136 resultados para ENDOTHELIUM


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of age on endothelial morphology and morphometry in cats. The corneal endothelium was studied using a contact specular microscope. A total of 18 cats (Felis catus Linnaeus, 1758) were evaluated in this study. The subjects were divided into three groups of six cats each in function of age: G1 (1 to 3 months old), G2 (5 to 12 months old), and G3 (24 to 40 months old). The examination presented data as endothelial cell density (ECD), average cell area, corneal thickness, polymegathism, and pleomorphism. Results revealed ECD decrease in corneas of normal cats with age, as well as a corresponding increase in endothelial cell area and pleomorphism. The present work suggests that the endothelial parameters evaluated change with advancing age.


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The author studied the structure of the tissue components of the tunicae of the terminal segment of the sigmoid sinus, particularly at the level of the transition between the sigmoid sinus, the superior bulb of the jugular vein and the first portion of the human internal jugular vein; it was established that the transition between the sigmoid sinus and the first portion of the internal jugular vein occupies the whole extension of the superior bulb of the jugular vein up to the inferior third of the first portion of this vessel. These vascular walls exhibit a structure similar to that of the dura, i.e. the tunica adventitia is formed by fascicles of collagenic fibers which describe discontinuous spirals, more open proximal to the beginning of the first portion of the internal jugular vein. Approximately in the inferior third of the first portion of the internal jugular vein, there appear fascicles of smooth muscle fibers which are arranged similarly to those of the venous walls. The tunica intima of these vascular segments exhibits an endothelium resting on a network of elastic fibers which may play the role of an internal elastic lamina. From the bony border of the jugular foramen there originates a connective system whose fascicles of collagenic and elastic fibers incorporate to the wall of the internal jugular vein after describing a stretch in spiral around the vascular lumen.


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The effect of intravenous infusion of hypertonic saline (HS) on the recovery of mean arterial pressure (MAP) during septic shock was studied in sham-operated rats and in rats with electrolytic lesion in the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) region. Our results show that intravenous HS infusion in rats treated with endotoxin (Etx) partially restores MAP, but when we have a severe shock produced by Etx, HS was not able to reverse the hypotension. We also show that the integrity of the AV3V region is essential for the protective action of HS in endotoxin shock. It is possible that NO production contributes to the deleterious effect of endotoxin. So, the unraveling of the release of NO by the vascular endothelium and their role as regulators of vascular tone is increasing our understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system and will therefore enhance the possibilities of preventing and treating endotoxin shock.


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Age-related morphological, ultrastructural and morphometric changes in the capillaries of the superficial and deep plexuses of the rat retina were studied in animals aged from 3 to 15 months. Our results suggest that age-related morphological alterations start occurring in the retina of rats at about 12 months of age. Increased glycogen deposits, pinocytotic vesicles, residual bodies and cell debris were observed in both the endothelial and pericytic cells of 12- and 15-month-old animals. In addition, heterogeneous osmiophilic accumulations, electron-transparent spaces were observed in the basement membrane as well as projections of the basement membrane towards the neighboring cells. Morphometric examination of the two vascular plexuses studied did not show differences in the area of the endothelial or pericytic cells, basement membrane or vascular lumen between rats of different ages.


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Atherosclerosis is a very common and important disease being the most important cause of mortality in Brazil. Indeed, in 1995, 23.3% of deaths, all ages, in our country, were the consequence of atherosclerosis. This percentage grows to 26.3% for S. Paulo and 32.7% for Rio Grande do Sul. Morphologically, there are 3 main types of lesions: fatty streaks, fibrous plaques, and complicated lesions. Fatty streaks are inocuous and occur early in life. In some persons, with age, they change into fibrous plaques that may lead to stenosis. They also may become complicated by erosion, calcification, hemorrhage and thrombosis. Atherosclerosis is initiated by endothelial functional alterations responsible for increase in permeability to macromolecules, adhesion, and migration of monocytes-macrophages and lymphocytes plus recruitment of platelets and smooth-muscle medial cells. Adhesion molecules, cytokines, growth factors, and free radicals are locally synthesized, favoring proliferation of extracellular matrix and progression of the lesion. Experimental, clinical, and epidemiological evidence point to the importance of lipids, mainly cholesterol-rich low-density lipoprotein (LDL), as one of the most important molecules involved in the genesis and progression of atherosclerosis. Patients with a genetic disorder of cholesterol metabolism (familial hyperlipidemia), caused by a decrease in the availability of receptors for LDL, develop severe atherosclerosis early in life. A series of other factors, such as age, diabetes melitus, diet, hypertension, lack of exercise, elevated hemocysteinemia, immunological disorders, and coagulation instability, are related to the progression of atherosclerosis. All of them are capable of altering the endothelium or increasing the offer of LDL. All the above-mentioned factors are systemic; but atherosclerosic lesions are focal, located at preferential sites such as the emergence of colaterals, bifurcations, and curvatures of arteries, all areas in which the laminar flow is disturbed. In these areas shear stress is diminished favoring the prolongation of permanence time of lipid particles, cells, cytokines, growth factors, etc., in the vicinity of the endothelium. Moreover, the endothelium has sensors that act as transducers of mechanical forces in biological responses. Experimental data demonstrate that the number and quality of adhesion molecules, cytokines, and growth factors synthetized, as well as the local production of radicals, and pro and anticoagulation factors may change with shear stress favoring or not the local establishment and progression of atherosclerotic lesions.


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Hemolytic anemia and vasoocclusion are the cardinal clinical features of sickle cell anemia. Vasoocclusion is a complex process involving not only the polymerization of deoxygenated sickle hemoglobin tetramers, but also interactions between sickle erythrocytes, vascular endothelium, platelets, leukocytes, and plasma proteins. The increased adherence of sickle erythrocytes to endothelium has been implicated as an early step in vasoocclusion. Other researchers have focused on leukocytes and platelets which might also contribute to disturbed blood flow. Microvascular occlusion results in acute painful crises, whereas macrovascular occlusion seems to be the cause of organ failure. The anemia results from the markedly shortened circulatory survival of sickle erythrocytes, together with a limited erythropoietic response. The erythropoiesis increases intensively, but it is not enough to balance the increased rate of erythrocytes destruction to maintain normal levels of total erythrocytes and hemoglobin concentrations; mainly by the low oxygen affinity of hemoglobin S and increased 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate. It is very difficult to separate processes leading to anemia or to vasoocclusion. Understanding the involvement of multiple blood componentes in vasoocclusion may elucidate the clinical manifestations and complications of sickle cell anemia, and may give new insights into the preventive and curative therapy.


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Galectin-1 (Gal-1), the prototype of a family of β -galactoside-binding proteins, has been shown to attenuate experimental acute and chronic inflammation. In view of the fact that endothelial cells (ECs), but not human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), expressed Gal-1 we tested here the hypothesis that the protein could modulate leukocyte-EC interaction in inflammatory settings. In vitro, human recombinant (hr) Gal-1 inhibited PMN chemotaxis and trans-endothelial migration. These actions were specific as they were absent if Gal-1 was boiled or blocked by neutralizing antiserum. In vivo, hrGal-1 (optimum effect at 0.3 μg equivalent to 20 pmol) inhibited interleukin-1β-induced PMN recruitment into the mouse peritoneal cavity. Intravital microscopy analysis showed that leukocyte flux, but not their rolling velocity, was decreased by an anti-inflammatory dose of hrGal-1. Binding of biotinylated Gal-1 to resting and post-adherent human PMNs occurred at concentrations inhibitory in the chemotaxis and transmigration assays. In addition, the pattern of Gal-1 binding was differentially modulated by PMN or EC activation. In conclusion, these data suggest the existence of a previously unrecognized function of Gal-1, that is inhibition of leukocyte rolling and extravasation in experimental inflammation. It is possible that endogenous Gal-1 may be part of a novel anti-inflammatory loop in which the endothelium is the source of the protein and the migrating PMNs the target for its anti-inflammatory action.


