110 resultados para DISAPPEARANCE


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Bothropstoxin-I (BthTX-I), a Lys49 phospholipase A2 homolog with no apparent catalytic activity, was first isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom and completely sequenced in this laboratory. It is a 121-amino-acid single polypeptide chain, highly myonecrotic, despite its inability to catalyze hydrolysis of egg yolk phospholipids, and has 14 half-cystine residues identified at positions 27, 29, 44, 45, 50, 51, 61, 84, 91, 96, 98, 105, 123, and 131 (numbering according to the conventional alignment including gaps, so that the last residue is Cys 131). In order to access its seven disulfide bridges, two strategies were followed: (1) Sequencing of isolated peptides from (tryptic + SV8) and chymotryptic digests by Edman-dansyl degradation; (2) crystallization of the protein and determination of the crystal structure so that at least two additional disulfide bridges could be identified in the final electron density map. Identification of the disulfide-containing peptides from the enzymatic digests was achieved following the disappearance of the original peptides from the HPLC profile after reduction and carboxymethylation of the digest. Following this procedure, four bridges were initially identified from the tryptic and SV8 digests: Cys50-Cysl31, Cys51-Cys98, Cys61-Cys91, and Cys84-Cys96. From the chymotryptic digest other peptides were isolated either containing some of the above bridges, therefore confirming the results from the tryptic digest, or presenting a new bond between Cys27 and Cys 123. The two remaining bridges were identified as Cys29-Cys45 and Cys44-Cysl05 by determination of the crystal structure, showing that BthTX-I disulfide bonds follow the normal pattern of group II PLA2s. © 2001 Plenum Publishing Corporation.


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We have investigated the effect of alloxan on insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis in rats maintained on a 17% protein (normal protein, NP) or 6% protein (low protein, LP) diet from weaning (21 days old) to adulthood (90 days old). The incidence of alloxan diabetes was higher in the NP (3.5 times) than in the LP group. During an oral glucose tolerance test, the area under serum glucose curve was lower in LP (57%) than in NP rats while there were no differences between the two groups in the area under serum insulin curve. The serum glucose disappearance rate (Kitt) after exogenous insulin administration was higher in LP (50%) than in NP rats. In pancreatic islets isolated from rats not injected with alloxan, acute exposure to alloxan (0.05 mmol/L) reduced the glucose- or arginine-stimulated insulin secretion of NP islets by 78% and 56%, respectively, whereas for islets from LP rats, the reduction was 47% and 17% in the presence of glucose and arginine, respectively. Alloxan treatment reduced the glucose oxidation in islets from LP rats to a lesser extent than in NP islets (23% vs. 56%). In conclusion, alloxan was less effective in producing hyperglycemia in rats fed a low protein diet than in normal diet rats. This effect is attributable to an increased peripheral sensivity to insulin in addition to a better preservation of glucose oxidation and insulin secretion in islets from rats fed a low protein diet.


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The present investigation compares the protein electrophoreses profiles of the hypopharyngeal glands of 12 and 25 day old Apis mellifera workers, some of which were experimentally treated with an analogue of juvenile hormone in the moment of the emergence while others were not treated. According to the evaluation of the presented variations by four main bands, it is concluded that the analogue juvenile hormone changes the glandular genetic expression pattern, promoting the disappearance of two from the four main bands in 25 day old workers. The effect of this hormone is discussed as an hypopharyngeal maturation inductor, in synergetic action with the bee age acting early in the glandular cycle.


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In the present work, we examined the effects of feeding a low protein diet during pregnancy on glucose-induced insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis in rats. Young (60 days), pregnant (P) or non-pregnant (NP) rats were fed during pregnancy or for 21 days (the NP) a normal (17%) or a low (6%) protein diet. Serum glucose and insulin levels and pancreas insulin content in the fed state; total area under serum glucose curve (AG) after a glucose load and serum glucose disappearance rate (Kitt) after insulin administration; as well as 86Rb outflow, 45Ca uptake and insulin secretion by isolated pancreatic islets in response to glucose were evaluated. Serum glucose was lower in 17%-P (12%) and 6%-P (27%) than in corresponding NP-rats. Serum insulin was higher in 17%- P (153%) and 6%-P (77%) compared to the corresponding NP-rats. Pancreatic insulin was higher in 6%-rats (55%) than in 17%-rats. No differences were found in AG among the groups whereas Kitt was lower in 6%-NP and higher in 6%-P than in the equivalent 17% rats. Increasing glucose concentration from 2.8 to 16.7 mmol/l, reduced 86Rb outflow from isolated islets from all groups. Increasing glucose concentration from 2.8 to 16.7 mmol/l elevated 45Ca uptake by 17%-NP (47%), 17%-P (40%) and 6%-P (214%) islets but not by 6%-NP ones. The increase in 45Ca uptake was followed by an increase in insulin release by the 17%-NP (2767%), 17%-P (2850%) and 6%-P (1200%) islets. In conclusion, 6%-P rats show impaired glucose induced insulin secretion related to reduced calcium uptake by pancreatic islets. However, the poor insulin secretion did not fully compensate the high peripheral sensitivity to the hormone, resulting in hypoglycemia.


