166 resultados para Diagnosis related groups


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OBJETIVO: caracterizar fenotipicamente leveduras isoladas do conteúdo vaginal de 223 mulheres adultas, sintomáticas (S) e assintomáticas (A) para vulvovaginite, e determinar os indicadores clínicos que possivelmente levam ao surgimento de sinais e sintomas relacionados ao acometimento da mucosa por essa patologia. MÉTODOS: inicialmente foi aplicado um questionário, com questões abertas e fechadas, sobre dados clínicos epidemiológicos. Logo, ocorreu o diagnóstico micológico com semeadura em meio Chrom Agar Candida, identificação micromorfológica e bioquímica. Métodos específicos para detecção de fatores de virulência, proteinase e fosfolipase foram empregados. A análise estatística das variáveis foi estabelecida utilizando os testes χ2 e χ2 de Pearson. RESULTADOS: Candida albicans foi a espécie mais prevalente (87%, S e 67%, A), seguida de Candida glabrata (4%, S e 17%, A). O número de mulheres que referiram adoção de anticoncepcionais foi mais alto entre as sintomáticas, 77%. Nos dois grupos estudados, em torno de 87% apresentaram ciclos menstruais regulares, 57% das mulheres eram casadas com idade entre 30 a 40 anos. em relação a práticas sexuais, houve para parte das pacientes, concomitância entre os hábitos, anal, oral e vaginal. em relação à fosfolipase, apenas Candida albicans produziu este fator de virulência em 37,5%. A proteinase foi detectada em Candida albicans, Candida glabrata e Candida parapsilosis. Esse último fator de virulência esteve associado, principalmente, a isolados de pacientes sintomáticas. CONCLUSÕES: a colonização e infecção da mucosa vaginal por levedura é real com diversas espécies de Candida presentes. No entanto, Candida albicans se destaca como espécie prevalente em mucosa vaginal de mulheres adultas. Fica evidente a emergência de espécies de Candida não albicans, algumas com resistência intrínseca aos azólicos, tais como Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis, e Candida guillermondii, o que pode ser explicado pelo uso inadequado de medicamentos e tratamento empírico.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We evaluated the potency of isoproterenol, carbachol, pilocarpine and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the rat right atria at 30, 60 and 90 days after neonatal capsaicin treatment. Neonatal rats were pretreated on the second day of life with capsaicin (50 mg/kg). The capsaicin pretreatment caused a five-fold rightward shift at the pEC(50) level on the concentration-response curves to isoproterenol in 30-day-old rats. Propranolol (10 mg/kg, given 15 min prior to capsaicin treatment) prevented this subsensitivity. No changes in the potency of isoproterenol were observed at 60 and 90 days after capsaicin pretreatment. The potency and maximal responses of CGRP in the right atria in 30-day-old rats were significantly higher than in 60- and 90-day-old rats; however, no differences were found between control and capsaicin groups. The potency and maximal responses to carbachol and pilocarpine were not changed in all groups. The neonatal capsaicin treatment reduced by about 74% the CGRP content in the heart in all groups. In summary, capsaicin treatment in newborn rats produces a desensitization of chronotropic response mediated by beta-adrenoceptors in isolated right atria from 30-day-old rats possibly due to a massive release of catecholamines. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An initiation-promotion medium-term bioassay for detection of chemical carcinogens, developed in the male F344 rat, uses 0.1% N-bis(2-hydroxypropyl)nitrosamine (DHPN) among five genotoxic chemicals for the initiation of carcinogenesis in multiple organs. To establish this bioassay in the Wistar strain, the effects of two dose levels of DHPN were evaluated on the main DHPN rat target organs: lung, thyroid gland, kidneys and liver. Four groups of male and female animals were studied: Control--untreated group; Multi-organ initiated group (also referred to as DMBDD, based on the initials of the five initiators)-treated sequentially with N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN, i.p.), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU, i.p.), N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxy butyl)nitrosamine (BBN, drinking water), N, N'-dimethylhydrazine (DMH, s.c.) and DHPN (drinking water) for 4 weeks; a third group treated with 0.1% DHPN in drinking water for 2 weeks and the last group treated with 0.2% DHPN in drinking water for 4 weeks. The animals were sacrificed after 30 weeks. DHPN at 0.2% induced preneoplasia in the liver and kidneys of rats of both sexes, the number and area of the putative preneoplastic liver glutathione S-transferase-positive hepatocyte foci being significantly increased in these animals. It also induced benign and malignant tumors in female and in male rats. However, there was no relationship between the increased incidence of preneoplastic lesions and tumor development in the 0.2% DHPN-exposed groups of both sexes. DHPN at 0.1% induced only a few preneoplastic lesions in the liver and kidney and no tumors in both male and female rats. A clear dose and sex-related carcinogenic activity of DHPN was registered, although Wistar rats of both sexes showed a relative resistance to the carcinogenic activity of this compound.


