80 resultados para Causas e consequências
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
The present work aims to study the possible causes of cracks founded and recovered in translation cars of ore Forklift / ore Reclaimer. To identify the possible causes of cracks observed on the equipment it was used a static approach analysis, using a finite element method as an analysis tool, using a specific structural analysis program. After making the model, a strain gage measurement was necessary because there may be significant amounts of masses of non-structural components that were not modeled and were not available in the drawings, as well as fouling ore. With the calibrated model it was processed analyses with the load cases of dead load, product, wind and excavation. After the processing, it was observed that none of these load cases resulted in values that caused the crack, so another three hypotheses were tested: depression and misalignment, jacking and translation of only three cars. Of these three hypotheses it was observed that the jacking coud be the cause of the cracks, because the distribution of stress. Due to the miss of parameters, like the height utilized in this process, it was not possible to affirm the real stress level
O maior rio do Estado de São Paulo, o Rio Tietê, teve, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, suas áreas de várzeas tomadas pelo processo de urbanização e metropolização da população. Parte de suas terras inundáveis passou por processos de aterramento e impermeabilização para que a instalação de indústrias e infraestruturas fosse possível. A APA da Várzea do Rio Tietê foi criada para controlar o processo de ocupação do entorno do rio e na tentativa de amortecer as enchentes causadas por tempestades, cada vez mais constantes. Essas chuvas torrenciais são causadas pela influência das Ilhas de Calor da RMSP com o encontro de brisas marítimas, e causam inundações e destruições
Pós-graduação em Fonoaudiologia - FFC
This article aims to show the interdependence between teaching practice and the construction of body hexis of Physical Education teachers and its consequences at schools. It can be observed by the social workers that teach it in a elementary school in the city of Araraquara- -SP. It was established, as basic assumption of this issue, that the social construction of body hexis of Physical Education teachers is a process in constant evolution, because it is the result of the life story with interventions from the social context in which the learner lives. The hexis is the dimension that allows the internalization of the consequences of social practices, and also its body exteriorization, through the way of speaking, gesturing, looking, walking, head posture, faces, ways of sitting, to handle instruments, more and more associated with the voice sound of social workers. Children are particularly attentive, in all societies, to these gestures and postures in which they express themselves in their eyes, anything that features an adult. Finally, it understands the importance of the body hexis in the learning process specifically in school physical education. This practice will incite important behavioral changes in their residence within the school and possibly in a higher education.
This article aims to show the interdependence between teaching practice and the construction of body hexis of Physical Education teachers and its consequences at schools. It can be observed by the social workers that teach it in a elementary school in the city of Araraquara- -SP. It was established, as basic assumption of this issue, that the social construction of body hexis of Physical Education teachers is a process in constant evolution, because it is the result of the life story with interventions from the social context in which the learner lives. The hexis is the dimension that allows the internalization of the consequences of social practices, and also its body exteriorization, through the way of speaking, gesturing, looking, walking, head posture, faces, ways of sitting, to handle instruments, more and more associated with the voice sound of social workers. Children are particularly attentive, in all societies, to these gestures and postures in which they express themselves in their eyes, anything that features an adult. Finally, it understands the importance of the body hexis in the learning process specifically in school physical education. This practice will incite important behavioral changes in their residence within the school and possibly in a higher education.
The aim of this literature review is to observe the causes, symptoms and consequences of halitosis and the influence of preventive measures. Halitosis has multifactorial causes, and may have local and systemic origins. It can limit the quality of life of individuals and often occurs due to lack of knowledge of prevention methods. Therefore, it is important that professionals are better prepared and people informed about the physiological and pathological halitosis to prevent its individual and social effects.
A perda embrionária consiste em perda econômica significativa dentro do processo de criação de equinos e representa custos adicionais para os criadores decorrentes das repetidas coberturas de éguas durante a temporada reprodutiva, além da diminuição do número de potros nascidos. São consideradas perdas embrionárias aquelas que ocorrem até o 49º dia da gestação e são decorrente de diversos fatores maternos e/ou embrionários. Atualmente, com a utilização da ultrassonografia, pode-se observar a vesícula embrionária a partir do 11º dia pós-ovulação, sendo possível o diagnóstico precoce de tais perdas. Devido ao grande prejuízo econômico na reprodução equina decorrente de perdas gestacionais, o objetivo deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso foi realizar revisão de literatura sobre as principais causas da perda embrionária em éguas
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Halitosis is the unpleasant odor of exhaust air through the mouth and lungs. There are over 50 causes, and approximately 90% of cases, is of oral origin. May have physiological origin (stress, breath of morning, fasting, and inappropriate diets), local reasons (bad oral hygiene, bacterial plaque retained on the tongue and/or tonsils, lower production of saliva, gum disease) or systemic reasons (diabetes, kidney or liver problems, constipation, etc.). In the Third Age, this problem tends to increase significantly. Thus, the aim of this study was to detect the presence of halitosis in the geriatric group attended in the dental clinic of UNIRP, identifying their incidence and principal causes. The sample consisted of 48 volunteer patients aged 60 years or older and included more than 90% of patients treated in this age group. It was performed a anamnesis and physical examination. The intra-oral halitosis was detected using a breath meter (halimeter). In the group studied, approximately 54.16% had halitosis, 84.61% of these were users of the prosthesis. The tongue coating was present in 80.76% of individuals with halitosis. After brushing the tongue, 88.46% of patients with halitosis have had the initial index oral malodor decreased. Based on the results of this study it was concluded that factors as dental prostheses and tongue coating are critical factors in causing halitosis.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
This thesis attempts to comprehend, through the work of Georg Simmel and Ulrich Beck, two distinct phases of modernity through the concept of individualism and individualization processes arising therefrom. A substantial formulation of the concept that remits to the conceptual transposition unscathed from one reality to another is not the main focus of this study. This is about, in advance, two distinct realities, conceptual and comparative examination that aims to weave the points pertaining to echoes - internalized and modified according to the complexity of the historical premises - the thought of Simmel in theoretical perspective of Beck. The forms can be characterized as individualism according to the socio-philosophical mores of Simmel in the intention to understand the forms assumed by individualism in modern history, as well as the derived individualization processes sustained by individual law. Therewith, is intended to transpose the optical analysis of contemporary Ulrich Beck and reap, through conceptual analysis, the points that refer to the influence and continuity of thought of Georg Simmel