90 resultados para Dimensão macromolecular
In managing an Inpatient unit, nurses face the need to make decisions involving agents in the institution’s internal and external environments, and all these measures are influential, regardless of how beneficial they may be. Hence, ethical issues constitute an important dimension of nursing management. This study aimed at identifying measures and/or interventions adopted by managing nurses at Inpatient Units in the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital - UNESP with the purpose to analyze professional ethics. The study involved nurses holding technicalsupervision positions in sectors related to the Nursing Division, comprising a total number of 20. The exploratory method was used by means of taped interviews with a qualitative approach based on the Collective Subject Discourse. Human resources deficit was observed as nurses’ major concern in relation to nursing care provision. The managers seek the nursing staff’s development by means of educational activities in their own unit at the same time that they adopt those offered by the hospital. When ethical violations occur, they resort to measures ranging from individual strategies for violators’ orientation to legal intervention. The resolution of ethical conflicts by nursing managers generally occurs in a gradual fashion by taking into account their compromising level, whether in relation to the patient or to the multiprofessional team. Educational activities are focused on the development of technical skills aiming at preventing physical damage to patients although educational activities targeted at the development of professionals’ ethical awareness were not mentioned
Experimental models composed by human and animal cell lines are simplified and informative, allowing them to be widely used for biomedical research. Most laboratories that use in vitro cultivated cells maintain a variation of cell lines stored and cultivated. Therefore, misidentification and cross-contamination events can happen during cell lines handling. This problem can generate a repertoire of dubious results and papers, which may prejudice biomedical research. Recently it was created the International Cell Line Authentication Committee (ICLAC), which aims to spread knowledge about cross-contamination and misidentification of in vitro cell lines. Despite of the efforts spent trying to aware scientific community about the importance of the correct identification of cells, the number of papers based on misidentified cell lines it´s still worrying, compromising the reliability of out coming results and conclusions regarding them. The present study aims to analyze and discuss the main advantages and limitations of eukaryote in vitro cell lines use, characterizing the cell lines authentication problems. Therefore, compilation and critical analyses of literature data was realized, aiming to improve the understanding about this subject. Based on information about 445 cell lines with issues published by ICLAC it´s clear that contamination in human cell lines represented 89,2 % of mentioned problems. HeLa cell line was the responsible for most contamination, especially in 92 normal tissue cell lines, representing 44,6% of the contamination. These results reinforce the importance of periodic maintenance of cell lines cultures by labs and implementation of authentication methods as polymorphic STRs, besides obtaining cell lines from reliable sources and cell banks
A crise ecológica, considerada reflexo de uma crise social por vários autores, tem na Educação Ambiental (EA) um dos caminhos possíveis na reversão desse quadro. Para isso, acreditamos que ela deva contemplar três dimensões (conhecimentos, participação e valores) que se articulam e se complementam. Particularmente interessadas na dimensão dos valores, voltamo-nos à questão da valorização estética da natureza. A dimensão estética, com destaque aqui para sua associação com a arte em geral, pode contribuir para a construção de uma visão de mundo menos fragmentada, na medida em que propicia ao educando a construção de novos valores e o desenvolvimento da sensibilidade, ampliando a perspectiva desenhada pela cultura em que ele está inserido. Reconhecendo o desafio que significa a abordagem da dimensão estética em projetos de EA, objetivamos com esta investigação, de caráter qualitativo, identificar os entendimentos e práticas de professores e de arte-educadores interessados no trabalho com EA, analisando os limites e possibilidades para o trabalho com essa dimensão. A pesquisa envolveu quatro professores de escolas públicas da cidade de Rio Claro-SP, participantes de um curso de formação docente cujo tema foi a EA e o trabalho com valores, e quatro arte-educadores que realizam trabalhos de EA. Os dados foram coletados a partir das transcrições de filmagens e de relatos das reuniões ocorridas ao longo do referido curso, da análise documental dos Planos de Ensinos e diários dos professores, observação das práticas dos professores, entrevistas e questionários respondidos pelos arte-educadores. Um dos principais aspectos que emergiu da análise dos dados refere-se à necessidade de se romper com o modelo racionalista adotado por nossa sociedade, o qual, dentre outras coisas, nega a sensibilidade a ponto de tornar a dimensão estética... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
