107 resultados para COBALT 60


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The electrocatalysis of dopamine has been studied using a cobalt hexacyanoferrate film (CoHCFe)-modified glassy carbon electrode. Using a rotating disk CoHCFe-modified electrode, the reaction rate constant for dopamine was found to be 3.5 x 105 cm(3) mol(-1) s(-1) at a concentration of 5.0 x 10(-5) mol L-1. When a Nafion (R) film is applied to the CoHCFe-modified electrode surface a high selectivity for the determination of dopamine over ascorbic acid was obtained. The analytical curve for dopamine presented linear dependence over the concentration range from 1.2 x 10(-5) to 5.0 x 10(-4) mol L-1 with a slope of 23.5 mA mol(-1) L and a linear correlation coefficient of 0.999. The detection limit of this method was 8.9 x 10(-6) mol L-1 and the relative standard deviation for five measurements of 2.5 x 10(-4) mol L-1 dopamine was 0.58%.


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The influence of the axial organic ligand R on the electrochemical oxidation of the compounds [RCoIII(salen)DMF)], where salen is bis(salicylaldehyde)ethylenediimine, and R CH3, C2H5, n-C3H7, n-C4H9, s-C4H9, i-C4H9, CH2Cl, CF3CH2, c-C6H11CH2, c-C6H11, C6H5, C6H5CH2, p-CH3C6H4CH2, and p-NO2C6H4CH2, was studied by means of cyclic voltametry in dimethylformamide (DMF), 0.2 M in tetraethylammonium perchlorate (TEAP), at 25 and -20°C, with a platinum disc working electrode. The above-mentioned compounds can be classified according to their electrochemical behavior. (a) The complexes with R CH3, C2H5, n-C3H7, n-C4H9, c-C6H11CH2, and C6H5 undergo a reversible one-electron oxidation in the 10-50 V s-1 potential scan range. At slower scan rates, the oxidized product decomposes chemically. At -20°C, this chemical step is slow, and a reversible one-electron electrochemical oxidation is observed. (b) The compounds with R CH2Cl, C6H5CH2, p-CH3C6H4CH2 and p-NO2C6H4CH2 undergo a quasi-reversible one-electron oxidation at room temperaure. At -20°C, the electrochemical process becomes more complex. A following chemical reactions is coupled to the quasi-reversible one-electron transfer. Two reduction peaks are observed. (c) The compounds with R i-C4H9, s-C4H9, and c-C6H11 undergo a reversible one-electron oxidation at -20°C. At room temperature, the irreversible chemical reaction following the electron transfer step is too fast to allow the isolation of the electrochemical step. (d) At -20°C, the derivatives with R C2H5, c-C6H11 CH2 and c-C6H11 are adsorbed at the electrode surface. Evidence indicates that the reagent in these reactions is the pentacoordinated species [RCoIII(salen)]. A linear free-energy relationship between E1/2 (for reversible processes) and the Taft polar parameters o* was obtained with a slope of ρ* = 0.25 ± 0.03. As expected, the benzyl derivatives which present mesomeric effects do not fit this polar correlation. The rated of the electrochemical oxidation is also affected by the nature of the ligand R. For the ligands which are strong electron-withdrawing groups and for the benzyl derivatives, the rate of the electrochemical oxidation of the metal ion decreases at room temperature. At lower temperatures, it is suggested that the oxidation to the CoIV-R species is followed by a chemical reaction in which this complex is partly transformed into a CoIII(R*) species, which is reduced at a much more cathodic potential than the Co(IV) species. © 1979.


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The electrochemical oxidation of some p-substituted benzylic derivatives of Co(III) dimethylglyoximato and Co(III)bis(salicylaldehydc)o-phenylenediimine in dimethylformamide. 0.2 M in tetraethyammonium perchlorate, on a platinum electrode, at several temperatures, is described as an ECE type, the first electrochemical step being a quasi-reversible one-electron charge transfer at room temperature. At temperatures around -20°C, or lower, the influence of the irreversible chemical decomposition of the oxidized species, via a solvent or other nucleophilic-assisted reaction, is negligible. It is suggested that at low temperatures the oxidation to the formally CoIV-R species is followed by an isomerization reaction in which this complex is partially transformed in a CoIII-(R) species or a s π-complex which undergoes an electroreduction at less positive potentials than those corresponding to the reduction of the CoIV-R species. © 1982.


