130 resultados para Araxá apatite
This study aimed to develop porous hydroxyapatite scaffold for bone regeneration using the replica of the polymeric sponge technique. Polyurethane sponges were used with varying densities to obtain the scaffolds. The results indicate the porous HA scaffolds developed in this study as potential materials for application as bone substitutes to have high porosity (> 70%), chemical composition, interconnectivity and pore sizes appropriate to the bone regeneration.
To carry out the dating by the Fission Track Method (FTM) the international community that works with this method employs methodologies in which the mineral to be dated must be irradiated with neutrons. Such irradiation, performed in a nuclear reactor, demand a relatively long waiting time so that the activity of the sample attain a proper level for handling. The present work aims to establish a methodology that makes possible the dating by FTM using a mass spectrometer instead of a nuclear reactor. This methodology was applied to apatite samples from Durango, Mexico. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
SEM-EDS and biomechanical evaluation of implants with different surface treatments: An initial study
Aim: Alterations in implant surfaces can affect periimplant bone formation and shorten the healing time. The goal of the present study was a comparative scanning electron microscopy (SEM)/energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and biomechanical evaluation of implants subjected to different surface treatments. Materials and Methods: Four implant surfaces were analyzed in the present study: machined commercial implants (TU); porous-surfaced commercial implants blasted with Al2O3 microspheres and acid-etched (TJA); laser beam-irradiated experimental implants (Laser) and laser beam-irradiated experimental implants with hydroxyapatite coating (HA). One sample for each surface underwent pre-surgery SEM/EDS analysis. Thirty-two implants (8 for each surface treatment) were then inserted into the tibia of 4 rabbits. After 8 weeks, the animals were euthanized and the implants retrieved by reverse torque and processed for post-surgery SEM/EDS analysis. Results: HA implants presented higher removal torque values when compared to Laser, TJA and TU groups. Post-surgery SEM micrographs clearly showed bone formation on all the examined surfaces; however, in the TU group bone covered only some areas of the implant surface, while in TJA, Laser and HA groups the entire implant surfaces were overlaid by newly formed bone. EDS analysis supported the results obtained by SEM and removal torque, showing that concentration of Ca and P increased from TU to TJA, Laser and HA implants. Conclusions: Implants with surfaces modified by laser beam with or without apatite coating showed more promising results.
Metaultramafic bodies tectonically emplaced within the metasedimentary sequence of the Araxá Group are associated with an ophiolitic melange in southeast Goiás. In the region of Crominia - Mairipotaba, they occur as lenticular bodies aligned E-W. Cumulate textures and geochemical data indicate that the parent rocks had harzburgitic to dunitic compositions. Relicts of primary crystals of olivine and orthopyroxene are suggestive of amphibolite facies metamorphic re-equilibration fabrics, even though the paragenesis and mineral associations of these metaultramafic rocks are typical of greenschist facies (T < 550°C and P = 5.5 kbar). The chromitites exhibit massive to breccioid structure and pull-apart texture, with chromite crystals around 0.5 mm in size. Chromite concentrations in the chromitite levels reach 70 to 85% by volume of the rock. The crystals are dispersed in the matrix, which is composed essentially of serpentine, and subordinately of chlorite and talc. The textures and geochemical data (Cr 2O 3 x TiO 2 and Mg x Cr ratios present in the chromitite) are similar to those observed in ophiolitic complexes. Hence, they correspond to allochthonous bodies (Alpine type) associated with an ophiolitic mélange.
Fluoride was introduced into dentistry over 70 years ago, and it is now recognized as the main factor responsible for the dramatic decline in caries prevalence that has been observed worldwide. However, excessive fluoride intake during the period of tooth development can cause dental fluorosis. In order that the maximum benefits of fluoride for caries control can be achieved with the minimum risk of side effects, it is necessary to have a profound understanding of the mechanisms by which fluoride promotes caries control. In the 1980s, it was established that fluoride controls caries mainly through its topical effect. Fluoride present in low, sustained concentrations (sub-ppm range) in the oral fluids during an acidic challenge is able to absorb to the surface of the apatite crystals, inhibiting demineralization. When the pH is re-established, traces of fluoride in solution will make it highly supersaturated with respect to fluorhydroxyapatite, which will speed up the process of remineralization. The mineral formed under the nucleating action of the partially dissolved minerals will then preferentially include fluoride and exclude carbonate, rendering the enamel more resistant to future acidic challenges. Topical fluoride can also provide antimicrobial action. Fluoride concentrations as found in dental plaque have biological activity on critical virulence factors of S. mutans in vitro, such as acid production and glucan synthesis, but the in vivo implications of this are still not clear. Evidence also supports fluoride's systemic mechanism of caries inhibition in pit and fissure surfaces of permanent first molars when it is incorporated into these teeth pre-eruptively. © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.
