93 resultados para Ajuste de foco
Retextualização da escrita por alunos com surdez usuários da LIBRAS: em foco a mediação do professor
The way teachers will coordinate the writing appropriation process assumes an especial importance, sharing their knowledge with the deaf student, assigning importance and meaning for what this student was capable to produce, even if his production isn’t resembled to the idealized pattern of an adult writing. This study is proposed to investigate the mediation in rewriting activities, along with deaf students, held by eight trainee students of a Pedagogy course, with ages between 20 and 28 years old. Thereunto, this activities were recorded on video, for later transcription and descriptive analysis, subsided by a new model proposed in the literature. The results indicate: the importance of the rewriting in the understanding of write contents produce by deaf students, the participants’ attitudinal change about their role like coordinator and interlocutor in such activities and the greater teacher’s comprehension about notational and discursive aspects involved in the deaf student write production. These results allowed to conclude the future teachers’ need that will work in inclusive classes or in multifunctional classes, understand and use rewriting activities in their daily pedagogical practice for the appropriation for the promotion of the Portuguese write by the deaf student, user of LIBRAS. It should be noted these teachers’ need to know the LIBRAS’ grammar and have access to linguistic knowledge enabling them to comprehend the nature of the occurrences present in the texts produced by deaf students.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Este trabalho propõe a inclusão de informação extraída a partir da modelagem de processos para auxiliar pequena empresas do setor madeireiro no controle de fluxo de materiais e estoques. Para isto são apresentados conceitos de modelagem de processos e sistema MRP I (Material Requirement Planning). Desta forma foi realizado um estudo detalhado sobre o sistema citado e posteriormente sobre as possibilidades de aplicações de uma modelagem de processos. Em seguida, chegou-se a proposta de modelagem para o tipo de empresa em questão. A modelagem é constituída por cinco etapas, onde é sugerida a inclusão de tendência de demanda para maior controle de necessidades de materiais. O resultado obtido, a modelagem, pode ter grande utilidade no controle de fluxo de materiais em pequenas empresas, acarretando menores problemas no atendimento de demanda e acumulo de estoques e assim aumentando sua competitividade.
This work aims to make the closed loop control of a three phase induction motor, through the integration of the following equipment: a frequency inverter, the actuator system; a programmable logic controller (PLC), the controller; an encoder, the velocity sensor, used as a feedback monitoring the control variable and the three-phase induction motor, the plant to be controlled. The control is performed using a Proportional - Integrative - Derivative (PID) approach. The PLC has a help instruction, which performs the auto adjustment of the controller, that instruction is used and confronted with other adjustment methods. There are several types of methods adjustments to the PID controllers, where the empirical methods are addressed in this work. The system is deployed at the Interface and Electro Electronic Control laboratory in the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio Mesquita Filho, Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, then, in the future, this work becomes an experiment to be conducted in the classroom, allowing undergraduate students to develop a greater affinity to the programs used by the PLC as well as studies of undergraduate and graduate works with the help of assembly made
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a situação financeira dos estados de São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul após a renegociação da dívida financeira com o governo federal. A renegociação da dívida foi efetivada mediante a aprovação de um Programa de Ajuste Fiscal com metas periodicamente reavaliadas. É realizada uma contextualização histórica da economia brasileira e da situação dos estados brasileiros. Em seguida, é estudado o Programa de Ajuste Fiscal do Estado de São Paulo, e o Programa de Ajuste Fiscal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Por fim, são realizadas algumas considerações acerca dos Programas desenvolvidos e realizados pelos Estados
The project has as objective to adjust the model QUAL2K to “Ribeirão Claro” river to evaluate the behavior of OD and DBO when are simulated the following sceneries: (i) implantation of a hypothetic wastewater station treatment that treats all the effluent thrown nowadays in the body of water; (ii) increase of withdrawal flow of DAAE to public supply and (iii) increase of nowadays flow of wastewater throwing, being the two last caused for the population increasing. The results obtained allowed to conclude that the model QUAL2K presented a good adjustment to the variable OD and a reasonable adjustment to the variable DBO, being that the same was suitable to the simulation of the sceneries proposed.