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Additions of 0.5 to 2.0 mol% of CoO or MnO2 onto SnO, promote densification of this oxide up to 99% of theoretical density. The temperature of the maximum shrinkage rate (TM) and the relative density in the maximum densification rate (p*) during constant sintering heating rate depend on the dopant concentration. Thus, dopant concentration controls the densifying and nondensifying mechanisms during sintering. The densification of SnO2 witih addition of CoO or MnO, is explained in terms of the creation of oxygen vacancies.


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Covalently attached benzimidazole molecules on silica gel surface, ≡SiL (where L = N-propyl-benzimidazole), adsorbs Co(ClO4)2 from non-aqueous solvent by forming a surface complex according to the reaction: m ≡SiL + Co(ClO4)2 → (≡SiL)mCo(ClO4)2. The equilibrium constant and the adsorption capacity, determined by applying the Langmuir equation were b = 3.0 × 103 L mol-1 and Ns= 0.098 × 10-3 mol g-1, respectively. The metal is bonded through the nitrogen atom and the perchlorate ion is not coordinated. The ESR study indicated that the complex has essentially an octahedral geometry with tetragonal distortion, with the electrons of the four nitrogen atoms interacting with the cobalt central metal ion in the equatorial plane. Only one complex species was detected on the surface.


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Lanthanum chromite (LaCrO3) is one of the most adequate materials for use as interconnector in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) applications, due to its intrinsic properties, namely its good electrical conductivity and resistance to environment conditions in fuel cell operations. Due to difficulties in sintering, additives are usually added to help in the densification process. In this work, the influence of added cobalt and strontium, in the sintering of LaCrO3 obtained by combustion synthesis was studied. The starting materials were respectively nitrates of chromium, lanthanum, cobalt and strontium, and urea was used as fuel. The results show that by increasing the strontium and cobalt concentrations it is possible to reduce the temperature of sintering. Using both additives, the sintering processes took place in lesser times than normally used for this material, as well as greater values of density were attained.


