245 resultados para Bars (Geomorphology)


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The goal of this research was to determine the density distribution in medium density fiberboard (MDF), manufactured with polyurethane derived from castor oil using, ultrasonic wave technique. The equipment used in this test is Steinkamp BP7 with plan and exponential transducers, both with 45 kHz frequencies, located in several zones on the plate in order to determine wave ultrasonic velocity. The Pinus caribaea and Eucalyptus grandis fiberboard were manufactured in the quality control and products development laboratory of Duratex with 500 mm long, 500 mm large, 8 and 15 mm of thickness. Three MDF for each fiber specimen and thickness were fabricated, totalizing twelve plates tested. The MDF were produced with 5% polyurethane addition, in temperature of 160°C, tension press of 53 bars and addition of moisture content of 12%. For determination of fiberboard density, samples were extracted from the same zones where the wave ultrasonic velocity was determined. In this case, DAX-Ray equipment was used. Statistical analysis shows good agreement with wave ultrasonic velocity and the density profile, validating the application of non-destructive technique in order to determine the density profile of MDF's.


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The analysis of morphometric characteristics is used to understand the relationship between soil and surface as a result of erosive processes on different structures and lithologies. The objective of this study was to study the morphometric characteristics of Fazenda Gloria watershed from 1983 to 2000, a fourth-order watershed in Taquaritinga Municipality, São Paulo State. The study was based on photointerpretation techniques. Drainage net and the respective watersheds were selected and the morphometric variables were determined. The watersheds consisted of 7 second-order watersheds and 2 third-order watersheds. The morphometric characteristics showed a reduction in the number of segments of first-order rivers and in the length of the drainage net during the study period. These findings could be related to several influences on land development considering occupation and use of land. A different hydrological behavior could also be observed. The analysis of Fazenda Glória Watershed showed that the length of the segment of fourth order river remained constant during the study period.


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The city of Cubatão is a densely populated area with high industrial activity. In the area there are also important linear works as roads, railways, pipelines, aqueducts and lines of transmission of energy. The geological and geomorphological features of the municipality, combined with the human activities, make the site an area heavily prone to the landslides, so a region at high risk. In this work, landslide scars were extracted in aerial photos from 1985 and 1994, years that recorded a high incidence of landslides. Quantitative analysis of the relationship between the occurrence of scars and the forms of tracks were conducted, based on an intensive survey of scars in the region, represented by 2595 extracted scars, with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the slipping processes in the Serra do Mar paulista and thus to the reduction of risks in the region. Achievements have concluded that the greatest percentage of slides in the region is linked to the strands straitght, followed by convex, which confirms previous studies conducted in the region, in a qualitative way or with a much lower number of scars.


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Conectivity between the hydrologic regimen and the distribution of the vegetation there is already a lot is recognized by several researchers in the works of fluvial ecology. It can be affirmed that the geomorphology of the alluvial plain has an important paper in the constitution of the riparian vegetation. On the proposed study, traverse topographical profiles were elaborated in the island, recognition of the distribution of the vegetation and the zoning geomorphologic presented in profiles for the Mutum Island. It's located in the upper course of the Parana River, between the mouth of the Paranapanema River and the mouth of the Ivinhema River. It elapses of this study the succession of the strata of the riparian vegetation and the relationship with the morphology of the surface, in this case the relief as the main controller abiotic and selective of the species in the environmental. For the whole island it was possible to define three classes: Mutum Upper Unit, Mutum Lower Unit and Paleochannel. The presented discussion is resulted partial of the project called Processes of Conectivity and the Riparian Vegetacion in the high course of the Parana River, PR/MS.


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This study evaluated the effect of denture base polymer type (heat- and microwave-polymerized), ridge lap surface treatment (with and without methyl methacrylate-MMA etching) and thermocycling on the microtensile bond strength (mTBS) of Biotone acrylic teeth. Flat-ground, ridge-lap surface of posterior artifcial teeth were bonded to cylinders of each denture base resin, resulting in the following groups (n=6): G1a - Clássico/with MMA etching; G1b - Clássico/without MMA etching; G2a - OndaCryl/with MMA etching; G2b - OndaCryl/without MMA etching. Rectangular bar specimens with a cross-sectional area of 1 mm 2 were prepared. Half of the bars in each group were thermocycled (5,000 cycles between 4°C and 60°C). mTBS testing was performed in an universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Data were analyzed statistically by three-way ANOVA (a=0.05). There was no statisti-caly signifcant difference (p>0.05) for the factors (resin, surface treatment,and thermocycling) or their interactions. The mean mTBS values (MPa) and standard deviations were as follows: Thermocycling - G1a: 41.00 (14.00); G1b: 31.00 (17.00); G2a: 50.00 (27.00); G2b: 40.00 (18.00); No thermocycling - G1a: 37.00 (14.00); G1b: 43.00 (25.00); G2a: 43.00 (14.00); G2b: 40.00 (27.00). The mTBS of Biotone artifcial teeth to the denture base acrylic resins was not infuenced by the polymer type, surface treatment or thermocycling.