This work aimed at describing the Neoproterozoic evolution of a Southern Brasília Fold Belt segment, in Tapira area (southwest of Minas Gerais state, Brazil), using detailed geologic mapping. This area, the Canastra Group type-area, has showed great tectonic and stratigraphic complexities unlike the simplicity suggested in previous works. From recognizing the main tectonic discontinuities, it was possible to subdivide the area into some domains. In the west domain, they were individualized in tectonic sheet I, marked by pelitic rocks and pelitic-graphite rocks with psammitic intercalations, and II, pelitic rocks with psammitic and mafic-ultramafic intercalations overlapped by gneisses. In the east domain, a group of three tectonic sheets was defined, in which, in the two lower tectonic sheets, pelitic and pelitic-graphite rocks with psammitic rock intercalations prevailed, which is different in metamorphic conditions. The lower tectonic sheet is marked by mineralogical associations with muscovite + chlorite + quartz ± graphite ± albite, without biotite; however, the superior one is with muscovite + quartz + garnet ± chlorite ± biotite ± chloritoid ± graphite ± albite. In the upper tectonic sheet, pelitic rocks with local contributions of psammitic and ultramafics rocks occur. In the south domain, psammitic rocks basically occur with contributions of pelitics and rudaceous rocks, where the preservation of textures and sedimentary structures is common. Rocks of the several domains are interpreted as part of a passive continental margin basin, located in the western margin of the São Francisco paleocontinent. Thus, the south domain rocks would represent the facies of proximal platform; rocks of the lower and middle tectonic sheets (east domain) and of the tectonic sheet I (west domain) are of facies distal platform; and the ones from the upper tectonic sheet (east domain) and tectonic sheet II (west domain) were acknowledged as deposited in an environment of continental shelf and/or oceanic seafoor.
The purpose of this work was to evaluate the Ti-35Nb-7Zr experimental alloy after surface treatment and soaking in solution body fluid (SBF) to form bonelike apatite. The Ti-35Nb-7Zr alloy was produced from commercially pure materials (Ti, Nb and Zr) by an arc melting furnace. All ingots were submitted to sequences of heat treatment (1100 °C/2 h and water quenching), cold working by swaging procedures and heat treatment (1100 °C/2 h and water quenching). Discs with 13 mm diameter and 3 mm in thickness were cut. The samples were immersed in NaOH aqueous solution with 5 M at 60 °C for 72 h, washed with distilled water and dried at 40 °C for 24 h. After the alkaline treatment, samples were heat treated in both conditions: at 450 and 600 °C for 1 h in an electrical furnace in air. Then, they were soaking in SBF for 24 h to form an apatite layer on the surface. The surfaces were investigated by using scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and contact angle measurements. The results indicate that calcium phosphate could form on surface of Ti-35Nb-7Zr experimental alloy. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.
This study investigated the effects of the morphology and physicochemical properties of calcium phosphate (CaP) nanoparticles on osteogenesis. Two types of CaP nanoparticles were compared, namely amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) nano-spheres (diameter: 9-13 nm) and poorly crystalline apatite (PCA) nano-needles (30-50 nm x 2-4 nm) that closely resemble bone apatite. CaP particles were spin-coated onto titanium discs and implants; they were evaluated in cultured mouse calvarial osteoblasts, as well as after implantation in rabbit femurs. A significant dependence of CaP coatings was observed in osteoblast-related gene expression (Runx2, Col1a1 and Spp1). Specifically, the PCA group presented an up-regulation of the osteospecific genes, while the ACP group suppressed the Runx2 and Col1a1 expression when compared to blank titanium substrates. Both the ACP and PCA groups presented a more than three-fold increase of calcium deposition, as suggested by Alizarin red staining. The removal torque results implied a slight tendency in favour of the PCA group. Different forms of CaP nanostructures presented different biologic differences; the obtained information can be used to optimize surface coatings on biomaterials. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.
The mineral phase of dentin is located primarily within collagen fibrils. During development, bone or dentin collagen fibrils are formed first and then water within the fibril is replaced with apatite crystallites. Mineralized collagen contains very little water. During dentin bonding, acid-etching of mineralized dentin solubilizes the mineral crystallites and replaces them with water. During the infiltration phase of dentin bonding, adhesive comonomers are supposed to replace all of the collagen water with adhesive monomers that are then polymerized into copolymers. The authors of a recently published review suggested that dental monomers were too large to enter and displace water from collagen fibrils. If that were true, the endogenous proteases bound to dentin collagen could be responsible for unimpeded collagen degradation that is responsible for the poor durability of resin-dentin bonds. The current work studied the size-exclusion characteristics of dentin collagen, using a gel-filtration-like column chromatography technique, using dentin powder instead of Sephadex. The elution volumes of test molecules, including adhesive monomers, revealed that adhesive monomers smaller than ∼1000 Da can freely diffuse into collagen water, while molecules of 10,000 Da begin to be excluded, and bovine serum albumin (66,000 Da) was fully excluded. These results validate the concept that dental monomers can permeate between collagen molecules during infiltration by etch-and-rinse adhesives in water-saturated matrices. © 2013 Acta Materialia Inc.
Breast cancer is a public health problem throughout the world. Moreover, breast cancer cells have a great affinity for hydroxyapatite, leading to a high occurrence of bone metastasis. In this work we developed a bio-nanocomposite (bio-NCP) in order to use such affinity in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. The bio-NCP consists of magnetic nanoparticles of Mn and Zn ferrite inside a polymeric coating (chitosan) modified with nanocrystals of apatite. The materials were characterized with synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction (XPD), Time-of-Flight Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD), Fourier Transformed Infra-red Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and magnetic measurement with a Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS). We obtained ferrite nanoparticles with a high inversion degree of the spinel structure regarding the Fe and Mn, but with all the Zn in the A site. The coating of such nanoparticles with chitosan had no notable effects to the ferrite microstructure. In addition, the polymeric surface can be easily modified with apatite nanocrystals since the hydration of the bio-NCP during synthesis can be controlled. The resulting bio-NCP presents a spherical shape with a narrow size distribution and high magnetic response at room temperature and is a very promising material for early diagnosis of breast cancer and its treatment. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)