267 resultados para Floral nectaries


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Chicory is a vegetable Amazon unconventional flavor that has attracted the attention of researchers for its great versatility, which makes it a promising vegetable. However, jobs are scarce in the literature on cultivation techniques for the species. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of pruning tassel floral and different spacing, the yield on Amazon chicory. Three different spacings: E1 = 0.15 x 0.15 m, with 44 plants m(2), E2 = 0.20 x 0.20 m, with 25 plants m(2), and E3 = 0.25 x 0.25 m, with 16 plants m(2), with and without pruning floral tassel. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design in a split plot design 3 x 2, with six replications. The characteristics evaluated were: number of leaves, fresh weight and dry weight of shoots, number of tassel floral tassel floral fresh weight, yield (kg m(-2)), and leaf area index (LAI). The largest production of chicory Amazon was obtained in plants grown at a spacing of 0.25 x 0.25 m subjected to pruning floral tassel. The highest yield for Amazon chicory was obtained in plants grown at a spacing of 0.15 x 0.15 m submitted pruning floral tassel.


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In this study, the daily and seasonal influences of abiotic factors and the amount of floral resources on the foraging frequency of bees were determined. The experiments were performed, during 12 consecutive months, in the main floral sources used by bees in a secondary forest fragment. The foraging frequency of each bee species on flowers of each plant was recorded for 20-min periods, every hour. To verify whether the foraging activity is influenced by abiotic factors, Pearson's correlation analysis and linear regression tests were performed for the dominant bee species. Temperature and luminosity were the two main abiotic factors regulating foraging activities of bees. A positive correlation was found between the foraging frequency of most bees and these two variables. Conversely, the foraging activity was influenced neither by the relative humidity nor by the wind speed. The activity of each species depends on a combination of factors that include not only abiotic variables, but also the amount of floral resources available during the day, body size, and behavior of each visitor. After a certain period of the day, the scarcity of floral resources produced by most plants can stimulate the bees to forage in the flowers early in subsequent days, which may occur before the period in which the abiotic conditions are really favorable.


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The phenology, flower morphology, pollination mechanism and reproductive biology of Epidendrum secundum were studied in a semi-deciduous forest at the Serra do Japi (SJ), and in the Atlantic rain forest of Picinguaba, both natural reserves in the State of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil. E. secundum flowers all year round, with a flowering peak between September and January. This species is either a lithophytic or terrestrial herb in the SJ, whereas, in Picinguaba, it grows mainly in disturbed areas along roadsides. E. secundum is pollinated by several species of diurnal Lepidoptera at both study sites. In Picinguaba, where E. secundum is sympatric with E. fulgens and both share the same pollinators, pollen transference between these two species was recorded. E. secundum is self-compatible but pollinator-dependent. It is inter-compatible with E. fulgens, producing fertile seeds. In contrast to the population of the SJ, in the Picinguaba region, floral morphology is quite variable among plants and some individuals present flowers with characteristics in-between both sympatric species, suggesting that natural hybridization occasionally occurs. The anthropogenic perturbation is probably the cause of the occurrence of E. secundum in the Picinguaba region, enabling its contact with E. fulgens.


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A fragmentação de habitats decorrente principalmente da expansão da agropecuária no Brasil, bem como o declínio observado em escala mundial dos polinizadores (abelhas em sua maioria), atestam a gravidade do problema ambiental que enfrentamos atualmente. Baixos níveis de polinização de plantas em geral podem ocasionar problemas econômicos na área da alimentação humana, visto que muitas espécies vegetais importantes para nosso consumo dependem das abelhas para sua reprodução e conseqüente formação de frutos. Assim, a execução de planos de manejo em áreas cultivadas, envolvendo medidas de proteção para polinizadores e que visem a manutenção de áreas verdes no entorno de plantações são importantes estratégias para amenizar o impacto que o homem exerce sobre a natureza. Nesse aspecto, esse estudo tratou de investigar a preferência alimentar de abelhas amostradas em flores de Solanum viarum Dunal e a biologia floral e sistema de reprodução nessa espécie. Os conhecimentos e informações obtidos a partir de trabalhos como esses compreendem uma parte essencial de planos de conservação para o grupo de polinizadores. S. viarum é uma solanácea ruderal, que ocorre em campos abertos e ambientes perturbados. Apresenta deiscência das anteras do tipo poricida, é auto-incompatível e possui grande atratividade para inúmeras espécies de abelhas vibradoras, como as dos gêneros Bombus, Exomalopsis e da Família Halictidae. De acordo com os presentes resultados, pode-se afirmar que S. viarum caracteriza-se como uma espécie potencialmente doadora de pólen para os polinizadores acima citados, e que seu plantio e manejo controlados ao redor de cultivos agrícolas, juntamente com outros tipos vegetais, pode aumentar a densidade de abelhas no entorno dessas áreas e a rentabilidade de tais cultivos


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A polinização é um serviço indireto prestado pelos ecossistemas, de valor ambiental e econômico para a sociedade humana. Em função dessa importância, a conservação de espécies de abelhas nativas é fundamental e o conhecimento de aspectos da biologia e ecologia dessas espécies é a base para a proposição de planos de manejo e conservação. Neste trabalho, foram feitas observações focais, avaliando os padrões de atividades diárias e sazonais, com ênfase no comportamento de coletas de recursos de abelhas nativas em flores de Solanum lycocarpum, uma espécie em que é característica a síndrome de polinização vibrátil. Os visitantes observados foram dez espécies de abelhas: Apis mellifera L., Oxaea flavescens K.; Centris sp1, Centris sp2, Exomalopsis sp.., Xylocopa suspecta M., Xylocopa frontalis K., Bombus morio S., Bombus atratus F., Trigona sp., além de espécies de abelhas da família Halictidae. As abelhas maiores, como Xylocopa, Oxaea, Centris e Bombus são certamente os polinizadores mais eficientes de Solanum lycocarpum. Isso se deve ao comportamento dessas abelhas nas flores, particularmente em relação à posição da abelha em relação ao cone de anteras quando forrageia e à seqüência de movimentos que cada uma desenvolve nas flores.


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Bulbophyllum, which comprises 1876 species, is considered the second largest genus of angiosperms, with a pantropical distribution. The morphological and anatomical floral studies in the genus are incipient, with data restricted to the gynostemium and lip of some species. Based on molecular data, six sections were recognized within Bulbophyllum at the Neotropics, amongst them Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae, which comprises 12 species distributed in central South America. We aimed to study the floral anatomy of six species of Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae, in order to determine useful characters to differentiate them and contribute to the anatomical characterization of the section as a whole. Floral anatomy was assessed through usual techniques of light microscopy. The data found here for B. adiamantinum, B. chloroglossum, B. epiphytum, B. mentosum, B. micranthum and B. rupicolum allowed to identificate the presence of glandular trichomes and the possible presence of a secretory region on the lip, which might produce substances used as a reward to pollinators. The most significant anatomical characters to the species characterization were the shape and ornamentation of the outer periclinal walls of the epidermal cells, as well as the number of vascular bundles in dorsal and lateral sepals and at the lip. The data also allowed the differentiation between B. epiphytum and B. rupicolum, species very similar in morphology and phylogenetically related. Besides that, the data also allowed the discussion regarding the maintenance of B. mentosum within the section: although its inclusion is supported by molecular studies, the anatomical data here presented shows greater differences compared to the other species, not supporting its maintenance in Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae