143 resultados para Digital medical images
Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare two methods for the evaluation of periapical lesion changes following endodontic therapy (digital subtraction technique and morphometric analysis) by outlining the radiolucent area.Methods: 13 human anterior teeth with pulp necrosis and chronic periapical lesions were used. Periapical radiographs were taken immediately after endodontic therapy (0) and then 2 months, 4 months and 6 months post treatment, using an intraoral radiographic film holder stabilized with impression material. The films were processed in a standard manner and the digitized images were submitted to digital subtraction using Adobe Photoshop 6.0. New bone formation or bone resorption areas were then measured. In the morphometric analysis, the periapical lesions were outlined using VixWin 2000 and the area (in square millimetres) was recorded. The obtained data were submitted to agreement analysis for comparison of the two techniques.Results: There was no correlation between the areas of radiographic changes detected by digital subtraction and periapical lesion outline (r=0.02-0.45). The new bone formation areas observed by digital subtraction presented higher values, with bone changes being especially evident in the 2 month follow-up radiographs, which suggests a higher sensitivity for this method.Conclusions: Both methods are suitable for the evaluation of periapical lesion changes, but the digital subtraction technique is more sensitive for detecting radiographic periapical changes. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2009) 38, 438-444. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/53304677
Introduction: Root resorption can cause damage in orthodontic patients. Digital subtraction radiography (DSR) is a useful resource for the detection of mineral losses. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of digital radiography (DR) and DSR in detecting simulated external root resorption. Examiner agreement between the 2 techniques was also evaluated. Methods: Root resorptions of various sizes were simulated on the apical and lingual aspects of 49 teeth from 9 dry human mandibles. The teeth were radiographed in standardized conditions. The radiographs were registered with Regeemy Image Registration and Mosaicking (version 0.2.43-RCB, DPI-INPE, Sao Jose dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil) and subtracted with Image Tool (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio). The subtracted images and the digital radiographs were evaluated by 3 oral radiologists. Results: No statistically significant differences were found for the methods in the detection of apical root resorptions, independently from lesion size, and of lingual resorptions of 1.2 mm or greater. DSR was significantly better than DR for detection of lingual resorptions up to 1 mm. Resorptions less than 0.5 mm were not precisely detected by either method. DSR provided better intraexaminer and interexaminer agreement than did DR. Conclusions: Both methods are precise for detection of apical root resorptions as small as 0.5 mm and lingual resorptions of 1 mm or more. However, DSR frequently performed better than did DR. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;139:324-33)
Neste artigo, fazemos uma breve exposição de como um dos conceitos fundamentais da física moderna, a existência de antimatéria, tem aplicação na medicina, na chamada tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (PET na sigla em inglês). Ela consiste na produção de imagens tomográficas digitais do organismo que são obtidas pela detecção da radiação produzida na aniquilação do pósitron com o elétron.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objectives: To compare simulated periodontal bone defect depth measured in digital radiographs with dedicated and non-dedicated software systems and to compare the depth measurements from each program with the measurements in dry mandibles.Methods: Forty periodontal bone defects were created at the proximal area of the first premolar in dry pig mandibles. Measurements of the defects were performed with a periodontal probe in the dry mandible. Periapical digital radiographs of the defects were recorded using the Schick sensor in a standardized exposure setting. All images were read using a Schick dedicated software system (CDR DICOM for Windows v.3.5), and three commonly available non-dedicated software systems (Vix Win 2000 v.1.2; Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and Image Tool 3.0). The defects were measured three times in each image and a consensus was reached among three examiners using the four software systems. The difference between the radiographic measurements was analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and by comparing the measurements from each software system with the dry mandibles measurements using Student's t-test.Results: the mean values of the bone defects measured in the radiographs were 5.07 rum, 5.06 rum, 5.01 mm and 5.11 mm for CDR Digital Image and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) for Windows, Vix Win, Adobe Photoshop, and Image Tool, respectively, and 6.67 mm for the dry mandible. The means of the measurements performed in the four software systems were not significantly different, ANOVA (P = 0.958). A significant underestimation of defect depth was obtained when we compared the mean depths from each software system with the dry mandible measurements (t-test; P congruent to 0.000).Conclusions: the periodontal bone defect measurements in dedicated and in three non-dedicated software systems were not significantly different, but they all underestimated the measurements when compared with the measurements obtained in the dry mandibles.
Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of approximal caries detection comparing enhanced and unenhanced Sidexis CCD-based digital image with Ektaspeed Plus and INSIGHT films. Methods: Fifty-two extracted premolars were imaged under identical standardized geometric and exposure conditions. Four observers, using five points confidence scale, rated 104 approximal surfaces for the presence or absence of carious lesions by means of four image modalities: (1) observer enhanced; (2) unenhanced Sidexis displays; (3) E speed films and (4) F speed film. Histologic sections served as validating criterion for the presence and depth of carious lesions. Diagnostic accuracy was measured as the area beneath the ROC curve. Results: Mean ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve areas for approximal surfaces were 0.865 (E speed), 0.856 (F speed), 0.816 (unenhanced Sidexis) and 0.776 (observer enhanced). There were no significant differences between unenhanced digital Sidexis and films. Observer enhanced Sidexis images exhibited a statistically significant lower diagnostic accuracy than the film images for two of the observers.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the occurrence of apical root transportation after the use of Pro Taper Universal rotary files sizes 3 (F3) and 4 (F4). Methods: Instruments were worked to the apex of the original canal, always by the same operator. Digital subtraction radiography images were produced in buccolingual and mesiodistal projections. A total of 25 radiographs were taken from root canals of human maxillary first molars with curvatures varying from 23-31 degrees. Quantitative data were analyzed by intraclass correlation coefficient and Wilcoxon nonparametric test (P = .05). Results: Buccolingual images revealed a significantly higher degree of apical transportation associated with F4 instruments when compared with F3 instruments in relation to the original canal (Wilcoxon test, P = .007). No significant difference was observed in mesiodistal images (P = .492). Conclusions: F3 instruments should be used with care in curved canals, and F4 instruments should be avoided in apical third preparation of curved canals. (J Endod 2010;36:1052-1055)
Objective: To evaluate the oral features in individuals with oral-facial-digital syndrome type 1 (OFD 1), previously diagnosed by the Genetic Sector of the Hospital of Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies of the University of São Paulo (HRAC-USP).Design: Twelve patients with OFD 1 were examined clinically and radiographically; their medical files were also evaluated.Results: Associated oral malformations were observed in all patients (100%). The most frequent findings were tongue hamartomas, multiple buccal frena, asymmetric lips, asymmetric tongue, and bilateral maxillary gingival swelling. Interestingly, atrophy of the maxillary midline frenum was also observed in all the individuals examined.Conclusions: Several extra and intraoral alterations were observed in patients with OFD 1. The authors suggest the inclusion of atrophy of the maxillary midline frenum as a commonly found characteristic of OFD 1.
