75 resultados para Biomes


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Landscape fires show large variability in the amount of biomass or fuel consumed per unit area burned. Fuel consumption (FC) depends on the biomass available to burn and the fraction of the biomass that is actually combusted, and can be combined with estimates of area burned to assess emissions. While burned area can be detected from space and estimates are becoming more reliable due to improved algorithms and sensors, FC is usually modeled or taken selectively from the literature. We compiled the peerreviewed literature on FC for various biomes and fuel categories to understand FC and its variability better, and to provide a database that can be used to constrain biogeochemical models with fire modules. We compiled in total 77 studies covering 11 biomes including savanna (15 studies, average FC of 4.6 t DM (dry matter) ha 1 with a standard deviation of 2.2), tropical forest (n = 19, FC = 126 +/- 77), temperate forest (n = 12, FC = 58 +/- 72), boreal forest (n = 16, FC = 35 +/- 24), pasture (n = 4, FC = 28 +/- 9.3), shifting cultivation (n = 2, FC = 23, with a range of 4.0-43), crop residue (n = 4, FC = 6.5 +/- 9.0), chaparral (n = 3, FC = 27 +/- 19), tropical peatland (n = 4, FC = 314 +/- 196), boreal peatland (n = 2, FC = 42 [42-43]), and tundra (n = 1, FC = 40). Within biomes the regional variability in the number of measurements was sometimes large, with e. g. only three measurement locations in boreal Russia and 35 sites in North America. Substantial regional differences in FC were found within the defined biomes: for example, FC of temperate pine forests in the USA was 37% lower than Australian forests dominated by eucalypt trees. Besides showing the differences between biomes, FC estimates were also grouped into different fuel classes. Our results highlight the large variability in FC, not only between biomes but also within biomes and fuel classes. This implies that substantial uncertainties are associated with using biome-averaged values to represent FC for whole biomes. Comparing the compiled FC values with co-located Global Fire Emissions Database version 3 (GFED3) FC indicates that modeling studies that aim to represent variability in FC also within biomes, still require improvements as they have difficulty in representing the dynamics governing FC.


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Savanna woody plant communities are widespread in Brazil, where this vegetation type can be divided into core-central and marginal areas within its range of distribution. The study of diversity patterns of plant communities can provide insights into the distribution, biogeography, and diversity of plant species in widespread biomes. The objectives of this study were to measure standard and phylogenetic indices of diversity in woody plant communities of the savanna vegetation of Brazil (Cerrado) throughout its extensive range. Based on a metaanalysis, the diversity indexes were compared using traditional statistical methods, a phylogenetic approach, and by mapping. Similar patterns were found for phylogenetic and traditional indexes of diversity in core and marginal areas, suggesting that both lower and higher diversity sites can occur within the Cerrado geographical area. The only difference was found in low diversity, disjunct savanna sites within the Amazon basin, which are isolated by the Amazon River from the more continuous central-southern Cerrado area.


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Forty-four stream segments were sampled from May to October in 1992 and 1993 in the northwest region of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil (19 degrees 45'-21 degrees 25'S, 49 degrees 05'-51 degrees 30'S). Thirty-six macroalgal subgeneric taxa were found and Chlorophyta was the dominant algal group (47% species), followed by Cyanophyta (33.5%), Rhodophyta (14%) and Chrysophyta (5.5%). The most widespread species were Stigeoclonium helveticum (25% sites), Batrachospermum delicatulum and Compsopogon coeruleus (20.5%). Distribution was patchy, with species number per sampling site ranging from 0 to six (3.1 +/- 1.7) and correlated positively with species abundance. Species cover ranged from 0 to 61% of the stream bottom (19.1 +/- 19.7%). Most sites (57%) were dominated by one or two macroalgae species. No significant difference was found between the frequency distribution of variables measured for streams and for total macroalgae, but the most widespread species differed for most parameters and occurred over wider ranges of environmental conditions. Mean species number and abundance were close to values found in distinct regions or biomes of North America. Higher conductance and lower oxygen values, as well as rocky substrata, generally constituted the most favourable combination of conditions for the development of macroalgae in the region. The pattern of strong dominance of few species was considered to be typical for stream macroalgal communities in general.


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Re-establishing deforested ecosystems to pre-settlement vegetation is difficult, especially in ecotonal areas, due to lack of knowledge about the original physiognomy. Our objective was to use a soils database that included chemical and physical parameters to distinguish soil samples of forest from those of savannah sites in a municipality located in the southeastern Brazil region. Discriminant analysis (DA) was used to determine the original biome vegetation (forest or savannah) in ecotone regions that have been converted to pasture and are degraded. First, soils of pristine forest and savannah sites were tested, resulting in a reference database to compare to the degraded soils. Although the data presented, in general had a high level of similarity among the two biomes, some differences occurred that were sufficient for DA to distinguish the sites and classify the soil samples taken from grassy areas into forest or savannah. The soils from pastured areas presented quality worse than the soils of the pristine areas. Through DA analysis we observed that, from seven soil samples collected from grassy areas, five were most likely originally forest biome and two were savannah, ratified by a complementary cluster analysis carried out with the database of these samples. The model here proposed is pioneer. However, the users should keep in mind that using this technology, i.e., establishing a regional-level database of soil features, using soil samples collected both from pristine and degraded areas is critical for success of the project, especially because of the ecological and regional particularities of each biome.


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)