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Mosquito larvae are believed to be capable of digesting chitin, an insoluble polysaccharide of N-acetylglucosamine, for their nutritional benefit. Studies based on physiological and biochemical assays were conducted in order to detect the presence of chitinase activities in the gut of the detritus-feeding Aedes aegypti larvae. Larvae placed for 24 h in suspensions of chitin azure were able to digest the ingested chitin. Semi-denaturing PAGE using glycol chitin and two fluorogenic substrate analogues showed the presence of two distinct chitinase activities: an endochitinase that catalyzed the hydrolysis of chitin and an endochitinase that cleaved the short substrates [4MU(GlcNAc)(3)] and [4MU(GlcNAc)(2)] that hydrolyzed the chitobioside [4MU(GlcNAc)(2)]. The endochitinase had an extremely broad pH-activity against glycol chitin and chitin azure, pH ranging from 4.0 to 10.0. When the substrate [4MU(GlcNAc)(3)] was used, two activities were observed at pH ranges 4.0-6.0 and 8.0-10.0. Chitinase activity against [4MU(GlcNAc)(3)] was detected throughout the gut with the highest specific activity in the hindgut. The pH of the gut contents was determined by observing color changes in gut after feeding the larvae with color indicator dyes. It was observed a correlation between the pH observed in the gut of feeding larvae (pH 10-6.0) and the optimum pH for gut chitinase activities. In this work, we report that gut chitinases may be involved in the digestion of chitin-containing structures and also in the partial degradation of the chitinous peritrophic matrix in the hindgut. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective-To determine the capacity of inflammatory mediators tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-8 (IL-8), platelet-activating factor (PAF), lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and leukotoxin to prime, activate, or alter deformability of adult bovine neutrophils.Sample Population-Blood collected from 5 healthy adult Holstein cows.Procedure-Isolated neutrophils or whole brood was incubated with TNF-alpha, IL-8, PAF, LPS, or leukotoxin, and neutrophil chemiluminescence, degranulation, deformability, shape change, CD11b expression, and size distribution was measured.Results-incubation with TNF-alpha, IL-8; PAF, and IFS primed neutrophils for oxygen radical release but caused minimal oxygen radical release by themselves. None of the inflammatory mediators induced degranulation. Incubation with TNF-alpha and PAF resulted in a decrease in neutrophil deformability and induced shape change in neutrophils. incubation with PAF consistently resulted in an increase in neutrophil size as measured by use of flow cytometry. Only IL-8 caused an increase in expression of CD11b by neutrophils.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Inflammatory mediators tested had minimal effects on neutrophil oxygen radical production or degranulation but did prime neutrophils for oxygen radical production. Incubation with PAF and TNF-alpha caused a decrease in neutrophil deformability and altered neutrophil shape and size. Results of our study indicate that PAF- and TNF-alpha-induced changes in neutrophil deformability and size may cause integrin- and setectin-independent trapping of neutrophils in the lungs of cattle with pneumonic pasteurellosis.


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The ultrasound stimulated and oxalic acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) was studied by means of a heat flux calorimetric method as a function of the initial water/TMOS molar ratio (r) ranging from 2 to 10. The method is based on the time recording of the hydrolysis exothermic heat peak. which takes place in acidulated heterogeneous water-TMOS mixtures under ultrasonic stimulation, accounting for the instantaneous hydrolysis rate. The hydrolysis rate increases from zero up to a maximum value during the heterogeneous step of the process and then diminishes naturally according to the reactant consumption. The total hydrolyzed quantity was found to be slightly increasing with r. The immiscibility gap of the TMOS- water system in the presence of the hydrolysis products has been inferred from the evaluation of the reacted quantity during the heterogeneous step of the reaction and it has been represented in a ternary diagram in the studied r-range.