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Alterations in the synthesis or enhanced inactivation of nitric oxide (NO) and increase in fibrin deposition in the vascular bed lead to an imbalance that can induced intravascular coagulation. NO is produced through L-arginine pathway by constitutive and inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS). The inducible isoform can be activated by cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alfa. We evaluated NO-induced tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA) release from isolated aortic segments of Wistar rats measuring the fibrinolytic activity in the fibrin plate. Inhibition of NO biossynthesis with Nω-nitro-L-arginine (NωNLA) significantly attenuated the fibrinolytic activity (FA) evoked by aortic segments of this group (GII) compared to the saline group (GI). The administration of L-arginine produced restoration of FA in this group (GIII) treated with NωNLA suggesting that t-PA arising from segments of rat aorta is influenced by NO.


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Background: Microalbuminuria may reflect diffuse endothelial damage. Considering that diabetes and hypertension cause vasculopathy, we investigated associations of albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) with plasma glucose and blood pressure levels in high-risk subjects for metabolic syndrome. Methods: A sample of 519 (246 men) Japanese-Brazilians (aged 60 ± 11 years), who participated in a population-based study, had their ACR determined in a morning urine specimen. Backward models of multiple linear regression were created for each gender including log-transformed values of ACR as dependent variable; an interaction term between diabetes and hypertension was included. Results: Macroalbuminuria was found in 18 subjects. ACR mean values for subjects with normal glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glycemia, impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes were 9.9 ± 6.0, 19.0 ± 35.4, 20.7 ± 35.4, and 33.9 ± 55.0 mg/g, respectively. Diabetic subjects showed higher ACR than the others (p < 0.05). An increase in the proportion of albuminuric subjects was observed as glucose metabolism deteriorated (4.9, 17.0, 23.0 and 36.0%). Stratifying into 4 groups according to postchallenge glycemia (< 7.8 mmol/l, n = 9 1; ≥ 7.8 mmol/l, n = 4 10) and hypertension, hypertensive and glucose-intolerant subgroups showed higher ACR values. ACR was associated with gender, waist circumference, blood pressure, plasma glucose and triglyceride (p < 0.05); albuminuric subjects had significantly higher levels of such variables than the normoalbuminuric ones. In the final models of linear regression, systolic blood pressure and 2-hour glycemia were shown to be independent predictors of ACR for both genders (p < 0.05). In men, also waist was independently associated with ACR. No interaction was detected between diabetes and hypertension. Conclusions: These findings suggest that both glucose intolerance and hypertension could have independent but not synergistic effects on endothelial function - reflected by albumin loss in urine. Such hypothesis needs to be confirmed in prospective studies. © 2004 Dustri-Verlag Dr. K. Feistle.


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This study aims to evaluate the diabetic influence on the choroidal vessels morphology. Twenty Wistar rats were divided into a control (CG) and a diabetic group (DG). The animals had the diabetes induced by an intra-venous injection of Alloxan (42 mg/kg). Transmission electron microscopy analysis focusing the choroidal vessels was done one (T2) and twelve (T3) months after the diabetes induction. The CG rats in T3 showed vesicles and dense bodies in the endothelial and pericytic cells; the same structures were observed in the DG at T2. The DG rats in T3 had even more and intense changes than the T2DG rats. The morphological evaluation indicates that the choroidal vessels are affected in diabetes and the disease accelerates degenerative processes in the rat choroidal vasculature.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis has a variety of clinical manifestations and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, the causative agent, may infect many tissues, most importantly the lungs. Migration of pathogenic yeasts to the endothelial cell layer is considered a prerequisite for multiple organ invasion and dissemination of the fungus. In this study of the adhesion of P. brasiliensis to endothelial cells in vitro, we investigated whether this adhesion could represent a mechanism of dissemination. To this end, as well as using conventional optical microscopy, an alternative in vivo technique was developed, to detect the presence of fungal cells in umbilical cords embedded in paraffin wax. An experiment on the migration of P. brasiliensis through an endothelial cell monolayer was carried out, and the migration of yeast cells was greater, and took less time, in control wells with no cells. The fungus crossed the monolayer, but, compared to control wells, the migration-rate was about 30% lower. This shows that the monolayer only partially blocked migration of the fungus. In these experiments, we had great difficulty finding P. brasiliensis adhered to the cell monolayer, when it was examined at different times, suggesting that migration of the fungus across the endothelial layer is very fast, and cannot normally be observed in cell culture in vitro. Thus, P. brasiliensis can cross the endothelium rapidly and probably invades deeper tissue.


