram. Birds were also watched for one hour per day to study dominance and agonistic behavior. None of the reproductive traits was affected by mating sex ratio (p<0.05). Female dominance could be related to displacement behavior (r=1.00), and male sitting in immobility plus sitting in activity behaviors were related to lower number of damaged eggs (r=-0.90). Social dominance was indirectly determined by displacement behavior in the study situation. A large number of damaged eggs occurred in all treatments, thereby not allowing a clear conclusion on the best male:female ratio.


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This experiment aimed at evaluating the influence of different heating times of settable eggs of Cobb 500® broiler breeders before submitting them to different storage periods on egg weight loss, embryo mortality, and hatchability. A total number of 1,980 eggs were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, comprising nine treatments with 22 replicates of 10 eggs each. The following factors were analyzed: pre-storage heating periods (0, 6, 12 hours at 36.92°C) and storage periods (4, 9, 14 days at 12.06°C). After storage, eggs were incubated under usual conditions, and were transferred to the hatcher at 442 hours of incubation. Eggs were weighed before heating, incubation, and transference to determine weight loss. Partial hatchability was determined at 480 hours, and total hatchability at 498 hours of incubation. Embryo mortality was determined in non-hatched eggs. It was concluded that heating eggs for six hour before storage improves incubation results as it decreases incubation length and late embryo mortality, therefore its use can be indicated in commercial operations. Storing eggs for 14 days and pre-heating for 14 days and pre-heating for 12 hours severely impair incubation results, and therefore are not recommended.


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An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of different heating times of settable eggs of Cobb 500® broiler breeders before submitting them to different storage periods on body weight, digestive tract organ weights, and intestinal mucosa morphology of newly-hatched chicks. Settable eggs were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement: pre-storage heating periods (0, 6, 12 hours at 36.92°C) and storage periods (4, 9, 14 days at 12.06°C). Body weight and relative weights of the yolk sac, heart, liver, proventriculus+gizzard, and intestinal segments were measured in chicks hatching at 480 and 498 hours of incubation. Villi height, width and perimeter, and crypt depth (ìm) were measured in duodenal histological sections. It was concluded that pre-storage heating for six hours of eggs stored for four or nine days increases small intestine weight of newly-hatched chicks, but does not influence the morphology of the duodenal mucosa. Pre-storage heating for 12 hours negatively influences body weight and duodenal mucosa development, and therefore this practice is not recommended. Storage length does not have consistent effect on body weight and development of the gastrointestinal tract.


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A study was carried out to elaborate response surface models using broiler performance data recovered from literature in order to predict performance and elaborate economic analyses. Nineteen studies published between 1995 and 2005 were retrieved using the systematic literature review method. Weight gain and feed conversion data were collected from eight studies that fulfilled the pre-established inclusion criteria, and a response surface model was adjusted using crude protein, environmental temperature, and age as independent variables. The models produced for weight gain (r² = 0.93) and feed conversion (r² = 0.85) were accurate, precise, and not biased. Protein levels, environmental temperature and age showed linear and quadratic effects on weight gain and feed conversion. There was no interaction between protein level and environmental temperature. Age and crude protein showed interaction for weight gain and feed conversion, whereas interaction between age and temperature was detected only for weight gain. It was possible to perform economic analyses to determine maximum profit as a function of the variables that were included in the model. It was concluded that the response surface models are effective to predict the performance of broiler chickens and allow the elaboration of economic analyses to optimize profit.


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Foi investigado o efeito da substituição de antibióticos por prebiótico, probiótico e simbiótico em dietas para frangos de corte de 1 a 45 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 750 pintos de 1 dia de idade, distribuídos em cinco tratamentos, sendo: T1-sem aditivos, T2-antibiótico (Olaquindoxâ e Nitrovinâ ), T3-prebiótico (0,2% de parede celular de S. cerevisiae), T4-probiótico (300 ppm de B. subtilis) e T5-simbiótico (T3 + T4). O desempenho dos frangos de 1-45 dias de idade foi influenciado pelos diferentes tratamentos, sendo o melhor ganho de peso observado em aves que receberam o simbiótico, seguido daquelas com antibiótico, prebiótico e probiótico. O pior ganho de peso foi observado nas aves que não receberam qualquer tipo de aditivo na dieta. A conversão alimentar, no período de 1 a 45 dias de idade, também foi influenciada pelo tipo de aditivo. As aves que não receberam suplementação apresentaram pior conversão alimentar quando comparadas com as aves dos demais tratamentos. Os resultados deste experimento permitem concluir que a substituição de antibióticos por simbióticos na ração de frangos é uma alternativa viável, pois não compromete o desempenho das aves, contudo a ausência de aditivos na dieta piora o desempenho das mesmas.