266 resultados para Fibroblasts.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a atividade proliferativa dos fibroblastos da cápsula de Tenon normal, proveniente de portadores de pterígios primários e recidivados. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, aleatório, avaliando-se fragmentos da cápsula de Tenon normal, removidos de 20 portadores de pterígios primários e 21, recidivados. A taxa de proliferação foi avaliada em fibroblastos de terceira passagem, quando as culturas foram expostas a agentes antimitóticos: mitomicina C e 5-fluorouracil. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Dentre os 41 espécimes cultivados, apenas 1 de pterígio primário e 2 de recidivado proliferaram. Quando expostos a mitomicina C e ao 5-fluorouracil não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto a inibição de proliferação celular. CONCLUSÃO: Desta forma, in vitro, ambos os antimitóticos estudados têm a mesma eficácia na inibição da proliferação sobre os fibroblastos de cápsulas de Tenon normal.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a atividade proliferativa dos fibroblastos da cápsula de Tenon, provenientes de explantes de pterígios primários e recidivados e da conjuntiva normal. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, randomizado, avaliando-se 43 peças cirúrgicas, produto da exérese de 30 pterígios primários e 13 recidivados, além de fragmentos da cápsula de Tenon normal, obtida dos próprios portadores de pterígio. Foram avaliadas a taxa de proliferação, migração e confluência, analisadas segundo dados dos portadores como: idade, localização da lesão, tipo de lesão (tamanho, involutivo ou carnoso), primário ou recidivado. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Dentre os 30 pterígios primários cultivados, 70% migraram e proliferaram e 60% chegaram à confluência. A migração, proliferação e confluência iniciaram-se mais precocemente nas culturas de fibroblastos provenientes de pterígios em comparação àquelas provenientes da Tenon normal. Os pterígios recidivados apresentaram migração mais precoce que os primários. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto ao início da migração, proliferação e confluência entre os pterígios carnosos ou involutivos, assim como entre os pterígios de graus I-II e os de graus III-IV. CONCLUSÃO: O cultivo celular de fibroblastos de pterígios é mais viável que o de Tenon normal. A migração, proliferação e confluência diferem em pterígios primários e recidivados. Pterígios carnosos e involutivos são semelhantes em cultura, assim como não existe diferença entre os pterígios segundo o tamanho da lesão.


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Purpose: To evaluate the proliferation rate of recurrent pterygium and normal Tenon's capsule fibroblasts after exposure to triamcinolone.Methods: Explants of recurrent pterygia and normal Tenon's capsule of the same carrier were cultured. The fibroblasts were cultured and subcultured until the third passage and subsequently exposed to triamcinolone. The cell proliferation rate was evaluated 3, 6, 12 and 18 days after the exposure.Results: Fibroblasts exposed to triamcinolone had significantly lower proliferation rate (P < 0.05) compared to those not exposed, when the evaluation was performed 3, 6 and 12 days later. In the 18th day after exposure, there was a return in the proliferation rate, with statistical significance, only in the pterigyum fibroblasts.Conclusion: Both the fibroblasts from normal Tenon's capsule as from recurrent pterygia showed significantly lower proliferation rate after exposure to triamcinolone. After 18 days from the exposition, pterygium fibroblasts recovered the proliferation. The results suggested the triamcinolone might be useful as adjuvant in pterygium treatment.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o comportamento dos fibroblastos da cápsula de Tenon de pterígios e normais em cultura, quando expostos a ciclosporina 0,05%. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, controlado, do qual participaram 20 portadores de pterígio primário. Foram colhidas amostras da cápsula de Tenon normal e proveniente do pterígio, ambas do mesmo indivíduo, colocadas para crescimento em cultura e expostas a ciclosporina 0,05%. As avaliações foram feitas aos 3, 6, 12 e 17 dias após a exposição. RESULTADOS: Das amostras colhidas, 7 foram utilizadas para exposição a ciclosporina - 6 provenientes de pterígios e 1 da Tenon normal. Houve redução significativa na proliferação celular das culturas de fibroblastos expostos a ciclosporina (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A ciclosporina 0,05% é capaz de inibir a proliferação de fibroblastos provenientes da cápsula de Tenon de pterígio e também da Tenon normal. Novos estudos devem ser providenciados para definir o papel da ciclosporina no tratamento do pterígio.