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The present investigation analyzed the influence of Juvenile Hormone (JH) on the venom glands of Apis mellifera workers through protein dosage and electrophoresis of venom gland extracts of newly emerged workers which were treated with 1 μl JH dissolved in hexane, in concentration of 2μg/μl. Newly emerged workers non-treated and treated with 1 μl hexane were the controls. Both JH and hexane provoke quantitative changes on the gland protein titre and on the protein electrophoretic profile. The disappearance of protein bands in the venom gland extracts of 14 day-old treated workers, a situation normally found only in 35 day-old non-treated workers, suggests that the JH treatment induces a precocious maturation of the worker venom gland.


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Moderate amounts of alcohol intake have been reported to have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and this may involve enhanced insulin sensitivity. We established an animal model of increased insulin sensitivity by low ethanol consumption and here we investigated metabolic parameters and molecular mechanisms potentially involved in this phenomenon. For that, Wistar rats have received drinking water either without (control) or with 3% ethanol for four weeks. The effect of ethanol intake on insulin sensitivity was analyzed by insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR), intravenous insulin tolerance test (IVITT) and lipid profile. The role of liver was investigated by the analysis of insulin signaling pathway, GLUT2 gene expression and tissue glycogen content. Rats consuming 3% ethanol showed lower values of HOMA-IR and plasma free fatty acids (FFA) levels and higher hepatic glycogen content and glucose disappearance constant during the IVITT. Neither the phosphorylation of insulin receptor (IR) and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), nor its association with phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3-kinase), was affected by ethanol. However, ethanol consumption enhanced liver IRS-2 and protein kinase B (Akt) phosphorylation (3 times, P < 0.05), which can be involved in the 2-fold increased (P < 0.05) hepatic glycogen content. The GLUT2 protein content was unchanged. Our findings point out that liver plays a role in enhanced insulin sensitivity induced by low ethanol consumption. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Structures transverse/sub-transverse to the shoreline have been identified and characterized on the precambrian basement outcrop on the continent adjacent to the northern Santos Basin. These structures were analyzed from images of digital elevation model SRTM 90m by extracting NW-SE lineaments that intersect the NE-SW foliation. The lineaments were selected, classified into 48 segments that extend toward offshore, and correlated with basin structures. In the basin 25 2D seismic sections, 12 well logs and data from potential methods were interpreted, identifying the key stratigraphic levels and the major structures. Structural maps of each horizon were generated. Six transfer faults (FTs) were recognized and named FT-1 to FT-6, whose extensions correspond to continental lineaments named FC1 to FC6. The FTs are related to the basin deformation and evolution. In seismic sections, these faults have lateral slip in flower structures, displacement inversions from normal at the top to reverse at the base, abrupt changes in thickness or even disappearance of the seismic reflectors. The structural map of the Basement and Top of the Rift shows control of some depocenters by faults and displacements in some areas. The maps of potential methods indicate that there are pronounced anomaly shifts in some areas, associated with FTs. Some seismic sections indicate reactivation of FTs when they intersect horizons from the basement until the most recent layers. The 3D integration of data facilitated the observation of the FT extensions in the continent discontinuity.


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Fermentable carbohydrates are an important part of the canine diet. They can improve gastrointestinal health by modifying gut microbial population and metabolic activity. The present study compared the fermentation characteristics and kinetic patterns of 10 carbohydrate sources using the in vitro gas production technique (IVGPT) with dog faecal inoculum. The substrates tested were: pure cellulose (PC), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), sugar-cane fibre (SCF), beet pulp (BP), wheat bran (WB), fructooligosaccharides (FOS), inulin, yeast cell wall (YCW), ground psyllium seed (PS), pea hulls (PH). All substrates were incubated at 39°C under anaerobic conditions with faeces collected from dogs as microbial inoculum. Gas production of fermenting cultures was recorded and after 48 h, pH, shortchain fatty acids (SCFA) and organic matter disappearance (OMD) were determined. The results confirm high fermentation by dog faecal bacteria of FOS and inulin that produced high amounts of propionate and that underwent very rapid fermentation. Three substrates (SCF, CMC and PC) were not able to support bacterial growth, with low gas and SCFA production, and high BCFA formation. The PH and BP showed moderate OMD and SCFA production. Wheat bran B underwent rapid fermentation and generated a high proportion of butyrate. Psyllium seeds underwent slow fermentation with delayed gas production, supporting a high formation of SCFA, with an adequate amount of butyrate for bacterial growth while YCW, which showed a delayed fermentation, gave moderate SCFA production. The fermentation characteristics of PS and YCW suggest their potential use in promoting a more distal fermentation on intestinal tract. © Copyright S. Calabrò et al., 2013 Licensee PAGEPress, Italy.