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We present morphological and natural history data on Epipedobates pictus and three additional taxa currently regarded as synonyms of the former: Epipedobates braccatus, E. flavopictus, and E. hahneli. Topotypes of the four species were examined. Morphological data on tadpoles and adults, in addition to distribution patterns and vocalizations, indicate that the four taxa represent distinct species. Two groups are evident within them: (1) the slender-bodied, Amazonian E. hahneli with small flash marks on the thighs and a low-finned tadpole, and (2) the robust bodied, almost extra-Amazonian E. braccatus, E. flavopictus, and E. pictus with large flash marks on the thighs and tadpoles with fins of moderate height.


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Seventy-seven rabies virus (RV) isolates originating from Brazilian cattle were genetically characterized. Partial nucleoprotein gene sequences of these isolates were phylogenetically and geographically analyzed. Cattle isolates, which clustered with the vampire bat-related RV group, were further subdivided into nine genetic subgroups. These subgroups were distributed widely in lowland regions, with some subgroups separated from each other by mountain ranges. In addition, separation of the groups in mountainous regions was correlated with altitude. These results indicate that cattle rabies is derived from several regionally-defined variants, which suggests that its geographical distribution is related to that of the vampire bat population.


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Background: Calcaneal apophysitis in children is a self-limited condition that may interfere with walking and physical performance in sports, thus causing concern to the patient and parents. There is still controversy about the significance of the radiographic changes in children with heel pain, since the report of Sever in 1912. One of the reasons is that normal children may display a considerable variation in the radiographic aspects of the secondary ossification center of the calcaneus at different ages. Methods: In this investigation, the developmental aspects of primary and secondary ossification centers of the calcaneus were studied in radiographs obtained from healthy boys and from boys with calcaneal apophysitis. The normal population comprised 392 children and adolescents ranging in age from 6 to 15 years. There were 69 individuals with calcaneal apophysitis ranging in age from 8 to 14 years. Lateral standard radiographs were obtained of both heels, and a copper step wedge was used as a calibration to determine bone density. The following parameters were analyzed on the plain films: time of appearance, fusion and number of fragments of the secondary nucleus, area and bone densitometry of the primary and secondary ossification centers of the calcaneus. Results: In the normal population, the ossification of the secondary nucleus began at 7 years of age, and at 15 years of age, the nucleus was fused in all individuals. In the apophysitis group, the secondary ossification center was present and not fused in all individuals. Both secondary nuclei increased in size with age with no difference between the two groups. Regarding bone density, both the primary and secondary nuclei were less dense in the apophysitis group than their counterparts in the normal population. The most significant difference between the two populations referred to the degree of fragmentation, which was greater in the apophysitis group. Conclusion: Our data showed that the sclerotic aspect of the secondary nucleus of the calcaneus is a normal feature and, therefore, should not be used to establish the diagnosis of Sever's disease. The most consistent difference between the normal and apophysitis group was related to the more fragmented aspect of the secondary nucleus in the latter individuals, which may suggest a mechanical etiology for that condition.


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Photosynthetic characteristics in response to irradiance were analysed in 42 populations of 33 macroalgal species by two distinct techniques (chlorophyll fluorescence and oxygen evolution). Photosynthesis-irradiance (PI) curves based on the two techniques indicated adaptations to low irradiance reflected by low saturation values, high to moderate values of photosynthetic efficiency (alpha) and photoinhibition (beta), for Bacillariophyta and Rhodophyta, which suggests they are typically shade-adapted algae. In contrast, most species of Chlorophyta were reported as sun adapted algae, characterized by high values of I-k and low of alpha, and lack of or low photoinhibition. Cyanophyta and Xanthophyta were intermediate groups in terms of light adaptations. Photoinhibition was observed in variable degrees in all algal groups, under field and laboratory conditions, which confirms that it is not artificially induced by experimental conditions, but is rather a common and natural phenomenon of the lotic macroalgae. Low values of compensation irradiance (I-c) were found, which indicate that these algae can keep an autotrophic metabolism even under very low irradiances. High ratios (>2) of photosynthesis/respiration were found in most algae, which indicates a considerable net gain. These two physiological characteristics suggest that macroalgae may be important primary producers in lotic ecosystems. Saturation parameters (I-k and I-s) occurred in a relatively narrow range of irradiances (100-400 mumol photons m(-2) s(-1)), with some exceptions (higher in some filamentous green algae or lower in red algae). These parameters were way below the irradiances measured at collecting sites for most algae, which means that most of the available light energy was not photochemically converted via photosynthesis. Acclimation to ambient PAR was observed, as revealed by lower values of I-k and I-c and higher values of alpha and quantum yield in algae from shaded streams, and vice versa. Forms living within the boundary layer (crusts) showed responses of shade-adapted species and had the highest values of P-max, alpha and quantum yield, whereas the opposite trend was observed in gelatinous forms (colonies and. laments). These results suggests adaptation to the light regime rather than functional attributes related to the growth form.


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The main goal of this study was to identify and analyse environmental problems related to human occupation at the south part of the city of Paranagua PR, Brazil, aiming the diagnosis and conceptual evaluation of landscape use. For landscape use assessments and degradation diagnosis purposes, the environment was classified considering mainly geological and geomorphologic characteristics, such as declivity and sediment origin. The identification of potential environmental impacts was made by aerial photographs, Landsat-TM images, photographic records, surface sediment samples, water-column samples, and mainly observation visits to each classified unit. Surface sediment samples were taken with a Petit-Ponar sampler, in 13 station located in Paranagua Bay. In order to characterize the contamination level on sediments, the concentration of the following elements were analysed: arsenic (As), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), lead (Ph) e zinc (Zn). For the extraction of these elements, samples were treated with HCl 0.1N for 12 hours. This method has the advantage of determining contaminants which are weakly bind to the sediment, thus more available to the system. Analysis were performed by atomic absorption spectroscopy. According to the adopted criteria, sectors were classified as hills, mangroves, continental sediments and beach ridges urban and port industrial. Water quality and concentrations of metallic elements were determined at three sectors one control and two with the influence of urban and port/industrial activities, respectively the major upland impacts found were: deforestation due to disordered occupation, and solid waste emission through domestic and industrial sewage. The diagnosis of the actual situation was used as a basis for a management plan, once it allows the identification of impacts, and consequent environmental irregularities. Based on this considerations, suggestions for land use and management were presented, which offers a better approach for recuperation and protection of the studied ecosystem.


