80 resultados para Cèl·lules mare hematopoètiques


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ao abordar as principais estratégias e ações governamentais para a reconfiguração dos papéis a serem assumidos pelo Estado e pela educação superior, o presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir as políticas públicas para a educação enfatizando, nesse contexto mais amplo, a situação atual dos cursos de Pedagogia. Essa perspectiva requer uma incursão nas diretrizes im/pro - postas pelo Banco Mundial e seus reflexos no esforço oficial para a reforma do Aparelho de Estado, encetada pelo Ministério da Administração e Reforma do Estado (MARE). Desde a aprovação da LDB 9.394/96, de forma orgânica, novas políticas de formação de professores vão se delineando por meio da legislação correlata que a regulamenta. A análise desse arcabouço legal estará referenciada tanto nos documentos do MARE, quanto naqueles elaborados pelo Ministério da Educação visando o cotejo entre as medidas por eles propostas com as determinações expressas na LDB e na legislação complementar.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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A possible explanation for endometritis in mares is ascendant contamination from the vagina. The presence of Lactobacillus spp. is considered to be important in women for a healthy vaginal environment; however, there are few studies in mares related to the presence of Lactobacillus in the vaginal flora of healthy mares. The present work aims to determine the occurrence of Lactobacillus spp. in the vaginal micro-environment of mares. A total of 35 crossbred multiparous mares, aged between 4 and 12 years, with no history of reproductive problems and with healthy reproductive tracts, were used. Two vaginal swabs were obtained from the mares during estrus for Lactobacillus isolation and PCR evaluation. Ten human female volunteers, aged between 24 and 35 years, sexually active, with no history of gynecological diseases and treatments in the past two years were used. Lactobacillus spp. were isolated from 5.7% of the mares' vaginal samples and from 90% of the women's vaginal samples. Lactobacillus DNA was detected by PCR in 22.9% of the mares' vaginal samples and in all of the vaginal samples from the healthy women. The primers used here were demonstrated to have in silico specificity for the detection of L. equi (AB425924.1), L. pantheris (DQ471798.1) and L. mucosae (DQ471799.1), but they did not anneal on Enterococcus faecalis (EU887827.1) or E. faecium (EU887814.1). In conclusion, this study showed a low occurrence of Lactobacillus spp. in mares, suggesting that this bacterium may not play a fundamental role in the equilibrium of the vaginal micro- environment of normal mares.


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The acceptance of biotechnology for the most equine breeders association had a significant effect in the horse industry, gaining popularity around the world, because the increasing on the genetic gain, allowing the use of sub fertile mares and stallions with high genetics value on reproduction. The embryos in vitro production of human and cattle has been used with success, however in vitro embryo production is not efficient in the horse, as oocyte transfer (OT) and intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI). The oocyte transfer has been used especially in subfertile old mares presenting reproductive pathologies as: endometrite, cervical and uterine adhesions, blocked oviduct, perineal laceration and ovulation failures. During oocyte recovery process, the oocytes must be collected from immature follicles that need be matured in vitro or in vivo matured oocytes from pre-ovulatory follicles through the transvaginal aspiration guided by ultrasound. The recovered oocyte is transferred to a previously inseminated recipient mare, through the flank laparotomy. The intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI) is a procedure of in vitro fertilization that needs only one sperm that is aspirated and injected inside the oocyte. The oocytes used, can be from mature and immature follicles. Fresh, cooled and frozen semen can be used, because the procedure not requires a functional sperm. The use of Piezo drill resulted in a breakthrough the pellucid zone, allowing the vibration per minute provided in the sperm injection pipette, a major result of cleaved oocytes, due to a better sperm injection in the oocyte. The embryo transfer can be straight inside the oviduct, as also transcervical transferred after embryo culture produced in vitro. In conclusion both procedures (OT and ICSI) are effective to be used on equine assisted reproduction, getting results even lower than expected, but satisfactory from animal genetically superior


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Equine neonatal isoerythrolysis is a neonatal foals’ illness. Results from the incompatibility of blood type between the foal and the mare and mediated by maternal antibody absorbed by the colostrum against foal’s red blood cells. Characterized by a type ll hypersensitivity reaction, where the exhibition of the organism to a strange antigen, that it takes the sensitization of the lymphocytes B that after the removal of the antigens by the reticule-endothelial system the production of immunoglobulin is decreased, with the formation of cellular immunological will cause the occurrence of the illness in foal of sensitized mares. The most important clinical signs are severe anemia and jaundice, and this illness should be differentiated of other as: hemolysis induced by bacterial toxins, diseases of the hepatobiliary system, disseminated intravascular coagulation and incompatibility in blood transfusions. Like the sensitization happens during the previous incompatible foal’s birth, most cases occur in foals of multiparous mares. However during the first pregnancy the mare can generate a foal with neonatal 7 isoerythrolysis if she have developed placental anomaly in the beginning of the pregnancy which blood cells in her circulation


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The success in implementing an embryo transfer program derives from many factors. The embryo recovery rate is one of the most important factors, and allows the transfer to the recipient mare. This rate comes from a group of elements such as donor´s characteristics, collection date, reproductive management, semen quality, technician skill. Mainly because of the great importance of this direct interference on the results of an embryo recovery program, this study aimed to review the factors involved in embryo recovery rates in donor mares during an embryo transfer, suggesting some ways of improving these results