258 resultados para Brejos de altitude


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A produção de folhedo e a taxa de decomposição de folhedo (k) foram estimadas, no período de 2.8.85 a 10.8.86, numa área de 1 ha de mata atlântica de encosta (60º de inclinação e altitude de 140m), no município do Guarujá (Lat. S 24º16'; Long. W 46º19'), Estado de São Paulo. A queda pluviométrica anual média é de 2050 mm e não há estação seca definida. O solo é argilo-arenoso e ácido, com pH variando entre 3 e 4. A produção anual de folhedo foi de 7925 kg/ha. A fração folhas contribuiu com 5040 kg/ha seguida pelas frações ramos (1950 kg/ha), flores (491 kg/ha), frutos (222 kg/ha) e material de origem animal (222 kg/ha). A produção de folhedo e das frações componentes foi contínua durante todo o ano. Os valores mensais de produção não revelaram nenhum padrão sazonal. A taxa de decomposição (k) foi estimada para condições de equilíbrio dinâmico (0,72) e também utilizando a porcentagem de peso remanescente da fração foliar (0,83). O tempo médio para a decomposição de 50% do folhedo foi de 350 dias.


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Lianas são membros característicos das florestas tropicais, onde são abundantes e de grande importância ecológica. Entretanto, têm sido negligenciadas em estudos florísticos e fitossociológicos. Este trabalho apresenta as espécies de lianas da Estação Ecológica do Noroeste Paulista (EENP) e as compara àquelas encontradas em outros fragmentos florestais. A EENP (20º48'36'' S e 49º22'50'' W) está a 468 m de altitude e abrange área de 168,63 ha, composta de três fragmentos de vegetação descontínua, classificada como floresta estacional semidecidual, entremeadas por pastagens. As amostras de lianas foram coletadas realizando caminhadas na periferia e no interior da mata. Foram identificadas 105 espécies; delas, 99 são Magnoliopsida (60 gêneros e 22 famílias); e seis, Liliopsida (três gêneros e três famílias). As famílias mais ricas em espécies representaram 59% do total das lianas. A análise do dendrograma de similaridade mostrou que esta é baixa entre a Floresta Atlântica de São Paulo e aquelas localizadas no interior. Situação semelhante foi observada por outros autores na análise de similaridade com espécies de porte arbóreo, e também, entre florestas do interior e Floresta Atlântica.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o número de medições (experimentos) necessários à predição do desempenho de cultivares de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Quatorze cultivares de feijão foram avaliadas em nove experimentos conduzidos em Santa Maria, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (latitude 29°42'S, longitude 53°49'W e 95m de altitude), nos anos agrícolas de 2000/2001 a 2004/2005. As avaliações foram constituídas por produtividade de grãos, número de vagens por planta, número de sementes por vagem, massa de cem grãos, população final de plantas, número de dias da emergência ao florescimento, número de dias da emergência à colheita, altura de inserção da primeira vagem, altura de inserção da última vagem, grau de acamamento e coloração do tegumento dos grãos. As estimativas dos coeficientes de repetibilidade foram obtidas por três métodos - análise de variância, componentes principais e análise estrutural. Sete experimentos possibilitam a identificação de cultivares superiores de feijão em relação às características de produção, de fenologia e de morfologia, com 85% de exatidão no prognóstico de seu valor real.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The dynamics of the restricted three-body Earth-Moon-particle problem predicts the existence of direct periodic orbits around the Lagrangian equilibrium point L1. From these orbits, we derive a set of trajectories that form links between the Earth and the Moon and are capable of performing transfers between terrestrial and lunar orbits, in addition to defining an escape route from the Earth-Moon system. When we consider a more complex and realistic dynamical system - the four-body Sun-Earth-Moon-particle (probe) problem - the trajectories have an expressive gain of inclination when they penetrate in the lunar influence sphere, thus allowing the insertion of probes into low-altitude lunar orbits with high inclinations, including polar orbits. In this study, we present these links and investigate some possibilities for performing an Earth-Moon transfer based on these trajectories. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Measurements of global and diffuse solar-radiation, at the Earth's surface, carried out from May 1994 to June 1999 in São Paulo City, Brazil, were used to develop correlation models to estimate hourly, daily and monthly values of diffuse solar-radiation on horizontal surfaces. The polynomials derived by linear regression fitting were able to model satisfactorily the daily and monthly values of diffuse radiation. The comparison with models derived for other places demonstrates some differences related mainly to altitude effects. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Seventy-seven rabies virus (RV) isolates originating from Brazilian cattle were genetically characterized. Partial nucleoprotein gene sequences of these isolates were phylogenetically and geographically analyzed. Cattle isolates, which clustered with the vampire bat-related RV group, were further subdivided into nine genetic subgroups. These subgroups were distributed widely in lowland regions, with some subgroups separated from each other by mountain ranges. In addition, separation of the groups in mountainous regions was correlated with altitude. These results indicate that cattle rabies is derived from several regionally-defined variants, which suggests that its geographical distribution is related to that of the vampire bat population.