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Biochemical values are widely related with environmental agents, sex and age, and are used in disease diagnosis. Numerous reports have been published on the biochemical parameters of different breeds of horses. However, there is a paucity of information concerning Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), ceruloplasmin, copper and zinc determinations in the serum. Blood samples from a total of 60 horses of the Mangalarga-Paulista breed, representing three age groups (0 to 4 months old, 6 to 18 months old and adult) were examined. Male horses have a higher mean value of SOD, ceruloplasmin and copper than do females. No significant sex-related difference was observed in serum zinc content of weaned and adult horses. SOD activity was significantly higher in adult animals. Since SOD has a protective effect against superoxide free radical toxicity and possesses anti-inflammatory activity, it is reasonable to assume that the increased activity of this enzyme may be due to an adaptation mechanism which protects the adult animal against oxygen toxicity.


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Background Gynecological and obstetrical ultrasonography has become an indispensable tool in the routine management, health evaluation and research on captive non-human primates.Methods Ultrasound was used to evaluate the uterus and estimate the gestation of owl monkeys. Twelve couples were selected, where five were primiparous and seven multiparous females from the National Primate Center reproductive colony, Ananindeua-PA, Brazil. The procedures were carried out using the GE (R) Logiq 100 MP, equipped with a 7.5 MHz linear probe.Results the females showed a simple uterus, of elongated shape, regular outline and homogeneous echogenic texture. In the uterine measurements craniocaudal diameter, dorsoventral diameter and uterine volume (UV), significant differences were identified (P < 0.05) between ultrasound examinations of primiparous and multiparous females. The UV showed a positive correlation with the number of births. The gestational sac and the embryonic echo were visible between 28 and 38 days after mating. Between 48 and 68 days after mating, embryonic death was identified in all the gestations.Conclusions the chemical (use of tranquilizers) and husbandry factors (capture stress) may be related to the prenatal death. The establishing methods of conditioning the female to the ultrasonographic exam may offer a solution to this problem.


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1. In order to investigate the effect of aging on the erythrocyte glutathione system, total glutathione (GSH), glutathione reductase (GSH-red) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-px) levels were measured in erythrocytes from 33 young (mean age = 30.5 +/- 9.7 years) and 28 aged (mean age = 68.9 +/- 11.4 years) healthy individuals.2. GSH was 3.5 +/- 1.8-mu-M/g Hb for the young group, a value significantly greater (P < 0.01) than 2.3 +/- 0.9-mu-M/g Hb found for the aged group. Similarly, GSH-red activity, 5.5 +/- 1.8 IU/g Hb, was higher (P < 0.05) for the young group than 3.4 +/- 0.9 IU/g Hb found for the aged group. The GSH-px activity levels for the young group, 21.1 +/- 5.9 IU/g Hb, were significantly greater (P < 0.01) than 12.0 +/- 3.3 IU/g Hb for the aged group. The lower activity detected in the aged group for all of these parameters of the glutathione redox system was not related to low levels of hematocrit or hemoglobin.3. There was no statistical difference in the activation coefficient (AC) of reductase (+FAD/-FAD) between groups, which seems to indicate that the lower activity of glutathione reductase observed in the aged group was not due to riboflavin deficiency.4. Additional information is required to determine the mechanisms controlling the glutathione redox system and its role in the aging process.


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Mean arterial pressure and heart rate were determined in conscious, unrestrained groups of 10 male, female and androgenized female Wistar rats 20 s (early pressor response) and 1 min (late sustained response) after bilateral carotid artery occlusion. The early pressor response, which is of carotid reflex origin, was 40% greater in female than in male rats (45 +/- 2 vs 63 +/- 3 mmHg, respectively). The late sustained response, which is of central origin (probably ischemic), did not differ between male and female rats (32 +/- 2 vs 37 +/- 4 mmHg, respectively). The magnitude of the early pressor response of androgenized female tats (50 +/- 2 mmHg) was similar to that of male rats (45 +/- 2 mmHg) but the late sustained response was 19% smaller (26 +/- 2 mmHg). Common carotid occlusion caused increases in heart rate which were greater in female (51 +/- 9 and 34 +/- 9 beats/min in the early pressor response and late sustained response, respectively) than in male rats (31 +/- 5 and 8 +/- 4 beats/min, respectively). In androgenized female rats, heart rate decreased during common carotid occlusion (34 +/- 7 and 35 +/- 8 beats/min after 20 s and 1 min, respectively). These data provide evidence that there are substantial sex-related differences in the cardiovascular responses to common carotid occlusion in conscious rats and indicate that administration of androgens to newborn female rats affects the baroreceptor reflex control of their arterial pressure.