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It is now commonly accepted that chronic inflammation associated with obesity during aging induces insulin resistance in the liver. In the present study, we investigated whether the improvement in insulin sensitivity and insulin signaling, mediated by acute exercise, could be associated with modulation of protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP-1B) in the liver of old rats. Aging rats were subjected to swimming for two 1.5-h long bouts, separated by a 45 min rest period. Sixteen hours after the exercise, the rats were sacrificed and proteins from the insulin signaling pathway were analyzed by immunoblotting. Our results show that the fat mass was increased in old rats. The reduction in glucose disappearance rate (Kitt) observed in aged rats was restored 16 h after exercise. Aging increased the content of PTP-1B and attenuated insulin signaling in the liver of rats, a phenomenon that was reversed by exercise. Aging rats also increased the IRβ/PTP-1B and IRS-1/PTP-1B association in the liver when compared with young rats. Conversely, in the liver of exercised old rats, IRβ/PTP-1B and IRS-1/PTP-1B association was markedly decreased. Moreover, in the hepatic tissue of old rats, the insulin signalling was decreased and PEPCK and G6Pase levels were increased when compared with young rats. Interestingly, 16 h after acute exercise, the PEPCK and G6Pase protein level were decreased in the old exercised group. These results provide new insights into the mechanisms by which exercise restores insulin signalling in liver during aging. © 2013 Moura et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Hereditary or acquired cerebellar hypoplasia (CH) is commonly diagnosed in Holstein, Guernsey, Shorthorn and Jersey cattle. Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) has been associated to acquired CH due to viral infection during the second trimester of pregnancy. Stricken calf usually shows ataxia, hypermetria, opisthotonus, intentional tremor and wide-based stance when in standing position. Three newborn calves were referred to the FCAV/Unesp Veterinary Teaching Hospital because of neurological distress. The clinical presentation, similar in all cases, indicated CH. Two weeks later, clinical signs did not improve and euthanasia was performed. Macroscopic examination revealed a gelatinous serosanguineous fluid over the brain surface and within the cervical spinal canal. Histologically the cerebellum had disorganization of the internal granular layer and moderate disappearance of Purkinje cells. The observed clinical signs and nervous tissue lesions were consistent with congenital cerebellar syndrome, possibly associated to viral infection during fetal development. Despite CH has been assumed to be related to BVD, blue tongue and Akabane viruses, only the BVD etiology has been already identified in Brazil.


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Background: Obesity, oxidative stress and inflammation, by triggering insulin resistance, may contribute to the accumulation of hepatic fat, and this accumulation by lipotoxicity can lead the organ to fail. Because obesity is growing at an alarming rate and, worryingly, in a precocious way, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of moderate physical training performed from childhood to adulthood on liver fat metabolism in rats. Methods. Twenty rats that were 28days old were divided into two groups: control (C) and trained (T). The C Group was kept in cages without exercise, and the T group was submitted to swimming exercise for 1hour/day, 5days/week from 28 to 90days of age (8weeks) at 80% of the anaerobic threshold determined by the lactate minimum test. At the end of the experiment, the body weight gain, insulin sensitivity (glucose disappearance rate during the insulin tolerance test), concentrations of free fatty acids (FFA) and triglycerides (TG) and hepatic lipogenic rate were analyzed. For the statistical analysis, the Student t-test was used with the level of significance preset at 5%. Results: The T group showed lower body weight gain, FFA concentrations, fat accumulation, hepatic lipogenic rate and insulin resistance. Conclusion: The regular practice of moderate physical exercise from childhood can contribute to the reduction of obesity and insulin resistance and help prevent the development of accumulation of hepatic fat in adulthood. © 2013de Moura et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Introduction: Inflammatory cytokines are associated with decreased insulin signal transduction. Moreover, local oral inflammation, such as that accompanying periodontal disease, is associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of periapical lesions (PLs) on insulin signaling and insulin sensitivity in rats. We hypothesized that PLs alter systemic insulin signaling and insulin sensitivity via elevated plasmatic tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α). Methods: Wistar rats were divided into control (CN) and PL groups. PLs were induced by exposing pulpal tissue to the oral environment. After 30 days, insulin sensitivity was measured using the insulin tolerance test. After euthanization, maxillae were processed for histopathology. Plasmatic concentrations of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) were determined via the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Insulin signal transduction was evaluated using insulin receptor substrate tyrosine phosphorylation status and serine phosphorylation status in periepididymal white adipose tissue via Western blotting. For insulin signaling and insulin tolerance tests, the analyses performed were analysis of variance followed by the Tukey post hoc test. For TNF-α analysis, the Student's t test was used. In all tests, P <.05 was considered significant. Results: The rats with PLs showed higher plasmatic TNF-α, lower constant rate for glucose disappearance values, and reduced pp185 tyrosine phosphorylation status but no change in serine phosphorylation status in white adipose tissue after insulin stimulation. Conclusions: PLs can cause alterations to both insulin signaling and insulin sensitivity, probably because of elevation of plasmatic TNF-α. The results from this study emphasize the importance of the prevention of local inflammatory diseases, such as PLs, with regard to the prevention of insulin resistance. Copyright © 2013 American Association of Endodontists.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC