75 resultados para Helder


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Neste trabalho será abordada a modernização das técnicas em torno da produção agrícola e como o modo de produção familiar foi deixado de lado no que diz respeito às políticas públicas, que passou a favorecer as grandes produções agrícolas. É nesse contexto que apresentam-se as características desse tipo de agricultura e as técnicas utilizadas para mantê-la nos dias de hoje, com aplicação e análise do Diagnóstico Rural Participativo em pequenas propriedades rurais no bairro rural do Sobrado, município de Rio Claro, São Paulo que, historicamente, teve no cultivo do café a base para seu desenvolvimento político e econômico e se caracteriza por ter mais de oitenta por cento (80%) de suas terras destinadas às atividades agropastoris. Sendo assim, este trabalho corrobora a estudos relacionados à metodologia aplicada e ao desenvolvimento rural sustentável no município


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Nesta pesquisa estudamos o espor te com o foco sobre os slogans lançados no processo de preparação da Copa do Mundo a se real izar no Brasi l em 2014. O corpus da pesquisa se const i tui com algumas peças publicitár ias veiculadas na mídia. Anal isamos a mobilização popular e os aspectos que envolvem a adesão em um movimento do país, de modo geral, e a preparação realizada em cada cidade sede, de modo específ ico, com as transformações operadas tanto no âmbito social quanto est rutural. Cartografamos as marcas do empenho do governo para invest i r na transformação dos valores sociais durante a Copa do Mundo, bem como a apropriação do esporte com o objet ivo de fabricar um legado. Ident if icamos como as marcas da integração ent re os povos e do sent imento de pertença dos cidadãos cooperam para os processos de subjet ivação na sociedade contemporânea. Observamos os efeitos de sent ido ocorr idos na divulgação do slogan da campanha publicitária como uma forma de compreender o signif icado da Copa do Mundo em suas relações com a cultura. Part imos da hipótese de que a p ro d u ç ã o d a “p a i x ã o pelo futebol ” t em s e u s e n t id o amp lia d o p a ra a sugestão massiva de est i los de vida. Assim, estabele cemos uma f ro n t e ira e n t re o s “e f e it o s d e s e n t id o s ” e o s “e f e it o s d e ima ge n s ” n o s múlt iplos usos do slogan. Na const ituição do corpus de nossa pesquisa ident if icamos as marcas dos vínculos estabelecidos pela publ icidade com a Copa do Mundo. Nosso estudo se situa no campo dos estudos sobre as relações entre o esporte e os processos de subjet ivação na sociedade atual. Interessa-nos observar as implicações entre o corpo e os processos de subjet ivação nas peças publicitárias selecionadas para este estudo.


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There are many studies about longitudinal modulus of elasticity of wood, but you can´t say the same of transverse modulus, especially for conifers. The study aimed to characterize and compare the species Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x Pinus cariabeae hondurensis (hybrid), and the longitudinal modulus of elasticity (E) and lateral (G) in bending, to analyze the modulus of elasticity in different spaces and to verify the species studied the ideal range is equal to 21 times the height of the specimen, as prescribed in the normative document NBR 7190/1997, as well as analyzing the relationship G = E/20 defined in the normative document NBR 7190/1997. The wood came from the farm located in Paranapanema, split at the mill São José and the rest of the work was conducted at the Experimental Itapeva Campus - UNESP. Were removed fourteen specimens of each species. The average values of the modulus of elasticity and cross were, respectively, 5828 MPa and 452 MPa for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and 6407 MPa and 320 MPa for the species of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x Pinus cariabeae hondurensis (hybrid). The trend lines for the plotted graphs showed an exponential behavior to near linear 21he will equal the constant after this value. We have found the relationship G = E/13, for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and G = E/20 for hybrid. The results of the modulus and strength for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and the hybrid were lower than those reported in the literature, showing that this batch inferior quality to apply to structures


