72 resultados para Alternative energy


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Energy generation is needed in São Paulo and MSW represents a promising alternative, although it is more expensive than hydroelectric power. About 14 900 t/day of MSW is generated, of which 8433 t/day is domestic and commercial MSW. From this amount, 1800 t will be destined to generate 30 MW of power. The eco-balance of CO2 has been considered for incineration and recycling. The recycling program of plastics, metals, paper and glass would represent a significant reduction in energy and CO2 emission. The total CO2 released is 3.34 x 10(5) t/yr without recycling. and is 1.25 x 10(5) t/yr with a recycling program. Most of the CO2 comes from plastics and paper production. Economic aspects could probably favor Incineration with energy production as the best option. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we have investigated a region of direct stable orbits around the Moon, whose stability is related to the H2 Family of periodic orbits and to the quasi-periodic orbits that oscillate around them. The stability criteria adopted was that the path did not escape from the Moon during an integration period of 1000 days (remaining with negative two-body Moon-probe orbital energy during this period). Considering the three-dimensional four-body Sun-Earth-Moon-probe problem, we investigated the evolution of the size of the stability region, taking into account the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the eccentricity and inclination of the Moon's orbit, and the solar radiation pressure on the probe. We also investigated the evolution of the region's size and its location by varying the inclination of the probe's initial osculating orbit relative to the Moon's orbital plane between 0 degrees and 180 degrees. The size of the stability region diminishes; nevertheless, it remains significant for 0 <= i <= 25 degrees and 35 degrees <= i <= 45 degrees. The orbits of this region could be useful for missions by space vehicles that must remain in orbit around the Moon for periods of up to 1000 days, requiring low maintenance costs. (c) 2005 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We seek new couplings of chiral bosons to U(1) gauge fields. Lorentz covariance of the resulting constrained lagrangian is checked with the help of a procedure based in the first-order formalism of Faddeev and Jackiw. We find Harada's constraint and another local one not previously considered. We analyze the constraint structure and part of the spectrum of this second solution and show that it is equivalent to an explicitly covariant coupling of Siegel's chiral boson to gauge fields, which preserves chirality under gauge transformations.


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Nine ruminally cannulated cows fed different energy sources were used to evaluate an avianderived polyclonal antibody preparation against specific ruminal bacteria and monensin on microbial community diversity. The experimental design was three Latin squares 3 x 3 distinguished by the main energy source in the diet [dry-ground corn grain, high moisture corn silage or citrus pulp]. Inside each Latin square, animals received one of the feed additives per period [control, monensin or polyclonal antibody preparation]. Each period lasted 21 days where 20 were used for treatments adaptation and the last one for sampling collection. Microbial diversity was evaluated by protozoa counts and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Polyclonal antibodies plus citrus pulp (CiPu) addition in the diet resulted in an increase of relative counting of Isotricha protozoa that indicates a possible effect on this ruminal ciliate population. In general lines, in the present experiment, it was not possible to assign that there was a pattern in the structures of amplification of Bacteria and Archaea communities of the ruminal content. Oral passive immunization is a technology that arises as an effective alternative for feed additive production. Further research is still necessary to better understand its mechanisms of action.


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Urban centers have a huge demand for electricity and the growing problem of the solid waste management generated by their population, a relevant social and administrative problem. The correct disposal of the municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in cities is one of the most complex engineering problems that involves logistics, safety, environmental and energetic aspects for its adequate management. Due to a national policy of solid wastes recently promulgated, Brazilian cities are evaluating the technical and economic feasibility of incinerating the non-recyclable waste. São José dos Campos, a São Paulo State industrialized city, is considering the composting of organic waste for biogas production and mass incineration of non-recyclable waste. This paper presents a waste-to-energy system based on the integration of gas turbines to a MSW incinerator for producing thermal and electric energy as an alternative solution for the solid waste disposal in São José dos Campos, SP. A technical and economic feasibility study for the hybrid combined cycle plant is presented and revealed to be attractive when carbon credit and waste tax are included in the project income. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Using oxygen instead of air in a burning process is at present being widely discussed as an option to reduce CO2 emissions. One of the possibilities is to maintain the combustion reaction at the same energy release level as burning with air, which reduces fuel consumption and the emission rates of CO2. A thermal simulation was made for metal reheating furnaces, which operate at a temperature in the range of 1150-1250 degrees C, using natural gas with a 5% excess of oxygen, maintaining fixed values for pressure and combustion temperature. The theoretical results show that it is possible to reduce the consumption of fuel, and this reduction depends on the amount of heat that can be recovered during the air pre-heating process. The analysis was further conducted by considering the 2012 costs of natural gas and oxygen in Brazil. The use of oxygen showed to be economically viable for large furnaces that operate with conventional heat recovering systems (those that provide pre-heated air at temperatures near 400 degrees C). (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated a nonlinear programming excel workbook PPFR (http://www.fmva.unesp.br/ppfr) for determining the optimum nutrient density and maximize margins. Two experiments were conducted with 240 one-day-old female chicks and 240 one-day-old male chicks distributed in 48 pens (10 chicks per pen, 4 replicates) in a completely randomized design. The treatments include the average price history (2009s and 2010s) for broiler increased and decreased by 25% or 50% (5 treatments to nonlinear feed formulation) and 1 linear feed formulation. Body gain, feed intake, feed conversion were measured at 21, 42 and 56 d of age. Chicks had ad libitum access to feed and water in floor pens with wood shavings as litter. The bio-economic Energy Conversion [BEC= (Total energy intake*Feed weighted cost per kg)/ (Weight gain*kg live chicken cost)] was more sensitive for measuring the bio-economic performance for broilers, and especially with better magnitude. This allowed a better assessment of profitability, the rate of growth and not just energy consumption, the production of broilers, by incorporating energy consumption, allowing for more sensitivity to the new index (BEC). The BEC was demonstrated that the principle of nonlinear formulation minimizes losses significantly (P<0.05), especially under unfavorable conditions the price of chicken in the market. Thus, when considering that a diet of energy supply shows up as the most expensive item of a formulation, it should compose necessarily the formula proposed for a bio-economic index. Thus, there is need to evaluate more accurately, not only the ingredients of a ration, but the impact of nutrients on the stability of a solution, mainly due to the energy requirement. This strategy promotes better accuracy for decision making under conditions of uncertainty, to find alternative post-formulation. From the above, both weight gain and feed conversion, as traditional performance indicators, cannot finalize or predict a performance evaluation of an economic system creating increasingly intense and competitive. Thus, the energy concentration of the diet becomes more important definition to feed formulator, by directly impact profit activity by interactions with the density of nutrients. This allowed a better evaluation of profitability, the rate of energy performance for broilers, by incorporating the energy consumption formula, allowing more sensitivity to the new index (BEC). These data show that nonlinear feed formulation is a toll to offer new opportunities for poultry production to improved profitability.