499 resultados para Glycine max (L.) Merr.
The objective of this research was to investigate how the allelochemical ferulic acid affects the carbohydrate and lipid contents of soybean roots cultivated in nutrient culture. The results presented revealed that ferulic acid has significant effects on carbohydrates by the increase in xylose, fructose and sucrose and decrease in glucose, after 24 h treatment of roots. Ferulic acid increased the contents of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids of the polar and non-polar lipid fractions. The results may contribute as additional data to explain allelopathic effects caused by ferulic acid.
Growing cover crops in systems under no tillage affects different pools of soil organic matter, and eventually soil physical attributes are modified. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in soil organic matter and their relationship with soil physical attributes as affected by plant species grown in rotation with soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] under no-till for 3 yr. Crop rotations included grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], ruzigrass [Urochloa ruziziensis (R. Germ, and CM. Evard) Crins] and sorghum mixed with ruzigrass, all grown in fall/winter, followed by pearl millet [Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke], sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) and sorghum-sudangrass [S. bicolor × S. sudanense (Piper) Stapf] grown during the spring, plus a fallow check plot. Soybean was grown as the summer crop. Millet and sorghum-sudangrass cropped in spring showed higher root and shoot production as spring cropping. In fall/winter, sorghum mixed with ruzigrass yielded higher phytomass compared with sole cropping. Soil physical attributes and organic matter fractioning were positively affected by cropping millet and sorghum-sudangrass whereas intermediate effects were observed after sunn hemp. Maintaining fallow in spring had negative effects on soil organic matter and physical properties. Ruzigrass and sorghum mixed with ruzigrass cropped in fall/winter resulted in better soil quality. Spring cover crops were more efficient in changing soil bulk density, porosity, and aggregates down to 0 to 10 cm; on the other hand, fall/winter cropping showed significant effects on bulk density in the uppermost soil layer. Total C levels in soil were increased after a 3-yr rotation period due to poor initial physical conditions. Fractions of particulate organic C, microbial C, and C in macroaggregates were the most affected by crop rotations, and showed high relation with improved soil physical attributes (porosity, density, and aggregates larger than 2 mm). © Soil Science Society of America, All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Physiological potential characterization of seed lots is usually performed by germination and vigor tests; however, the choice of a single test does not reflect such potential, once each test assesses seeds of differentiated mode. Multivariate techniques allow understanding structural dependence contained in each variable, as well as characterize groups of seed lots according to specific standards. The study aimed at evaluating variability among soybean seed lots and discriminate these lots by multivariate exploratory techniques as function of seed vigor. Experiment was performed with 20 soybean seed lots (10 lots cv. BRS Valiosa RR and 10 lots cv. M-SOY 7908 RR). Seed physiological potential was assessed by testing for: germination (standard, and under different water availability); vigor (accelerated aging and electrical conductivity); and field seedling emergence. Cluster analysis of seed lots, as well as Principal Component Analysis was performed using data obtained on all tests. Multivariate techniques allowed stratifying seed lots into two distinct groups. Principal Component Analysis showed that values obtained for variables: field seedling emergence, accelerated aging, and germination under different water availability were linked to BRS Valiosa RR; while to variables germination and electrical conductivity, were linked to M-SOY 7908 RR.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A soja é uma das principais culturas agrícolas do Brasil, sendo a sua produtividade muito influenciada pela competição exercida pelas plantas daninhas. Foram realizados dois experimentos em casa de vegetação, em Jaboticabal, SP, objetivando determinar o acúmulo de massa seca, assim como a distribuição e o acúmulo de macronutrientes em plantas de soja, no período de outubro de 2000 a fevereiro de 2001, e de Solanum americanum, no período de janeiro a maio de 1995. As plantas cresceram em vasos com capacidade de 7 litros, preenchidos com areia de rio lavada e peneirada; elas foram irrigadas diariamente com solução nutritiva. Os tratamentos foram representados pelas épocas de amostragem, realizada a intervalos de 14 dias, iniciando-se 21 dias após a emergência (DAE), até 161 DAE para S. americanum e 119 DAE para soja cv. BR-16 (precoce). O