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The effect of temperature on the oxalic acid catalyzed sono-hydrolysis of tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) was studied by means of a heat flux calorimetric method. The activation energy of the process was measured as (24.5 +/- 0.8) kJ/mol in the temperature range between 10 and 50 degreesC. The structural characteristics of the resulting sonogels, after long period of aging in saturated conditions, were studied by means of small angle X-ray scattering. The structure can be described as formed by similar to2.7 nm mean size mass fractal-like aggregates (clusters) of primary silica particles of similar to0.3 nm mean size, all imbibed in a liquid phase. The average mass fractal dimension of the clusters was found to be 2.58. The primary particle density was estimated as 2.23 g/cm(3), in good agreement with the value frequently quoted for fused silica. The volume fraction of the clusters, in the saturated sonogels was estimated as about 28%. The moment in which the meniscus of the liquid phase penetrates into the clusters under rapid evaporation process has been detected by an inflection in the first derivative of the curve of weight loss in a simple thermogravimetric test. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cr-doped xerogels were obtained by sol-gel process from the acid-catalyzed and ultrasound-stimulated hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) with addition of CrCl3.6H(2)O in water solution during the liquid step of the process. The gels were aged immersed in different pH solutions for about 30 days, after that they were allowed to dry. The samples were annealed at temperatures ranging from 40 to 600degreesC and analyzed by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. Cr3+ is the preferable oxidation state of the chromium ion in the gels annealed up to 250-300degreesC, in the case of aging in solutions of pH=5 and 11. A high UV absorption below similar to320 nm, due to the host gel, and different absorption bands, depending on the temperature, due to the chromium ion were observed in the xerogels at temperatures below similar to250degreesC, in the case of aging in solutions of pH=1 and 2. These absorption bands have not been assigned. Above 300degreesC up to 600degreesC, Cr5+, and possibly Cr6+, are the preferable oxidation states of the chromium ion independent of the pH of the aging solution, so the xerogels turn to a yellowish appearance in all cases.


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Pure and mixed tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) and tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) were hydrolyzed at 35 degrees C, using oxalic acid as a catalyst and ultrasound stimulation. The hydrolysis reaction was carried out in a specially designed device, in which a heat flow steady state, between the ultrasound source and an external thermostatic bath, was maintained, in the absence of reactions. The exothermic hydrolysis causes a time dependent thermal peak. An induction time is apparent in pure TEOS before the hydrolysis peaks starts, which has been explained by the initial immiscibility gap of the TEOS-water system. The induction time was found to be approximately of the same magnitude as in the HCl catalyzed hydrolysis, in spite of the uncertainty accompanying the peak definition. No induction period is apparent in pure TMOS, so that the hydrolysis starts with its maximum rate. Two independent thermal peaks in the mixed TMOS-TEOS samples were found, both associated to the respective hydrolyses of the pure component. The induction time for the TEOS hydrolysis is decreased as more alcohol (and silanol) is produced in the earlier TMOS hydrolysis. This effect is explained by improvement of homogenization by alcohol.


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Xerogels obtained from the acid-catalyzed and ultrasound stimulated hydrolysis of TEOS were submitted to heat treatment at temperatures ranging from 60 to 1100 degreesC and studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The SAXS intensity as a function of the modulus of the scattering vector q was obtained in the range from q(0) = 0.19 to q(m) = 4.4 nm(-1). At 60 degreesC the xerogels exhibit an apparent surface fractal structure with a fractal dimension D-s similar to 2.5 in a length scale ranging from 1/q(1) similar to 1 to 1/q(m) similar to 0.22 nm. This structure becomes extremely rough at 120 degreesC (D-s similar to 3) and at 150 degreesC, it apparently converts to a mass fractal with a fractal dimension D similar to 2.4. This may mean an emptying of the pores with preservation of a share of the original mass fractal structure of the wet aged gel, for it had presented a mass fractal dimension D similar to 2.2. A well characterized porous structure formed by 2.0 nm mean size pores with smooth surface of about 380 m(2)/g is formed at 300 degreesC and remains stable until approximately 800 degreesC. At 900 degreesC the SAXS intensity vanishes indicating the disappearance of the pores in the probed length scale. The elimination of the nanopores occurs by a mechanism in which the number of pores diminishes keeping constant their mean size. The xerogels exhibit a foaming phenomenon above 900 degreesC and scatter following Porod's law as does a surface formed by a coarse structure. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A nonisothermal study of the kinetics of the nanoporosity elimination in monolithic silica xerogels, prepared from acid and ultrasound catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraethylortosilicate (TEOS), has been carried out by means of in situ linear shrinkage measurements performed with different heating rates. The study could be applied up to almost alpha similar to 0.6 of the volume fraction alpha of eliminated pores. The activation energy was found increasing from about 3.2 x 10(2) kJ/mol for alpha similar to 0.06 up to about 4.4 x 10(2) kJ/mol for alpha. similar to 0.44. The sintering process accompanying the nanopore elimination in this set of xerogels is in agreement with a viscous flux sintering process with the hydroxyl content diminishing with the volume fraction of eliminated pores. All the volume fraction of eliminated pores versus temperature (T) curves can be matched onto a unique curve with an appropriate rescaling of the T axis, independent of the heating rate. This scaling property suggests that the path of sintering seems the same, regardless of the heating rate; the difference is that the rate is faster at higher temperature.