The aim of this paper is to present some considerations on discursive positions that challenge the textual production of a student from Cycle II Elementary School. We intend to show how a biased reading of the student’s text might not observe significant textual features and disregard the student’s level of literacy, thus ignoring the insertion of this writing in a socio-historical context. Such an approach, while defined by ideology, is determined by the pedagogical discourse that focuses on formal patterns of language, which prevents the teacher from identifying rich and interesting linguistic and textual procedures in the text in question, indicative of the student's literacy and his/her potential for authorship. This reading mostly denies the efforts that have been made to reverse the exclusion of public schools students, weakening the idealist discourse that claims for a “school for everybody”.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Ao observarmos o cotidiano nas escolas é possível constatar que nem sempre se reconhece e se valoriza a diferença e a singularidade que caracteriza cada sujeito envolvido, pois ocorrem situações de negação mútua entre alunos, entre alunos e professores e entre outras relações do espaço escolar que ferem a dignidade humana. Uma alternativa a essa realidade é a promoção de vivências dialógicas. Nesse sentido, objetivamos com este trabalho: Refletir sobre as contribuições teórico-conceituais desenvolvidas por Paulo Freire e por Humberto Maturana acerca da vivência do diálogo, suas possibilidades e impasses nas relações sociais e na relação educativa; e identificar, a partir de um estudo de caso realizado em uma escola da Rede Pública Estadual, as concepções dos educadores sobre a prática dialógica no cotidiano escolar. Para Freire, o diálogo é o encontro e a partilha de concepções de A com B e não de A sobre B ou vice versa, sendo que nesta relação é importante que ambos se disponham à escuta mútua reconhecendo a diversidade de concepções que estimula a curiosidade epistemológica. Para Maturana, a partir da Biologia, cada ser vivo se constitui como uma organização autopoiética, ou seja, tem a tarefa de produzir-se a si próprio, estabelecendo relações com o meio. Na existência humana, essas interações com o meio e entre os humanos se estabelecem num entrelaçamento de emoções e ações, que ele nomeia de conversação. A partir das reflexões pelos autores e o diálogo estabelecido com sujeitos da pesquisa destacamos: 1) As relações sociais se mantêm quando há aceitação do outro como legítimo outro na convivência, o que implica a aceitação de si próprio; 2) O diálogo cria um clima de aceitação para com a história e a diferença do outro, o que favorece relações de partilha de ideias e de releitura coletiva do mundo. Tanto Maturana e Freire, quanto os entrevistados valorizam o ...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The contributions of studies on Cognitive Styles are presented and discussed in this text, introductory and conceptually, in order to clarify and facilitate the discussion within the school education. With the theoretical origin in the cognitive psychology, more specifically, in studies of human cognition in differential perspective, the Cognitive Styles, are constructs developed to describe perceptual characteristics of the individual called "Dependence and Independence Field." In the course of this conceptual construction it is evidenced that individual perceptions are part of a broad set of interrelated factors that reflect the level of psychological differentiation of individuals. The studies show subjects with different Cognitive Styles, that are distributed in a "continuum" in order to set up a statistical normality. Therein some educational implications related to the Cognitive Styles are evident in relation to how the students learn, how the teachers teach, to the formal education in itself and to the career plan. The Cognitive Styles has a broad spectrum of influence on the relationship established in the teaching-learning process. So, these concepts need urgently to be better understood in the context of education.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Present research investigated how morality has been developed from kinder garten through care relationships established between the nursery assistants, caregivers calls, and children aged 0-2 years old in order to identify if there the action of caring expressions of generosity, considered one of the virtues that are the genesis of human morality, as well as to analyze the conceptions of these nursery assistants about care as a possibility for the moral development of children. The research was based on theoretical studies of Jean Piaget (1932), a pioneer in psychological research on the development of moral judgment in children, and others who own research in the field of moral psychology related to the educational context as well as the care relationship with morality in order to support the research. The results show that the understanding of care in early child hood education is still superficial and based on concepts related to welfare, including caring in a limited way, just as an action aimed at the physical integrity of children. Unable to note concerns and moral development of children, taking care as a support. We hope this research instigate reflections on the importance of care in day care and their contributions to the moral awakening the children they serve