87 resultados para A esquerda militar


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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The resistance to the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) had many faces, especially among intellectuals. This article will discuss the activity of some writers and journalists in the process of articulation as leftist intellectuals in opposition to the military regime, as "cultural resistance" in various forms assumed in the context of politicization of culture and cultural goods market in the mid 1960´s.


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This essay is targeted to ransom some aspects in General Miguel Costas´political trajectory; and also, the controversial debate concerning the Coluna Prestes. Here the attention is focused on his (the General’s) lack of knowledge even in the university matters, as also about the very Policia Militar (Military Police) institution. Considering a hypothesis, this came to happen on account of too few study material on the institution originated by the scholars efforts, but it happened also because the own Policia Militar were afraid that him would be sight like a leftish policeman.


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The Comando dos Trabalhadores Intelectuais (CTI) was a group, a space of organization and representation of brazilian intellectuals and artists and that, previous to the military coup in 1964, participated of the debates and fomented the inclusion of sectors of the national intelligentzia in the democratization’s process of the culture. His insertion politics, of the point of view of the effervecence lived for the organized socials movements in Brazil in the years of João Goulart’s government, bring elements to detail the dynamics of the cultural left’s organizations that had emerged of the review’s process of Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), since 1958. The relevance of CTI is confirmed when understand it like an organization that congregated many intellectuals and artists that, after of the military coup in 1964, had been presents in the artistic and cultural brazilian scene, doing resistance to the military governments that if had occurred in the next decades.


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This text aims to present a very short review on Machiavelli’s ideas reception concerning his military thought and short reflections on international affairs, as part of what was called realism in the realm of international relations theory. The text deals with much more emphasis the mentioned interpretations in a very concise way within contemporary studies about maquiavelian legacy on contemporary studies in International Relations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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During the first years of the military dictatorship, established in Brazil through a coup d'État, a number of institutions which repression had left unarticulated began a process of resistance and opposition to the military government. Cultural resistance was one of the consecrated forms of resistance that was exercised by intellectuals, artists, professors and cultural producers, among others, and that became an unprecedented political and cultural phenomenon in the country's history. Political, insofar as it aided in the process of re-organizing left-wing political parties and in the revision of the ideological postulates of its preeminent party, the PCB (Partido Comunista Brasileiro - Brazilian Communist Party). Cultural, because this re-organization occurred, frequently, within the ambit of cultural productions, in which the left created a space for contestation and engagement through the arts and intellectual activities. Within this process, between the years 1965 and 1968. The journal Civilização Brasileira became an important space for the building of leftist cultural resistance against the military dictatorship. The journal was able to impose its political legitimacy while at the same time participating actively in a market o cultural goods sustained by the so-called cultural hegemony of the left.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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A pecuária leiteira vem sofrendo ao longo dos últimos anos, constantes mudaas com o intuito de maximizar a produção. A contínua seleção para uma maior produção de leite em conjunto com o aumento da capacidade digestiva e profundidade corporal aumentou a susceptibilidade de ocorrência de várias enfermidades abomasais, como o deslocamento do abomaso. O deslocamento de abomaso é uma doença economicamente importante na bovinocultura leiteira e é definido como uma síndrome multifatorial onde há basicamente duas possibilidades de deslocamento, na primeira, a víscera pode deslocar-se à esquerda, causando o deslocamento do abomaso à esquerda e a segunda possibilidade, o órgão pode mover-se totalmente para o lado direito, provocando o deslocamento do abomaso à direita, sendo que o primeiro ocorre mais frequentemente. O período de maior ocorrência do deslocamento do abomaso à esquerda, se insere imediatamente ou até seis semanas após o parto. Assim, objetivou-se com essa revisão sistemática, elucidar as principais causas e fatores de risco, os variados sinais clínicos e os diversos métodos diagnósticos dessa enfermidade. Conclui-se que, é de extrema importância conhecer desde a causa, até o diagnóstico do deslocamento do abomaso à esquerda, para que auxilie os médicos veterinários a identificarem o problema na propriedade, direcioná-lo a um tratamento adequado e tomar medidas preventivas, eliminando os fatores de risco e consequentemente diminuindo a incidência do problema.


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This article analyses the Brazilian political process in the period between the beginning of the government of general Arthur da Costa e Silva in March 15, 1967 and the edition of the Institutional Act No. 5 (December 13, 1968). Through the analysis of the key moments in this context, seeks to qualify the actions of the main political players in terms of their goals and strategies and assess the impact that they had on the production of authoritarian legislation.


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This paper examines the conceptions of democracy in the Brazilian left among 1930-1935, in particular those expressed in the manifestos of the National Liberative Alliance (ANL) and the texts written by Luis Carlos Prestes, Virgínio Santa Rosa and Caio Prado Jr. I argue that the Brazilian left started from a common troubled field, according to which land concentration represented the biggest obstacle to genuine political expression of the Brazilian people. Despite the convergence towards land reform, designed as a sine qua non condition to democracy in Brazil, the left has developed two different answers to the practical implementation of the principle of the people's government: the first, which I call altruist vanguard, which is more emphasized on texts of Virgínio Santa Rosa and Luís Carlos Prestes, and the second, the Republican participacionismo, which is explored on the writings of Caio Prado Jr. and ambiguously in the manifests of the National Liberative Alliance.