One of the greatest problems nowadays is the correct management of solid waste produce in every human activity. On 2010, the “Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos” was approved, this law brings directives and instruments to deal with the solid waste issue. The objective of this work is to make a Strategic Assessment on a Solid Waste Management Plan applied to a medium size city. Based on general data about the situation of the solid wastes in Brazil, a first scenario was described. After that, likely scenarios were proposed, taking segregation, treatment and final disposal on account. Finally, those scenarios were compared, mainly in the final volume disposed and costs involved
Desde fins da década de 70, com as crises do petróleo e a crise externa, ocorreram mudanças no sistema internacional de financiamento que levaram o sistema econômico brasileiro do “milagre econômico” à “década perdida”. Com isso, os anos 80 foram marcados por períodos de recessão, desequilíbrios internos, descontrole inflacionário, déficits no setor público, resultando em problemas macroeconômicos, os quais se tornaram herança para as próximas décadas. Sendo assim, nos anos 80, 90 e, parte dos anos 2000, a economia brasileira teve como principal foco políticas de visassem o ajuste econômico e a estabilização, deixando o crescimento econômico como segundo plano, fato que resultou em um baixo crescimento econômico, ou seja, baixas taxas do PIB real. Contudo, este fato foi contrariado a partir de 2004 quando o Brasil passou a apresentar taxas mais significativas de investimento, permitindo um crescimento do PIB superior a 5% a.a., sendo que para este período muitos economistas defendiam que a economia nacional poderia crescer de forma “sustentada”, sem causar pressões inflacionárias, a um nível de 4,5% a 5% ao ano. Assim sendo, nos dias atuais uma das abordagens com maior enfoque no ramo econômico é a questão do crescimento sustentável, o qual esteja dentro dos limites estruturais da economia brasileira, e com isso não gere pressões inflacionárias. Este questionamento ganhou força devido ao fato de que nos últimos anos o Brasil tem apresentado um crescimento acelerado, preocupando muitos economistas, os quais acreditam que este crescimento seja insustentável e contrariando outros, que defendem que, as taxas de crescimento do PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) se dão em níveis muito baixos, inferiores ao crescimento permitido pelo potencial estrutural do Brasil, devido ao controle que é aplicado a esta taxa em relação à meta de inflação determinada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The aim of the present study was to examine tapping synchronization in children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Participants were 27 children from which 13 diagnosed with motor difficulties composed the DCD group and 14 children with typical development (TD) the comparison group. The experimental task consisted of performing 25 continuous tapping on a surface of an electronic drum with the preferred hand. Participants were required to tap in synchrony with an auditory bip generated by customized software. Three interval values the tapping task were tested: 470 ms, 1000 ms, 1530 ms. The dependent variables were constant error (CE) and absolute error (AE) and standard deviation of absolute error (SD of AE). The ANOVA 2 x 3 x 3 (Group X Age x Interval) with repeated measures in the last factor for the CE indicated significant interaction among Group X Age X Interval. For the AE and SD of AE the ANOVAs yielded significant main effect of Interval and a significant interaction between Group X Interval. The results of the present study indicated that children with DCD were less accurate and more variable in the tapping synchronization than children with TD. Differences in performance between DCD and children with TD become larger as the interval of the auditory signal increases.
This paper proposes a mechanical device to adapt a simple model of hospital bed used in the Emergency Department at Santa Casa of Guaratinguetá, allowing the bed’s height adjustment with electromechanical drive. This adaptation aims to introduce improvements in the routine work of nurses and reduce ergonomic problems stemming from repetitive strain during the transfer of patients to stretchers and wheelchairs, as well as providing more comfort to the bedridden patient. The device is mainly composed of: an electric induction motor used to drive the engine, a steel spindle with square thread, which allows axial displacement of the bed, a transmission system with pulleys and belt, which transmits power supplied by the motor to the spindle. The mechanism allows the height of the bed is regulated between 400 and 800 mm. The estimated implementation cost of this proposal is lower than the acquisition cost of a commercial hospital bed with the same features, which confirms the feasibility of the proposed solution
In hospitals, health professionals may face different situations and problems. By following them, it is remarkable that one of the difficulties is related to the support provided by the facilities to carry out their work. This also affects the quality of treatment offered to patients. One of the points of improvement that could be studied is hospital beds. The Fawler's simplest hospital bed type, used in most Brazilian public hospitals, is designed with an ergonomic average height that offers a default position for analysis and treatment of patients. There is no possibility of adjusting the height of those beds, and hence there is a limitation in this regard since that height is fixed, but the physical structures of the workers and patients may vary widely and there may be a conflict when there are people too large or small involved in this process. Beyond that, studies by experts show that beds with height adjustment decreases the muscular effort and improve the movement quality of the spine of nursing staff, reducing the force on certain vertebrae and also the ergonomic risk. Of course, patient comfort is also affected accordingly. As the beds made with height adjustment are very expensive, this study aims to design a device to adapt the not adjustable beds. The project must be viable from an economic and mechanic standpoint, being able to adapt both old and new simplest Fawler hospital bed models, since their dimensions are similar. The final result shows that it is possible to adapt such beds using the designed concept at a viable cost. Furthermore, this concept could be applied in other bed types or objects that have hollow feet
When handling soil conservation practices isn’t applied correctly, they cause problems at the level of structure, cohesion and fertility in soils and lack of water availability. In the case of this monograph, conducted in a rural property located at Álvares Machado City, identified that most areas are intended for use activities of beef cattle and dairy and subsistence agriculture, which historically addition to withdraw native flora, resulting in problems such as compaction and increase soil exposure to climatic agents, generating a serious frame of erosion problems. In the case of water from rainfall, the soil exposed, causes the “splash” effect and therefore when it becomes runoff carries the spalled particles mainly for low land areas. Without the vegetation, especially trees or shrubs species, the velocity of runoff increases, initiating the appearance of furrows, which consequently may become a kind of ravine erosion and gully, which makes invalid any area in your surroundings... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The subject of this research is the publicity discourse, in its configuration as speech genres, according to theoretical-methodological perspective in Bakhtinian Studies. Considering that there are infinite fields of human communication, Bakhtin says that there is also infinity of speech genres. However, according to the author, every sphere of human activity produces, and even requires, certain genres, with theirs thematic, compositional and stylistics aspects defined according to social-ideological values that materialize in that sphere and in the dialogue in which the texts are produced. The objective of this research is to study, according to this theoretical-methodological perspective, a print advertising piece by the Brazilian Federal Government, conveyed in the Língua Portuguesa magazine, with themes concerning the national public education. We analyze how the image of author is built and how the image of the Other is outlined by that author. It is assumed that the gender to which an advertising piece belongs intends to sell a product or idea. One of the specific objectives of this research is to identify what is being sold in the advertising piece that we analyze and what discursive and stylistic resources are utilized to achieve success in what it intends to promote. The results show that the author (in the voice of the Federal Government), while adopting the position of information-holder, also puts himself in the same plane of the reader, where everyone is responsible for the development of education in the country. The advertising piece intends to project a positive image of the Government, and this project of saying is realized, in the analysis, in the compositional aspects of the text as well in the stylistic aspects
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper deals with so called cleft constructions and other similar structures in eight Portuguese varieties, aiming to show that the formal differences correspond to different functional strategies used by the Speaker to achieve his/her communicative intentions, i.e., Focus, Contrast and Emphasis, in accordance with the theory of Functional Discourse Grammar (Hengeveld and Mackenzie, 2008). This study takes as evidence real spoken occurrences extracted from a corpus organized by Linguistic Centre at the University of Lisbon, in partnership with the University of Toulousse Mirail and the University of Provence-Aix-Marseille. The results show the following distribution: cleft construction is a strategy for pragmatic function Contrast marking; Focus-ser constructions are used to highlight a constituent and (é) que is used as an operator of emphasis showing the speaker’s desire to intensify certain pieces of information.