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(CO2)-C-14 production from [1-C-14] glucose, the rate of glycolysis measured by the value of lactate production and the activities of various enzymes were determined in buffalo erythrocytes. Buffalo red cell glycolytic metabolites were estimated and used for the calculation of the mass action ratios of reactions catalyzed by the glycolytic enzymes of Bubalus bubalis. A comparison of the values of the mass action ratios with the equilibrium constants of the various glycolytic reactions indicate that hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, phosphoglycerate kinase and pyruvate kinase reactions are displaced from equilibrium, suggesting a regulatory role for each of these enzymes in buffalo erythrocyte glycolysis. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.


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The kinetics of aggregation of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS)-derived silica sols, produced by acid-catalyzed and ultrasound-stimulated hydrolysis, were studied by 'in situ' measurements of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) at the temperatures 40 degreesC, 60 degreesC and 70 degreesC. The results were analyzed in terms of the evolution with time (t) of the SAXS intensity probing the mass fractal characteristics of the system, the average radius of gyration (Rc,) of the clusters and the number of primary particles per cluster. The aggregation process yields mass fractal structures which exhibit a scattering exponent (alpha) practically equal to 2, in the probed length scale range (5.3 nm < 1/q < 0.22 nm), beneath and even far beyond the gel point. This suggests that a is a direct measure of the real mass fractal dimension (D) of the structure. The precursor sol (pH = 2) exhibits I nm mean sized clusters with mass fractal dimension D similar to 1.9. Increasing the pH to 4.5, the cluster mean size and the number of primary particles per cluster increase but the system keeps a more opened structure (D similar to 1.4). In the first aggregation stages, D increases up to similar to2 by incorporating primary particles to the clusters without changing their mean size. From this stage, the aggregation progresses following a thermally activated scaling law well described by R-G similar tot(1/D) in all cases. This is indicative of a diffusion-controlled cluster-cluster aggregation process. The activation energy of the process was found to be 91.7 kJ/mol. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The kinetics of ultrasound-stimulated and HCl-catalyzed hydrolysis of solventless TEOS-water mixtures was studied as a function of temperature ranging from 10 degrees C up to 65 degrees C by means of flux calorimetry measurements. A specially designed device was utilized for this purpose. The exothermic peak arising few minutes after sonication began has been attributed mainly to the hydrolysis reaction. The overall hydrolysis process, which was measured through the irradiation time up to the hydrolysis peak, was found to be thermally activated, with an apparent activation energy Delta E = 36.4 kJ/mol. The alcohol produced at the early hydrolysis due to sonication seems to further enhance the reaction, via a parallel autocatalytic path, which is controlled by a faster pseudo second order rate constant (k'). Our modeling yielded k' = 6.3 x 10(-2) M(-1) min(-1) at 20 degrees C, which is in a reasonable agreement with the literature, and an activation energy Delta E = 40.4 kJ/mol for the specific process of hydrolysis in presence of alcohol.


