196 resultados para 316:33[826.2]


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O desempenho produtivo e a possível interferência do flúor sobre a saúde dos animais foram investigados em bovinos Nelore suplementados, por 866 dias, com distintas fontes alternativas de fósforo com diferentes relações fósforo:fluor (P:F). Os tratamentos experimentais foram: Controle negativo (CONTNEG, sem qualquer suplementação com P), fosfato bicálcico (FB 120:1, FB 30:1 e FB 10:1), fosfato monobicálcico (FMBC 60:1), superfosfato triplo (SFT 30:1) e fosfato de rocha de Cajati (FR 10:1). Foram utilizados 49 novilhos, desmamados aos oito meses de idade, castrados e com 230 kg de peso médio, distribuídos em sete piquetes com água e mistura mineral formulada sem P. A dieta padrão foi feita com bagaço de cana (0,03% de P) como volumoso e um concentrado contendo 0,239 % de P oferecido na base de 1% do peso dos animais para permitir um ganho de peso aproximado de 0,50 kg/dia. Até o dia 134, não houve diferença estatística entre os diversos lotes, inclusive para o tratamento CONTNEG, que não recebeu fósforo suplementar na dieta e ganhou 71,6 kg de peso ou 0,633 kg/dia. Após 866 dias de confinamento (2,37 anos), os animais suplementados com o fosfato bicálcico padrão (120:1) ganharam menos peso que os suplementados com as fontes FMCB 60:1, FB 30:1 e SFT 30:1. Até um ano de suplementação fosfórica com fosfato bicálcico padrão (120:1) artificialmente fluoretado com NaF ou com o fosfato de rocha não se detectou danos à saúde ou ao ganho de peso dos animais. As análises de fósforo nos ossos mostraram diferença estatística apenas entre o tratamento CONTNEG e os que tinham fosfato bicálcico. As concentrações de flúor nos ossos se mostraram intimamente associadas à quantidade de flúor disponível nas fontes utilizadas. Conforme a proporção P:F na dieta foi diminuindo, características relacionadas à fluorose dentária ficaram mais evidentes, sendo que os animais que receberam fontes com relação 10:1, apresentaram, ao final do experimento, dentes incisivos permanentes mal formados, quebradiços e com manchas esbranquiçadas.


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Laskoski L.M., Doria R.G.S., Avila L.G., Rocha T.G., Freitas S.H. de & Lacerda Neto J.C. [Paradoxal effect of the seizures treatment caused by physical exercise in a foal - Case report]. Efeito paradoxal do tratamento de manifestacoes convulsivas desencadeadas por exercicio fisico em uma potra - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 33(2):95-98, 2011. Rua Presidende Wenceslau Braz, numero 670, apart. 1101. Morada do Sol, Cuiaba, 78043-508. MT, Brasil. Email: lucianelaskoski@hotmail.comNeurological disturbs, in special seizures, are rare in adult horses and are normally observed in young animals in consequence of several diseases. A foal was admitted with neurological signs characterized by seizures during exercise. A maintenance protocol with anticonvulsants was not possible to establish therefore all the drugs had aggravated the seizures even with low dosages. Restriction of physical activity was the option, leaving the animal in stall until it had reached the maturity and at this time the neurological signs had stopped.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze the alpha-amylase (sAA) and cortisol levels in children with Global developmental delay (GDD) before and after dental treatment and its association with the children's behavior during treatment. The morning salivary cortisol levels and activity of sAA of 33 children with GDD were evaluated before and after dental treatment and were compared to 19 healthy children. The behavior of children with GDD during dental care was assessed by the Frankl scale. Children with GDD showed lower levels of sAA activity than healthy children, but this result was not significant. The salivary cortisol levels were similar between GOD and healthy children. GDD children showed increased levels of sAA (but not cortisol) prior to the dental treatment as compared to the post-treatment phase. GOD children who showed less favorable behavior during dental care had higher levels of sAA and salivary cortisol than GOD children with more favorable behavior, but only the sAA results were significant. In conclusion, GOD children show hyperactivity of the SNS-axis in anticipation of dental treatment which indicates the need for strategies to reduce their anxiety levels before and during dental care. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This in vitro study evaluated the effect of erosive pH cycling on the percentage of surface micro-hardness change (%SMHC) and wear of different restorative materials and bovine enamel restored with these materials. Eighty enamel specimens were randomly divided into eight groups according to the restorative materials and immersion media used: GI/GV-resin-modifled glass-ionomer, GII/GVI-conventional glass-ionomer, GIII/GVII-resin composite and GIV/GVIII-amalgam. Over a period of seven days, groups GI to GIV were immersed in a cola drink (ERO) for 5 minutes, 3x/day and kept in artificial saliva between erosive cycles. Groups GV to GVIII were immersed in artificial saliva (SAL) throughout the entire experimental period (control). Data were tested for significant differences using ANOVA and Tukey's tests (p < 0.05). For %SMHC, considering the restorative materials, no significant differences were detected among the materials and immersion media. Mean wear was higher for the resin modified glass ionomer cement when compared to conventional cement, but those materials did not significantly differ from the others. For enamel analyses, erosive pH cycling promoted higher wear and %SMHC compared to saliva. There were no significant differences in wear and %SMHC of enamel around the different restorative materials, regardless of the distance from the restorative material (50, 150 or 300 mu m). In conclusion, there were only subtle differences among the materials, and these differences were not able to protect the surrounding enamel from erosion.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A bruchyuran crab assemblage from eight transacts at a non-consolidated sublittoral site in Ubatuba Bay was studied on a monthly basis from September 1995 to August 1996. Data about number of individuals of 50 species found and other information such as distribution of the dominant crabs are reported. The family Majidae was represented by 13 species, followed by Xanthidae (13), Portunidae (10), Leucosiidae (5), Calaphidae (2), Dromiidae (2), Parthenopidae (2), Goneplacidae (1), Pinnotharidne (1), and Ocvpodidae (1). The brachyuran taxocoenosis was dominated by Callinectes ornatus (60.4%), Callinectes danae (18.8%), and Hepatus pudibundus (7.7%). representing together 86.9% of the total number of collected brachyurans. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index ranged from 1.10 to 2.06 between transects, and from 1.33 to 2.22 between months, depending more on equitability than on richness.


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Mesobolivar luteus (Keyserling 1891) and Micropholcus fauroli (Simon 1887) specimens were collected in Ubatuba and Rio Claro, both in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Mesabolivar luteus showed 2n (male) = 15 = 14 + X and 2n (9) = 16 = 14 + XX in mitotic metaphases and 711 + X in diplotenic cells. During late prophage 1, all bivalents presented a ring shape, evidencing two chiasmata per bivalent. In this species, some diplotenic cells appear in pairs, maybe due to specific characteristics of the intercellular bridges. The metaphases 11 showed n = 7 or n = 8 = 7 + X chromosomes. Micropholcus fauroti evidenced 2n (male) = 17 = 16 + X in spermatogonial metaphases and 8II+X in diplotenic cells, with only one chiasma per bivalent, contrasting with M. luteus. In both species, all chromosomes were metacentrics. The sexual chromosome X was the largest element and appeared as a univalent during meiosis I. These are the first cytogenetical data for the genera Mesabolivar and Micropholcus. Additionally, M. luteus is the first chromosomally analyzed species of the New World clade and the observed diploid number for M. fauroti had not yet been recorded in Pholcidae.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Psittacids are important pre-dispersal seed predators. However, little is known about the parameters that may determine seed predation rates by these birds, such as plants' characteristics and microhabitat. Eriotheca gracilipes (Bombacaceae) is a semi-deciduous tree widely distributed in the Brazilian cerrado. The fruits are dehiscent pods and the seeds are wind-dispersed. Some individuals lose their leaves during the fruiting season, getting very conspicuous. Here we tested the hypothesis that the absence of leaves in E. gracilipes during the fruiting season may increase pre-dispersal seed predation by psittacids. We also tested the hypotheses that (1) seed predation intensity increases with increasing plant size and (2) number of fruits, (3) seed predation decreases with the increasing number of conspecific plants in a range of 15 m, and (4) seed predation intensity is lower in plants with higher vegetation cover over their crowns. The small parakeet Brotogeris versicolurus was the only species observed preying upon the seeds of E. gracilipes. The percentage of fruits damaged by the parakeets ranged from 0 to 100% (66.98 +/- 43.11%, n = 72) among the different plants. Our data give weak support to the hypothesis that the absence of leaves may facilitate plants and/or fruits detection by the parakeets. However, seed predation intensity was significantly affected by crop size. The hypothesis that conspecific fruiting plants surrounding the studied individuals may reduce predation rate was not supported. Nevertheless, trees without higher vegetation cover over their crowns were significantly affected by increased seed predation. This suggests that seed predation by parakeets can be a potential selective factor influencing fruit crop sizes in E. gracilipes. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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O principal objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o efeito do nível de performance aeróbia na relação entre os índices técnicos correspondentes à velocidade crítica (VC) e à velocidade máxima de 30 minutos (V30) em nadadores. Participaram deste estudo, 23 nadadores do gênero masculino com características antropométricas similares, divididos segundo o nível de performance aeróbia em grupo G1 (maior performance) (n = 13) e G2 (menor performance) (n = 10). Os indivíduos tinham pelo menos quatro anos de experiência no esporte e treinavam um volume semanal de 30.000 a 45.000m. A VC foi determinada através do coeficiente angular da regressão linear entre as distâncias (200 e 400m) e seus respectivos tempos. A V30 foi determinada através da máxima distância realizada em um teste de 30 minutos. Todas as variáveis foram determinadas no nado crawl. A VC foi significantemente maior do que a V30 no grupo G1 (1,30 ± 0,04 vs. 1,23 ± 0,06m.s-1) e no G2 (1,17 ± 0,08 vs. 1,07 ± 0,06m.s-1). As duas variáveis foram maiores no grupo G1. As taxas de braçada correspondentes à VC (TBVC) e à V30 (TBV30) obtidas nos grupos G1 (33,07 ± 4,34 vs. 31,38 ± 4,15 ciclos.min-1) e G2 (35,57 ± 6,52 vs. 33,54 ± 5,89 ciclos.min-1) foram similares entre si. A TBVC foi significantemente menor no grupo 1 do que no grupo 2, enquanto que a TBV30 não foi diferente entre os grupos. Os comprimentos de braçada correspondentes à VC (CBVC) e à V30 (CBV30) foram significantemente maiores no grupo G1 (2,41 ± 0,33 vs. 2,38 ± 0,30m.ciclo-1) do que no G2 (2,04 ± 0,43 vs. 1,97 ± 0,40m.ciclo-1), e similares entre si nos dois grupos. As correlações (r) entre a VC e a V30 e as variáveis técnicas correspondentes às duas velocidades foram significantes em todas as comparações (0,68 a 0,91). Portanto, a relação entre a velocidade e as variáveis técnicas correspondentes à VC e à V30 não é modificada pelo nível de performance aeróbia.


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This review summarizes the chromosomal changes detected by molecular cytogenetic approaches in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), the ninth most common malignancy in the world. Whole genome analyses of ESCC cell lines and tumors indicated that the most frequent genomic gains occurred at 1, 2q, 3q, 5p, 6p, 7, 8q, 9q, 11q, 12p, 14q, 15q, 16, 17, 18p, 19q, 20q, 22q and X, with focal amplifications at 1q32, 2p16-22, 3q25-28, 5p13-15.3, 7p12-22, 7q21-22, 8q23-24.2, 9q34, 10q21, 11p11.2, 11q13, 13q32, 14q13-14, 14q21, 14q31-32, 15q22-26, 17p11.2, 18p11.2-11.3 and 20p11.2. Recurrent losses involved 3p, 4, 5q, 6q, 7q, 8p, 9, 10p, 12p, 13, 14p, 15p, 18, 19p, 20, 22, Xp and Y. Gains at 5p and 7q, and deletions at 4p, 9p, and 11q were significant prognostic factors for patients with ESCC. Gains at 6p and 20p, and losses at 10p and 10q were the most significant imbalances, both in primary carcinoma and in metastases, which suggested that these regions may harbor oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Gains at 12p and losses at 3p may be associated with poor relapse-free survival. The clinical applicability of these changes as markers for the diagnosis and prognosis of ESCC, or as molecular targets for personalized therapy should be evaluated.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Extensive systematizations of theoretical and experimental nuclear densities and of optical potential strengths extracted from heavy-ion elastic scattering data analyses at low and intermediate energies are presented. The energy-dependence of the nuclear potential is accounted for within a model based on the nonlocal nature of the interaction. The systematics indicates that the heavy-ion nuclear potential can be described in a simple global way through a double-folding shape, which basically depends only on the density of nucleons of the partners in the collision. The possibility of extracting information about the nucleon-nucleon interaction from the heavy-ion potential is investigated.