161 resultados para Allograft Recipients
Os programas comerciais de transferência de embriões em éguas existem por mais de três décadas e são hoje uma das biotécnias mais utilizadas na reprodução assistida de equinos. O exame ultrassonográfico nos períodos pré e pós-cobertura de doadoras de embriões, assim como a avaliação de receptoras no momento da inovulação é de vital importância para o êxito de um programa de transferência de embriões. A ultrassonografia Doppler é uma técnica não-invasiva que permite a avaliação em tempo real da hemodinâmica do trato reprodutivo de animais de grande porte. Por fornecer detalhes anatômicos e informações imediatas sobre a fisiologia do fluxo sanguíneo de tecidos e órgãos, o exame doppler permite a avaliação do potencial ovulatório de folículos e do status funcional de corpo lúteo e útero, além de ser uma técnica auxiliar para o diagnóstico de distúrbios na hemodinâmica do sistema reprodutivo. Alterações na perfusão sanguínea dos futuros folículos dominantes são detectáveis em diferentes fases de seu desenvolvimento, como na divergência folicular e no período pré-ovulatório. A partir dessas informações, é possível determinar o princípio da atividade sexual e o momento ideal para o início de tratamentos superovulatórios e indutores de ovulação, assim como o momento mais apropriado para a realização de coberturas de éguas doadoras de embriões. A avaliação através do modo-Doppler do corpo lúteo e útero de éguas receptoras é também um instrumento auxiliar para a seleção de animais com perfil sérico de progesterona e ambiente uterino adequados para a sobrevivência do embrião e manutenção da gestação. Essa técnica pode ser útil ainda ao se avaliar a interação concepto-maternal. Apesar da aplicabilidade da tecnologia doppler dentro de programas de transferência de embriões, novos estudos visando a determinar padrões de normalidade e posterior caracterização de distúrbios de fluxo sanguíneo de trato reprodutivo ainda se fazem necessários.
A mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.)é uma oleaginosa bem adaptada ao cultivo na região semi-árida por sua rusticidade e resistência ao estresse hídrico. Seu plantio é tradicionalmente feito por sementes, mas o uso de mudas pode se tornar atraente como estratégia para melhor aproveitamento da curta estação chuvosa. Para adoção desta tecnologia, a definição de aspectos técnicos como volume de recipientes, composição do substrato e período de permanência da muda no viveiro são fundamentais para o êxito da técnica. Conduziu-se experimento em casa-de-vegetação da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Algodão em Campina Grande, com sementes da cultivar de mamona de porte médio BRS Nordestina, em delineamento de blocos casualizados com 4 repetições e 25 tratamentos em distribuição fatorial 5², sendo os fatores cinco volumes de recipientes e cinco composições de substratos. Entre 15 e 43 dias após a emergência (DAE) foram feitas cinco coletas destrutivas semanais para obtenção de dados de altura, diâmetro caulinar, área foliar, número de folhas e matéria seca da parte aérea e radicular. Com os dados obtidos calculou-se o tamanho da folha. Detectaram-se efeitos significativos dos tratamentos em todas as variáveis estudadas. O crescimento das mudas estabilizou-se aproximadamente aos 36 DAE, independente do volume do recipiente. Os substratos compostos por mistura de areia com esterco bovino ou casca de amendoim propiciaram o melhor crescimento das mudas, enquanto aqueles contendo bagaço de cana ou mucilagem de sisal foram os piores. Recipientes de 2 L de volume foram os mais adequados para a produção de mudas de mamoneira.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A simulation model implemented in the programming software Delphi XE® was applied to evaluate sex selection in bovine. The hypothesis under investigation was that a dynamic model with stochastic and deterministic elements could detect the sexed semen technique to minimize pregnancy cost and to determine the adequate number of recipients required for in vivo (ET) and in vitro embryo production (IVP) in the proposed scenarios. Sex selection was compared through semen sexed using flow cytometry (C1) and density gradient centrifugation techniques (C2) in ET and IVP. Sensibility analyses were used to identify the adequate number of recipients for each scenario. This number was reinserted into the model to determine the biological and financial values that maximized ET and IVP using sexed semen (C1M and C2M). New scenarios showed that the density gradient technique minimized pregnancy cost based on the proposed scenarios. In addition, the adequate number of recipients (ET - C1M - 115 and C2M - 105)/(IVP - C1M - 145 and C2M - 140) per donor used was determined to minimize the pregnancy cost in all scenarios.
Ovarian transplantation constitutes a technique in which one ovary or part of this is transferred from a donor to recipients that may be the same individual, other recipient of the same specie or no, near or far from the original anatomical site. This review covers important concepts for the elucidation of the main events of folliculogenesis and follicular maturation as well as the applications of ovarian transplantation and prospects of this technique in the breeding of domestic animals, wildlife and humans. Other studies are still necessary to better understanding of the events regarding to the ovarian development, interactions between donor and receptor tissues, their site of transplantation as well as individuals and involved species.
HLA-G is a non-classic Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA-G) Class I of low polymorphism and restricted tissue distribution that displays tolerogenic functions. In heart transplantation and in combined liver/renal allograft transplantation, the expression of HLA-G has been associated with a lower incidence of acute graft rejection episodes and absence of chronic dysfunction. Since the expression of HLA-G in renal biopsies has been investigated only in few patients who received a combined kidney and liver transplant, in this study we performed a cross-sectional study, systematically comparing the expression of HLA-G in post-transplanted renal grafts, stratifying patients according to the presence or absence of rejection.Patients and Methods: Seventy-three renal specimens (10 with acute rejection and 13 with chronic allograft nephropathy, and 50 with no signs of rejection) were immunohistochemically evaluated for HLA-G expression.Results: In the group as a whole, HLA-G molecules were detected in 40 cases (54.8%). Among specimens that presented HLA-G expression, 2 out of 40 (5%) exhibited acute rejection, 2 (5%) exhibited chronic allograft nephropathy, and the remaining 36 (90%) exhibited no signs of rejection. The comparison between patients with rejection and those without rejection showed that the expression of HLA-G was significantly increased in specimens exhibiting no signs of rejection (p<0.0001). Considering only patients with acute rejection, 8 out of 10 patients showed no HLA-G expression in their kidney biopsies when compared to patients exhibiting no signs of rejection and absence of HLA-G was observed in 14 out of 50 (p=0.0032). Similarly, considering only patients with chronic allograft nephropathy, absence of HLA-G expression was observed in I I out of 13 specimens, whereas in patients without rejection absence of HLA-G was observed in 14 out of 50 (p=0.003). Therapy with tacrolimus was significantly associated with the expression of HLA-G and a better graft prognosis. Conclusions: Our results suggest that HLA-G expression in the kidney allograft and the use of tacrolimus are associated with a lower frequency of acute renal rejection and chronic allograft nephropathy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background Some children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis either do not respond, or are intolerant to, treatment with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, including anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) drugs. We aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of abatacept, a selective T-cell costimulation modulator, in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis who had failed previous treatments.Methods We did a double-blind, randomised controlled withdrawal trial between February, 2004, and June, 2006. We enrolled 190 patients aged 6-17 years, from 45 centres, who had a history of active juvenile idiopathic arthritis; at least five active joints; and an inadequate response to, or intolerance to, at least one disease-modifying antirheumatic drug. All 190 patients were given 10 mg/kg of abatacept intravenously in the open-label period of 4 months. of the 170 patients who completed this lead-in course, 47 did not respond to the treatment according to predefined American College of Rheumatology (ACR) paediatric criteria and were excluded. of the patients who did respond to abatacept, arthritis, and 62 were randomly assigned to receive placebo at the same dose and timing. The primary endpoint was time to flare of arthritis. Flare was defined as worsening of 30% or more in at least three of six core variables, with at least 30% improvement in no more than one variable. We analysed all patients who were treated as per protocol. This trial is registered, number NCT00095173.Findings Flares of arthritis occurred in 33 of 62 (53%) patients who were given placebo and 12 of 60 (20%) abatacept patients during the double-blind treatment (p=0.0003). Median time to flare of arthritis was 6 months for patients given placebo (insufficient events to calculate IQR); insufficient events had occurred in the abatacept group for median time to flare to be assessed (p=0.0002). The risk of flare in patients who contined abatacept was less than a third of that for controls during that double-blind period (hazard ratio 0.31, 95% CI 0.16-0.95). During the double-blind period, the frequency of adverse events did not differ in the two treatment groups, Adverse events were recorded in 37 abatacept recipients (62%) and 34 (55%) placebo recipients (p=0.47); only two serious adverse events were reported, bouth in controls (p=0.50).Interpretation Selective modulation of T-cell costimulation with abatacept is a rational alternative treatment for children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.Funding Bristol-Myers Squibb.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The effect of viable splenic lymphoid cells and their constituents (filtrate) on carrageenan-induced acute pleurisy was investigated in rats. Suspensions of lymphoid cells administered intravenously to recipients just prior to initiation of pleurisy enhance both the volume of exudate and cell accumulation in the pleural cavity 3 h after the irritation. Similar results were observed when filtrate of disrupted lymphoid cells was injected either 30 or 5 min before the carrageenan, but not when administered 30 min afterwards. Suspensions of bone marrow cells, on the contrary, were ineffective in producing an enhancement of the parameters studied. When administered into the pleural cavity together with carrageenan, the lymphoid cell filtrate augmented the inflammatory response to the irritant. Nevertheless, it was ineffective, per se, to elicit any local change. It is suggested that lymphoid cells may play a pro-inflammatory role in the initiation of the process by enhancing both the fluid and the cellular components of inflammation.
We present our clinical experience in cranioplasty with autograft as follows: conchal cartilage for losses up to 2 cm2, outer table grafts for defects up to 100 cm2, and, for larger defects still, split rib grafts, which may be combined with outer table grafts. We conclude that autograft is superior to alloplastic material in cranioplasty.
In this study we present the technical details, adaptations and modifications of the original procedure of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation in rats described by Lee et al. in 1972. We also present the results and technical failures observed in a follow-up of 12 years. From March, 1982 to December, 1994, we performed in the Laboratory of Surgical Technique and Experimental Surgery of Faculty of Medicine, Botucatu - UNESP, Brazil, 665 duodenopancreatectomies in donor rats and 592 surgeries for revascularization of the pancreatic graft in recipient animals. The observed percentage of technical failures in donor rats was 11% due to bleeding and/or vascular complications, irregular flushing of the graft with saline and respiratory insufficiency. In recipients of grafts, we observed a percentage of technical failures of 22,5% due to porto-caval thrombosis, vascular bleeding, pancreatitis and graft ischemia. In both surgeries, the successful results are directly related to the technical performance of the surgeon and the cares in the postoperative period.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of delaying ovulation subsequent to superstimulation of follicular growth in beef cows (Bos indicus) on embryo recovery rates and the capacity of embryos to establish pregnancies. Ovulation was delayed by three treatments using either progesterone (CIDR-B®) or a GnRH agonist (deslorelin). Multiparous Nelore cows (n = 24) received three of four superstimulation treatments in an incomplete block design (n = 18 per group). Cows in Groups CTRL, P48 and P60 were treated with a CIDR-B device plus estradiol benzoate (EB, 4 mg, i.m.) on Day-5, while cows in Group D60 were implanted with deslorelin on Day-7. Cows were superstimulated with FSH (Folltropin-V® 200 mg), from Day 0 to 3, using twice daily injections in decreasing amounts. All cows were treated with a luteolytic dose of prostaglandin on Day 2 (08:00 h). CIDR-B devices were removed as follows: Group CTRL, Day 2 (20:00 h); Group P48, Day 4 (08:00 h); Group P60, Day 4 (20:00 h). Cows in Group CTRL were inseminated at 10, 20 and 30 h after first detected estrus. Ovulation was induced for cows in Group P48 (Day 4, 08:00 h) and Groups P60 and D60 (Day 4, 20:00 h) by injection of LH (Lutropin®, 25 mg, i.m.), and these cows were inseminated 10 and 20 h after treatment with LH. Embryos were recovered on Days 11 or 12, graded and transferred to synchronized recipients. Pregnancies were determined by ultrasonography around Day 100. Data were analyzed by mixed procedure, Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square tests. The number of ova/embryos, transferable embryos (mean ± S.E.M.) and pregnancy rates (%) were as follows, respectively: Group CTRL (10.8 ± 1.8, 6.1 ± 1.3, 51.5), P48 (12.6 ± 1.9, 7.1 ± 1.0, 52.3), P60 (10.5 ± 1.6, 5.7 ± 1.3, 40.0) and D60 (10.3 ± 1.7, 5.0 ± 1.2, 50.0). There were no significant differences among the groups (P > 0.05). It was concluded that fixed time AI in association with induced ovulation did not influence embryo recovery. Furthermore, pregnancy rates in embryos recovered from cows with delayed ovulation were similar to those in embryos obtained from cows treated with a conventional superstimulation protocol. © 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The acellular dermal matrix allograft has been used as an alternative to autogenous palatal mucosal graft. The aim of this study was the evaluation of the biocompatibility of an acellular dermal matrix (AlloDerm®) in culture of macrophages. For hydrogen peroxidase determination we used the method of Pick & Kesari, and the Griess method for nitric oxide determination,. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference (p ≤ 0,05) in the release of nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide by the macrophages exposed to acellular dermal matrix and the negative control. The results suggest that acellular dermal matrix did not activate the cell inflammatory response.
The objective was to analyze and report field data focusing on the effect of type of progesterone-releasing vaginal insert and dose of pLH on embryo production, following a superstimulatory protocol involving fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) in Nelore cattle (Bos taurus indicus). Donor heifers and cows (n = 68; 136 superstimulations over 2 years) received an intravaginal, progesterone-releasing insert (CIDR® or DIB®, with 1.9 or 1.0 g progesterone, respectively) and 3-4 mg of estradiol benzoate (EB) i.m. at random stages of the estrous cycle. Five days later (designated Day 0), cattle were superstimulated with a total of 120-200 mg of pFSH (Folltropin-V®), given twice daily in decreasing doses from Days 0 to 3. All cattle received two luteolytic doses of PGF2α at 08:00 and 20:00 h on Day 2 and progesterone inserts were removed at 20:00 h on Day 3 (36 h after the first PGF2α injection). Ovulation was induced with pLH (Lutropin-V®, 12.5 or 25 mg, i.m.) at 08:00 h on Day 4 with FTAI 12, 24 and in several cases, 36 h later. Embryos were recovered on Days 11 or 12, graded and transferred to synchronous recipients. Overall, the mean (±S.E.M.) number of total ova/embryos (13.3 ± 0.8) and viable embryos (9.4 ± 0.6) and pregnancy rate (43.5%; 528/1213) did not differ among groups, but embryo viability rate (overall, 70.8%) was higher in donors with a DIB (72.3%) than a CIDR (68.3%, P = 0.007). In conclusion, the administration of pLH 12 h after progesterone removal in a progestin-based superstimulatory protocol facilitated fixed-time AI in Nelore donors, with embryo production, embryo viability and pregnancy rates after embryo transfer, comparable to published results where estrus detection and AI was done. Results suggested a possible alternative, which would eliminate the need for estrus detection in donors. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.