ponto de máximo acúmulo teórico de massa seca deu-se aos 104 DAE para a soja (35,0 g por planta) e 143 DAE para S. americanum (179,62 g por planta). da emergência até 49 e 63 DAE, as folhas apresentaram maior participação no acúmulo de massa seca para soja e S. americanum, respectivamente. Após esses períodos, verificou-se, em ambas as espécies, inversão na representatividade das folhas por caules para a espécie daninha e por caules e, posteriormente, por estruturas reprodutivas, para a cultura. A taxa de absorção diária dos macronutrientes atingiu maiores valores entre 69 e 87 DAE para a soja e entre 105 e 119 DAE para a planta daninha. Considerando a média dos valores de pontos de inflexão observados para a cultura da soja, tem-se que aos 75 DAE uma planta de soja acumula teoricamente 23,9 g de massa seca, 564,4 mg de N, 7,1 mg de P, 490,8 mg de K, 487,0 mg de Ca, 156,6 mg de Mg e 36,0 mg de S. Para o mesmo período, uma planta de S. americanum acumula teoricamente 33,75 g de massa seca, 875,96 mg de N, 88,46 mg de P, 983,54 mg de K, 647,60 mg de Ca, 100,93 mg de Mg e 42,15 mg de S.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the possibility of reducing spray concentration and volume of Fluazifop-p-butyl applications on postemergence soybeans, while maintaining weed control and growth selectivity. The study was conducted in the experimental area of the Teaching and Research Farm of FCAV/Unesp - Jaboticabal Campus, during the agricultural season of 1998/99, carried out on a crop of soybean cultivar FT 2009. The experimental setup utilized was a randomized block design with 24 treatments, 20 following a factorial scheme 2 x 2 x 5 and 4 control treatments. The factors examined were: spray volume (100 and 200 L ha-1); reduced spray concentration - 75.2 and 112.8 g of fluazifop-p-butyl/ha (40 and 60% of the recommended concentration, respectively); and application schedule (5 A.M., 9 A.M., 1 P.M., 5 P.M. and 9 P.M.). The controls were applications at the recommended concentration (188.0 g fluazifop-p-butyl/ha), using volumes of 100 and 200 L ha-1, and treatments without weed control and weeds controlled with manual hoeing. The main species of weeds that emerged in the experimental area were: Cenchrus echinatus, comprising 60% of the infested sections; Digitaria horizontalis, 10%, and Eleusine indica, 30%. All fluazifop-p-butyl applications made up to 9 A.M. and from 5 P.M. effectively controlled the three species of weeds and provided a selective growth of soybeans. Therefore, the use of fluazifop-p-butyl can be optimized by reducing both the concentration and the volume of the spray for applications times providing favorable conditions for crop dusting.
Foram realizados dois experimentos, em condições de casa de vegetação, no Departamento de Biologia Aplicada à Agropecuária da FCAV-UNESP de Jaboticabal, objetivando-se determinar o acúmulo de massa seca, assim como a distribuição e o acúmulo de macronutrientes durante os ciclos de vida de plantas de soja cultivar BR16, no período de outubro de 2000 a fevereiro de 2001, e de Richardia brasiliensis (poaia-branca), uma planta daninha de elevada importância para esta cultura no Brasil, especialmente em áreas de plantio direto, no período de outubro de 1998 a fevereiro de 1999. Os estudos foram realizados em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Quatro plantas cresceram em vasos com capacidade de sete litros, preenchidos com areia de rio lavada, peneirada e irrigada diariamente com solução nutritiva. Os tratamentos foram representados pelas épocas de amostragem, realizadas a intervalos de 14 dias, a saber: 22, 36, 50, 64, 78, 92, 106, 120, 134, 148, 162 e 176 dias após a emergência (DAE) das plantas de R. brasiliensis; e 21, 35, 49, 63, 77, 91, 105 e 119 DAE das plantas de soja cv. BR-16 (precoce). em ambas as plantas, as folhas tiveram a maior partição de biomassa durante sete semanas. Para este dado, a partição foi maior para as estruturas reprodutivas em soja e nos caules para a poaia-branca. O ponto de máximo acúmulo teórico de massa seca deu-se aos 104 DAE para a soja (36,6 g por planta) e aos 146 DAE para a poaia-branca (16,4 g por planta). da emergência até aos 50 DAE as folhas apresentaram maior participação no acúmulo de massa seca, nas duas espécies. Após 50 DAE notou-se, em ambas as espécies, uma inversão na representatividade das folhas por caules, para a espécie daninha, e por caules e posteriormente por estruturas reprodutivas, para a cultura. A taxa de absorção diária dos macronutrientes atingiu maiores valores entre 69 e 87 DAE para a soja e entre 106 a 111 DAE para a planta daninha. Levando em conta a média dos valores de pontos de inflexão observados para a cultura da soja, aos 78 DAE uma planta de soja acumula teoricamente 25,9 g de massa seca; 615,5 mg de N; 77,2 mg de P; 538,6 mg de K; 535,0 mg de Ca; 171,5 mg de Mg; e 39,5 mg de S. Para o mesmo período, uma planta de R. brasiliensis acumula teoricamente 3,7 g de massa seca; 50,8 mg de N; 3,2 mg de P; 104,4 mg de K; 127,8 mg de Ca; 18,8 mg de Mg; e 3,7 mg de S.