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Atropelamentos associados à fragmentação dos habitats naturais, tanto para construção de estradas, quanto para agricultura, são uma das principais causas de mortalidade para várias espécies de animais silvestres pelo mundo todo. Durante o período de agosto de 2011 e junho de 2012, em um trecho da Estrada Vicinal Alcides Rodrigues Soares do município de Botucatu, interior do estado de SP, foi realizado o levantamento de mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte através do método de parcelas de areia e transecto, além da procura de carcaça de animais atropelados. Espécies como Onça-parda (Puma concolor) e Tamanduá-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), ambas em situação vulnerável de extinção, foram registradas em proximidade da estrada. Através dos dados obtidos, tem se como objetivo demonstrar a importância da valorização da fauna local, com a construção de passagens de fauna, como uma das medidas para a sua conservação e consequente redução dos diversos distúrbios e impactos causados por estradas


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It is possible to note that the teaching done in the usual way goes against the language of youth today. It is essential that there be incentives and subsidies regarding the use of such media, whether the responsible government agencies and their members, be they principals and teachers, so there is a reform in the existing educational models and teaching. Currently, teaching is in a purely encyclopedic context of teaching models with pre-defined, ignoring the teaching based on the context in which the student lives (ethnomathematics). The objective of this work is to show how the use of audiovisual best known, such as newspapers, magazines, TV and computers can assist in teaching and learning of mathematics education, making teaching more enjoyable and inserted into the day-to-day student


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This paper aims at comparing the national and international incentive policies in energy efficiency investment and presenting the main trends, measures adopted and economical and environmental results obtained, as well as possible improvements and expansions of these programs. This analysis is justified by the current moment, not only of the Brazilian Power Systems (SEB) but also of the global power systems with the constant increase of demand and depletion of natural resources implying in a need of a better use of them and of the power they generate, which directly affects the losses on the generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy, in addition to reducing the impacts on the environment. At last but not least, through this study it was possible to gleam not only at new possible ways for these programs, but also failures and inefficiencies that can be improved in the measures currently being used


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This work had aim to present two clinical cases with open bite Class II malocclusion that treated in the phase of the mixed dentition with the modified Thurow appliance and in the permanent dentition with fixed appliance. The dentoskeletal effects of these appliances were carefully analyzed with the aid of metallic implants inserted in both maxilla and mandible. The correction of the malocclusion and the improvement of the skeletal, dental and facial relationship were observed in both cases. The modified Thurow appliance followed by fixed-appliance as a two-phase treatment protocol revealed to be an effective treatment approach for the two young people that initially presented a Class II division 1 malocclusion associated to anterior open bite presented.


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The deficiency of data in the literature took us to evaluate the Bionator of Balters appliance in the alterations of the dimensions and the relationship of the dental archs in children with malocclusion Class II, division 1 of Angle. The experimental group was constituted by 36 pairs cast Caucasians patients, aged between 7 years and 10 months - 11 years and 8 months, being 10 females and 8 males. The Levene´s test showed statistical evidences of likeness among the groups. Statistical analysis was preceded and showed significant alterations (p < 0,005) in the variable indicatives of maxillary first molars' distance, overjet, upper arch total length, upper arch anterior length, right molar relationship, left molar relationship, right canine relationship and left canine relationship. On the other hand, there wasn't significant alteration related to the lower arch and maxillary intercanines distance. The Balters' Bionator appliance had a favorable effect in the improvement of the correction of the malocclusion in Class II (foremost in molars and canines relationship) and transversal increase of the upper arch, mainly in the posterior area of arch.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present study’s aim was to check the academic-scientific productions conveyed in the several versions of the National Meeting on Recreation and Leisure (Enarel) to find out what courses have been taken within the studies on leisure regarding professional education and performance. Through literature review, the study adopted a qualitative methodology and its method was an exploratory study of the period ranging from 1997 to 2006. One hundred and thirty six works (oral communications or free subjects) were analyzed in a quali-quantitative approach. Results show that 50% of the works were produced collectively; as to the institutions, 77.02% of them were linked to academic institutions; regarding methodology, it was found that 58% explicitly presented the kind of research performed, and the most used methods were the “comparative studies”, with 26.11%, followed by “case studies”, with 14.17%.