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This work describes optimized conditions for preparation of a cobalt complex entrapped in alumina amorphous materials in the form of powder. The hybrid materials, CoNHG, were obtained by a nonhydrolytic sol-gel route through condensation of aluminum chloride with diisopropylether in the presence of cobalt chloride. The materials were calcined at various temperatures. The presence of cobalt entrapped in the alumina matrix is confirmed by ultraviolet visible spectroscopy. The materials have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), surface area analysis, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analyses (DTA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The prepared alumina matrix materials are amorphous, even after heat treatment up to 750 degreesC. The XRD, TGA/DTA and TEM data support the increase of sample crystallization with increasing temperature. The specific surface area, pore size and pore diameter changed as a function of the heat treatment temperature employed. Different heat treatment temperatures result in materials with different compositions and structures, and influence their catalytic activity. The entrapped cobalt materials calcined at 750 degreesC efficiently catalyzed the epoxidation of (Z)-cyclooctene using iodozylbenzene as the oxygen donor. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A kinetic study of the ultrasound-stimulated and acid-catalyzed sonohydrolysis of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) in solventless TEOS-water heterogeneous mixtures was carried out by means of a calorimetric method as a function of the ultrasound power. The hydrolysis reaction starts in acidulated heterogeneous water-TEOS mixtures after an induction period under ultrasonic stimulation. The ultrasound power seems to play a role on the dynamical coupling of the system originating a continuum upward shifting of the base line during the induction period of sonication. The rate in which the base line is upward shifted diminishes with the power. The best coupling between the ultrasound and the reactant heterogeneous mixtures for this experimental setup was found to occur at 50 W, for which the gelation time was found to be a minimum. The kinetics of the heterogeneous TEOS sonohydrolysis was studied on the basis of a dissolution and reaction modeling. The heterogeneous reaction pathway as deduced from the kinetic study was drawn in a ternary diagram as a function of the ultrasound power. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) catalyzes the reversible phosphorolysis of nucleosides and deoxynucleosides, generating ribose 1-phosphate and the purine base, which is an important step of purine catabolism pathway. The lack of such an activity in humans, owing to a genetic disorder, causes T-cell impairment, and thus drugs that inhibit human PNP activity have the potential of being utilized as modulators of the immunological system to treat leukemia, autoimmune diseases, and rejection in organ transplantation. Besides, the purine salvage pathway is the only possible way for apicomplexan parasites to obtain the building blocks for RNA and DNA synthesis, which makes PNP from these parasites an attractive target for drug development against diseases such as malaria. Hence, a number of research groups have made efforts to elucidate the mechanism of action of PNP based on structural and kinetic studies. It is conceivable that the mechanism may be different for PNPs from diverse sources, and influenced by the oligomeric state of the enzyme in solution. Furthermore, distinct transition state structures can make possible the rational design of specific inhibitors for human and apicomplexan enzymes. Here, we review the current status of these research efforts to elucidate the mechanism of PNP-catalyzed chemical reaction, focusing on the mammalian and Plamodium falciparum enzymes, targets for drug development against, respectively, T-Cell and Apicomplexan parasites-mediated diseases.


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1-Benzoyl-3-benzylguanidine and 1-benzoyl-3-benzyl-O-ethylisourea were synthesized in good yields (68 and 76%, respectively) from 1-benzoyl-3-benzylthiourea and benzoyl-ethylthiocarbamate in dry media conditions using KF-Al2O3 under microwave irradiation. Strong nucleophilic amines promoted the sulfur elimination by attack on the thiocarbonyl group in both thiourea and thiocarbamates to afford guanidines and isourea, respectively. Transesterification products were obtained from p-TsOH catalyzed reaction of thiocarbamate with alcohols under MW-solvent-free conditions. Very important non-purely thermal MW specific effects were evidenced and attributed to stabilization by coulombic interactions between materials and waves. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.