The Malay Apple [Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L. M. Perry] is an option for the producer as its fruits are attractive and well accepted by the consumer. The difficulty of culture of this species is that the plant is very tall and has a long juvenile period when propagated by seed, making its vegetative propagation necessary to anticipate the productive period and decrease its size. The possibility of vegetative propagation of this species was studied by cutting, layering, and grafting. In the cutting experiment, three doses of indolbutyric acid (IBA) (0, 1,000, 3,000, and 5,000 mg L(-1)) were tested in two lengths of herbaceous cuttings (15 and 25 cm). In the layering experiment, two periods of layering (summer and autumn) and four doses of IBA (0, 1,000, 4,000, 7,000, and 10,000 mg kg(-1)) were evaluated. For grafting, the compatibility between S. malaccense and S. jambos (L.) Alston as rootstock was studied with two diameters (0.5 and 0.8 cm) and in two periods (winter and summer), by method of full graft. For cuttings, the percentage of rooting was 20%, independently of the IBA doses, except for 5,000 mg L(-1) that showed negative effect on 15 cm cuttings; layering and grafting were not successful in the studied conditions.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The soybean (Glycine max (L.)) has been significantly compromised by the attack of insect pests. The stink bug Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is pointed as one of the most damaging species, reducing the quantity and quality of grain produced and requiring a large number of applications of insecticides in crops. Al-though chemical control is still the most widely used method of control, the use of resistant genotypes may represent a viable alternative in the management of this insect, reducing costs and impacts on the environment. This study evaluated the performance of nymphs of N. viridula in nine soybean genotypes under laboratory conditions (T = 25 + 2[degree]C, RH = 70 [plus or minus]10% and photoperiod = 12 h), aiming to detect possible resistance mechanisms. Thus, 25 nymphs/genotype were monitored daily by assessing the duration and mortality of the nymphal stage, the weight of nymphs and adults and the developmental period from egg to adult. The data revealed that the genotypes 'TMG-103', 'TMG-121, IAC-19', 'TMG-117', and 'IAC-24' caused 100% mortality of nymphs, indicating high levels of antibiosis and/or feeding non-preference expression. 'IAC-17' also prolonged the nymphal period, indicating the occurrence of resistance. The insects from 'PI-227687' showed the lowest average weight, also indicating the occurrence of antibiosis and/or feeding non-preference. Our results may be useful for soybean breeding programs focusing on development of genotypes resistant to insects.
The interactions of two fungal biocontrol agents, Alternaria cassiae and Pseudocercospora nigricans, and soybean planting density on sicklepod mortality and dry weight were studied in the field over 2 yr. The experimental field was divided into three equal areas: one without soybean and two where the soybean was sown in densities of 20 and 36 seeds per meter row with a 0.95-m row spacing. The fungi were sprayed alone or in a mixture at three growth stages of sicklepod plants grown at three levels of crop interference resulting from the three soybean planting densities. The fungal treatments were: an untreated control, A. cassiae (105 spores/m2), P. nigricans (3.3 g mycelium/m2), and the mixture of these two fungi. Sicklepod was at the cotyledonary leaf, two-leaf, and four-leaf stages when treated. Alternaria cassiae was most effective in reducing both sicklepod survival and dry weight. The mixture of P. nigricans and A. cassiae was generally comparable to but not better than A. cassiae alone in killing the weed (mortality) and reducing its growth (dry weight). Soybean density did not have significant effects on the mortality or the dry weight of sicklepod. Thus, there is no advantage to combining the highly effective biocontrol agent A. cassiae with the less effective P. nigricans or with soybean interference to control sicklepod. However, the results validate the efficacy of A. cassiae by itself as a bioherbicide.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)