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The objective of this study was to determinate the occurrence of hepatic lesions caused by migratory large Strongyle larvaes in horses slaughtered in city of Apucarana in state of Parana. The lesions were diagnostic in post mortem exam by macro and microscopic analysis. From April 2003 to April 2004,38,363 animals, coming from different regions of Brazil, were examined. The occurrence of granulomas in liver was observed in 14,443 (37.64%), with adhesions and spot in 6,645 (17,32%), and 17,275 (45.03%) without macroscopic lesions. Macroscopic analysis revealed the presence of livers with calcified nodules, the presence of whitish spots, and adhesions in the format of "lines" over the hepatic capsule. No larvae were found in the livers. Hepatic fragments were histologically processed and revealed, by optical microscopy, inflammatory cells with predominance of eosinophils around the granulomas with a moderate amount of macrophages and the presence of fibroblasts.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Alendronate is a known inhibitor of root resorption and the development of alendronate paste would enhance its utilization as intracanal medication. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the biocompatibility of experimental alendronate paste in subcutaneous tissue of rats, for utilization in teeth susceptible to root resorption. The study was conducted on 15 male rats, weighing similar to 180-200 grams. The rats' dorsal regions were submitted to one incision on the median region and, laterally to the incision, the subcutaneous tissue was raised and gently dissected for introduction of two tubes, in each rat. The tubes were sealed at one end with gutta-percha and taken as control. The tubes were filled with experimental alendronate paste. The animals were killed at 7, 15 and 45 days after surgery and the specimens were processed in laboratory. The histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and analyzed by light microscopy. Scores were assigned to the in. ammatory process and statistically compared by the Tukey test (P < 0.05). Alendronate paste promoted severe inflammation process at 7 days, with statistically significant difference compared to the control (P < 0.05%). However, at 15 days, there was a regression of in. ammation and the presence of connective tissue with collagen fibers, fibroblasts and blood vessels was observed. After 45 days, it was observed the presence of well-organized connective tissue, with collagen fibers and fibroblasts, and few in. ammatory cells. No statistical difference was observed between the control and experimental paste at 15 and 45 days. The experimental alendronate paste was considered biocompatible with subcutaneous tissue of rat.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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There are several studies about the cytotoxic effects of dental materials in contact with the pulp tissue, such as calcium hydroxide (CH), adhesive systems, resin composite and glass ionomer cements. The aim of this review article was to summarize and discuss the cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of materials used for protection of the dentin-pulp complex, some components of resin composites and adhesive systems when placed in direct or indirect contact with the pulp tissue. A large number of dental materials present cytotoxic effects when applied close or directly to the pulp, and the only material that seems to stimulate early pulp repair and dentin hard tissue barrier formation is CH.


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No consensus has yet been reached to associate oral bacteria conclusively with the etio-pathogenesis of bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw (BONJ). Therefore, the present study examined the effects of oral bacteria on the development of BONJ-like lesions in a mouse model. In the pamidronate (Pam)-treated mice, but not control non-drug-treated mice, tooth extraction followed by oral infection with Fusobacterium nucleatum caused BONJ-like lesions and delayed epithelial healing, both of which were completely suppressed by a broad-spectrum antibiotic cocktail. Furthermore, in both in vitro and in vivo experiments, the combination of Pam and Fusobacterium nucleatum caused the death of gingival fibroblasts (GFs) and down-regulated their production of keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), which induces epithelial cell growth and migration. Therefore, in periodontal tissues pre-exposed to bisphosphonate, bacterial infection at tooth extraction sites caused diminished KGF expression in GFs, leading to a delay in the epithelial wound-healing process that was mitigated by antibiotics.


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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar in vitro o efeito da nicotina sobre a viabilidade e a morfologia celular utilizando-se uma linhagem contínua de fibroblastos. Para tal, foram formados dois grupos experimentais segundo a dose (0 - controle, 10 mig, 100 mig, 0,5 mg, 1 mg) e o tempo de condicionamento (1 e 24 horas). Cada um dos 12 orifícios de uma placa para cultura celular recebeu 2 ml de meio de Eagle, e 1 ml de suspensão de meio de cultura contendo aproximadamente 1 × 10(5) células/ml. Foi, então, acrescentada a solução de nicotina nas diferentes concentrações. Após o condicionamento com a droga, nos dois períodos testados, as células foram coradas com azul de trypan 0,4%, e observadas em microscópio invertido por um examinador cego para os grupos experimentais, que avaliou a viabilidade e a morfologia segundo o índice de Gamal. Os experimentos foram repetidos 5 vezes. Quanto à morfologia, os resultados obtidos demonstraram, no grupo condicionado por 1 h, que os controles apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes em relação apenas à maior dose de nicotina; no entanto, foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o controle e todas as concentrações após 24 horas de condicionamento. Na viabilidade celular, um maior número de células não viáveis foi observado nas diferentes concentrações de nicotina em comparação aos controles tanto após 1 quanto 24 horas de condicionamento (p < 0,05). em ambos períodos existiu uma tendência significativa de aumento do número de células não viáveis com o aumento da dose de nicotina (p = 0,0053; p = 0,00001 após 1 e 24 h respectivamente). Portanto, conclui-se que a nicotina pode alterar, in vitro, a viabilidade e a morfologia de fibroblastos de forma proporcional à dose e ao tempo de exposição.


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Os aumentos gengivais podem ser decorrentes de reações teciduais a estímulos idiopáticos, patológicos e farmacológicos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar morfometricamente e estereologicamente a ação da fenitoína (Fen) e ciclosporina (CsA) sobre os tecidos gengivais de ratos. Dez ratos receberam, por via intraperitonial, Fen na dose inicial de 2 mg/kg de peso corporal/dia, aumentando 2 mg a cada duas semanas, durante 60 dias. em outros 10 ratos, administraram-se, por via subcutânea, 10mg/kg de peso corporal/dia de CsA, durante o mesmo período do grupo anterior. Os valores morfométricos e estereométricos dos tecidos gengivais dos ratos tratados com CsA foram significativamente maiores quando comparado com os valores dos tecidos gengivais do grupo tratado com Fen. Esses resultados sugerem que a CsA na dose utilizada é mais eficaz no desenvolvimento do aumento gengival em ratos, podendo estar atuando na proliferação de fibroblastos e no desequilíbrio fisiológico da síntese de fibras colágenas.


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Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of the monomers isobutyl methacrylate (IBMA) and 1,6-hexanediol dimethacrylate (1,6-HDMA), the plasticizer di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), and the degradation by-products methacrylic acid (MA) and benzoic acid (BA) on L929 cells. Based on previous investigations on the release of these compounds from hard chairside reline resins, a range of concentrations (mu mol/L) were selected for the cytotoxicity tests (IBMA, 5.491406.57; 1,6-HDMA, 1.2239.32; DBP, 1.12143.8; MA, 9.07581; BA, 3.19409).Methods. Cytotoxic effects were assessed using MTT and 3H-thymidine assays after the cells had been exposed to the test compounds at the given concentrations for 24h. Cytotoxicity was rated based on cell viability relative to controls (cells exposed to medium without test substances).Results. DNA synthesis activity was inhibited by all compounds. Mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity decreased in cells treated with monomers, plasticizer and MA by-product, whereas no cytotoxic effect was observed on contact with BA at the majority of concentrations tested. The ranges of suppression for 3H-thymidine assay were: IBMA, 2595%; 1,6-HDMA, 9598%; DBP, 4098%; MA, 9799%; BA, 5471%. For MTT assay, the ranges of suppression were: IBMA, 096%; 1,6-HDMA, 2689%; DBP, 1780%; MA, 5266%; BA, 027%. The 3H-thymidine assay was more sensitive than the MTT assay.Significance. This study evaluated the cytotoxicity of a wide range of concentrations of monomers (IBMA and 1,6-HDMA), plasticizer (DBP) and degradation by-products (MA and BA), including those expected to be released from hard chairside reline resins. The differences observed in the cytotoxicity of these compounds, along with other properties, may assist the dental practitioners in the selection of reline materials with improved service life performance and low risk of adverse reactions in patients who wear relined dentures.


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Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) accelerates tissue repair. Mast cells induce the proliferation of fibroblasts and the development of local fibrosis. The objective of this study was to quantify fibrosis rate and mast cells in connective tissue after endodontic sealer zinc oxide and eugenol (ZOE) was implanted and submitted to LLLT, immediately after implant and again 24 h later. Sixty mice were distributed into three groups: GI, GII, and GIII (n = 20). In GI, the tubes filled with Endofill were implanted in the animals and were not irradiated with LLLT. In GII, the tubes containing Endofill were implanted in the animals and then irradiated with red LLLT (InGaAIP) 685-nm wavelength, D=72 J/Cm(2), E = 2 J, T=58 s, P=35 mW, and in GIII, the tubes with Endofill were implanted and irradiated with infrared LLLT (AsGaAl) 830-nm wavelength, D=70 J/Cm(2), E = 2 J, T=40 s, P=50 mW. After 7 days and 30 days, the animals were killed. A series of 6-mu m-thick sections were obtained and stained with Toluidine Blue and Picrosirius and analyzed under a standard light microscope using a polarized light filter for the quantification of fibrosis. The statistics were qualitative and quantitative with a significance of 5%. The irradiation with LLLT did not offer improvement in the fibrosis rate, however, it provided a significant decrease in the concentration of independent mast cells for the period studied.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)