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Fluvial morphometry is method of great value regarding neotectonic analysis of extensive areas because streams, besides representing one of the main agents in the relief modeling, quickly adjust their thalwegs to even the most gentle crustal deformations. The purpose of this paper is to present the application of some morphometric techniques in the Santo Anastácio River hydrographic basin in order to identify recent tectonic deformations. Additionally, we show liquefaction structures identified in the basin and interpreted here as seismites linked to ancient earthquakes (magnitudes greater than 5). The morphometric survey includes longitudinal stream profile analysis, RDE (declivity versus stream length) index application, and the sinuosity study of the Santo Anastácio River channel. Geologic substrate comprises Cretaceous siliciclastic rocks of the Caiuá and Bauru groups, locally covered by Cenozoic sediments (alluvial plains, terrace deposits, colluvial aprons, as well as in situ regoliths). Considering that liquefaction structures affect dark clay layers of 32.340±320 year BP age (14C dating), a lower age limit for the ancient earthquake is triggered in that region. The authors believe that neotectonic understanding of the Western São Paulo State Plateau is important to the geologic and geomorphologic evolution of that landscape and to the consequent territorial planning and occupation.


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In the present study were observed changes in morphology of the bed of the lower course of the river Ivaí, made by bathymetric surveys, granulometric analysis and measures the flow velocity. Changes made considerable changes in relation to flow and bad load. The study was conducted in the last 110 km of the river Ivaí, between the municipalities Tapira and Icaraíma - PR. In this section the channel flows with meandering pattern, embedded in sandstone Caiuá and sediment modern of its flood plain. This is the only major river in the state that so far has no modifications, making it an important site for studies of fluvial geomorphology.


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This paper presents the results of the frst systematic mapping of the paleochannel network on the Taquari megafan (Pantanal, Brazil). We used remote sensing data collected by the ASTER sensor, which captures images with 15 m square pixels. A total of 34 scenes, acquired from 2001-2006, were used in the analysis. These data were processed using a decorrelation stretch technique in order to obtain a better visual identifcation of the paleochannels. The mapping procedure began with the overlay of a 1:50.000 IBGE articulation, in order to systematize the extraction of features and to reduce the subjectivity inherent to visual analysis methods. We mapped a total of 33,205 km of paleochannels. The density of these features is related to the relative ages of distinct geomorphological compartments, known as depositional lobes. The mapped features preserve avulsion events that occurred on the megafan. The results suggest that low-magnitude avulsions occur more frequently than larger events.


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Water may influence the mechanical properties of the acrylic resins. Thus, the effect of water storage on the impact strength (IS) of one denture base (Lucitone 550 - L) and four reline resins (Tokuyama Rebase II - T; UfiGel Hard - U; Kooliner - K; New Truliner - NT) was evaluated. Bars of L were made (60 x 6 x 2 mm) and relined (2 mm) with T, U, K, NT and L. Intact specimens of each material (60 x 6 x 4 mm) were also fabricated for comparative purposes. Specimens were submitted to Charpy impact tests without water storage (control) and after immersion in water for 7, 90 and 180 days. Data (kJ/m 2) analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (p=0.05) revealed that after 90 days, U exhibited an increase in the IS (0.93) compared to 7 days (0.58). K (1.48) and L/K (7.21) exhibited a decrease at the 7-day period (1.01 and 3.23, respectively). NT (0.60) showed an increase in the IS after 180 days (1.52), whereas L/ NT (7.70) showed a decrease (3.17). Water immersion improved the IS of U and NT, and decreased the IS of K, L/K, and L/NT. Water may affect differently the IS of acrylic resins and, consequently, the resistance to fracture of relined denture bases.


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This paper introduces a methodology for predicting the surface roughness of advanced ceramics using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). To this end, a grinding machine was used, equipped with an acoustic emission sensor and a power transducer connected to the electric motor rotating the diamond grinding wheel. The alumina workpieces used in this work were pressed and sintered into rectangular bars. Acoustic emission and cutting power signals were collected during the tests and digitally processed to calculate the mean, standard deviation, and two other statistical data. These statistics, as well the root mean square of the acoustic emission and cutting power signals were used as input data for ANFIS. The output values of surface roughness (measured during the tests) were implemented for training and validation of the model. The results indicated that an ANFIS network is an excellent tool when applied to predict the surface roughness of ceramic workpieces in the grinding process.


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The Nabileque fluvial fan is a Quaternary depositional system located along the southwestern border of the Pantanal, covering an area of approximately 9,100 km 2. It is a peculiar alluvial system because it is not associated with inflow from adjacent plateaus. The Nabileque megafan is formed by the Paraguay River at the exit of the Pantanal wetland, coalescing with the Pilcomayo megafan of the Chaco basin. A geomorphological zonation analysis was performed making use of remote sensing data with field verification. Most of the area is a vast alluvial plain made of Pleistocene deposits, whose surface is marked by the presence of an intricate network of distributary paleochannels. Areas blanketed by Pleistocene deposits are dissected by erosional streams and subject to frequent flooding events. The Paraguay River flows in a meander belt constrained by NE fractures associated with the Transbrasiliano Lineament, but deflects towards the SSE after the Negro River confluence composing the system's peripheral drainage. An abandoned meander belt is preserved within a remarkable N-S incised-valley that is interpreted as the ancient Paraguay River course. Processes of avulsion and river capture are suggested to explain the observed changes of the river course. The Nabileque River is an underfit stream within the incised-valley, cutting paleomeanders and point bars of the previous Paraguay River course.


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The highways are enterprises of great longitudinal extension that cross several types of lands, that possess different geologic, geomorphologic, pedologic and vegetation conditions. In the environmental management of highways the importance of the use of Engineering Geological Maps of Susceptibility was noticed, for being documents that inter-relates several information of the environment. This way, this research objectified the elaboration of this type of map and the indication of lines of direction for the conservation of the Highway Marechal Rondon - SP-300. For its elaboration the Map of Declivity, the delimited Homogeneous Physiographic Units, the processes of the superficial dynamics mapped and the use of the ground was used. Its elaboration evidenced its importance for the environmental management of highways, in view of the prevention, the monitoring and the correction of the adverse processes that can occur in this type of enterprise.


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Aim: To describe the adaptation of the Edentulous Ridge Expansion (E.R.E.) technique for implant removal. Material and Methods: The E.R.E. technique for the removal of failed implants is described in detail. A clinical case is also reported. In a patient carrying a full arch removable prosthesis in the upper jaw, sustained by two bars, two out of five implants were found to be fractured. Bucco-lingual partial-thickness flaps were used to access the fractured implants. The implants were subsequently removed applying the E.R.E. technique. Two recipient sites were prepared in the same position, using bone expanders, and two new implants were installed. Results: After 4 months of healing, the implants were integrated and a new bar was fabricated, and the old prosthesis readapted. Conclusion: The ERE technique may be successfully applied for the removal of failed implants, and the immediate or delayed reinstallation of new implants. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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This study intends to evaluate the effects of landscape physical elements (rocks and relief) associated with silviculture activities. The study was carried out on a small farm (Fazenda Santa Edwirges) covered by Eucalyptus forested situated in the Paraiba do Sul Basin, Southeast Brazil. The methodology consisted of detailed geological and geomorphological studies at 1:10,000 scale, and laboratory analysis of soil physical properties. The results showed three geologic-geomorphologic associations (ridge escarpment with granitic rocks, steep and gentle hills cut by shear zones and gentle hill with alluvial sediments) present high vulnerability for the development of the physical processes such as accelerated erosion landslides and flooding. In contrast, mountains associated with gneissic rocks present smaller vulnerability and high resilience for the development of the physical processes. The results have showed the importance of considering the interactions among landscape physical for the eucalyptus forest management contributing to a better selection area for eucalyptus cultivation and minimize adverse environment impact in road design.


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Agricultural and mining activities are directly related to changes in natural landscapes. From the perspective of anthropogenic geomorphology supported by general systems theory, this research has developed, in order to identify and analyze changes in the land use, mainly from agriculture and the exploitation of clay, and its implications in the hydro-geomorphological characteristics in the Santa Gertrudes Stream watershed (SP). This area is within the context of the Ceramic Pole Santa Gertrudes (SP), which besides its importance as a supplier of raw material, is characterized as the largest center of international reference in ceramic tiles on the American continent. For this purpose, we made land use and geomorphology maps of two scenarios, corresponding to the years 1962 and 2006, which allowed the identification of changes caused by human activities on the landforms of the area, such as the increase in area of parcels intended for mining activity, which went from 3.1% to occupy 19% of the catchment area of the respective period and that, among other changes, gave rise to new forms of relief as, for example, in levels of pit mining abrupt and smooth. The results indicate that the main features of representative of human changes in relief are represented for opening of large clay mining pits and agricultural activities, which intensified the denudation and sedimentation processes in the Santa Gertrudes Stream watershed.