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Objectives: Diffuse uterine myohypertrophy (DUMH) is a condition clinically diagnosed by the presence of uterine bleeding, homogeneous and diffuse uterine enlargement, and absence of any myoendometrial cause of bleeding. Since the morphologic criteria for the diagnosis of this entity are still controversial, this study aimed to investigate the clinical presentation and the morphologic findings of the cases of DUMH presenting at the University Hospital of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, Methods: We retrospectively studied 43 consecutive patients with DUMH submitted to hysterectomy (test group) and compared the findings with those obtained from 28 patients submitted to hysterectomy due to a prolapsed uterus (control group). There were no significant differences in age, weight or height between the two groups. Results: the uterine weight of the DUMH group (mean +/- S.D. 157.4 +/- 46.4 g) was significantly heavier than that of the control group (99.5 +/- 35.4 g) and myometrial thickness was significantly greater in the DUMH group (2.5 +/- 0.5 cm) than in the control group (1.9 +/- 0.4 cm). No positive correlation was observed between increased uterine weight and parity, but there was a positive correlation between uterine weight and myometrial thickness. on the basis of the present study, we suggest that the diagnosis of DUMH be made clinically and in cases of uterine weight greater than or equal to 120 g and myometrial thickness greater than or equal to 2.0 cm. In addition, 10 cases of each group were analyzed by morphometry to evaluate interstitial fibrosis and myometrial hypertrophy. The data showed that the increase in uterine weight in DUMH is caused by enlargement of individual myometrial fibers rather than accumulation of interstitial collagen. Conclusion: Discriminant analysis to estimate the diagnostic significance of a number of clinical and pathologic variables (age, parity, uterine weight and morphometric parameters) was able to differentiate cases of DUMH from controls in 100% of the patients.


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Diagnosis of Neospora caninum infection in dogs is based on serological assays such as the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). This study evaluated two serological tests (IFAT and ELISA) for the detection of IgG antibodies to N. caninum in 300 serum samples of dogs through the optimization of cut off titers by using the two-graph receiveroperating characteristic (TG-ROC) curve. In addition, the identification of major cross-reactive antigens with Toxoplasma gondii was investigated by inhibition ELISA and immunoblotting (IB) assays. IFAT and ELISA results showed 74% agreement, with a good negative concordance (P-neg=0.83), but a poor positive concordance (P-pos=0.42). The great majority (86%) of sera with positive concordant results (IFAT+/ELISA+) recognized at least two out of three N. caninum immunodominant antigens, particularly the 29-32 and 35-37 kDa bands. Optimization of cut off titers in IFAT and ELISA was performed considering the reactivity to at least two out of three N. caninum immunodominant antigens as infection markers, obtaining a titer of 50 for IFAT and 200 for ELISA. Seropositivity to N. caninuin was significantly associated with T gondii-seropositive samples, particularly in ELISA (55.4%). Inhibition ELISA curves for N. caninum showed a partial heterologous inhibition, indicating some degree of cross-reactivity between N. caninum and T gondii antigens. Inhibition IB assays showed a moderate heterologous inhibition for N. caninum antigens above 45-50 kDa. These results indicate that ELISA should be used critically when crude tachyzoite antigen preparations are employed, due to possible cross-reactivity with other related parasites as T gondii. Also, the cut off dilution of 1:50 in IFAT showed to be the most appropriated for N. caninum serology in dogs. Therefore, we suggest that N. caninum immunodominant antigens, specially the 17 and 29-32 kDa proteins, should be selected markers in serological assays for canine neosporosis. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.