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The karyotypes of 328 specimens of Zonotrichia capensis from four regions, three in the state of Parana and one in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), were studied. This species presents a chromosomal polymorphism due to pericentric inversion, involving the 3rd and 5th chromosome pairs. Chromosome 3 exists in the 3st and 3sm conditions and chromosome 5, in 5st and 5m conditions. Mitotic metaphase spreads were obtained from bone-marrow material of colchicine-treated animals.At all collection sites the frequency of chromosome 5m was considerably lower than that of the inverted chromosome 3sm.The present work tried to establish a correlation between the frequencies of the 3rd and 5th chromosome pairs with the climatical and geographical parameters at the collecting regions.Data show that the frequency of chromosome 5m is higher in regions with low temperature and high altitude.


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The aim of this study was to try the forecast of corn (Zea mays L.) sowing dates, the understanding of the quantitative effect of water deficits on that crop and crop yield decrease on a basis of a climatic model of water deficit forecast. This model was applied at Cambara (lat. 23 degrees 00'S, long. 50 circle 02'WGr, altitude 450 m), PR, Brazil. The model estimates yield decrease, in relation to potential values, as a function of the sowing dates which determine flowering and grain filling dates, highly critical times in relation to water deficit. The estimates were done from expected values of water deficit, at the 80% probability level and accumulated degrees-days, using several climatological data. Results show that the first ten days of November are the best corn sowing date under dry or irrigated conditions. Under these same conditions, the worst time showed to be August. Estimates of total needs of supplementar irrigation get values of 126 e 226 mm, respectively to the corn sowed at the first ten days of November and August.


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The reproductive phenology of the entire climber community (96 species of lianas and 40 species of vines) in a semideciduous forest in Southeastern Brazil (22 degrees 49'45''S; 47 degrees 06'33''W and 670 m altitude) was observed from March 1988 to February 1991. Phenological observations were made weekly by walking along a 10.5 km trail in the interior and at the forest edges of the Santa Genebra Reserve (SGR). The most species-rich families of climbers were Bignoniaceae (22), Malpighiaceae (17), Sapindaceae (12) and Asteraceae (12). Flowering patterns for woody lianas and herbaceous vines differed. Lianas had two flowering peaks: a minor peak in March in the transition from wet to dry season, and a major peak in October during the transition from dry to wet season. The flowering peak for herbaceous vines was in April. Fruiting of lianas was highly seasonal, with one peak in the late dry season (July-August). Fruiting for vines was less seasonal with a slight peak in March. These differences were consistent with the predominance of wind-dispersed fruits among lianas (72% of species) versus vines (52%). Low rainfall, high leaf fall, and strong winds during the dry season favor wind dispersal. More species of vines (40%) have animal-dispersed seeds than lianas (19%), and most vines fruited during the wet season. Phenological patterns of climbers and trees and treelets at SGR differed. The life form of lianas and their system of reserve economy may allow them to reproduce during periods unfavorable to trees. Displacement of peak flowering periods of trees and climbers pollinated by bees and small generalist insects may decrease competition for pollen vectors among species of these two groups of plants. Whereas the fruiting patterns of wind-dispersed trees and climbers at SGR were similar (most species fruiting during the dry season), animal-dispersed trees and treelets fruited throughout the year while animal-dispersed climbers exhibited a pronounced peak in late wet season. The distinct phenological patterns of climbers, generally complementary to those presented by trees, resulted in constant availability of Bowers and fruits throughout the year and enhances the importance of this plant group in Neotropical forests.


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A floristic survey for the family Orchidaceae was undertaken in a coastal forest area of ca. 8 km2 in the Picinguaba Development Center of the Serra do Mar State Park, in the municipality of Ubatuba, Brazil. The sampling used all tracks and roads of the area, up to the altitude of 50 m.s.m. and resulted in 77 species distributed in 45 genera. The spacial distribution of the species was plotted in maps of the nine physiognomical units identified for the area, based on 1:8.000 and 1:25.000 aerial photographs, and field observations. The results are shown in 1:10.000 topographic charts. Ninety percent of the species occur in at least 3 physiognomical units while 60% only occurred in a single unit, what indicates that the orchids can be used to characterize the vegetation even in large scales.


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The planar, circular, restricted three-body problem predicts the existence of periodic orbits around the Lagrangian equilibrium point L1. Considering the Earth-lunar-probe system, some of these orbits pass very close to the surfaces of the Earth and the Moon. These characteristics make it possible for these orbits, in spite of their instability, to be used in transfer maneuvers between Earth and lunar parking orbits. The main goal of this paper is to explore this scenario, adopting a more complex and realistic dynamical system, the four-body problem Sun-Earth-Moon-probe. We defined and investigated a set of paths, derived from the orbits around L1, which are capable of achieving transfer between low-altitude Earth (LEO) and lunar orbits, including high-inclination lunar orbits, at a low cost and with flight time between 13 and 15 days.


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The study of the spatial variability of soil attributes under different crop helps the study of changes due the management. This research was carried out to determine spatial variability the particle-size distribution, using of the classic statistic and geostatistics, of a soil cultivated with pasture and native vegetation. Soil samples were collected in the layer 0-0.20m, at the crossing points of a regular grid with 10m-intervals, summing up 64 samples points in each area. In the pasture area the fractions of coarse and total sand presented larger mean values in relation to the native vegetation, and negative correlation with the altitude of the points samples in the two areas. All of the fractions presented moderate to high spatial dependence in the two areas and with the defined still, with exception of the fine sand and the silt in the pasture. Much of this variability occurs as a function of water erosion.