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Making an artificial iris with an aesthetically acceptable color is an important aspect of ocular rehabilitation. This work evaluated the influence of different disinfecting solutions on changes to the color of artificial irises used in ocular prostheses. Fifty samples simulating ocular prostheses were produced with cobalt blue artificial irises and divided (n = 10) according to the disinfectant used: neutral soap, Opti-free, Efferdent, 1% hypochlorite, and 4% chlorhexidine. The samples were disinfected for 120 days and subjected to a color readings by spectrophotometry, using the CIE L*a*b* system, before the disinfection period (B), after 60 days of disinfectant exposure (T 1), and after 120 days of disinfectant exposure (T 2). Color differences (ΔE) were calculated for the intervals between T 1 and B (T 1B), and between T 2 and B (T 2B). The data were evaluated by analysis of variance and the Tukey Honestly Significantly Different (α = 0.05). All disinfectant groups exhibited color changes. The mean color change observed for all groups overall during T 2B (ΔE = 3.51) was significantly greater than that observed during T 1B (ΔE = 2.10). All groups exhibited greater color change for the b* values when compared to the a* and L* values. There were no significant differences between the disinfectant groups. It can be concluded that the time period of disinfection and storage significantly affected the stability of artificial iris color, independent of the disinfectant used. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The purpose of this work was to purify a protease from Penicillium waksmanii and to determine its biochemical characteristics and specificity. The extracellular protease isolated that was produced by P. waksmanii is a serine protease that is essential for the reproduction and growth of the fungus. The protease isolated showed 32 kDa, and has optimal activity at pH 8.0 and 35 C towards the substrate Abz-KLRSSKQ-EDDnp. The protease is active in the presence of CaCl2, KCl, and BaCl, and partially inhibited by CuCl2, CoCl2 and totally inhibited by AlCl3 and LiCl. In the presence of 1 M urea, the protease remains 50 % active. The activity of the protease increases 60 % when it is exposed to 0.4 % nonionic surfactant-Triton X-100 and loses 10 % activity in the presence of 0.4 % Tween-80. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis, the protease showed the most specificity for the peptide Abz-KIRSSKQ-EDDnp with k cat/K m of 10,666 mM-1 s-1, followed by the peptide Abz-GLRSSKQ-EDDnp with a k cat/K m of 7,500 mM -1 s-1. Basic and acidic side chain-containing amino acids performed best at subsite S1. Subsites S2, S3, S′ 2, and S′ 1, S ′ 3 showed a preference for binding for amino acids with hydrophobic and basic amino acid side chain, respectively. High values of k cat/K m were observed for the subsites S2, S3, and S′ 2. The sequence of the N-terminus (ANVVQSNVPSWGLARLSSKKTGTTDYTYD) showed high similarity to the fungi Penicillium citrinum and Penicillium chrysogenum, with 89 % of identity at the amino acid level. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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The aim of this work was to determine the resistance level of Haemonchus contortus isolated from the Santa Inês flock of the Embrapa (Brazilian government's Agricultural Research Company), Southeast Livestock Unit (CPPSE), as well as to determine costs of characterizing and maintaining this isolate in host donors. Forty-two male Santa Inês lambs were experimentally infected with 4000 H. contortus infective larvae of the field isolate of CPPSE, called Embrapa2010, and divided into six treatment groups, which received triclorfon, albendazol plus cobalt sulfate, ivermectin, moxidectin, closantel and levamisole phosphate, as well as a negative control group (water). Egg per gram (EPG) counts were performed at 0, 3, 7, 10 and 14. days post treatment when the animals were slaughtered for parasite count. The data were analyzed using the RESO statistical program, considering anthelmintic resistance under 95% of efficacy. EPG and worm count presented a linear and significant relation with 94% determination coefficient. The susceptibility results obtained by RESO through both criteria (EPG and worm count) were equal, except for closantel, showing that the isolate Embrapa2010 is resistant to benzimidazoles, macrocyclic lactones and imidazothiazoles. The need of a control group did not appear to be essential since the result for susceptibility in the analyses with or without this group was the same. Suppression in egg production after treatment did not occur in the ivermectin and moxidectin groups. In the control group, the establishment percentage was just 12.5 because of the low number of third-stage larvae, resistance (innate and infection immunity) of the animals studied plus good nutrition. Drug classes presented similar efficacy between adults and immature stages. The costs for isolate characterization were calculated for 42 animals during 60. days. The total cost based on local market rates was approximately US$ 8000. The precise identification of Brazilian isolates and their establishment in host donors would be useful for laboratorial anthelmintic resistance diagnoses through in vitro tests, which has an annual cost of approximately US$ 2500 for maintenance in host donors. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The structural and magnetic properties of the cubic spinel oxide Co 2MnO4 (Fd3m space group) doped with different concentrations of bismuth, were investigated by X-ray diffraction and SQUID magnetometry. The Bi3+ ions entering into the CoIII octahedral sites do not alter the effective moment, μeff ∼8.2 μB, whereas both the magnetization M50 kOe at the highest field (50 kOe) and the field-cooled MFC magnetizations increased when increasing the Bi content. The ferrimagnetic character of the parent compound, Co2MnO4, is maintained for all materials although the antiferromagnetic interactions Co2+-Co2+ are affected, resulting in higher values of the Curie-Weiss temperature. Due to the large ionic radius of Bi, octahedra distortions occur as well as valence fluctuations of the Mn ions, giving rise to Jahn-Teller effects and enhancing the exchange interactions. The off-center Bi3+ ion is responsible of non-centrosymmetric charge ordering and should lead to multiferroïsme conditions for the BixCo2-xMnO4 material. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Nowadays, the research for new and better antimicrobial compounds is an important field due to the increase of immunocompromised patients, the use of invasive medical procedures and extensive surgeries, among others, that can affect the incidence of infections. Another big problem associated is the occurrence of drug-resistant microbial strains that impels a ceaseless search for new antimicrobial agents. In this context, a series of heterocyclic- sulfonamide complexes with Co(II) was synthesized and characterized with the aim of obtaining new antimicrobial compounds. The structural characterization was performed using different spectroscopic methods (UV-Vis, IR, and EPR). In spite of the fact that the general stoichiometry for all the complexes was Co(sulfonamide)2·nH2O, the coordination atoms were different depending on the coordinated sulfonamide. The crystal structure of [Co(sulfamethoxazole)2(H2O)2]·H 2O was obtained by X-ray diffraction showing that Co(II) is in a slightly tetragonal distorted octahedron where sulfamethoxazole molecules act as a head-to-tail bridges between two cobalt atoms, forming polymeric chains. Besides, the activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, one of the responsible for tuberculosis, and the cytotoxicity on J774A.1 macrophage cells were evaluated. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Some studies have shown differences in specific cognitive ability domains between the sexes at 60 years-of-age. However is important to analyze whether the rate of cognitive decline is also similar between the sexes after this age. The present study examined previously published literature to investigate whether cognitive decline is distinct between men and women after the age of 60 years. A systematic review was carried out with the PubMed, LILACS and PsycINFO databases (2001-2011) using the following search terms: aging, aged, cognitive function, mild cognitive impairment, mental health and cognition. We analyzed longitudinal research that used neuropsychological tests for evaluating cognitive function, showed results separated by sex and that excluded participants with dementia. Elderly women showed better performance in tests of episodic memory, whereas elderly men had a better visuospatial ability. Only one study detected distinct rates of cognitive decline in specific tests between the sexes. Despite differences observed in some domains, most of the studies showed that this rate is similar between the sexes until the age of 80 years. It is unclear whether sex influences the rate of cognitive decline after the age of 80 years. The present review observed that sex does not determine the rate of cognitive decline between 60 and 80 years-of-age. The contextual and cultural factors that involve men and women might determine a distinct decline between them, rather than sex alone. © 2013 Japan Geriatrics Society.


