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Introdução: As exigências nutricionais para o paciente transplantado são conhecidas, mas há poucas evidências sobre o consumo alimentar e o seu efeito no estado nutricional. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o efeito do transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH) no estado nutricional de pacientes orientados e monitorados quanto ao consumo alimentar durante os primeiros 100 dias do procedimento. Método: Participaram do estudos 27 indivíduos que realizaram TCTH, com idade entre 20 e 60 anos, 13 mulheres e 14 homens, índice de massa corporal médio de 27+/- 5kg/m². Os pacientes receberam orientações nutricionais individualizadas quanto ao consumo de alimentos. Nos momentos pré-TCTH, D+30, D_60 e D+100 (D+n = dias decorridos do TCTH) foram monitorados o consumo de alimentos, a partir de recordatório do consumo de 24 horas e o estado nutricional a partir dos indicadores antropométricos. Resultados: Após 100 dias do transplante, foi constatado que os 27 indivíduos analisados mantiveram estáveis o consumo alimentar e o estado nutricional. Conclusão: A orientação nutricional proporcionou a preservação do estado nutricional após o TCTH, a qual se deu à custa de incremento no consumo de energia e nutrientes oriundos de suplementos alimentares e também de alimentos não tão saudáveis.
Crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst) seeds have high oil contents and its growth in Brazil aims to produce bio diesel. The crambe seeds production and commercialization began a few years ago. Research in technology production is essential and it is also important to use high quality seeds regardless of the technological level employed in the crop production. One of the factors that affect seed quality there is the drying process. Seed drying performed properly can reduce seed moisture content for storage without decrease in its qualitative characteristics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immediate effect of natural and artificial drying methods (using heated and unheated air) on crambe seeds quality. The seeds were produced at Fazenda Lageado, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, UNESP, Botucatu/SP, on April 2009. Seeds were submitted to the following drying methods: a) seed drying in the shade with natural ventilation; b) artificial drying method using heated air; c) artificial drying method using unheated air; d) drying on ceramic patio; e) drying on the mother plant. The seeds were evaluated immediately after drying. The following tests were performed: seed moisture content; standard germination; first count of germination; seedling emergence; emergence speed index and electrical conductivity. The experimental design was randomized blocks and the data obtained was subjected to analysis of variance, worth means being compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. There was no significant difference among drying treatments in relation to: germination rate, first count of germination, electrical conductivity, seedling emergence and emergence speed index. The highest percentage of abnormal seedlings was obtained on treatment with heated air drying. The drying on the mother plant method showed the lower percentage of dead seeds. The drying methods studied did not cause an immediate effect on crambe seeds quality, which showed high percentage of dormant seeds post-harvest.