This article presents an automatic methodology for extraction of road seeds from high-resolution aerial images. The method is based on a set of four road objects and another set of connection rules among road objects. Each road object is a local representation of an approximately straight road fragment and its construction is based on a combination of polygons describing all relevant image edges, according to some rules embodying road knowledge. Each one of the road seeds is composed by a sequence of connected road objects, in which each sequence of this type can be geometrically structured as a chain of contiguous quadrilaterals. Experiments carried out with high-resolution aerial images showed that the proposed methodology is very promising in extracting road seeds. This article presents the fundamentals of the method and the experimental results, as well.
Oral administration with solid dosage forms is a common route in the drug therapy widely used. The drug release by the disintegration process occurs in several gastrointestinal tract (GIT) regions. AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) was originally proposal to characterize the disintegration process of tablets in vitro and in the human stomach, through changes in magnetic signals. The aim of this work was to employ a multisensor ACB system to monitoring magnetic tablets and capsules in the human GIT and to obtain the magnetic images of the disintegration process. The ACB showed accuracy to quantify the gastric residence time, the intestinal transit time and the magnetic images allowed to visualize the disintegration of magnetic formulations in the GIT. The ACB is a non-invasive, radiation free technique, completely safe and harmless to the volunteers and had demonstrated potential to evaluate pharmaceutical dosage forms in the human gastrointestinal tract. © 2005 IEEE.
Digital technology has promoted a great popularization of photographic registration in several medical areas. Because of its visual nature, dermatology has incorporated the benefits of this tool in clinical practice and research. This article aims to offer guidance to the dermatologist who is unfamiliar with this technology, providing basic understanding for the best use of digital photography equipment. ©2006 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.
The assessment of welfare issues has been a challenge for poultry producers, and lately welfare standards needs to be reached in order to agree with international market demand. This research proposes the use of continuous behavior monitoring in order to contribute for assessing welfare. A software was developed using the language Clarium. The software managed the recording of data as well as the data searching in the database Firebird. Both software and the observational methodology were tested in a trial conducted inside an environmental chamber, using three genetics of broiler breeders. Behavioral pattern was recorded and correlated to ambient thermal and aerial variation. Monitoring video cameras were placed on the roof facing the used for registering the bird's behavior. From video camera images were recorded during the total period when the ambient was bright, and for analyzing the video images a sample of 15min observation in the morning and 15 min in the afternoon was used, adding up to 30 min daily observation. A specific model so-called behavior was developed inside the software for counting specific behavior and its frequency of occurrence, as well as its duration. Electronic identification was recorded for 24h period. Behavioral video recording images was related to the data recorded using electronic identification.. Statistical analysis of data allowed to identify behavioral differences related to the change in thermal environment, and ultimately indicating thermal stress and departure from welfare conditions.
In this work the color dependence of resin composites with the background color was evaluated. The objective was to measure since what thickness the color of the sample stops being influenced by the color of the background over which the resin is placed and the methodology used in experiment was based in analyzing the contrast of digital images of the sample over a black background. The results shown that since 0.8 mm the images contrast becomes almost constant; it prove that since this thickness the color of resin composite depends on the optical resin properties only. The experiment was repeated under three conditions of luminosity to evaluate the influence of it on the image contrast and the results obtained were identical.
This paper seeks to apply a routine for highways detection through the mathematical morphology tools in high resolution image. The Mathematical Morphology theory consists of describing structures geometric presents quantitatively in the image (targets or features). This explains the use of the Mathematical Morphology in this work. As high resolution images will be used, the largest difficulty in the highways detection process is the presence of trees and automobiles in the borders tracks. Like this, for the obtaining of good results through the use of morphologic tools was necessary to choose the structuring element appropriately to be used in the functions. Through the appropriate choice of the morphologic operators and structuring elements it was possible to detect the highways tracks. The linear feature detection using mathematical morphology techniques, can contribute in cartographic applications, as cartographic products updating.
The aim of this study was to evaluate whether digitized images obtained from occlusal radiographs taken with low or over dose of radiation could be improved with the aid of computer software for digital treatment. Thirteen occlusal radiographs of a dry skull were taken employing 13 different exposure times. The radiographs were digitized and then manipulated with the program for image editing. 143 evaluations were performed by specialists in dental radiology who classified radiographs as appropriate or not appropriate for interpretation. Test Z was used for statistical analysis of the data and the results showed that it is possible to manipulate digitized radiographic images taken with 75% of the ideal exposure time and to make them suitable for interpretation and diagnosis. Conversely, it was concluded that the over exposed images, 57.50% above the standard exposure time, were inadequate.