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BACKGROUND There is little information on the interaction between magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) and rocuronium in elderly patients. With a growing number of older patients who need surgical procedures, it is increasingly important to study this age group. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of MgSO4 administration on the pharmacodynamics of rocuronium in patients aged 60 years or older. DESIGN A randomised controlled trial. SETTING A tertiary care hospital. PATIENTS Sixty-four patients, aged 60 years or older, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status classes I to III, scheduled for elective oncological head and neck surgery. Exclusion criteria were severe renal insufficiency (calculated creatinine clearance <30 ml min-1), preoperatorive serum magnesium concentration of more than 1.25 mmol l1 and patients receiving drugs known to affect neuromuscular function. INTERVENTIONS Patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups: in the magnesium group, patients received MgSO4 30mgkg1 intravenously, for 10 min, and then a continuous intravenous infusion at a rate of 1 g h-1. The control group received the same volume of physiological saline. Neuromuscular function was evaluated continuously in both groups. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Total recovery time was the primary outcome. Onset time, clinical duration, recovery index and recovery time were considered as secondary endpoints. Values are given as mean [SD]. RESULTS Total recovery time from neuromuscular block (NMB) was 113 [36] min in the magnesium group and 101 [39] min in the control group. Clinical duration was 69 [23] min in the magnesium group and 59 [28] min in the control group. Recovery index was 19 [36] min in the magnesium group and 17 [6] min in the control group. Recovery timewas 44 [22] min in the magnesium group and 42 [18] min in the control group. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in any of the recovery indices. In the magnesium group, the mean onset time was 144 [58] s, significantly shorter than the onset time in the group that received physiological saline, which was 187 [90] s (P-0.03). Group variances were compared using an F test: onset time varied significantly less in the magnesium group (P-0.02). CONCLUSION In oncology patients of 60 or more years of age, preadministration of MgSO4, with the doses used in this study, significantly reduced the onset time of NMB induced by rocuronium. © 2013 European Society of Anaesthesiology.


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB