87 resultados para Aterros


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A number of methods and products have been developed in order to eliminate or reduce the negative effects that hydrocarbons cause to the environment, including hydrophobic expanded vermiculite, used in oil residue filtering systems at gas stations. However, upon adsorbing organic compounds, the vermiculite is no longer used and is sent to landfills. The aim of the present study was to wash granular and powdered vermiculite containing oil lubricant in its pores with distilled water and solutions of 0.1% SDS surfactant and rhamnolipids, with the aim of removing the lubricant and the possibility of reusing the mineral. The greatest amount of lubricant removal was obtained through washing with 0.1% SDS and both granulometric forms. This may be associated to the industrial purification received by the surfactant. However, the biosurfactant is ecologically more viable due to its low toxicity and ease of degradability. In the readsorption tests, greatest adsorption was obtained with the granular vermiculite washed in SDS solution. In order to enable the reuse of the mineral, further tests are needed to enhance desorption/adsorption efficiency.


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The large volume of waste generated by construction and demolition has become increasingly a matter of concern to society. The handling and disposal of RCD's to gain prominence as over the years intensified the requirements for a sustainable world. This paper presents the positive and negative factors that the management of construction and demolition waste can bring in the municipality of Guaratinguetá-SP. This study examines the methods used in waste management since he was not done any treatment to the present day. Presents comparative tables on the feasibility of installing a central crushing of inert waste and implementation of an inert waste landfill in the municipality of Guaratinguetá and Cachoeira Paulista. And yet the work being done by the city of Guaratinguetá reuse the material in class A in paving roads


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The treatment of domestic and industrial effluents through Wastewater Treatment Plants (WTPs) generates a residue termed sewage sludge, rich in organic matter, high-volume, occasionally containing pathogens and heavy metals. The sludge generation can minimize the benefits brought by the treatment of sewage, because this residue does not always receive appropriate treatment before final disposal. The disposal is another problem related to sludge. Landfills generally does not have physical space and alternatives such as the use in agriculture requires an intense treatment that could be in many cases operational or economic unfeasible. The objective of this work is the theoretical research about the processes of stabilization of the sludge by anaerobic digestion and the methanogenic activity during the process. Through analysis of each step and contemplating each relevant factor in anaerobic digestion process in order to optimize them, we proposed a theoretical model of reactors capable of stabilize the sludge, reduce its volume and eliminate pathogens. The obtained configuration consists of two anaerobic reactors connected in series. The first one operates in the range mesophilic temperature (35 ° C) and has higher hydraulic retention time (25 days) working primarily in the stabilization of organic matter present in the sludge and producing biogas, whereas the second one operates in the thermophilic range (55 ° C) in order to eliminate pathogens, and to reduce the volume. The hydraulic retention time in the second reactor is lower (10 days). Both mesophilic and thermophilic processes were efficient in what was proposed, promoting the stabilization of organic matter present in the sludge and significant reduction of pathogens. As a final step with the sludge previously digested, it is indicated a final dehydration... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The geophysical methods are widely applied in environmental characterization and monitoring studies. The resistivity method, in particular, has a wide area of applications, being effective in studies of solid waste landfills. The present work propose a geophysical monitoring in the Cordeirópolis city controlled landfill and analyze relationships between variation of electrical resistivity parameter, the residence time of the solid waste in landfill, the rainfall in the region and the organic matter biodegradation processes. The study has no monitoring system to control the products generated in the organic matter decomposition found in waste such as sealing blanket or leachate or gas drains. The results shows that the electrical resistivity parameter was effective in monitoring the landfill contamination plume


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In 2010 Brazil produced about 60.8 million of municipal solid waste, an amount 6.8% higher than in 2009 and six times the rate of urban population growth recorded in the same period. According to a study by the Brazilian Association of Companies of Special Wasteand Public Cleansing (Abrelpe), the average waste generated per person in the same period the country was 378 Kilograms, an amount 5.3% higher to 2009 (359 Kg). The total reached 60.8 milion tons of waste, 6.5 million tons were collected and not end up inrivers, streams and vacant lots. Of this total production, 42.4% or 22.9 million Tons, did not receive proper destination and destiny had dumps and landfills. The data show that the country is in upward trend in waste generation, but did not advance the appropriate destination at the same pace. The waste thus throw open cause public helth problems, such as proliferation of disease vectors (flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, and others). Generation of odors and especially the pollution of soil, surface water and groundwater through slurry ( liquid black, smelly and high pollution potential produced by the decomposition of organic matter contained in waste), affecting the water. This Study shows the popper closure of the areas, wich long has been degrading our natural resources, not to cause damage to nature and therefore society


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O crescimento das sociedades urbanas tem gerado um aumento significativo na produção dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, tornando o tema de disposição final amplamente discutido nas gestões públicas. Recentemente, a partir da criação da Lei Federal nº 12.305/2010, que institui a Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos, foi estabelecido que a disposição final ambientalmente adequada dos rejeitos deve ser feita exclusivamente em aterros. O presente trabalho teve então como objetivo a avaliação de áreas potenciais para instalação de aterro sanitário no Distrito de Floresta do Sul no município de Presidente Prudente/SP. Para tanto, utilizou-se o SIG, como ferramenta do geoprocessamento, para análise espacial. Inicialmente, construiu-se um banco de dados geográficos da região de estudo com os dados de geomorfologia, hidrologia, declividade, malha urbana e rede viária. Em seguida, foram geradas representações na categoria MNT, onde os valores foram normalizados em intervalos [0,1] através da lógica booleana e fuzzy... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Since the beginning of it’s existence the humankind coexists with the production of waste, both organics and inorganics. Over the years the world population is raising, and consequently the different kinds of waste, causing significant problems not only for the public authorities, but also for the population, not only those related with its final or temporary destination but also with its crescent production. Considering it, the cities are not able to handle there volumes, and its landfills and dumps are working over their capacities, leading to a serie of environmental problems due to the lost of environmental quality and the natural and social vulnerabilities arising. This paper plans to working over visits, photographic registration and a review on the theme literature, study the perception and valuation of the landscape on the Ribeirão Preto landfill, São Paulo state (SP), that today is disabled but still an area of risk and environmental vulnerability, well as the perception of environmental quality in the surrounding population


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The study of mathematical modeling assists in evaluation of the capacity of production and measurement of generation time of biogas in landfills, enabling the implantation of projects of energy generation from methane. Thus, the work aims, by simulating scenarios of potential methane generation in the landfill in Rio Claro, the use of field data from methane flow and waste grounded parameters as references for selecting values of k e L0 used to estimate methane generation model in LandGEM. As a result it was found that compared the characteristics adopted in the four scenarios recommended by the USEPA literature with those found in the landfill of Rio Claro (high amount of organic matter in the waste landed and daily practice of leachate recirculation), the scenario that apparently better represent the rate of methane generation is the scenario 01, with k = 0.7 and L0 = 96. Now, the adjustment of parameters in relation to the data field of methane flow, the value of L0 which best fits the methane generation from the landfill in Rio Claro is 150, while for k the line behavior that best represents the reality are values between 0.7 and 0.3. Regarding the parameters of the waste grounded, between the suggested values of k, 0,3 is most consistent with the intermediate level of biological degradation of the residue grounded, while L0 due to the biodegradability of the waste, a new value between 120 and 150 may be more appropriate for the study


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As new technologies improve, people’s lives gain in comfort and accessibility. However, along with these technologies comes a growth in “soon to fall into disuse” product consume, either because they have reached the end of their life cycle, or because they were substituted by newer and more advanced models. These electronic wastes are still with no certain destination, and could be donated to welfare companies, but the majority is thrown in wide open dumping grounds or landfills, where they can contaminate water and soil with their toxic components. This work seeks to evaluate the e-waste concept, their impacts in the environment and human life, as well as the current national and international e-waste management and destination, finally reflecting on international decisions that would be appropriate for the Brazilian system.


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Supermarket plastic bags are produced by high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) resins. In Brazil, are produced annually around 150 plastic bags per capita. Disposed in landfills, the supermarket plastic bags prevent the passage of water by slowing the breakdown of biodegradable materials and hindering compaction of waste, according to their low degradability. This work investigated the biodegradation of PE bags containing additive oxo-biodegradable and bags without additives: buried in soil columns, exposed in a controlled environment and exposed to air. The analysis methods used to assess the changes brought in the bags with respect to microbial action and exposure time were weight loss, thickness measurement, infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and contact angle. The results showed that the use of prodegradant agents such as oxobiodegradable additives in polyethylene bags, buried in soil for 270 days, was not efficient to accelerate the biodegradation by microorganisms. It seems that these additives have been more efficient to degrade the colored pigmentation of printed bags, under the influence of light and heat.


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A produção de lixo pela humanidade é inevitável, porém, o destino dos residuos sólidos e seu acondicionamento inadequado têm trazido graves problemas ambientais. Dentre os resíduos sólidos, os plásticos merecem destaque, pois cresceram significativamente em uso e descarte, totalizando 20% do volume mundial de lixo. Isto decorre de algumas das propriedades destes materiais, como durabilidade, resistência, leveza e baixo custo de produção. Nas grandes cidades brasileiras, 7% do lixo produzido correspondem a produtos de plástico em filme, geralmente usado em aplicações de curta duração, como o polietileno. Este material persiste no ambiente por décadas, sendo, portanto, resistente à degradação. Diversos destinos podem ser tomados pelo resíduo de polietileno descartado, como a deposição em lixões e aterros sanitários, incineração, reciclagem e biodegradação. A biodegradação pode ser definida como a degradação catalisada por atividade biológica, levando, no final do processo, à mineralização e/ou formação de biomassa. Na natureza, a destruição destes materiais se dá, na verdade, por meio da “degradação ambiental”, na qual atuam sinergeticamente a biodegradação, a fotooxidação, a termo-oxidação e a hidrólise. Neste sentido, desde os anos 1970, diferentes formulações foram propostas para otimizar a susceptibilidade do PE à degradação ambiental. Sabe-se que o PE está sujeito a sofrer mudanças quando exposto à luz ultravioleta e/ou ao calor, e que estas modificações podem alterar a resposta dos microrganismos no processo de biodegradação. Desta forma, este estudo analisou as modificações ocasionadas por tratamentos com luz ultravioleta, calor e exposição ao sol, bem como a resposta da microbiota natural do solo a estes tratamentos, através de análises de espectroscopia... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The present work is the analysis of the practices and techniques currently used in the final allocation given to organic household solid waste in the city of Rio Claro - SP. As the major part of Rio Claro’s household solid waste is formed by the organic fraction, as well as in the rest of the country, this research proposes a study on what is done with that portion of the waste, its treatment and where finally destined, based on the National Solid Waste Politic, recently approved in 2010. With the use of this organic part, for example: as animal feed supplement or compost embodiment for the purpose of producing organic fertilizer, enables the decrease of the percentage of the total destined to dumps and landfills. This total percentage has already been reduced after the popularization of the beneficial recycling programs in Brazil, which are still growing. As cities and the purchasing power of its individuals grow, there is also a consequent growth of waste production by society. The household whether domestic solid waste are lower than Industrial Solid ( RSI ) waste for the production in million tons ( Mton ) quantities , however, those residues are more visible on a daily basis - in cities and periphery as well, due to the inadequate management, - and also offer , as well as industrial and agricultural wastes , several types of harmful effects to the population when managed incorrectly. Therefore, the research aims to assist in the study of Solid Waste Management (MSW) for efficient Urban and Environmental Planning in a midsize city. Thus, this project aims to analyze in the city of Rio Claro, how the allocation of these materials is done and whether these practices denote effective improvement regarding the proper management of waste, in the same way that the recycling chain would allow this effect


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Geological-geotechnical problems affecting escarps as well as embankment and fill slopes of roads and motorways may generate different types of unsteadiness, which are mainly arisen from the deficient knowledge about the physical environment. This results in unsuitable engineering projects and inadequate executions, which can be worsened by an occasional inappropriate maintenance of the construction. A geologically-geotechnically characterization of escarps and slopes is crucial in order to prevent these problems. This work deals with a geological-geotechnical study of 1:10.000 scale mapping in a stretch of a local road (CHQ-40) at the Serra de Itaqueri, Charqueada town, State of São Paulo. The stretch is known by several physical problems as erosion and mass movement. The methods of study were based on an integrative analysis of the diverse elements of the physical environment by using aerial photographs - to obtain the physiographic compartmentalization of terrain units - as well as field work - to accomplish the evaluation of the units by employing sketch lists. To achieve this, we selected several techniques in order to identify and classify different types of existing problems as erosion, landslide in embankments and fill slopes, rockfall, block rolling, among others. We also included the analysis of soil horizon, thickness and composition. The geological-geotechnical mapping resulted in six units: 1- Sandstones in cuesta’s backhill; 2 – Basalts in cuesta’s front; 3- Sandstones in cuesta’s front; 4 – Talus and colluvial deposits at cuesta’s foothill; 5- Sandstones of the Piramboia Formation in hillside; and 6 – Colluvial soil in the hill top. A characterization of the geological-geotechnical units is detailed, coupled to the cartographic material. Other cartographic products elaborated for this study included 1:10.000 maps of hypsometry, slope and curvature


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Introdução: O adequado gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares (RSD) tem se estabelecido nas últimas décadas como um importante instrumento na diminuição do lixo doméstico destinados aos aterros. A compostagem doméstica e a produção de sabão a partir de óleo usado são alternativas para a reciclagem dos RSD que, ao contrário dos lixos recicláveis, não são explorados comercialmente. Assim, o ensino dessas técnicas para a comunidade pode ser uma ferramenta útil na educação ambiental, disseminando práticas que evitam a destinação final de resíduos sólidos em aterros e desenvolvendo valores para a sustentabilidade. Objetivos: Ensinar formas de reciclagem dos RSD através de técnicas de compostagem e produção de sabão a partir de óleo usado, servindo também como instrumento para promover a educação ambiental, e conscientizar a comunidade sobre a importância de um adequado gerenciamento de resíduos. Métodos: As atividades de ensino consistiram em duas partes, unindo teoria e prática, por meio da apresentação de painéis explicativos sobre compostagem, produção de sabão, e sobre as vantagens decorrentes desses processos seguida da realização das técnicas apresentadas, com a produção de sabão em barra e líquido com óleo usado, e pela montagem de pequenas composteiras em garrafões PET de 5 litros de água mineral reaproveitados. Resultados: As atividades foram realizadas em eventos abertos a sociedade de São José do Rio Preto, tais como a Semana da Tecnologia, em outubro de 2010 e a Semana do Meio Ambiente, em junho de 2011, ambas desenvolvidas no SESC (Serviço Social do Comércio) da cidade. O público foi variado, incluindo desde aposentados e donas de casa até estudantes e profissionais de diversos setores. O interesse em anotar as metodologias explicadas culminou na idéia de produzir um material impresso que contivesse as receitas de sabão (líquido e em barra), os procedimentos e dicas de como realizar a compostagem. A convite de uma escola pública, houve também a apresentação das atividades para pais de alunos e funcionários interessados em aprender as práticas para o adequado gerenciamento dos RSD, levando à discussão das possibilidades de implantação de um projeto de compostagem na própria escola.