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The median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) is one of most important site of the lamina terminalis implicated in the regulation of hydro electrolytic and cardiovascular balance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of L-Type calcium channel antagonist, nifedipine, on the increase of median arterial blood pressure (MAP) induce by angiotensin II (ANG II) injected into the MnPO. The influence of nitric oxide (NO) on nifedipine antipressor action has also been studied by utilizing N W-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) (40 μg 0.2 μL -1) a NO synthase inhibitor (NOSI), 7-nitroindazole (7-NIT) (40 μg 0.2 μL -1), a specific neuronal NO synthase inhibitor (nNOSI) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) (20 μg 0.2 μL -1) a NO donor agent. We have also investigated the central role of losartan and PD123349 (20 nmol 0.2 μL -1), AT 1 and AT 2, respectively (selective non peptide ANG II receptor antagonists), in the pressor effect of ANG II (25 pmol 0.2 μL -1) injected into the MnPO. Male Wistar rats weighting 200-250 g, with cannulae implanted into the MnPO were utilized. Losartan injected into the MnPO, prior to ANG II, blocked the pressor effect of ANGII. PD 123319 only decreased the pressor effect of ANG II. Rats pre-treated with either 50 μg 0.2 μL -1 or 100 μg 0.2 μL -1 of nifedipine, followed by 25 pmol 0.2 μL -1 of ANG II, decreased ANG II-pressor effect. L-NAME potentiated the pressor effect of ANG II. 7-NIT injected prior to ANG II into the MnPO also potentiated the pressor effect of ANGII but with less intensity than that of L-NAME. SNP injected prior to ANG II blocked the pressor effect of ANG II. The potentiation action of L-NAME and 7-NIT on ANG II-pressor effect was blocked by prior injection of nifedipine. The results described in this study provide evidence that calcium channels play important roles in central ANG II-induced pressor effect. The structures containing NO in the brain, such as MnPO, include both endothelial and neuronal cells, which might be responsible for the influence of nifedipine on the pressor effect of ANG II. These data have shown the functional relationship between L-Type calcium channel and a free radical gas NO in the MnPO, on the control of ANG II-induced pressor effect acting in AT 1 and AT 2 receptors.


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The aim of this study was to examine the endothelial surface and to perform a morphometric analysis of the corneal endothelial cells in normal eyes of dogs using specular microscopy. Morphometric analysis with regard mean cell area and cell density was performed. Both eyes of ten mixed-breed, males and females, with 6 years of age, weighing about 15 kg euthanatized for reasons unrelated to this study were evaluated. Eyes were examined to determine that they did not have visible ocular disease and transported to the laboratory in moist chamber. Using a contact specular microscope the corneal endothelium was examined. Three images of the central corneal endothelium of each eye were obtained. The mean cell area and the cell density of the corneal endothelial cells were obtained using software for corneal endothelium analysis and density measurement. The mean cell area was 395 ± 36 μm 2 and the endothelial cell density was 2555 ± 240 cells/mm2. The present work demonstrates that the normal corneal endothelium of dog is similar to those described in human.